
Also, i dont think discordia attracts any more sociopaths than say, atheism or satanism.

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ITT: Original Story Ideas

Started by Cramulus, May 11, 2009, 09:40:54 PM

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Mr. Gone

A crack team of scientists accidentally uncover a cache of possessed goats in suspended animation. As they conduct tests, the goats reanimate, take over the laboratory, and discover a cure for cancer, but then they eat it and go back to sleep.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

After bombs from outer space unexpectedly hit several major cities, survivors discovered that prayer had become very dangerous: anyone who experienced emotional trauma after being in the vicinity of a blast developed a tendency for their formal prayers to be answered in the typical Arthurian way, regardless of their intent, resulting in metropolises overnight becoming patchworks of weird eldrich miracles as people hoping for signs brought into being statues crying blood and milk, roses that float in the air and burn but are not consumed, and people who have turned into salt or ash. Since being super-empowered isn't great for healing recently opened psychological wounds, things escalated, with most of the population dying in the crossfire. It was only a matter of time before people began to realize that summoning archangels and controlling them was possible -- not winged beings but brightly circling gears, amalgamations of flaming eyes, and floating bulbous mounds of misshapen heads.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A solar flare wipes out most of earth's electronic devices by inducing high currents, causing all wires longer than about an inch not behind strong faraday cages to burn out. The rebuilding efforts are efficient -- earth really does band together in a crisis -- and it's projected that places that previously had electrical grids will have them again in only a few years, once large-scale production methods for wire are bootstrapped. Considering the scale of the incident, there are relatively few deaths: dangerous electrical devices were mostly prevented from doing much harm via sensible mechanical failsafes, and while hospital patients died from the failure of modern medical machinery, humans were mostly unaffected: during the flare, many of them were knocked out, and a few people had epileptic seizures & died during it (mostly people who already had unmedicated epilepsy). However, after the rebuilding began, each night, people started dying in strange circumstances -- exsanguinated, or from sudden unexpected heart attacks. A policewoman investigating the case initially suspects that someone is using the disaster as cover for murders, but her wife (an electrical engineer with hippie tendencies, now unemployed until the electrical grids are rebuilt) insists that the culprit is not human -- beginning to sound crazier and crazier. The policewoman also starts hearing reports of strange things being seen at night. Eventually, their house is broken into and they are attacked -- by a creature that doesn't appear in mirrors, and who runs away after someone throws a bottle of chopped garlic at him. The policewoman's wife finally figures it out: mythological creatures weren't superstitions that civilization exposed as false, but instead are natural phenomena created by the earth's electromagnetic field -- during the day, the RF from the sun jams them out, and for the past two hundred years the increasing use of electric power progressively jammed them out; this is why so many mythological creatures can't touch certain metals or cross running streams.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

A retelling of Pinnochio becomes conflated with "Big Trouble in Little China", with Pinnochio having to marry some girl and then kill her in order to receive a body of flesh and blood from the blue fairy
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Rococo Modem Basilisk

After being mean to a vagrant, a musician trying to transition to an acting career is cursed with a sex that changes based on temperature and a gender that changes based on the phase of the moon.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

A superhero whose powers come from orgone benefits from the fact that he is a sexual exhibitionist; unfortunately, he is also not very attractive.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

I have this idea for a TV special wherein the question of science vs. (abrahamic) religion would settled through Mythbusters-esque experimentation. It would basically be a rehash of the trial from the 1 Kings chapter 18, with two pyres set up for burnt offerings and then doused with several barrels of water. The representative of religion will call upon god to light theirs whereas the representative of science will use a combination of gasoline, lighters, thermite, and n-stoff

I'm thinking start with the n-stoff, then work down to the thermite and the gasoline in the "see what it would take to replicate the outcome of the myth" afterphase. And then when the other one is still inert even after these more time consuming methods declare it double busted and end with a bang by using n-stoff to light a pool full of distilled water on fire.
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

A comedy skit about a professor who has chosen to represent the variables in a particular equation as B, Beta, and Eszett, apparently oblivious to the fact that these three letters are all represented by the same glyph
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


The protagonist slowly realizes that his narrator dropped subtle clues, or, debriefings, conditioning his eventual return to the realization of how his actions have been pre-determined by a capricious author.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

That sounds a bit like the plot of In the Mouth of Madness
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Werewolves are real and have fallen unwillingly under the control of a supervillain who has stolen a bunch of moon rocks for the purpose of triggering lycanthropes to transform out of season

Another idea:
A bunch of punk wizards have spraypainted magical runes of power on walls and street signs all over the city. These wreck havoc with all who look at or pass by them. Some are cursed with ill-fortune, some are blinded, some are unable to pass, that sort of thing
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

tyrannosaurus vex

150 years in the future, climate change has ravaged coastal cities, forcing massive migrations inland, and all the accompanying social and political upheaval is just beginning to fall back into some sort of normalcy. Left-leaning liberals have even diluted Red America, enabling us to finally tackle serious social issues, while science has cured cancer and other age-old diseases and disorders. New technologies in agriculture have nearly eradicated starvation, renewable energy has finally stamped out fossil fuels, and the resulting political stability has led to a period of peace and prosperity for nearly the whole planet. But then Coffee Rust sweeps in and in a single year wipes out the last of the coffee plantations. Synthetics have been developed already due to the exorbitant price of natural coffee, but they aren't the same. The global population tries to wean itself, but the stresses of hyper-modern life is too much and civilization collapses.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on April 09, 2017, 02:43:29 PM
That sounds a bit like the plot of In the Mouth of Madness
kind of like that, except that there is no written text. more like a west-world scenario but the programming occurs with images and video instead of strict code.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Comedy skit: The mad scientist from Human Centipede demonstrates how to make a tandem bicydle out of two regular bicycles
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago

Rococo Modem Basilisk

The natural process by which man-made objects become yokai (via long-term ownership imbuing these objects with souls) has its balance interrupted by planned obsolescence & disposability culture; as a result, the flow of souls is re-routed, and all antiques become exceptionally powerfully haunted.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.