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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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I was under the impression that the EU wanted to make this as hard as possible, so other countries don't try it.  What are they getting out of the deal -- it is just so Ireland doesn't explode?


It gets them continued trade with the UK in the meantime.  Besides, I think the point has been made - you'll notice not many of the usual suspects are so keen on withdrawing from the EU now.


Ok, thanks.  It's really weird watching this play out.  Like, I get the feeling most people don't want to do this anymore, even a good chunk of the pro-Brexit folk, but hey: the majority of people voted to get fucked, so I guess we gotta do this.


The UK's intention was to unilaterally leave, make a trade deal with the EU, and then be able to make them freely with other nations.
Under whats proposed Any deviation from EU rules will close off access unless Northern Ireland stays on those rules.

Its a black eye to the UK, and shows the consequences of leaving, but the elegant part of it (if you want to see it as a punishment, which from Ireland's perspective its not), it doesn't come with  financial damage to either the EU or UK, unless the UK diverges.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


I worry that I have must been drinking the nationalist cool aid that is going around europe, two years ago I didnt have strong feelings on a united Ireland. If I start complaining about foreigners take me out and shoot me.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


According to Robert Petson, Gove was offered the Brexit Minister job, but said he would only take it if he would be allowed to renegotiate the deal.  May said no, so he said no thanks.


He knew she wouldn't go for it, but its easier to justify saying he wont take the job by asking that.
Doesn't like like the 1922 got the numbers, if they don't by morning there's nothing that will push them to. Fear of Corbyn and no deal / no brexit might be keeping them from doing it.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


No, it has gone all quiet on that front.

I think the thing is, at this point who really wants to plunge the country into another election, less than 18 months after the last one (which took place 18 months after the previous one) staring down the barrel of Brexit?  On the other hand, what solution is there to this impasse, where the PM cannot pass the Brexit treaty yet none of her critics have a viable solution to hand, or can even form a government to deal with it?

I think calls for a referendum, to break the political deadlock, are only going to grow.  And going by today's Sky News poll, voting to stay in the EU would win easily, with a "no deal" Brexit in second place and the PM's plan coming dead last.

I don't think Gove is going to resign, but I think Mordaunt might leave.


Might have spoken too soon.  FT is now reporting a no confidence vote is likely.


If it was close I wouldn't be surprised if May had 5-10 of her own supporters put them in, who would then vote in support.
If she wins a contest it is a full year before they can call it again.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Yeah, there is that.  On the plus side, I went out for a haircut and came back without the government collapsing.  That's a good sign.


If there was anything that made Thursday's proceedings worthwhile, it was this thread.


QuoteLIDINGTON: Mogg's letter is in
MAY: Tedious little shit
LIDINGTON: Anything from Gove?
MAY: I feel terror and an overwhelming urge to vomit, so maybe his human form approaches
LIDINGTON: Oh sorry I forgot to mute Sky. Rees-Mogg's live <click>
MAY: Okay, no the feeling has passed


So, there are two rumours currently swirling around Whitehall:

1) Everyone, from Cabinet members down to junior civil servants, is expecting there to be a major Brexit inquiry once this is done.  Everyone is keeping personal records.
2) In an interesting contrast to the above, there are secret cabinet-level meetings going on.  These involve members of the Cabinet and the PM, but not the civil service, and what happens in them is not being recorded.


TM finally lost that last fingernail grip on reality and is going to declare herself Lord protector and take on dictatorial powers?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


At what point does resurrecting the monarchy become a favorable choice?