News: "the lot of you are some of the most vicious, name calling, vile examples of humanity I've had the misfortune of attempting to communicate with.  Even attempting to mimic the general mood of the place toward people who think differently leaves a slimy feel on my skin.  Reptilian, even."

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Started by tyrannosaurus vex, December 26, 2007, 11:32:12 PM

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No, but a healthy mix of the two is probably the best approach, in that I can use both my working IRL approach with a more farspread method.  Neither is perfect, but both complement each others.  besides, I have lots of pent up anger to dispense and hitting street bums is frowned upon in many quarters.

I have a plan forming, but since I am writing this on a windowsill which is at an uncomfortable height for long posts, it will have to wait for later.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Cain on December 27, 2007, 09:33:55 PM
No, but a healthy mix of the two is probably the best approach, in that I can use both my working IRL approach with a more farspread method.  Neither is perfect, but both complement each others.  besides, I have lots of pent up anger to dispense and hitting street bums is frowned upon in many quarters.

I have a plan forming, but since I am writing this on a windowsill which is at an uncomfortable height for long posts, it will have to wait for later.

Sounds good to me, I'm all ears.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Quote from: vexati0n on December 27, 2007, 09:30:21 PM
PDCOM: Sign here if you are interested in committing to more than just a wacky forum


I've been committed to more than just a wacky forum since way before I even arrived at this wacky forum.

edited to add: I also love jumping on bandwagons, even if I don't know when/where they'll be going.

König Bonifaz

Well, I have practically no field experience in the field of trolling/online-OMing, but I'm quite willing to be indoctrinated and drilled.
"Prophets hold a key to the lock in a language. The mechanical image remains only an image to them. This is not a mechanical universe."
- Frank Herbert, 'God Emperor of Dune'

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We should put out an explicit APB for troll training all across the interwebs.

2 divisions: IRL and tubal.
P E R   A S P E R A   A D   A S T R A

Darth Cupcake

I am curious and interested in this. However, I often have opinions divergent from those of the rest of the group in regards to trolling/jaking/etc. So I would like to sign on and say I am interested in learning more, but I don't want to make promises that I can't follow through on. I'm also not here to pass judgment or undermine anything--my opinions are limited strictly to my own actions, so please don't mistake any of that for disagreement or judgment.

I am intrigued, however, and would like to become involved if it seems like something that I would be able to contribute to a worthwhile way. When I do things, I try to always do them 100%, and that is why I only do so many things.
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.


Quote from: vexati0n on December 27, 2007, 09:30:21 PM
PDCOM: Sign here if you are interested in committing to more than just a wacky forum

I don't really do interweb jakery.

As for 'just a wacky forum', how much of it is KYFMS anyway?


I'm working on something that, when ready, will need a massive PR push.  I really can't expect something for nothing, so I'm willing to make an effort to get something going for y'all, and with any luck, you might be able to return the favor.


The Golden Apple Korps (working title, subject to change)

Stage 1: Recruitment

Success relies on having a large number of raiders available at any one given time.  The nature of online operations means that the first strike should involve as many people as possible.  Increments of increasing pressure only allow for countermeasures to be employed in a more rational and successful manner.  Ideally, raiders should emulate the Blitzkrieg, penetrating deep into enemy territory and wreaking confusion among the support lines before the enemy can react.

To this end, we need more people.  Full stop.  More at the major time zones (GMT/GMT+1 and US time zones) are especially required, however others are more than acceptable, too.  Firstly, this requires those who identify with Discordianism among our number, either here or on other sites where we establish the Korps.  Preferably here, because we have the means to hide our actions, as well as relatively competent defence options, should revenge be planned.  Also, we can plan and train recruits here better.

Its very possible that many who identify as Discordian may not want to take part in raids, even if framed in the right way, as to appeal to their own beliefs.  To this end, I suggest we do our own, covert recruitment of latent Discordians on other sites.  This will involve several days of phased infiltration, identification and extraction of such people.  For this, I suggest using the list and links provided at the Big-boards website, which is a guide to the largest forums on the internet.

Either way, lots more people guarantees that at least a fraction of those coming in will agree with our aims and want to join in.

Stage 2: training

This will take a number of forms, however it should at least involve knowledge of how to use proxies, multiple tabs, iMacros (does ANYONE know how to work this thing yet?) and IRC for coordination.  Additional skills could include finding PI, blog trolling and programming know-how, but these are not necessary.

Once theoretical and technical training is complete, practical training should commence.  Sites of low value, such as TCC and Mystic Wicks should be considered prime training grounds. 

Stage 3: Targets

War is a manifestation of politics, as Clausewitz would remind us, and the basis of politics is the existence of an enemy.  As Discordians our enemies are diverse and varied, but I think there are a few criteria we can reliably consider for someone to be considered among that category.  First and foremost would be authoritarian pricks.  An obvious choice, and one the internet in no way lacks.  Plenty of forum admins who use their ability to pay for a server and domain name as a psychological crutch.  A subset of this would be authoritarian political and religious ideologies.  So, for example, the NeoCon wing of the GOP, Nazis, illiberal Islamists, Christian Identity groups etc

Secondly, we can consider those Pagan and other religious groups who implicitly try and shove Discordians out of the picture entirely.  Although some would argue this is an extension of the above, it need not be.  Its more a matter of...due respect being given, as well as not looking like we're allowing a bunch of dipshits who believe in faeries and dragons 'oppress' us.

Thirdly we can consider people who are complicit in creation of this current culture of crap.  That can range from celebs to unfunny YouTube 'stars' to academics and 'social commentators' who implicitly back the current cultural and intellectual status quo. 

Recruits picked up via Big-boards, along with Stumble Upon and Encyclopaedia Dramatica can all yield worthwhile targets and we should invest resources heavily into finding such sites.

Stage 4: Defensive considerations

On one level, is quite secure.  The forum is well moderated and sign up requires admin activation, allowing for user name/host/email/IP checks.  SMF allows for attackers to be deleted along with all of their posts should they attempt to flood the forum.  On the other hand, there are times the admins are not on and mods can only do so much in the face of a well prepared assault.  I doubt this to be a massive problem, as most sites we target will only have minimal offensive measures in the first place.  Also, with us taking the initiative they will likely try to combat us on their home ground rather than take the fight elsewhere.

On a hacking level, we may be somewhat less secure.  I trust that those in charge of the database have picked secure passwords, but I would suggest that the site be personally registered under the current admin or Faust's real name and contact details.  That way, in the event of a hostile takeover there will be legal recourse to prove ownership definitively.  It is unlikely, but all possibilities should be considered.

Other defensive related concerns will be discussed under the Netwar section. 

Stage 5: Legal considerations

This board is hosted in the USA, therefore all members should familiarize themselves with all aspects of US law which could potentially land us in trouble.  Equally, if members are not from the USA, they should get to know their local laws as well.  Members may also want to look into the applications of such laws in past cases.

However, the best way to avoid such problems is to consider the Korps a raiding group.  Our aim is to cause maximum chaos on a board of our choosing.  Should this...happen to crash a site or two, then too bad.  We certainly never intended such a thing to happen, but they can when you have so many people connecting and posting on a site.

As for obviously illegal activities, such as hacking, Distributed Denial of Service attacks etc...they are all out.  If you want to do them, organize them among yourselves and limit the risk to those fully aware of the possible consequences, but do not involve the Korps.

Borderline illegal activities, such as phishing, repeatedly guessing an admins password etc will be up for review, depending on the laws surrounding such activities.

Stage 6: Aesthetic considerations

The Korps should be considered not a group, but a militant arm of the Discordian Society, and should be referred to as such.  Rumours of being linked to the Illuminati as an online 'strategy of tension' are encouraged.  Propaganda and graphics should be made for the group and should reference Discordianism and our symbols, but not any particular sites.  Members should consider the creation of a new identity for the Korps (using the same user names on other sites, an official email linked to that username etc), so that the most direct accusations of involvement are deniable, making most of them open to accusations of religious bigotry, as well as creating a fine veneer of respectability for ourselves.

Stage 7: Netwar considerations

Organizational:  The Korps should be decentralized in that its members are recruited from multiple sites and made aware of other sites where we can plan our activities.  This way, should an enemy attempt a decapitation attack against, members can regroup on IRC, at EB&G, on POEE, Facebook etc and plan an appropriate response. can be considered a nerve centre, or primary command post, but the others are fallback positions in case of the above scenario.

Equally, we should consider networking with troll groups and other similar organizations (The ColBoards, the bloody Pastafarians etc) whose beliefs and targets coincide with our own.  We can act as auxiliary forces for their raids and vice versa where our aims meet, as well as adding another layer of flexible connectivity which will augment our defensive abilities.

Narrative:  our narrative is rather like the Bush doctrine, only we foolishly believe our own propaganda.  We aim to overthrow Greyfaced regimes online or, failing that, at least create enough mayhem that its impossible for anyone to take charge.  There are also elements of using the internet to instigate social change, though these need further exploration.  OUR ACTIONS MUST ALWAYS MATCH UP WITH OUR STATED AIMS.  Loss of a coherent narrative that can be matched with our online operations is fatal.

Doctrinal:  The Korps makes use of swarming – that is, attacks from multiple directions on one target (for example, if we intend to raid a site, we not only flood the forums, but if they have chatrooms, IM programs listed, a Myspace group etc attack those too) to overwhelm and confuse defences.  Attacks by the Korps are always claimed, and screenshots of the attacks should be taken during the assault, the Firefox screengrab being the best tool for this.

Social:  this is the nexus of narrative and organization.  A compelling narrative and good links with similar groups create a good social climate for the Korps to succeed in.  The narrative must support existing and future social ties.

Technological: this will involve keeping an eye on useful tools and programs which can aid our cause, in whatever way that may be.



You were saving that for just this occasion, haven't you?

Looks good.

The hardest part will probably be recruitment.


Actually, I wrote it up about 10 minutes ago.

And I agree, recruitment will be hard.


Especially if we have to do it in a subtle and gradual manner.  We can't just go in shouting, "HEY! TRYING TO BUILD A TROLL ARMY HERE!"


Thats why we should selectively target for those who seem to have the right attitude or otherwise disposition towards such activities.  Like the FSM/ColBoards (the latter of which has a few Discordians).


Good call.

Also, thinking of the Lakota jake, we should see about getting some contacts in the media.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Cain on December 28, 2007, 01:49:06 PM
Thats why we should selectively target for those who seem to have the right attitude or otherwise disposition towards such activities.  Like the FSM/ColBoards (the latter of which has a few Discordians).

Any thoughts on the unwashed masses of MySpace Discordians or LJ Discordians? Sjaantze has contacts in MySpace and I in LJ....


Maybe I could selectively invite some of the people that hang out at Maybe Logic?
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson