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Messages - NeonWytch

Quote from: Trivial <insert joke> on October 24, 2016, 10:18:06 PM
Jack Chick is dead.  Who is going to step up with the "Pope is the reason for everything" theories?
Jack Chick just died?
Has he even been doing stuff for the last few years?
He wasn't even a speedbump on the news highway, was he? I can't find anything about it anywhere, other than the small addition of a death date on his wikipedia page.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on October 23, 2016, 05:17:05 PM

That's where I'm at 6odd months after I walked. I haven't had a single regret, even as I started spiraling into a horrible depression and had about half of my life support turn out to be shit. Even as I was giving undue ear to the idea of checking out I was proud of 2 things I quit, nicotine  (over 3 years now, a couple blunt-wraps aside) and THOSE FUCKERS. Folks around town tell me a lot of personal stories about themselves or family getting ruined one way or another by their shitty practices and often shittier personnel.

I'm looking for my next thing. Don't know what.
Hey man, good on you for quitting nicotine. That's a hard road. I've been trying to cut down because my meds interact with nicotine in such a way that it severely raises the chance of life-threatening blood clots in the legs. Even after I get past that 3 day hump, there's still the habitual "You're with friends/on break/just ate/on a walk, why aren't you smoking?" impulses, and the whole deadened opiod receptor thing that I have to get used to.

If it's not too personal, did you go cold turkey or did you do nic gum or patches or vape or what?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Apple and Haugheys legacy
October 23, 2016, 02:14:37 AM
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on October 23, 2016, 01:01:51 AM
Or at least, that not everybody uses. I completely have no idea why anyone would define a thinker as someone who talks.
I was trying to make a shitty joke about intellectualism but I didn't think it through and committed to it too hard.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 22, 2016, 03:53:16 AM
Have you ever watched larger scale simulations of things like galaxies crashing together or boats apsizing or weather patterns? I imagine it being something like that, our whole lives being incidental parts of the math necessary to display whatever it is someone's actually interested in on a screen we could no more perceive than a character from the Sims could.
If that's the case, the chance that we could ever get the attention of these engineers is infinitismally small, unless we start doing shit on the scale of like... galactic filaments.

Not that I have anything against filament-level gigaprojects
Gotta secure the local supercluster against those illegal aliens somehow.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Apple and Haugheys legacy
October 22, 2016, 06:20:30 PM
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on October 22, 2016, 05:29:10 PM
Quote from: NeonWytch on October 20, 2016, 04:14:48 PM
Quote from: MMIX on October 08, 2016, 04:46:33 PM

Lol. Yeah, you are so right. You know what they say
Q] "what is an artist? "
A] " an artist is someone who actually does art"

Hey, that doesn't always work.

Q] "What is a thinker?"
A] "Someone who talks."

You seem to be under the impression that the words "think" and "talk" can be used synonymously.
Quite the opposite.
That's why I say the name "thinker" isn't very apropros
If the person is thinking of things that matter, they tend to do something with them that matters, as opposed to broadcasting them into the void or narrowcasting them to their followers.

I.e. Ayn Rand, armchair discordians, etc. are all "thinkers".
MLK was an activist
Chuck Tingle is an artist
and so on and so forth.

Or maybe I'm just talking too much to get it right
Quote from: Xaz on October 21, 2016, 10:51:58 AM
Reality doesn't have a switch - it is simultaneously lubed up super sex and elements colliding. It's the perceive who assigns meaning to those interactions.
I know, but how would the simulation engineers sift through the simulation and derive meaningful data from it if it's just simulating on the scale of quantum strings? Unless  of course there is some kind of omniscient intelligence that can perceive and understand what's going on... it'd have to be bitchy, and unhelpful... maybe this intelligence speaks to people in semi-coherent koans and cryptic imagery... maybe it has a s fixation on the number 5 and hot dogs and antiauthoritarianism and individualism and etc etc etc etc etc

In summary, checkmate atheists
Quote from: Slipper on October 21, 2016, 03:18:54 AM
Quote from: PopeGillies on October 20, 2016, 12:52:23 AM
Quote from: Slipper on October 16, 2016, 09:06:48 AM
It's bad because I'm left regretting it :I Could've done more than with my time than
play some bullshit like an addict, only to walk off with sore feet and a hazy recollection
of it all. If I didn't have to drop it abruptly, just to live, it'd be great.

Work = moneh
Bullshit = you - moneh

Why do you need to spend money on it? You can just get it free online. Hell, I got PD as a gift from my dad!
cus online costs te moneh
wat b PD, me no kno

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 19, 2016, 07:59:29 PM
Quote from: Slipper on October 19, 2016, 07:27:20 PM

I won't, I just wanted to know what you'd pick. My choice would be luring younglings into watching ads for "easy" money
that they don't even have to be present to do, all while sitting at my ad filled site. -cue hand rubbing-

This sounds like you're contemplating something dishonest, instead of dollar for your value.
Wat, den how r ur quarterss makin muneh otherwise?
Is it sposed' to be upfront, as in me directly gettin de dollars to me hands, and/or
my victims having a good understanding of what im doing?
PD means Principia Discordia, like, the book.
I have no idea what that second bit was.
Quote from: Trivial <insert joke> on October 21, 2016, 06:11:17 PM
They don't know what it is yet, I'm going with alien tracking device.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on October 21, 2016, 07:22:19 PM
All my guesses after that presume that it's DEFINITELY an alien implant and go downhill from there.
The real question is, how many more alien devices were added when they were removing the first one?
How do you know they didn't just replace your friend in the operating room with a large, man-shaped alien tracking device?
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on October 21, 2016, 09:24:06 AM
Quote from: NeonWytch on October 20, 2016, 05:19:37 PMbut they'll always be there, and they'll always have influence as long as Fox is willing to source from breitbart and infowars and all of their buddies. 

Wait. Fox gets their information from somewhere? It isn't internally generated?

Fox has always sourced from the alt-right's chunky spew and diluted it with stagnant mosquito infested pot-hole water to create a repugnant but watery slurry thin enough that their old white audience doesn't need to chew, but viscous enough that they won't choke on it.
I wonder if there's something keeping track of statistics. If so, does it just like, use human ideas of "things" to calculate what the groups of particles are (Y'know, so if one of these simulation engineers wanted to watch some good old fashioned, rough and tumble slimy, lubed up super sex they could switch to it instead of any other situation where carbon, water, and various other elements are moving in and out of each other repeatedly), or does reality abstract everything on the large scale and only turn on the particle physics when someone's looking closely? Are sex and driving and writing and fighting all their own separate but seamlessly integrated sub-systems?  Are we actually just living in the final version of Dwarf Fortress?
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 21, 2016, 12:11:38 AM
The two spags did their thing in the late Fifties.

This pedantry has been brought to you by Shut Up, the Journal of American Horrorology™.
Time to commit sudoku. 
Goodbye new friends, it's been fun.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 19, 2016, 08:15:07 PM
Last winter I was in a bit of a slump and the thing that shook me out of it was the first really bitter cold snap. Like, it's sad and boring when it's just cold enough that nothing's growing and the trees are bare and the grass is brittle and yellowy and the skies are gray and nothing happens. Give me some "so cold you'll seriously get frostbite if you don't cover up," some black ice and freezing rain, give me snow up to my armpits and leaky boots and the buses aren't running. THEN I'll show you what I'm made of. I'll SHOW that fucking weather who's boss.
Oh my god yes.
Give me weather that I have to creatively live around.
Give me temperatures hot enough that I have to tactically reduce clothing cover as much as humanly possible without being arrested.

As for cold, well,
Nothing beats the feeling of biking down a highway at two in the morning with so many scarves on that you can barely see oncoming traffic.   
Is that screaming racist things, accusing people of racism, or some strange mix of both?

Have the last few newbies been that bad? :sad:
Quotei have done many spells around the neibhorhood like SLICK LOOK and MAIL TIME and i have also talked to birds to see if they understand the world in a diffrent way than i do (they have this way) and this is true magic ... and then I SMILE because they tell me the secerts ofwhat is GOING ON IN BILLINGS. this is how i keep up to date.

Proof that he has performed bird-related miracles.
He fits the bill for saint hood pretty god diggity dang well.

Even if Chuck is "fake" it's the beautiful kind of lie, the truthy-kind.