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ITT: Original Story Ideas

Started by Cramulus, May 11, 2009, 09:40:54 PM

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Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Ok, so a story set in a 2-dimensional geometric world, similar to Flatland except not educational and instead of pseudo-Victorian the setting is solidly of a sword-and-sorcery type. The triangles are this setting's orcs and night-creatures, and they're trying to summon their demonic god to destroy the world. The heroes need to stop them.

(The inspiration for this came to me because evil demon gods that are associated with triangles are apparently already a thing for some reason anyway: Apomps the Three-Sided, Bill Cipher, Trigon the Terrible, et cetera.)

Some more ideas:

*A magical-girl anime where the hero has satanically themed powers, including a mark of the beast on her hand and on her forehead that sparkle and glow when she uses her powers.

*A parody of Sailor Moon revolving around butt themed puns

*Comedy Skit: Parody of Lord of the Rings where the "Black Speech" is ebonics

*A heist movie set at sea. Maybe they're robbing a casino in a cruise ship or something. One of the crooks' names refrences deserts in some way as a spoof on the character Johnny Ocean.

*A singer uncovers a world domination plot by a race of mind-controlling and/or shapeshifting robot socks from the future (or possibly from space). I came up wih this while trying to figure out what Big Lurch was hallucinating when he accused that chick of being "a sock".
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


Presidential Elections convince emerging AI that even it's most redundant process could rule our civilization, and, with more feasible legitimacy than the integral sum of all other possible simulations led by human recognizance alone.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

*Odin's missing eye has a life of it's own and gets into all sorts of wacky adventures and hijinks

Another idea:
A parody of police/courtroom procedurals where the police and the courts that would usually provide the protagonists are replaced with sensationalistic journalists carrying on as if they were the police and the courts

More ideas:
*A cartoon show about an automated hotel run by a motley crew of quirky robots and AIs. The manager is the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey

*An astronomer discovers the approximate date of the biblical apocalypse when a simulation of the universe's fuure stellar evolution turns up one third of the visible stars in the sky all exhausting their fuel within a relatively short period of time of one another (or possibly at very different times, but coordinated so that the end of their light reaches earth at the same time)

Another idea:
*Light pollution is the stars-swept-from-the-sky sign of the apocalypse

Another idea:
A story that starts out like Ratatouille, but gradually morphs into Willard

Another idea:
A ghost haunting a house tries to subtly gaslight the house's new tenant

Another idea:

Comedy skit: 2001 A Space Odyssey's star gate sequence is really the Monolith's screensaver

Another idea:

Comedy about ancient Rome in which Caligula's war against the sea is presented in a manner satirizing the war on drugs

Another idea:
A cliche action story and a cliche romance story play out simultaneously but largely independently leading up to a twist ending where the generic pretty boy from the romance runs off with the generic big boobed chick from the action film leaving the protagonists of their stories with no love interests.

Another Idea:
Horror spoof of the Exodus story where he plagues of darkness and blood attract vampires

Anotion idea:
Parody of The Passion following a generic roman criminal being crucified for murder

Another idea:
Pseudodocumentary explaining how the Lernaean Hydra's natural enemy is the Jacobin Party and that's why it developed the defensive mechanism of regrowing it's heads
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A buddy cop movie featuring the archangel Michael and Lucifer teaming up and going undercover in as policemen 70s New York in order to track down a rogue angel looking to take over both heaven & hell & reorganize them along eugenic lines. In this film, Michael acts like an "ideal" policeman (i.e., shiny uniform, good posture, going out of his way to play up the whole white-bread beacon of righteousness thing) while Lucifer acts the part of a hardboiled noir-style detective (bordering on con artist) and the whole thing is leaning heavily on the analogy of falling from heaven being like getting kicked out of the force.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: Roko's Modern Basilisk on August 31, 2016, 02:34:44 AM
A buddy cop movie featuring the archangel Michael and Lucifer teaming up and going undercover in as policemen 70s New York in order to track down a rogue angel looking to take over both heaven & hell & reorganize them along eugenic lines. In this film, Michael acts like an "ideal" policeman (i.e., shiny uniform, good posture, going out of his way to play up the whole white-bread beacon of righteousness thing) while Lucifer acts the part of a hardboiled noir-style detective (bordering on con artist) and the whole thing is leaning heavily on the analogy of falling from heaven being like getting kicked out of the force.

That's a cool idea. I'd watch that movie. It would also make a good TV show.

Anyway, as for some of my ideas, recently I've had a bunch of weird ideas pop into my head for TV commercials tying modern products into classic movies, including:

-Colonel Sanders riding a sandworm-esque chicken through the deserts of the planet Arrakis from Dune. "He who controls the eleven herbs and spices controls the universe"

-Lucky Charms themed spoof of the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. In addition to being "full of stars" the monolith is also full of hearts, horseshoes, clovers, hourglasses, and rainbows. Then we see Dave Bowman in that weird hotel eating a bowl of cereal. Then a giant cereal box appears in the room and we cut to the leprechaun looking down at the Earth from space. The sad thing is that this might actually make more sense than the movie's actual ending.
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


Quote from: Roko's Modern Basilisk on August 31, 2016, 02:34:44 AM
A buddy cop movie featuring the archangel Michael and Lucifer teaming up and going undercover in as policemen 70s New York in order to track down a rogue angel looking to take over both heaven & hell & reorganize them along eugenic lines. In this film, Michael acts like an "ideal" policeman (i.e., shiny uniform, good posture, going out of his way to play up the whole white-bread beacon of righteousness thing) while Lucifer acts the part of a hardboiled noir-style detective (bordering on con artist) and the whole thing is leaning heavily on the analogy of falling from heaven being like getting kicked out of the force.
"May the Farce be with you!". :lulz:
just this

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

A reversed version of The Flintstones where instead of the stone age being depicted as being similar to the mid 20th century, the mid 20th century is instead depicted as barbaric and primitive.

Another idea:
A retelling of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe goes off the rails after Aslan's resurrection when it is revealed the "deeper magic from before the dawn of time" which brought him back to life is some kind of weird dark lovecraftian effect similar to those described in The Festival and The Return of the Sorcerer.
(EDIT: Additionally, in this continuity Santa Claus is a psychotic backwoods lunatic who brings everybody liqupr and weapons, not just the Pevensie children)
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A young, naive journalist stumbles upon a war between a pair of secret societies predicated upon two renown prophets who made conflicting prophecies. The members of each are attacking and sabotaging the other in order to prevent the other's prophecy from coming true, because these two prophets were, in life, contemporaries with famous historical feuds over which had greater predictive power. The journalist figures out how to reconcile the two prophecies, with the help of a law student who he woos over the course of the story, and as a result unifies the two secret societies. Skip forward to the future and he is renown prophet and head of the combination of seven previously warring secret societies, and it is implied that his position is due to his ability to write prophecies that are seemingly very specific while actually being extremely vague.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A family moves to an isolated village surrounded on three sides by mountains after the head of the family, an artist, unexpectedly strikes it rich. The family is unaware that this village, which caters mostly to light tourism, is the home of a family of vampires that have the entire citizenship of the village in thrall -- and under command to deny their existence.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

A serial murderer's murders are secondary to his actual obsession which is hearing being executed. He avoids following a pattern or M.O. in his murders so it is not realized that they are the work of a serial killer. Instead local thugs are erraneously arrested and executed for the murders.

More ideas:

*Some kind of noir movie that plays wih the motion picture format the way that Nick Danger plays wih the radio drama format and Problem Sleuth plays wih the webcomic and videogame formats

*A story set immediately after the defeat of a repressive regime of rogue AIs. There have been movies set before an AI regime (the Terminator series), during the war against the AI regime (the [/i]Matrix[/i] series), and ones set long after the machines fell (the Dune series and Warhammer 40k) but none set shortly after the machines fell.

Another idea:

*A mockumentary set in a space-opera setting wherein the protagonists are documenting their search for a wookie-like cryptid called "Spacesquatch"

*A variation on the above: a documentary crew go in search of bigfoot and are astonished to not only find him but also discover that he's somehow involved in some kind of drug smuggling ring

Another idea:

B-movie horror film: "Jesus Freaks". When Jesus rises from the dead he does so as an undead ghoul. Everyone he bites turns into a deranged misshapen creature that kind of looks like him but mangled and who try to spread the word in an aggressive and violent way, spreading the infection: the titular "Jesus Freaks"
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

A Firesign Theater-esque play/radio play/teleplay. It starts out with a right-wing religious programming station called something like "The Sanctimonious Bullshit Network". A short while in the channel on the "tv" is switched to a black-metal focused MTV-esque network, which initially appears to be a counterpoint to the religious station, but it gradually becomes clear that both are reactionary, and as it flips back and forth between the channels the heavy metal station gradually morphs into something more like a religious station than the religious station, airing something called "The 666 Club" hosted by a man named "Anton Robertson". Both stations' shows bring in deceaced Nazi and Imperial Japanese war criminals as guests and call for the destruction of America. Meanwhile, they both experience repeated commercial interruptions and PSAs from a far-left social-justice charity called "The People's Relief Fund for Sanctimonious Bullshit", who echolalically spout reversed versions of the Nazis' racist intolerant bullshit (calling, for example, for the extermination of all people who are straight or white), accusing people who disagree with their positions of "herasy", stating that the world's men - all 3 to 4 billion or so of them - meet each week in a building shaped like the illuminati symbol and plot new ways to oppress women and they all know eash other, and explaining that access to abortion and prenatal testing is "necessary in order to rid us of the feebleminded and infirm". Gradually the two shows and the commercials bleed together* and it becomes impossible to tell which is which.

*ie. They start serendipitously completing the other's thoughts when the channel is changed. The guest on one show is suddenly the guest on the other show. etc. Later they also start explicitly reacting to each other (especially the commercials arguing with the shows)
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A version of Crash for the Batman universe: a group of people develop a sexual fetish surrounding accidental falls into vats of mutation-inducing toxic waste.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Eater of Clowns

I'm totally alright with RMB and PDS continuing this forever, but purely out of spite of it popping up in my unread topics every time I log in, I would like to request a Mod unsticky it.
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


Quote from: Roko's Modern Basilisk on September 15, 2016, 08:06:12 PM
A version of Crash for the Batman universe: a group of people develop a sexual fetish surrounding accidental falls into vats of mutation-inducing toxic waste.
That's cool.  I was thinking, when the Joker gets his perma-grin from the acid wash, is there any way DC was using "mutation inducing" industrial waste as a veil for some lysergic counterpart?  I figure this question probably betrays my ignorance, and I'm fine with that.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

Quote from: LuciferX on September 15, 2016, 09:40:39 PM
Quote from: Roko's Modern Basilisk on September 15, 2016, 08:06:12 PM
A version of Crash for the A man dressed like a bat universe: a group of people develop a sexual fetish surrounding accidental falls into vats of mutation-inducing toxic waste.
That's cool.  I was thinking, when the Joker gets his perma-grin from the acid wash, is there any way DC was using "mutation inducing" industrial waste as a veil for some lysergic counterpart?  I figure this question probably betrays my ignorance, and I'm fine with that.

The Joker's original appearance is a bit too early for that, though I'm not sure about the red hood arc (i.e., his origin story). It's hard to tell how much of the really strange stuff in comics had its origin in legitimate psychedelia, since the comics code disallowed that sort of stuff. That said, the outfits that continued through the comics code era as comics were generally fairly conservative & straight-laced -- whereas the real freaks at EC shut down and started MAD.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.