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Messages - MMIX

you are a very sad person <snirk>
I think maybe Oliver Cromwell had this one right - "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken." There is always doubt.  Nothing is ever written in stone until you are dead; and then its too late to change anything. If judicial murder is permissable then where is the impetus to find other solutions? You say that
"with the extreme cases, the left don't seem to have anything to counter it with", well how about principle? If it is wrong to kill people as a private individual then it is wrong to kill them as a society. I mean, society is just a whole bunch of individuals, the biggest mob that you can get, isn't it? If you genuinely believe in the principle that it is wrong to kill people them it is fucking wrong to kill them. No wars, no murders, no executions; its a fucking principle. end of. unless you know different, that's just my take

Damn, but I miss Verthaine :(
Quote from: Fujikoma on April 02, 2019, 12:19:10 AM
I'm a sixth gen Texan... I don't think anyone with a brain wants black people to "go away", what the fuck, only some stupid, hooded screeching idiot thinks that... ok maybe most of the south is like that.

And in the UK too, though you'd have to include the Midlands and North of England too. Like I just discovered that my next door neighbour voted Brexit a] to cause chaos (and not the good sort) and b] because "there are too many darkies in Wolverhampton".
Another neighbour reckons he just wants to live in a "white christian country". I did point out that he shouldn't have voted for Brexit then because so many catholic churches are being kept going by the influx of nice white christians from Poland etc, but he wasn't having any of that. Then last week he said he thinks that we should nuke Pakistan . . . "Too many Muslims?" I asked, and he just smiled sheepishly. I'm starting to get used to living in a mad-house, but I'm not sure that I am really enjoying it
Quote from: Fujikoma on April 01, 2019, 09:16:11 PM
I swear all this goddamn infighting is part of an old KGB plan and eventually, the communists will seem like the rational ones. Oh well.

Its actually really simple. The European Union wants us to be part of a Federal United States of Europe, but the right wing of the country would rather be the 51st state of something else. Without the black people, obviously, because well we're English aren't we. And there Aint no black in the Union Jack and all that sort of thing.
Quote from: The Johnny on March 25, 2019, 03:06:20 AM


Yep :( that's all we have got to look forward to . . . a whole steaming pile of Zigazig aaaah
Quote from: nullified on March 19, 2019, 11:28:08 PM
The first. Trans lesbians may have experience with both, which is just an exciting future in store for me.

Aah, thanks for clarifying.
Quote from: nullified on March 19, 2019, 10:38:56 PM
Trans women regardless of sexuality tend to have some personal experience with that term as well.

Faggot or rug-muncher?
Quote from: LMNO on March 19, 2019, 06:59:24 PM
Not to strawman or anything, but PDS: did you protest when gay people said they didn't want to be called "faggot" anymore?

Just a quick observation about the vagaries of language and the ease with which your meaning can get inadvertently screwed:
gay person here, but I've never, ever, been called a faggot, though a neighbour did once call me a rug-muncher to my face. It made me laugh.
Ever heard that old joke "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it?"
Well just to clarify where the power lies in the UK have a squint at this
The headline is tabloid but the research is very interesting
Reality can't hold a candle to a dirty mind. It ought to be a sex toy but it is really a way of turning pennies worth of materials into gross profit. Sad

also Lovely to see you again
Quote from: The Johnny on March 06, 2019, 09:17:08 AM
Quote from: MMIX on March 06, 2019, 08:53:08 AM
Masturbation aid, pointless gewgaw and extreme profit generator

PS I have 16 units which could theoretically benefit from this doodad but knowing it exists does not in any way make my life easier

NOUUU, it aint a sex toy, nor a "plumbus" nor a money maker.  :lulz:

16 units of what? I dont understand

Full disclosure -  I have 4 dogs
Masturbation aid, pointless gewgaw and extreme profit generator

PS I have 16 units which could theoretically benefit from this doodad but knowing it exists does not in any way make my life easier

Bring and Brag / Re: Favorite Sentences Megathread
February 09, 2019, 12:40:14 AM
"I'd far rather be happy than right any day." Douglas Adams H2GT2G