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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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Doktor Howl

QuoteBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson charted a different course, announcing that as of Aug. 1 the government was no longer asking people to avoid public transit and would stop advising workers in England to work from home.

Keen to reinvigorate the economy, Johnson wants to see struggling businesses that rely on office workers rebound. He also announced that beauticians, casinos, bowling alleys and skating rinks would be allowed to reopen next month as long as infection rates don't start climbing again.

The prime minister's decision to give employers more leeway to ask their staffs to return to regular work locations appeared to conflict with the views of his chief scientific adviser, who said Thursday that there was "absolutely no reason" to change the work-from-home advice.

Molon Lube


Quote from: Cain on July 17, 2020, 03:29:59 AM
Naturally the Tory spin campaign is coming now, to find a way to blame Labour for Russia's election interference despite their own financial backers being implicated in the report while Labour...simply used a report which had already leaked and was openly available on the web.

Leaked by Russians, therefore labour must do more about antisemitism. That's the current logic, right?

Between this and the kicking vallance gave yesterday, it's going to get funnier. Did you catch his appearance? Was basically thrown kind questions to let him fully put the boot in. Someone's clearly not happy at being taken for a patsy for the past few months and is clearly looking at his future options. A good reference from dom is right out now. Hancock desperate to try and spin dates about lock down despite it kind of being obvious when it fucking happened.

By the end of the year, there's going to be conspiracy theories around that make the 5g nonsense look like serious science. At least we can kind of measure the scale, as you can probably correlate it with job losses and business closures, ergo poverty/hardship and more time to spend being publicly insane on social media.

With the office thing, it's fun to look at how many serviced offices there are across the UK. That's an entire sector quietly facing the wall with few having any interest in protecting them. And they know it. The donations better come in quick or there's going to be some hilarious situations come xmas or so. More than a few council/local gov services are in such places so beyond ridiculous rent hikes or unexpected relocations, or fuck it, just outright closures ahoy.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Doktor Howl on July 17, 2020, 04:41:52 PM

QuoteKeen to reinvigorate the economy, Johnson wants to see struggling businesses that rely on office workers rebound.


Dead people, famously, drive economic growth.

Quote from: Junkenstein on July 17, 2020, 05:56:17 PM
Leaked by Russians, therefore labour must do more about antisemitism. That's the current logic, right?

Between this and the kicking vallance gave yesterday, it's going to get funnier. Did you catch his appearance? Was basically thrown kind questions to let him fully put the boot in. Someone's clearly not happy at being taken for a patsy for the past few months and is clearly looking at his future options. A good reference from dom is right out now. Hancock desperate to try and spin dates about lock down despite it kind of being obvious when it fucking happened.

By the end of the year, there's going to be conspiracy theories around that make the 5g nonsense look like serious science. At least we can kind of measure the scale, as you can probably correlate it with job losses and business closures, ergo poverty/hardship and more time to spend being publicly insane on social media.

With the office thing, it's fun to look at how many serviced offices there are across the UK. That's an entire sector quietly facing the wall with few having any interest in protecting them. And they know it. The donations better come in quick or there's going to be some hilarious situations come xmas or so. More than a few council/local gov services are in such places so beyond ridiculous rent hikes or unexpected relocations, or fuck it, just outright closures ahoy.

I did indeed catch Vallance's appearance. Not sure why he's suddenly no longer toeing the government line, but I can't say it's not welcome.

I see Hancock is also attempting to muddy the waters beyond when the lockdown began, with his most recent allegation that the death toll numbers are too high because some deaths were counted as being from covid-19 even if a coroner could not determine that and they only had the antibodies in their system. This is completely unlike how the government has also played with the numbers by not counting anyone who hasn't died in a hospital because fuck you peasant, consistency is for cucks.

I suspect the government will find some sneaky way to reward their backers regarding the rented office industry, not that many of these companies were not backing the Tories in the first place.

But if you look at what they're doing to Universities (eliminating "non-profitable courses" and "ensuring their commitment to free speech" as conditions of the bailout), that should provide a clue.


Russia report finally out.

No questions answered as no one even bothered to ask questions. I'm guessing that's because the answers would be fucking obvious and rather unpalatable.

I'm actually impressed. To be this level of oblivious and willfully ignorant usually takes a serious brain injury but several successive tory governments have managed to shove rubles in their ears while singing "I can't hear you comrade". It turns out that flogging multi million pound London houses are more important than national security.

Expect photos of Johnson playing tennis with another oligarch by next weekend.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I think the most important thing to note about the Russia Report, as Dominic Greive hinted at, is that there is actually no investigation at all into what Russia did during Brexit, and only minimal interest in what it did during the Scottish referendum, while everyone turned a blind eye because of the vast amounts of money being laundered through London.


Is there anything to be said for a link between brexit, the act of money laundering, and the EU laws that are coming in to block that with the tax haven laws this year?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


I'm going to say yes, but Cain probably can provide a better explanation. When you look at the people who pushed it hardest, it's easy to see how much offshore cash and secret illegal accounts will have come into it. Take reeeee-moog. Not a shred of actual patriotism, much more concerned about how much money can be made from shorting the pound and keeping it all tax free.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


There definitely is, yes. That law has generated huge amounts of controversy and the usual Magic Circle bootlicker suspects have come out in force to write articles decrying said law for their corporate clients. It has a lot of people worried, but then, lots of very rich people seem very weirdly concerned that any kind of marginal tax rate increase will also be the first step towards executing the kulaks, even though most of them don't even pay taxes, so it's hard to get an accurate impression of just how effective this law would actually be.


And to take that hypotheses a step further: Europe's requirement for level playing field and alignment on standards on services, would require the same (tax haven closure) correct?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Yes. So by removing the UK from it, our rich bastards and Russia's rich bastards certainly have an alignment of interest.


Ok, but in my mind that now makes No deal go from, likely, to a practical certainty. The EU wont allow a tax haven to have access and those who manage the Russian Portfolios in the Uk will not allow that to be closed.
Hold on to them butts
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Is there a handy pie chart or something of dodgy money in London? Surely this could be made from harrods accounts./customer purchases list or something.

I'm guessing Russian cash still smaller than say, saudi. Would just be nice to know where the majority of the influences are coming from by scale. I'm also guessing US cash would not be insignificant.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Hey Cain, any evidence around of shapps having an affair or heroin problem or something? Flying back, abandoning wife and kids, from a country you promised not to go to, when you also knew it was going to get slapped with quarantine restrictions, is pretty high on the idiot level right now otherwise. And he's got stiff competition with patels "compassionate home office".

Wanted an uninterrupted week to molest an intern? Grayling wants to share some qualudes? All of the above?
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Spending more time not editing his Wikipedia page, no doubt. Beyond that, I suspect he simply expected to be exempt, like so many other Tories have been from the rules.


Currently taking bets on the newest Conservative rapist. From information released, I've got a banana on cleverly. Fits the bill from what's been said so far, which is apparently was in cabinet in 19, out in 20, male, in 50's. It becomes a narrow list quickly, and assuming its around the reshuffle around Xmas, he looks likely. It's only a shame that it probably can't be grayling.

This is the new one, not the last one just convicted and awaiting sentencing. Its getting tricky to keep track.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.