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How Trump Happened Part 1 of Whatever

Started by xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed), November 09, 2016, 08:50:05 PM

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 This is part of a series where I explain(TRUMP-splain? eh eh?) how Trump happened to people who increasingly claim to have no idea how he happened. Part one will deal with the low hanging fruit, Trumps racism. How did America elect someone who says such offensive things about minorities? Surely this is evidence of a new revival of racism in America. Yes and no. No. Racism isnt behind the rise of Trump, I wouldnt say its behind even the majority of his support. Yes there is a new wave of racism, but it isnt a revival of the old racism. Its a brand new racism of mostly young people who have been converted. People who if recent trends had continued shouldnt have become racists. These two things, people who arent racist voting for someone who says such racist things and people who otherwise wouldnt be racist suddenly becoming racist have the same cause.

To understand this, you have to understand what Trump supporters actually heard when you called him, and them racists.

1) Immigration
Supply and demand is very simple. When the supply for something goes up, the demand goes down. And when you have one product not only flooding the market, but flooding it at a much lower price, Brand X is not long for this world. Illegal Immigration is the practice of US businesses importing sub-minimum wage slave labor from outside the country, completely flouting existing immigration law and undercutting the working class job market in the process. There was a time when economy was much better that liberals would defend this system with two arguments:

1) "Illegal Immigrants do the Jobs Americans dont want to do"

2) "Youre a Racist"

Number one isnt tossed around too much anymore for obvious reasons(try going down to the unemployment office and explaining that to the people there. No really. I dare you) So now they have defaulted to number two. Liberals have managed to completely avoid having any kind of meaningful discussion about this topic because they refuse to tackle the actual economic implications of millions of people illegally crossing the border and taking full advantage of our infastructure and social safety net while doing cash in hand work. Instead, they have spent the whole debate on this issue cherrypicking the worst of the worst from the people who oppose the issue, and then declaring all other arguments to just be clever fronts for racism.
And how CONVENIENT it is, that most of the liberals who support immigration dont work the kinds of jobs where they have to compete with them WHILE enoying the benefits of cheaper goods from lower labor costs. Its also worth noting that this is not an issue that is divided on race. Blacks, themselves mostly working class and competing for the same jobs, largely agree with White America on this issue. And the 30% of again, legally immigrated working class Hispanics who voted for trump despite his open anti-hispanic racism is also telling. The true dividing line in the immigration debate, is class. Turning Immigration into a purely racial issue is how well off liberals completely ignore the class aspects of it.

"Dont like us undercutting your wages with slave labor so we can save 10 cents on kale? Youre a Racist."

2) Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act, also known as MittRomneyCare, is the brainchild of the NeoCon thinktank Hertiage Foundation. It proposes to solve the problem of millions of Americans unable to afford healthcare by giving anyone who cant afford healthcare massive fines, and giving the healthcare industry a big sloppy subsidy blowjob on top of that. It is a disaster for millions of Americans. There was a massive backlash against it for all the reasons I just listed. But again, like Immigration, liberals very artfully avoided actually looking at the nuts and bolts of the issue by turning it into yet another case of Privledged White's(who just happen to make less money than them) pretending to actually have problems so they could vent their deep seated racism. Think back to when there was an actual debate against this. When you heard "opposes Obamacare" you didnt think of the 51% of Americans who want to repeal it. You thought of a very small minority of those people who wore tea-bag hats. You dismissed it as just another "old white person" tantrum.

Case in point:

"Dont like ACA fines? Youre a racist."

3) The War on Terror
`This is the most bizzare of all of them. The current administration is fighting wars in seven different muslim countries, has a policy of actively targeting civilians while destabilizing the entire region. Yet Trump is the evil racist because... he doesnt want to import the same people we are bombing here. This might get its own longer writeup so Ill leave it at this, it is fucking INSANE to bomb someone and throw your doors open for them at the same time. It is also completely scummy to intentionally burn down someones home and then pat yourself on the back for letting them stay in your basement. Everyone will tell you that youre a racist for assuming that Syrian immigrants hate us. But what sane rational person in their position WOULDNT hate us after what we have done to their country? Why should ordinary civilians bear the brunt of the resentment of policies enacted by their leaders? "You know ISIS used Donald Trump in a recruitment video?" Yeah. You know what they also use, PICTURES OF KIDS KILLED BY OBAMAS AIR STRIKES. Which one do you honestly think gets more recruits?

Dont like reaping the consequences of what your war mongering elites have sown so """""liberal""""" warmongers can feel warm fuzzies while destroying their homelands? Youre a racist.

  These are all policies people see as in their interest. So you told them they were racist. The left never even tried to actually convince people that the policies they opposed were against their interests, only that they were racist. Generally the way to persuade someone away from something is to tell them it is AGAINST their interests. You did 99% of the groundwork for the new surge of racism by convincing people that all the things they cared about and believed in were already racist. All the racists had to do was point to you and say "THEYRE COMPLETELY RIGHT!"
  Trumps openly racist comments, rather than being him putting his foot in his mouth, were brilliant strategy. Because all his opponents did was go for the low hanging fruit and scream "racist" "racist" over and over again like it was a magic spell that would make him go away. And in the process they completely ignored all the policies that made him popular. Meanwhile the nonracists conservatives that support Trump are just completely numb to it. Its been used as a dog whistle against them for so long that they dont even care anymore. And its worth asking, why should they? Why should they have to answer for the racists among them anymore than the muslim world should answer for terrorist attacks? They dont hear anything when you say "racist" anymore but people who are by and large, more educate, more employed, better employed, more privileged than them in every way beating them down and telling them they deserve it. What else do you call upper middle class white males using "white male" as an insult against lower-middleclass(and that divide is growing every day) white males but hypocritical thinly veiled classism?
  And the conservatives that actually care about egalitarianism, they cant self police because when they do they sound like Bill Cosby telling the black community to pull up their pants. What Trump has proven is that shouting racist isnt a magic argument winner anymore. People are either apathetic about it or theyre beginning to take it to heart almost entirely out of spite, not for minorities, but for YOU. If the left plans on winning anything, AND THAT INCLUDES THE WAR ON RACISM, it cant just play this game of calling everyone who opposes them a racist. It has to actually make the case for its policies being in their interest.

Vanadium Gryllz

Interesting writeup. 'Liberals' are going to have to figure out what the hell happened sooner or later and your perspective of it as more of a class issue than a race one could be an explanation.

Another thing this election goes to show I suppose is how strong everyone's reality bubble is - and even when you tell yourself you're tolerant and all that good shit ultimately you are always judging someone.
"I was fine until my skin came off.  I'm never going to South Attelboro again."


Quote from: Xaz on November 09, 2016, 09:02:39 PM
Interesting writeup. 'Liberals' are going to have to figure out what the hell happened sooner or later and your perspective of it as more of a class issue than a race one could be an explanation.

Another thing this election goes to show I suppose is how strong everyone's reality bubble is - and even when you tell yourself you're tolerant and all that good shit ultimately you are always judging someone.

Reality bubbles are what killed liberals this year. Its why they thought Clinton was going to win all the way up to the end. Because the Trump their filter created was completely unelectable, sadly this was not the Trump Clinton actually ran against. Hopefully the smarter ones will be shaken out of the feedback loop by the fact that it was so utterly and completely wrong, but most wont. "Please people who were wrong about everything, explain to me what happened"

Also a little more nuanced that it being more race than class. Race has become a proxy for class, which in the age of 1% owning 99% of everything has become a taboo subject.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on November 09, 2016, 08:50:05 PM
This is part of a series where I explain(TRUMP-splain? eh eh?) how Trump happened to people who increasingly claim to have no idea how he happened. Part one will deal with the low hanging fruit, Trumps racism. How did America elect someone who says such offensive things about minorities? Surely this is evidence of a new revival of racism in America. Yes and no. No. Racism isnt behind the rise of Trump, I wouldnt say its behind even the majority of his support. Yes there is a new wave of racism, but it isnt a revival of the old racism. Its a brand new racism of mostly young people who have been converted. People who if recent trends had continued shouldnt have become racists. These two things, people who arent racist voting for someone who says such racist things and people who otherwise wouldnt be racist suddenly becoming racist have the same cause.

To understand this, you have to understand what Trump supporters actually heard when you called him, and them racists.

1) Immigration
Supply and demand is very simple. When the supply for something goes up, the demand goes down. And when you have one product not only flooding the market, but flooding it at a much lower price, Brand X is not long for this world. Illegal Immigration is the practice of US businesses importing sub-minimum wage slave labor from outside the country, completely flouting existing immigration law and undercutting the working class job market in the process.

So then...Trump is actually a communist. Or at least has co-opted their proletariat populism bullshit

He's nnot gonna be the next Hitler, he's gonna be the nexy Pol Pot instead (and if there was ever any man more deplorable than Hitler it would have to be Pol Pot)
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


This is good stuff.  I desperately hope someone is saying this sort of thing to Democratic politicians, they have an opportunity to seize on class as a real issue, they have always been the pro union, pro affordable education, pro social safety net party.  Recognizing that we need to address immigration in a better way than just letting people in  (personally I favor making them all legal workers, subject to the same protections and minwage as everyone else) that we need really affordable healthcare, and that we need to stop blowing up Muslims and actually really stop blowing them up would be a good start.


So in short white voters acted as a block and voted trump against their own interests.

Awesome. I'm sure the racist graffiti that's being steadily reported is just happenstance.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Junkenstein on November 10, 2016, 12:08:57 AM
So in short white voters acted as a block and voted trump against their own interests.

Except they didnt vote against their own interests. They did the exact opposite of that. But thank you for reminding me what part 2 is going to be about. Pathologizing Working Class Anger, and the Liberals complete unwillingness to confront how much damage their policies have done to them.

Quote from: Junkenstein on November 10, 2016, 12:08:57 AM
Awesome. I'm sure the racist graffiti that's being steadily reported is just happenstance.

Are you doing that Nigel thing where you dont read what I write and just try to make quips about what you imagined I wrote?


No, I'm looking at maps and it looks like white voters went against norms and voted as a racial block for the pro white guy.

It will be shown to be against their interests when jobs don't magically appear and their quality of life degrades. This leads to the next guy campaigning in a white hood.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Junkenstein on November 10, 2016, 12:19:46 AM
No, I'm looking at maps and it looks like white voters went against norms and voted as a racial block for the pro white guy.

Pro-White meaning what exactly? Interesting that you define "pro-white" as being against white interests. More importantly how was Clinton going to serve those interests better? By supporting the TPP?


Pro white as in "guy who consistently says racist shit". Pro white as in kkk endorsed.

Tpp and such irrelevant, watch welfare programs, education and healthcare leave people generally worse off.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Junkenstein on November 10, 2016, 12:56:51 AM
Pro white as in "guy who consistently says racist shit". Pro white as in kkk endorsed.

Tpp and such irrelevant, watch welfare programs, education and healthcare leave people generally worse off.

Healthcare already was leaving people worse off and Clinton promised to continue this. You would know this if you actually read what I wrote.


This is going to be short, because I don't have much time right now, but my argument against heavily strengthening the border is that it provides a huge incentive for overstaying your visa and just wiring money home instead of coming in and leaving seasonally. Thus, strengthening the border increases the number of illegal immigrants who use our infrastructure and our safety nets year round.

You make some good points about framing things as a class issue, though I disagree that the number of racially motivated Trump  supporters is small.

I will post more when I get the chance
A wise man once said "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Pergamos on November 09, 2016, 11:40:33 PM
This is good stuff.  I desperately hope someone is saying this sort of thing to Democratic politicians, they have an opportunity to seize on class as a real issue, they have always been the pro union, pro affordable education, pro social safety net party.  Recognizing that we need to address immigration in a better way than just letting people in  (personally I favor making them all legal workers, subject to the same protections and minwage as everyone else) that we need really affordable healthcare, and that we need to stop blowing up Muslims and actually really stop blowing them up would be a good start.

You are making one rather large assumption.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on November 09, 2016, 08:50:05 PM1) Immigration
Supply and demand is very simple. When the supply for something goes up, the demand goes down. And when you have one product not only flooding the market, but flooding it at a much lower price, Brand X is not long for this world. Illegal Immigration is the practice of US businesses importing sub-minimum wage slave labor from outside the country, completely flouting existing immigration law and undercutting the working class job market in the process.

I sort of get this except for one thing, if they're so worried about losing their jobs, why vote for the anti-safety-net people?
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on November 10, 2016, 01:57:33 AM
Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on November 09, 2016, 08:50:05 PM1) Immigration
Supply and demand is very simple. When the supply for something goes up, the demand goes down. And when you have one product not only flooding the market, but flooding it at a much lower price, Brand X is not long for this world. Illegal Immigration is the practice of US businesses importing sub-minimum wage slave labor from outside the country, completely flouting existing immigration law and undercutting the working class job market in the process.

I sort of get this except for one thing, if they're so worried about losing their jobs, why vote for the anti-safety-net people?

1) Because they believe the safety net is being abused. They never vote for insane NO SAFETY NET AT ALL libertarian types. Its always framed as stopping people from taking advantage of the safety net, or being trapped in it. In particular look at Trumps "anti-welfare" comments. Theyre very mild, especially compared to insane 08 teabagger shit, and focuses mostly on the idea that people get economically trapped in the net.

2) Because they value not needing the safety net more than protecting it. Why would you vote for someone who is gong to destroy your job market just because they offer to give you foodstamps? Youd obviously vote for the guy whos going to let you keep your ability to feed yourself without foodstamps. Would you rather vote for the guy whos going to shoot you and then patch you up or the guy who isnt going to shoot you in the first place?

Theres something to be said about being trapped in the net. I know a schizophrenic guy, in and out of mental asylums most of his adult life. He recently got out after trying to hang himself with a belt. He was stuck in a halfway home, but was promised once he got out he would have housing assistance. Before all of this he was working full time minimum wage, and he managed to keep his job through the whole debacle. Well guess what, theres a limit on how much you can work while getting the housings assistance. So because, while he was in the halfway home and not the apartment mind you, he was working full time as soon as he moved into his new apartment he was kicked out. Now hes living with his mom and has to willingly make much less money if he wants any help at all.
  How is someone in that kind of situation supposed to get out of it? Its almost designed to make you dependent.