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The New Wave

Started by Cramulus, July 17, 2018, 01:38:01 PM

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I think the meme kids who have embraced Discordianism have their own lessons to figure out. This site is there for them if and when they grow up a bit and decide to stop being edgelords. Eris doesn't care about them and I think it'd be unwise to assume she cares about me either. Discordianism in all it's variants will likely go on, thankfully.

To the OP question - I don't have the hubris to think I'm going to, or able to "save" Discordianism. The situation reminds me of all those old surf rats who knew that putting an iron cross on your board was sure to piss off the squares (yes, I'm old). Many of them didn't know about Nazis or fascism, they just wanted to honk "the man's" nose. Surfing as a culture has morphed and evolved but also persisted. I suspect the same will happen with Discordianism.

That being said, I think there's something valuable and important to the concept of horrormirth as a coping mechanism in dark times. Has Trump sold us out to the Russians and we're witnessing the rebirth of state funded, internal fascism in the US? Sure. But that doesn't mean we can't laugh at the fucker and poke fun at his hypocrites.

Doktor Howl

Yeah, I really don't have any interest in saving anything.  It's not my place to tell people they can't have what they voted for.  Or how to run their FB page.

Doesn't mean I want to hang out with Trump voters and TDS edgelords, though.
Molon Lube


As something of a side issue from the OP, I wanted to enunciate some of the reasons I keep coming back here, to this den of discordia. First, there are some great discussions in the archives. Educational and erudite, fun and vindictive and gleefully savage at times. There's a lot to be gleaned from there. Second, I very much liked the rants in Or Kill Me and the content of the BIPs and now Holy Nonsense. I think this should be required reading for adulthood.

But the real reason I keep coming back is that there are a lot of examples of clear thinking in the face of "whataboutism" and other nonsense. I've been confronted with a ton of crap arguments in my time and I've been the kind of guy that just lets things lie. But sometimes, I get this sick feeling that a conversation online or at work just wasn't right. And at the time I usually hold my tongue and don't call out the BS. Honestly, I don't usually see it clearly as BS until later - sometimes hours or even days later. So, I'm frequently impressed by people's ability to quickly jump back with an on target counterpoint. This doesn't seem to have much to do with discordianism, but everything to do with arguing clearly and knowing yourself and your values. That's a huge advantage to the old guard PD over the meme kids.

Brother Mythos

The mention of "Horrormirth" in this discussion reminded me of the following:

One thing however do I know,--from thyself did I learn it once, O Zarathustra: he who wanteth to kill most thoroughly, LAUGHETH.

'Not by wrath but by laughter doth one kill'--thus spakest thou once, O Zarathustra, thou hidden one, thou destroyer without wrath, thou dangerous saint,--thou art a rogue!"

(The above is from Nietzche's Thus Spake Zarathustra - A book for All and None, Chapter LXXVIII Sect. 1.)
Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence.


Re: New Wave— "The tape runs out..."


Discordianism can be made to fit with any particular ideology, given the ingenuity of the person trying to get them to fit together, and the insincerity with which they are willing to approach their own politics.

That said...if you think a goddess of chaos would approve of a hierarchical, ethnically homogenised and sexually retrograde state, it's possible you were never the smartest person to begin with.

I also think anyone with more than a passing knowledge of the Principia Discordia, or who has spent any time on Discordian websites other than those on Facebook, is likely aware these morons are not especially representative.

chaotic neutral observer

"Discordianism" isn't a thing.  It's a label.  Labels, like most words, are subject to semantic drift.  The thing underlying the label was there before the label, and will still be there when "Discordian" refers to a rare breed of South American goat.  Who were the famous Discordians in history?  They certainly didn't call themselves Discordian, but they'd recognize the ideas, if they encountered them today.

If you don't like what the label "Discordianism" has become associated with, then make a new label, define it as the thing you want Discordianism to be, and call yourself that.  "Hodgepodgianism", or whatever.

If your label is catchy, it'll get co-opted too.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.



Doktor Howl

Discordianism is nonstop shitposting.

You know it to be true.
Molon Lube

Q. G. Pennyworth

They are Bad, Discordians. In that they are Bad People and they are also Discordians. Alignment charts are grids, not lines.


Hark, beware for there be rantings ahead.

I made this account to reply to this post. To do so, I had to wait two days before my account was even accepted.
It's obvious this community, doesn't see many outsiders with differing opinions, because it's such a hassle to even get through.
Talking with others online, this website is often seen as a safe space for left-wing leaning Discordians.
I don't know anything more chaotic than disturbing the disorder within Discordianism with more order, as it keeps the Sacred Chao balanced, if anything, there's too little order.
It gives a different perspective to things, as Discordianism is a religion with a lot of followers and documentation, yet to this day nobody knows what to make of it, which perfectly defines it.

The issue I have with this forum in particular is that it's misleading.
The Discordian Society/The Eristocracy is so designed that any individual may begin their own sect/cabal and do as they please within that sect. This forum, instead has chosen to name itself after the entirety of the Principia, which makes one believe that the entirety of Discordianism is nothing but a bunch of angry old hippies yelling about bashing the fash.
It's a problem in that it turns many people who don't follow those beliefs away from Discordianism.
Just because you don't expect serious people to fit as well with Discordianism, such an opinion is one you shouldn't share.
Discordianism is designed to be decentralized, It's a religion and not a political ideology.

Personally, I'm a very serious person and take Discordianism very seriously, just because it seems so fiction-like.
Anyone may have any reason to like Hailing Eris, speaking ill of others because you claim them to have a bad influence on your religion is selfish.
Anyone who has read the Principia may choose to regard or disregard any other self-proclaimed Discordian works if they so please. Even POEE is merely one manifestation of the Discordian Society, anyone may rewrite a version of it at will, but when you do, choose a different name. Everybody should know their views to be purely subjective, and not apply them to the entirety of Discordianism, for it itself holds no inherent meaning but the various sects, cabals and undergroups that inhabit it.
If I so choose I may disregard any word Adam Gorightly has ever said about Discordianism, because frankly I believe Malaclypse to have had further secret intentions that were not shared by his peers.

Discordianism is both a religion and an irreligion, existing in a paradoxical position of being both serious and a joke at the same time. It is the Camus definition of the Acceptance of the Absurd, while retaining its likeness of Religion.
Define yourself as you wish, but don't claim to speak for everybody.

Hail Eris

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Noble on February 22, 2019, 10:08:20 PM
Hark, beware for there be rantings ahead.

I made this account to reply to this post. To do so, I had to wait two days before my account was even accepted.
It's obvious this community, doesn't see many outsiders with differing opinions, because it's such a hassle to even get through.

We're not very service oriented.  Go fuck yourself.

Also, Adam Gorightly (saw his name while skimming) is a fucked up bigot, and everyone hates him.
Molon Lube


Would you rather lock others out than invite them to discussion?
That doesn't make much sense.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Noble on February 22, 2019, 10:18:04 PM
Would you rather lock others out than invite them to discussion?
That doesn't make much sense.

Life is tough, wear a hat.
Molon Lube