
What about those weed gangsters that are mad about you giving speeches in Bumfuck, Maine?

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Started by Doktor Howl, March 01, 2019, 08:53:02 PM

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Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 03:40:54 AM
Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 03:31:55 AM
Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 02:18:24 AM
Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 01:30:26 AM
Biden has a lead in all the states everyone expected him to, and the Berniebros on my feed are having a fit.

I mean, why wouldn't they? Biden has as much chance in the general election as I do. Nobody wants another term of Drumpf, but the DNC spent more time trying to subjugate their voter base than they have finding a candidate that would actually unify the party.

If you think Sanders was gonna win all those Southern states, I have a bridge to sell you. You're lucky people got to the polls with all the fucking disenfranchisement they've been doing down here, so naturally, the people who DID are white, with money, and cars.

I am, however, very disappointed in Massachusetts so far.

Sure, I knew Sanders was going to have a tough row to hoe, but the best people the DNC could come up with was gibbering Biden and OK Bloomberg? What the hell are they thinking...

And, not for nothing,  if you need to get 5 plus people to dogpile on one guy, that's not exactly  winning.

Bloomberg hasn't won spit, I highly doubt that was the DNC's doing, that was just a bored, rich man with a massive ego, and we already have one of those in office.

Look, I'm no fucking fan of Biden, and my vote is going to Warren if she stays in after this, otherwise, it'll go to Bernie, who isn't going to win Florida, either.

The reality of things, as much as I fucking hate to say it, is this: People are afraid. They're afraid of pulling hard in one direction. The GOP had 8 years to work up that level of potential and have the power of ignorance on their side, but the DNC is just far too divided because we AREN'T ignorant, but our ideals are stretched across a spectrum of presumed "left". The US doesn't have a true left wing, and Americans wouldn't be able to know what to do with it if they saw it. We have 4 current living generations who dealt with the Cold War, and had it hammered into their heads that "socialism" is a scary word. This is the fault of nobody but our own nationalistic behavior following World War II and programming that is not easily undone. Both of my parents are smart Democrats who always taught me to grow, and learn, and vote, but even to them, Sanders is too much, because they had McCarthy threatening to fucking jail their parents for being traitors had they thought otherwise. This is still too much in living memory for the old folks for them to understand, and it's the old folks that vote.

Where are all these GenZ that were supposed to be the big change? Doing the exact same fucking thing kids have been doing for the last century since they've come of age to vote: Nothing. Misunderstanding the value of the primary election (been there myself as GenX) and maybe waiting for the general.

The crazy mad progressive swing we all want, isn't going to happen until most of our parents are fucking dead, dude. There are plenty of Democratic Boomers that hate Trump and will Vote Blue No Matter Who, my parents included, but Biden is a safe vote for them, because they lived a fucking life under desks doing duck and cover drills while being told about bread lines. Fuck, even I still had that shit in the 80s.

So before you start howling and yelling about how people are "stupid" and "establishment this and that", remember that there are millions of adults whose variety of experience growing up is what is shaping this vote. There are not enough of us GenXers to matter, and it's clear that once again, Millennials have their fucking thumbs up their asses thinking their student loans are gonna just evaporate if they yell on the internet loud enough.

Fuck me.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 04:11:17 AM
Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 03:40:54 AM
Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 03:31:55 AM
Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 02:18:24 AM
Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 01:30:26 AM
Biden has a lead in all the states everyone expected him to, and the Berniebros on my feed are having a fit.

I mean, why wouldn't they? Biden has as much chance in the general election as I do. Nobody wants another term of Drumpf, but the DNC spent more time trying to subjugate their voter base than they have finding a candidate that would actually unify the party.

If you think Sanders was gonna win all those Southern states, I have a bridge to sell you. You're lucky people got to the polls with all the fucking disenfranchisement they've been doing down here, so naturally, the people who DID are white, with money, and cars.

I am, however, very disappointed in Massachusetts so far.

Sure, I knew Sanders was going to have a tough row to hoe, but the best people the DNC could come up with was gibbering Biden and OK Bloomberg? What the hell are they thinking...

And, not for nothing,  if you need to get 5 plus people to dogpile on one guy, that's not exactly  winning.

Bloomberg hasn't won spit, I highly doubt that was the DNC's doing, that was just a bored, rich man with a massive ego, and we already have one of those in office.

Look, I'm no fucking fan of Biden, and my vote is going to Warren if she stays in after this, otherwise, it'll go to Bernie, who isn't going to win Florida, either.

The reality of things, as much as I fucking hate to say it, is this: People are afraid. They're afraid of pulling hard in one direction. The GOP had 8 years to work up that level of potential and have the power of ignorance on their side, but the DNC is just far too divided because we AREN'T ignorant, but our ideals are stretched across a spectrum of presumed "left". The US doesn't have a true left wing, and Americans wouldn't be able to know what to do with it if they saw it. We have 4 current living generations who dealt with the Cold War, and had it hammered into their heads that "socialism" is a scary word. This is the fault of nobody but our own nationalistic behavior following World War II and programming that is not easily undone. Both of my parents are smart Democrats who always taught me to grow, and learn, and vote, but even to them, Sanders is too much, because they had McCarthy threatening to fucking jail their parents for being traitors had they thought otherwise. This is still too much in living memory for the old folks for them to understand, and it's the old folks that vote.

Where are all these GenZ that were supposed to be the big change? Doing the exact same fucking thing kids have been doing for the last century since they've come of age to vote: Nothing. Misunderstanding the value of the primary election (been there myself as GenX) and maybe waiting for the general.

The crazy mad progressive swing we all want, isn't going to happen until most of our parents are fucking dead, dude. There are plenty of Democratic Boomers that hate Trump and will Vote Blue No Matter Who, my parents included, but Biden is a safe vote for them, because they lived a fucking life under desks doing duck and cover drills while being told about bread lines. Fuck, even I still had that shit in the 80s.

So before you start howling and yelling about how people are "stupid" and "establishment this and that", remember that there are millions of adults whose variety of experience growing up is what is shaping this vote. There are not enough of us GenXers to matter, and it's clear that once again, Millennials have their fucking thumbs up their asses thinking their student loans are gonna just evaporate if they yell on the internet loud enough.

Fuck me.

Yes. A more eloquent response incoming when i am no longer drunk, but yes
HOUSE OF GABCab ~ "caecus plumbum caecus"


Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 04:27:56 AM

Yes. A more eloquent response incoming when i am no longer drunk, but yes

I am too sober for this primary season. Fucking ulcers are at it again.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


Quote from: Suu on March 04, 2020, 04:33:47 AM
Quote from: Dimocritus on March 04, 2020, 04:27:56 AM

Yes. A more eloquent response incoming when i am no longer drunk, but yes

I am too sober for this primary season. Fucking ulcers are at it again.

I don't usually drink a whole lot but I chose to tonight to stop myself from going through a "refresh tab" feedback loop.
HOUSE OF GABCab ~ "caecus plumbum caecus"

Doktor Howl

I hate to say this, but it's time for Warren to drop out.  She finished 3rd in her state.
Molon Lube


Yeah, as much as I like Warren, this has become a two-horse race very quickly.

Also I'm not so sure that the DNC didn't promote Bloomberg...but as a stalking horse to make Biden the more palatable centrist option. They changed the rules to invite him on the debates specifically, as I recall. And what has Bloomberg's assholishness done? Mostly make Biden look like a kindly old uncle by comparison. It's not like any of the reported stuff is really new...a day's oppo research could have found out most of the things which have been reported since.

So again, much like Sanders, you have to wonder why they allowed him in when they knew it would cause so many problems. It could also be that the contribution itself was a factor...but if they really need the money that badly, their finances are in a worse state than I thought.


Quote from: Cain on March 04, 2020, 09:31:56 AM
Yeah, as much as I like Warren, this has become a two-horse race very quickly.

Also I'm not so sure that the DNC didn't promote Bloomberg...but as a stalking horse to make Biden the more palatable centrist option. They changed the rules to invite him on the debates specifically, as I recall. And what has Bloomberg's assholishness done? Mostly make Biden look like a kindly old uncle by comparison. It's not like any of the reported stuff is really new...a day's oppo research could have found out most of the things which have been reported since.

So again, much like Sanders, you have to wonder why they allowed him in when they knew it would cause so many problems. It could also be that the contribution itself was a factor...but if they really need the money that badly, their finances are in a worse state than I thought.
It worked, I'd take Biden in a heartbeat over bloomberg, but then I'd take Sarah Palin or Trump over bloomberg. But there isn't a hope in hell of Biden or Warren beating trump. Bernie could but I still dont see him winning the primary when the base is divided
Sleepless nights at the chateau

tyrannosaurus vex

In my eminently humble opinion, it all comes down to a basic miscalculation on the part of Sanders and his followers, not that I don't personally appreciate 90% of his platform. He does in fact have a large support base, but he's tapping into systematically disenfranchised voters' frustration, not a coherent or particularly viable constituency. He preaches a lot of policies that are terrifying to the keepers of the status quo, but he insists on using only status-quo-approved methods of rising to power. Sure, he's center-left to the rest of the world, but in America his platform literally is revolutionary - and revolutionary platforms don't get enacted by elections, especially not elections that are wholly owned subsidiaries of the existing power and economic structures.

Of course, I'm not saying Sanders would fare any better if he got on his fundraising channel and told people to start burning things down - he is far from a revolutionary in fact, he's just trying to do things that, in America at least, can only be done on the other side of the kind of meltdown he can't endorse.

As for the DNC, they are as always playing it too safe. They didn't lose in 2016 because of a "divided base", which is a phrase that implies they would have won without all the animosity between Clinton and Sanders. They lost because they steadfastly refuse to stand for anything. They would have lost 2016 just as handily if Sanders had never shown his face, because a message of "let's just everyone calm down and act like adults, and maybe we can just bomb fewer poor brown people into oblivion, and if it isn't too much trouble, maybe we could let fewer Americans die of disease and exposure" doesn't give anyone a reason to get out of bed, let alone go vote. And this is why they are going to lose this year, too. Not because Candidate X or Y sticks around long enough to spoil the field, but because the DNC will see to it that whoever is nominated is in no position to make demands of the status quo. And that won't motivate anyone except accelerationists to hit the bar.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


Well said.

I felt that Warren was left enough to make a major difference, but she couched it in language to make it more palatable to centrists.

Unfortunately, she was tagged as too progressive for the centrists, and *checks leftist Twitter* as the next Stalin, apparently.

Now, we have a choice between who's going to stay home on election day: The progressives who don't want Biden, or the centrists who don't want Bernie.

It doesn't matter, there won't be enough of either to win the Electoral College.


The fucking melodrama is real right now.

It's as if a bunch of assholes avoided taking civics in high school or no poli sci in college entirely, and suddenly, just now, found that that polls can be swayed per specific demographics, and are not blanket studies.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


I'm looking for somebody to blame. Gen Z? Boomers? Big Pharma? The South? Couch owners?

yeah let's go with the last one

voter turnout sucked because of couches, if you own a couch, fuck you and fuck couch culture


This is gonna go over well: I'm hearing a lot of Bernie supporters blame it on "low-information black voters".

Clearly, they'll turn out in large numbers for him now.

Doktor Howl

I can smell the smoke from the cigars in the back room.

ONLY the dems could fuck this up this badly.
Molon Lube

tyrannosaurus vex

It's getting real hard for me to see this charade as anything but the crystallization of our political arrangement into an actual imperial-fascist state where the "loyal opposition" is nothing but a cowcatcher for clearing political opposition from the tracks. The DNC isn't "fucking up", it's doing exactly what it's designed to do: defuse progressive political movements no matter where they come from so the Trump (or whoever) Train can boil ahead at full steam. And I don't think Bernie is being railroaded here, I think he's very much part of that mechanism, even if he doesn't realize it.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


I would most agree with that assessment, vex.

Though I don't think they're especially in the tank for the Trump Train per se, more that any kind of wealth distribution scares the shit out of them more than Trump does. Which is, you know, exactly the same mistakes the centrist and conservative parties in the Weimar Republic made with the Nazis. They were so scared of the KPD, and to an extent even the SPD, that they were willing to countenance political arrangements with Hitler in order to keep them both locked out.

Which worked out great for Germany, in the long run.