
PD's body has a way of shutting pro-lifer's down.

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Started by Sepia, November 02, 2011, 12:28:24 AM

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A word is said, a sign has appeared, the portents are in the portals and its all twisting downwards or is it up some say one others the other and its a matter of faith so noone knows, everyone just goes on the gut or their own stupidity, the fuel of believers in any cause be it filled with reason or logic or superstition, religion and politics, the belief in the system will one time create a perfect system, balanced by belief, by gut or stupidity and we will revel in ourselves as we reach the apex of who we can be before we have to leave our bodies behind and then someone utters the word

Unraveling the world like oppenheimer might have believed he did and perhaps he did perhaps he was the shatterer but the mercy seat is still burning, the truth is feeling small inside itself, hearts diminished, lies of dreams and hopes, the falseness of belonging, the sudden despair of comfort, the waking eyes of burning people, heroes being reborn as protection programs of computer mother earth, correcting or trying to correct and guide and save and protect, invisible except for in comics, fictionauts, making us living on pandora and his cashcow is our reality

all our walls break down and thoughts become shapes, concepts and stories grow into animals or men or something in-between the cracks, here is the end of the world, here is what that will come when the days seem like years because we live breathe information, injected into our eyes as we sleep or slumber in a torpor, trying to become old lord vlad, would he live? when his thoughts and stories and dreams become real to him, who will jump out of the window and who will remain calm, any ghost in a reality where good and bad are normal and both are symbiotic, a reality where

all the pretense is dropped
Everyone will always be too late
