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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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The Wizard Joseph

You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube

Vanadium Gryllz

"I was fine until my skin came off.  I'm never going to South Attelboro again."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Vanadium Gryllz on April 30, 2018, 02:56:14 AM
Holy shit Amber Rudd actually quit.

I am not terribly shocked.  She just got left holding the bag.

I mean, she's no angel herself, but I'd quit, too.
Molon Lube


Sajid Javid to replace her.

Not exactly an improvement, but not exactly worse either...


I saw this and it got my goat though I am fairly certain it's trolling.

I know this is some deluded alternate reality the author is living and there are very few people would think the same. I decided to take him literally and respond to what the Republic would require to "Come home", sent this on but the comments aren't showing.

A modest proposal: here is what I as a citizen of the Republic of Ireland would require to consider the unification of the two nations

Immediate dismantling and renunciation of the monarchy, this concept is outdated and holds connections to Britain's colonial past. In a democratic society a monarchy cannot exist, the same goes for all nobility and the House of Lords, even in a ceremonial form they are a symbol of what the world should now have overcome, not something to be proud of.

Immediate nuclear disarmament, withdrawal of all troops and cessation of any acts of war, the UK would require a stance of neutrality in all conflicts. A good will gesture to this could be to dismantle the British army.

Proportional representation, a constitution of the state that must be changed by referendum and the four freedoms of Europe, free travel and right to work, to be honest without membership of the EU the UK doesn't look very attractive.

Reparations for all colonial atrocities, as well as returning all plundered museum pieces to their rightful countries.

A clean energy policy and a shutdown of all nuclear power plants.

Elimination of the term Britain or the United Kingdom, instead we should find a name for our new shared cultural identity that people don't associate with imperialism.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

From the first paragraph of the link:

BRITAIN is unique among the great nations of Europe. It has neither fought to forge its borders, nor have its borders been drawn by another power.

Molon Lube


Scottish Tories, urgh.

They're sadly not joking.  As you may recall, I used to run in these circles while they are legitimately this crazy


Everything about the "Great Repeal Bill" sets my teeth on edge.  It's a blatant power grab, devolving all current EU powers to Parliament once the UK exits the EU (which is fair enough) but also allowing all of those powers to be amended by secondary legislation, meaning that government ministers, not Parliament, can change those laws on a whim (which is a fucking terrible idea).

So I'm glad to see that the government reneged on a deal it made with pro-EU Tories at the last minute, now calling the vote into doubt.


Trying to avoid posting in this thread because I don't want people to think I am Britain bashing. I wouldn't be surprised if the grand repeal bill allows abitrary changes of the law from now until Teresa May declares herself Lord Protector and  or one the three stooges (Boris/Mogg/Gove).

The negotiations have been incredibly frustrating. Or Just incredible in general, we can't trust a word out of Mays mouth. She has committed to the Republic  of Ireland and the EU that there will be no border in Northern Ireland. Committed to the DUP that there will be no regulatory divergence from the rest of the UK, in her own party she has committed to every variant of what the Brexit would be. She committed to the backstop to the EU and Ireland then rejected it saying it needs to be for a limited time (so she can just renege on it at her leisure)?
If we can't get a hard set in stone commitment on the border, its unlikely the negotiations will complete (WTO scenario).

So obviously she can't please everyone, for a while it looked like this wasn't just game playing, it was more a schizo monstrosity trying to negotiate internally and externally. But it looks like that was just some kind of tactic.
Then I saw this:

So it looks like the UK went around back channels to member states in the EU to try and put pressure on the Republic to drop the border issue. No official response has been made yet, but I would hope that it will be in support of Ireland, that as a member state our interests will be supported and game playing roman court backstab politics by a nation that's planning to leave will be rejected.

The worst is, I see all this peevishness leading to the worst possible outcome. WTO is bad for the EU as well, but how can you negotiate an agreement with someone who consistently lies and tries to undermine the negotiation by playing games?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Bash Britain all you like, the way we're carrying on we deserve it.

So, Parliament decided to hand over all power on what the Brexit deal will be, if there is one, to the government.  It's an extraordinary neglect of duty which may only be off-set by the possibility that the government is going to shaft the Brexit ultras in the near future (indications are current concessions are designed to mollify the extremist fringe).

A BBC journalist has also alleged that the UK government has not been entirely cooperative with the strands of the Mueller inquiry here (such as the new allegation that Cambridge Analytica had the Clinton emails a month before Wikileaks released them) and that this is because the UK is holding out on the promise of a free trade deal with the USA.


Airbus announcement seems to be causing an awful lot of consternation in government.  But why, if everything's going so well?

Have I mentioned I'm buying at least 3 weeks worth of food, water and medical supplies to prepare for Brexit?  I'm talking if there is no deal made by mid-January, I am ordering as much canned food and bottles as I can fit into my flat.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on June 22, 2018, 09:57:48 PM
Airbus announcement seems to be causing an awful lot of consternation in government.  But why, if everything's going so well?

Have I mentioned I'm buying at least 3 weeks worth of food, water and medical supplies to prepare for Brexit?  I'm talking if there is no deal made by mid-January, I am ordering as much canned food and bottles as I can fit into my flat.

What happens if there's no deal?  It doesn't happen, or it happens so bad that Lord Humongous looks like a reasonable candidate?
Molon Lube


If there's no deal, the UK defaults to WTO organisation rules for imports.  So, that's an automatic 20% on everything from Europe.

In addition to that, the government is preparing for a scenario where transit lorries are backed up in Calais and on UK motorways, as new customs rules come into force.  Due to "just in time" inventory management, shops put in the orders for new produce as needed.  They have giant warehouses out in the countryside, of course, but once those are depleted, we're dependent on trade moving to replenish those stocks, and we won't have it.  And the minute there is a whiff of disruption, the shops will be sold out (see how the UK reacts to snow, by way of example.  Bread and milk just vanish for the next few days).

If there is no deal, sterling will also likely further decrease in value.  So in addition to the 20% tariff, it will cost more to buy food and drink.

And there will likely be civil unrest if this happens.  There will be protestors out on the streets, and counter-protestors looking for "traitors" and "wreckers" to take their anger out on.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on June 22, 2018, 10:05:50 PM
If there's no deal, the UK defaults to WTO organisation rules for imports.  So, that's an automatic 20% on everything from Europe.


QuoteIn addition to that, the government is preparing for a scenario where transit lorries are backed up in Calais and on UK motorways, as new customs rules come into force.  Due to "just in time" inventory management, shops put in the orders for new produce as needed.  They have giant warehouses out in the countryside, of course, but once those are depleted, we're dependent on trade moving to replenish those stocks, and we won't have it.  And the minute there is a whiff of disruption, the shops will be sold out (see how the UK reacts to snow, by way of example.  Bread and milk just vanish for the next few days).

If there is no deal, sterling will also likely further decrease in value.  So in addition to the 20% tariff, it will cost more to buy food and drink.

And there will likely be civil unrest if this happens.  There will be protestors out on the streets, and counter-protestors looking for "traitors" and "wreckers" to take their anger out on.

Bad day to be of, say, Pakistani heritage, I'm thinking.

Molon Lube