
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Messages - NeonWytch

Actually, the Turken possesses no relation to Meleagris gallopavo, the domesticated Turkey, though it is from the area spanning between Turkey and Transylvania. It's simply a type of domesticated utility chicken with a very fortuitous arrangement of plumage.
I'm not misanthropic enough yet to think we should abandon democracy entirely.
I mean, we have about the same chance of convincing the federal government to create stronger EPA standards and hold corporations accountable as we do of... doing the same thing but also stripping away our constitution and social freedoms?
Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on October 27, 2016, 04:40:31 AM
But I just argued the points of EcoFascism right there.
At risk of being accused of moving the goalposts, I guess I meant "You stated your points as though they were the holy words of Goddess Herself being handed down to you only after being asked."

I mean you sound like a self-righteous shithead, basically, and you only stated your points when someone else asked about them before quickly veering away from them to talk about how much better your group of fuckwads is than the "other" outside your group.
My biggest issue with him is that he seems to see his movement as some kind of fix-all. He's talking in a very tribalistic way, and arguing for the movement and talking about the strength of it's members and all that instead of arguing for it's points.

He's chugged the kool-aid. I know all of us have at various points in our lives, we've all seen a movement or a party as a shining beacon of hope in a sea of dismay,
but we're not 15 year olds reading Atlas Shrugged for our first time anymore, are we? 
Discordian Recipes / Re: I MAEDED SO MANY THINGS!
October 27, 2016, 02:35:40 AM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 12, 2016, 12:24:49 PM
I think we could throw together a kickass recipe book if we went for it, I love the PD style.

They don't molt like that, they're born like that.
Those are Turkens. We had them on a farm I worked on a couple of years ago, actually.

They're adorable, and need a lot less feed to make eggs with because a surprising amount of energy goes into feathers.
Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on October 26, 2016, 11:58:01 PM
Quote from: SuuCal on October 26, 2016, 11:43:30 PM
Oh look, Ron Paul vomited Wikileaks on the thread and wants us to take him seriously.

You see thats the opposite of what I want. Primary advantage of being far-right, it keeps out LARPing liberals who care more about virtue signalling than accomplishing things, if they even care about that at all. Can you even imagine people who blubber about safespaces and microaggressions ever pulling off something like this? Taking over one of the major political parties? When someone on the left gets doxxed and harrassed they get an inbox full of mean words. When someone on the Alt-Right does, they call your schools, they call your workplaces and they make sure you have no chance of a future ever again. Then you get no asspats, you get no teary-eyed interviews, you get a chorus of people happy that it happened because youre mean to them on the internet. No one who is in this isnt serious. They might be stupid, but they dont LARP. And thats why we are the GOP now.
Was it really that difficult to overthrow the likes of Jeb Bush?
That's like bragging about kicking a 95 year old with Alzheimers and an oxygen tank over and stealing their hard candy.
Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on October 26, 2016, 11:47:11 PM
Quote from: Faust on October 26, 2016, 11:29:28 PM
What is an Eco Fascist? as in environmental campaigners?

This is the origin of the idea:

But it doesnt have to follow those rules perfectly. Industrial Society and Its Future is also a huge, Id say even bigger influence. Basically, The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Not just issues like Climate Change which most of you know about already, but the growing infertility crisis as well which has been linked to endocrine disruptors such as BPA.

It would be a thread within itself to list all of the various horrible consequences we are currently facing as a result of Industrialism. Things like telomere shortening, the exponentially growing autism rate, you could fill a book. All these chemicals we spit out into the environment, they have no place in it. And they dont disperse either, they bioaccumulate and find their way back to us. This accumulation means that these problems will only get exponentially worse as we keep this up because were dealing with not just the new chemicals but all of the old ones that never really went anywhere. Its not unthinkable in a few generations to have up to 50% infertility, maybe even 60, 70. The same goes for Autism. We are literally poisoning ourselves to death, not in the distant future, but today.

These problems, and there are more than this, if only you knew how bad things really are, do not have an infinite timeline. Constant compromise, election after election, will inevitably lead to disaster. It is also incredibly stupid to think that somehow the rulers and power structures they occupy will ever willingly stop this. Oil companies have known about Climate Change since the early 70s. The companies that make BPA, when ordered by law to stop, replaced it with compounds that were even worse. They honestly dont give a shit. The few with the foresight to realize what they are doing plan on fucking off to space hotels or air-filtered domes in the UAE.

If humanity is to survive Industrial society must be dismantled, there can be no compromise. The powers that be or in open war with the human race. That is why we must seek power for ourselves to achieve our goals. Anything else is it just LARPing.

If there are elections after this shitshow, we will keep winning them. If there are wars, well win those. Life must prevail.

That sounds incredibly incompatible with the majority of the alt-right. Large swathes of them don't even believe in global warming.
Also, that sounds about as workable as the voluntary human extinction movement.

Either I'm missing something, or you're missing something, and reality has well known me-bias :fnord:
If it tastes sweet, it must be good for you!
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 26, 2016, 03:37:38 AM
Quote from: Junkenstein on October 26, 2016, 01:31:06 AM
Buy in to cold blooded propaganda at your own risk.

Believe all propaganda always.
Hmmm, something about that just isn't quite believable...

There we go, much better.
GASM Command / Re: TrickOrGASM
October 26, 2016, 02:27:51 AM
I whipped up a little something.
I'd have used more of Holy Nonsense, but I didn't want to make it too dark.
Also, I kinda appropriated the whole screaming America thing, cause I feel like I'd be preaching to the choir with my expected audience if I just put in the entire essay.
GASM Command / Re: TrickOrGASM
October 25, 2016, 08:09:56 PM
Holy Nonsense seems like it'd work well, but I can't seem to find the finished PDF version.
Same with the Pope cards. I can't find the files for them anywhere.

EDIT: Ooh, the multi-folds you made seem like they'd do a pretty good job, specially at college parties. I'll have some friends of mine spread them as they make their rounds
GASM Command / Re: TrickOrGASM
October 25, 2016, 01:17:10 PM
That would be great. A little tribute for a lost friend who's work will probably be aggressively pushed onto the youngins soon. It's okay if you're burnt out, I'll do what I can, you do what you can
GASM Command / TrickOrGASM
October 25, 2016, 01:31:21 AM
SO, Halloween is coming up, and I noticed no one was really talking about it.
I realize I'm still very much a n00b, so I hope the lack of posts like this were simple apathy and not some kind of secret PD kosher.

The possibilities for Halloween are endless!
It's a time when people are out and about, and even fairly cognizant of their surroundings!
A perfect time to put up posters.

There are plenty of parties, and thus good watering holes to poison with flyers and pamphlets

Why, parents even let their children get some exposure to the outside world! Memebombs in those little mixed candy bags would be a great way to indoctrinate the kids, leaving little seeds in their minds that will hopefully grow with them, paving the way for our inevitable global takeover.

I'm posting this here instead of just doing it because I'm hoping that if enough of us do it, we might trigger some kind of moral outrage if we can get enough people on board of course, maybe some kind of headline like "Trick or Dogma? Do you know what you're kids are getting with their candy?".

Also, I can't figure out how to attach a pdf to a post. Pls halp.
As a recently out-of-high-school college freshman who's pretty much only taking easy pre-req classes, I've found that I finally have enough free time to read again (Something something, Mark Twain, something, something Schooling getting in the way of education) so I've been reading Damned by Palahniuk.

So far it's been a fairly hamfisted look at how grossly evil and wasteful the progressive viewpoint looks from the viewpoint of a world where the fundamentalists are all completely correct, while also making fun of celebrity-excess culture I guess?  I'm about a quarter in, and sometimes it's interesting, but I'm kinda banking on it getting better when it finally decides what it's point is.

After this I'm thinking Rushdie's Satanic Versus or maybe Everything is Illuminated.

Quote from: Roko's Modern Basilisk on October 22, 2016, 03:52:18 PM
Finished Echopraxia last night -- it's a bit denser than Blindsight or any of the Rifters books, and I think I'll probably need to re-read it in order to really understand all of what went on.
I have mixed feelings on Watts, I loved Blindsight, but I guess I misunderstood a lot of what Watt's was trying to say. I interpreted a lot of Blindsight as an attack or even a parody of the concept of p-zombies and the whole qualia problem, but then
I heard this interview with him on auticulture where he's kinda supporting Chalmer and all that dualism stuff.