News: We're not actually discordians

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Messages - Iron Sulfide

Quote from: Doktor Blight on August 30, 2010, 08:47:49 PM
Rev. Asshat?

Ugh..twice today!!! It's roughly my 7am (personal time)...not asshat; rather, Twiddleton.
Quote from: Exit City Hustle on August 30, 2010, 08:50:22 PM
Festwo, if that's a real 'stache, IT IS GLORIOUS.

One could only wish. I'm about an hour's drive from Sacramento, the capitol...some awesome niche stores downtown there. Found one
with a dedicated theatrical prosthesis section about two years ago. That one is dead now, but it lives on as a Fu Manchu and a tiny curled handlebar mustache. I sort of collect them.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 30, 2010, 08:50:58 PM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on August 30, 2010, 08:40:43 PM
Quote from: Iron Sulfide on August 30, 2010, 08:34:21 PM
Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on August 30, 2010, 08:00:48 PM
Could be the inherent latency in whatever effects you were using. 

I'm not opposed to re-doing my part as a "clean" track. I won't have to time until tomorrow, though.

Heh, and I called Blight "Plight" bad.

It was a good mistake. :)

Something that might be interesting is not to redo it, but accompany it to bring it out more. Maybe not totally clean, like, maybe have a mild overdrive with the gain turned up a little.

Also bear in mind that I haven't slept since yesterday (barring that 10 seconds earlier today), so I may or may not be making a whole lot of sense right now anyway.

I could use my first take, turn it way down, then accompany it clean; that way, it would be more like an afterthought.... thoughts?
Aliases: Saint Bastard, N'yo Bai, Prater Festwo, Festwo, FeS2, Philly Fillet, Not My Self

Holy Name: Nietzsche, The Poet (not the philosopher); Saint Nicholas

PassTimes: Writing, Printing, Sleight of Hand, Music (making/listening), the occasional book, spreading my knowledge of the Horrible Truth, limited as it may be...

Location: Central California

Occupation: Retail at a Staples. An Occupation keeps one Occupied.

Projects: Concurrently, I am involved in MusicGASM, and it's going pretty swell, so far. I wish LordOfganza would be more active in it, since he started the thread, But we have Alphapance (LMNO) and Blight (Rev. Asshat?) and myself groovin' so far.

I also participate in PosterGASM and StickerGASM. In the future (when I have time, motivation and the recall to do it) I plan on compiling a resource thread for meme delivery methods Alphapance already did that, I see:

Here am I in my most glorious, spag-a-licious mustache:

Oh yeah, and I'm 25 (young?).

Also, also: I discovered Discordia first from a Luciferian dude I knew about 11 years ago. I only heard about it, though. I didn't actually read the principia for another 2 years, or so (circa 2001). First I was like  :?, then I was like  :eek: and finally settled on  :lulz:. I tried to locate Discordia on the Nets, but only found (at first) some hyperdiscordia and POEE stuff, then I found 23ae, but did nohting there, since I couldn't tell if people were actually there or not. Prolly sometime around 2003-2004, I found and lurked for awhile. I don't know when I actually signed up, but I was here in the times of Horab Fibslager and Irreverend Hugh, if that puts a time frame on it. I've gone through many Hiatuses. Currently, I have limited time to post, so I'm scattered about in just the top three subforums, mainly.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 30, 2010, 08:34:21 PM
Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on August 30, 2010, 08:00:48 PM
Could be the inherent latency in whatever effects you were using. 

I'm not opposed to re-doing my part as a "clean" track. I won't have to time until tomorrow, though.

Heh, and I called Blight "Plight" bad.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 30, 2010, 07:57:49 PM
Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on August 30, 2010, 11:13:21 AM

See how that grabs you.
mama like.

i kinda agree with Plight, portion is delayed...i musta' used my reverb instead of chorus.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 28, 2010, 05:52:44 AM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on August 28, 2010, 02:25:35 AM
I was able to listen to IS's version. Dude, what sort of effects were you using on that?

My electric is out of commission at the moment, so it was my acoustic. Then I ran that through a distortion filter in Cool Edit Pro for
a crunchy sound.

By the by, My track is in E minor, if anyone finds that useful.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 27, 2010, 09:28:58 PM
Now, It's not mozart, or anything, but:

The site is pretty good, IMO, and you can even make a group that keeps track of tracks.

I recommend reducing the amplitude on the Mixdown track before making the next mixdown.
Also included my rhythm, minus the drums, for any potential use, corrective or otherwise.
Quote from: BadBeast on August 27, 2010, 06:57:33 PM
Quote from: Exit City Hustle on August 27, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
so far, I've checked off "not real discordians" and "you're all entertaining me".

any bets on which one comes next?
"I don't need you to validate what I already know to be true" Is that one? #6 said something like that anyway, and he was exemplary.

He's already done that one

Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 27, 2010, 06:13:53 PM
There has not been one post you have given me any validity for so there is no change there.
All your posts say i fucking hate you, fuck off my world.
Asinine comments, in your opinion.
I do not need to lie to fill some inadequacy and i would rather someone put me straight if i am wrong hence why i haven't gotten angry or upset.

1. I really could not care less, why the fuck would i claim i was insane? I will not even bother trying to argue about self-diagnosis.

2. You can say i am full of shit as much as you like it will not change my mind about what i know i went through.  I don't need a red fucking ribbon from some quack or from anyone else i could not give a fuck about validation.  Live with it.   

also, the harder you fight, the more comical this becomes for the rest of us. YOU CAN DO IT!
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 27, 2010, 08:02:38 PM
Oh, and L-  Some of us just have irreconcilable schedules. It may take longer than a Day or Two for the next person to get in on it and do something. Just throwing that out there.
GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 27, 2010, 08:00:28 PM
I was able to DL from ifile. Nice drum beat.

I was actually in the middle of doing rhythm guitar for the track, when my girlfriend came home crying over
problems with her car. it was pretty simple guitar work, though, so I'll see if i can hammer something out before
work, instead of fapping to PD.
Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 27, 2010, 12:51:32 AM
Quote from: BadBeast on August 26, 2010, 11:30:39 PM
Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 26, 2010, 09:53:25 PM
I think you have to travel to insanity and view it objectively, come back to sanity and view it objectively.  I have found that drugs can take you near but unless you have a near death experience with them you will only get close.  I went to insanity once, admittedly i was smoking weed at the time but it was the fact that i had not slept for about twenty days that took me to the point where the walls fell down and my mind was about to go to the point of no return. Sleep.  Anyway after watching the show for a little while and feeling physical effects from what i was seeing i decided enough and ended it. Now i have quite a gift for understanding and communicating  with people who are "insane", i am not insane but paradoxically i am, but i am sane as well.

In my opinion drugs take a lot longer to send you insane but they gradually show you a perspective from an insane viewpoint where all conventional  sanity is seen as insanity, useful for dipping into occasionally to break the spell if you will from mass hypnosis not only from media but from language and communication.  I would prefer an alternative and i think the only one would be deep meditation.  Maybe i will get back to that once i stop smoking.   
Actually, I can't see how you can view anything with objectivity, if, by your own admission, you're insane. How would you know if you could trust your own judgement or not? How do you know "you went to insanity" once? A Weed High can be a bit mad, but at the end of the day, it's not "insane".

Also, the "20 days without sleep" is a wildly exaggerated claim, and not at all objective. I know from personal experience, and Clinical Research, that at any point approaching 10 days without sleep, you are at a very definite limit. There is a very real danger of death, that increases by the hour by day ten. You will have no cognitive skills to speak of, your motor skills are packing up minute by minute, your liver, kidneys, and heart, are suffering from toxiosis, due to build up of stress hormones. The simplest tasks, such as eating a bowl of soup, are beyond your power. You can't remember simple things like the names of family members, how to use simple items like lightswitches. The record for going without sleep is nearly 12 days. Even if given huge (and I do mean huge) doses of Amphetamine at this point, there is only maybe another day it can give you. 

Your "gift for understanding and communicating  with people who are "insane", Is this under clinical conditions, or a therapeutic environment? Or just talking to mad people? (For fun, not science) The tricky thing, in this life, is to be able to "understand and communicate" with people who are apparently sane. The Insane will sit and talk to themselves, or a fellow patient, or a fucking Rubber plant for hours and hours. Then have no recall of the discourse. How are you any different to the Rubber plant?
But you're not totally without merit, and I'm really not attacking you. At 26, I

After about nine days of not sleeping i was experiencing visual and audio hallucinations which would last until i looked away or willed them away i was aware that these were not real but that did not stop them effecting me but i attempted to reason what the meaning of the hallucinations were and were these a product of a creative imagination or messages from my sub-conscious or was i observing an outside phonomena.

I know i went to insanity once or perhaps i should have said the closest i could be without actually falling into it because i was seeing  what i can describe as a humanoid shape about seven feet tall appearing from a vortex in front of me. It was black like a shadow and it had spike like apendages and an over sized gaping gash like a mouth.  When it appeared it changed the definition of dread for me because that is the only way i can describe the physical feeling i felt in my chest.  It phased in and out and moved position next to my face in front of me and so on.  Then I could hear several different voices all talking incomprehensibly in one ear, then both ears which gradually became more aggressive and it seemed if i was hearing with my ears would be deafening.  Whilst this was happening I was just observing and not particularly bothered by it because i knew it was my imagination and if it was really an interdimensional being it couldn't physically strike me or hurt me. This continued for a while and the feeling of dread became a lot worse and i felt like i was losing myself, the best way i can describe it is my mind felt like a non-shatter ruler when you bend it and it is about to snap.  At that point i thought i better do something and willed it to disappear and it did back into the vortex eventually.  Like i said admittedly i was smoking weed at the time but i wasn't high it was from the not sleeping the effects came from, i think the weed made my insomnia worse.

It was about twenty days i am not sure exactly.  I did not sleep but i would goto bed and rest by closing my eyes and laying there for hours until the morning eight hours or more very very boring.  I would often check my watch every hour or so to see how long i had to lay there.  This was not done under lab conditions and it is not something i would care to repeat believe what you will, that i was meditating or whatever and just for the record there is a man who has not slept by eating raw vegatables i can't find the documentary i am sure someone else could but this will have todo

No this is not under clinical conditions i would like to do some work with the mentally ill but unless i did volunteer work it is unlikely i will.  I have managed to converse with several people who are mentally ill and get sense out of them where others cannot on a couple of occasions.  If someone suffers from acute alzheimer's or dementia i doubt it would matter.

Really? The longest I've not slept is almost 7 days. That only occurred once in my life, while I was grieving my Grandmother. By the 3rd day, I would have sworn that I hadn't slept in a week. That's when the hallucinations started. First, everything would ache- bones, muscle, I could swear the chair I was sitting in would hurt, sometimes, too. Then, randomly, the feeling would stop and a flush of euphoria wash over me. Another day in, still surfaces would start to become wavy, or rounded; I would see flickers and streaks from the corners of my eyes, recalling only seconds later having seen a distinct and visible human form before me. I tried to sleep. I tried hard. I smoked weed, I drank NyQuil, I exercised, did chores, warm milk, boring TV shows...nothing. About the fifth day, I was basically what BadBeast described, which is, in short, a horrible mess of a wreck. Hunger pains would sound in my stomach, I would attempt the harrowing task of making food, only to find that it nauseated me. The timber of sounds would change without cause; deep reverberation would come from something that should sound shallow and tinny. I couldn't even remember what sleep was a this point. And it lasted another two days.

I seriously doubt that you went 20.

Moreover, laying in your bed with your eyes closed...I'm thinking you slept at least some.
Principia Discussion / Re: What is creative disorder?
August 26, 2010, 08:37:04 PM
Quote from: Cosine 5 on August 19, 2010, 01:04:02 AM
By the way, I'm not really quite sure what Chaos is. Being formerly Taoist, I always thought that Chaos was something very much like what Taoists like to call the Tao. I always viewed this as the nature of existence, or the Way things Are.

as have I. I see no reason to draw a distinction between Tao and Chao. In one of my favorite Alan Watts recordings, he says (roughly) "The Tao is divided into 'this' and 'that'. but there is no division, only a circle. And if we were especially honest with ourselves, that circle would encompass the universe, expanding infinitely..." which is what chaos is, the totality of all and nothing, combine. I dig hippy shit like that.

Also, i'll just throw this out there: Sterilization is a Creative Disorder.

GASM Command / Re: MusicGASM
August 24, 2010, 09:34:03 PM
hear that, I'm definitely a runner.

I think we'll need some sort of rules. but it might be best to make most of them as we go.

I also think that we'll need some real organization. Just Some. This coming from someone who's organizational system is
usually remembering where he set something down.
my understanding was always that Socialism is the economic aspect of Maxism (i.e. the Distribution of goods and services, orchestrated by Gov't), whereas Communism was the proprietary aspect of Marxism (the land, means of production, the other buzzwords...)

Of course, Karl Marx is dead, so whatever he said is just as subject to being mangled as Jesus' words, right?

I would say that Socialism/Communism haven't worked for a list a reasons. The biggest being that the more well known communist states weren't. Show me a communist state, and I will Wikishow you why they are Fascist, Or Capitalist, or at the least, Not Communist.

I think communism could work, actually, if people were bred into it over the course of several generations. Not that anyone would want that, of course, but it DOES gives credence to the notion of a conspiracy...