
Urgh, this is what I hate about, it is the only site in existence where a perfectly good spam thread can be misused for high quality discussions.  I hate you all.

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ATTN: ignore malaclypse the tertiary

Started by Horab Fibslager, September 17, 2005, 04:06:45 PM

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Horab Fibslager

he will not be able to withstand the fury of my codpiece.
Hell is other people.


WHy is it that most n00bs forget the second half (the hidden) of the Law of Fives (paraphrased: "depending on the skill and imagination of the person looking")?

To be so rigidly single-minded about what is essentially pattern recognition just seems silly.

Horab Fibslager

they laugh at the joke without taking the time to even listen to the joke.
ye an dverily, they are as monkeys who cover they're ears, or the eyes, but refuse to cover their mouths, piling forth venomous bile and retarded tripe.
Hell is other people.


Quote from: Horab Fibslagerthey laugh at the joke without taking the time to even listen to the joke.
ye an dverily, they are as monkeys who cover they're ears, or the eyes, but refuse to cover their mouths, piling forth venomous bile and retarded tripe.

Yeah, what he said.  You're in fine form at the moment, Horab.

Rev. St. Syn, KSC (Ret.)

Yeah, he's making everyone else look bad. I say we kill him. :lol:
Synaptyclypse Generator Publishing Sect, POEE International Resource Center


Quote from: One-Eyed Thayne Mageei feel kind of left out. nobody roughed me over when i got here and i'm as ignorant as any of these folks you're fussing at.

twice as ignorant maybe

I hope that works out for you because thats all you're going to get.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: Malaclypse the Tertiary
Quoteand while you're probaly lyin gabotu the two gf's if it's true you're probaly a real ass for manipulating people that way and having two affairs simultaneous.

I'm sorry to back up like this but...

was that a MORAL JUDGEMENT?????

see- we're all guilty of the same things.

just sayin.
Oh no... you see ... we don't care that you're that way... we do not shun you for that....

you mistake moral judgement for mere observation...
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: Malaclypse the TertiaryBlah blah blah blah blah

excuses excuses.

we're all guilty of the same things. Period.
Yippie.... but the answer is that some of us have stopped being guilty of stupid things and some are still persuing stupid things....
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: Malaclypse the TertiaryThat's the joy of anonymous messageboards!

It's like with road rage-

Theres no chance of actual phisical altercation- so we are free to do as we want. Me, you, everybody.

Critisizing critisism of critisism gets confusing. I'm completely lost.

Lets mambo instead!

(and the girlfriends are well aware of each other)
anonymous message boards?!?!?

listen sir... do you know anything of Rhonda?!?!?

she's around... and what about Carl... you ever hear of him... there are people around here that will interact with you on a personal level but I guess you could accuse us of anonymous road rage seeing ass you have not chosen to be personal with us.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

I think some of them laugh because they think that they are supposed to laugh, and they never even learn why it is funny.

Just remember, n00bs, that wearing pink feathers in your hair and running around quoting the PD may just get you shot by Mormons. It may also cause Jihads.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSCI think some of them laugh because they think that they are supposed to laugh, and they never even learn why it is funny.

Just remember, n00bs, that wearing pink feathers in your hair and running around quoting the PD may just get you shot by Mormons. It may also cause Jihads.
*speaking from the tarp*

you know... we haven't had a good Jihad for awhile... I'll get the Pickled Grenades....
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Malaclypse the Tertiary

Quote from: Horab Fibslager
a preacher walks into the bar and decries all present tobe sinners, evil and a scourge upon the earth, there i s an argument. soem folsk think they really are being sinners, soem peopel point at other drinkers and call thems inners. someon eargues with the preacher wherein th epreacher calims he is a better hetero sexual because he gets all teh youn g babes, at which point adulterous lust is a greater sin than hedonism of the mind, on the basis it deprives the family of it's base units, and manipulates the young babes into an unhealthy relationship  that cannot be emotionally satisfying for any of th eyoung woemn exploited by the preacher. the preacher then ssays unto them, is this then a moral judgement? thereby debasing his original declaration further, showing that he too, has sinned, and in the word of jesus motherfucking christ, let he who is withotu sin throw the first stone. andi say "let he who admits his sins start throwing stones at the dumb fur fuck who thinks he is withotu sin"

Sin? SIN? SIN!!!



First you denounce me for being moral and judgemental

then you actually call me a sinner?

I never mentioned sin, nor do I believe in it.

But apparently you do.

I think you're a closet Christian.
Time for an outing anyone?
Malaclypse the Tertiary, KSGI
Omnibenevolent Polyfather Nuevo of
The Grand Unified FruErisian Assembly (GUF:.EA)
and High, Wholy Abjermed of Head Temple,
Thornley Hill Cabal



e-penis waving competition anyone? I mean, everyone else is doing it... 8)

Malaclypse the Tertiary

About the Noobs-

You guys are hyper-critical about the noobs.

You're obsessed with pinpointing that which is wrong with them.

Why not focus on what's wrong with OLDS for a while?
Just for a change up.

(Not a command, just a suggestion) :D
Malaclypse the Tertiary, KSGI
Omnibenevolent Polyfather Nuevo of
The Grand Unified FruErisian Assembly (GUF:.EA)
and High, Wholy Abjermed of Head Temple,
Thornley Hill Cabal


I dont think anyone cared until you and Roger made it into an issue.  It was like a rite of passage, post silly shit we all know, get flamed, stop doing it.  A cycle as old as the internet itself...