
TESTAMONIAL:  "I was still a bit rattled by the spectacular devastation."

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Very Short Stories (3 sentences)

Started by Cramulus, December 15, 2008, 09:01:11 PM

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Quote from: Cramulus on December 17, 2008, 08:40:40 PM
Quote from: HOOPLA on December 17, 2008, 08:32:43 PM
Gyro Bottom was saddled with what most would agree was a dismal name.  To be fair, he did his best to attempt to overcome, and rise above, the name, but in the end the name drew rock.  Despite what anyone ever has the balls to tell you, NOTHING beats rock.

I like how this story implies that Gyro Bottom tried on other names, but they all sucked compared with GYRO BOTTOM

I thought it was implying that in rock, paper, scissors, nothing beats rock.
Emotionally crippled narcissist.


I set my wine glass down, mostly empty except for those fine drops of a 10 year oak-aged chardonnay sliding down the bowl of the glass to the bottom. It was then, I realized, I needed more wine. I called for the wine steward, who retrieved the glass, and left me a note.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


He heard the quick snick of the lock behind him, savoring the sound in the cold, cool afternoon.  His prison catalog boots carried him further from the gate, the sun bright overhead.  Today, he was a free man, and he reveled in the feeling, turning his face upward to catch the slight breeze that had been blowing the grass at the edge of the sidewalk nearby.


She traced lazy circles in the condensation left by the cool of the glass at her elbow.  Funny how diners always have this ugly table countertop, time out of mind.  Hearing a sound to the back of the restaurant she turned and looked to find that her lover had in fact dared to meet her here, in broad daylight, in front of the whole town.


Mack checked his watch--it was almost time to go, just a few more minutes and he was outta here.  The stale stench of the janitor's bleach left a tang in his nostrils that he could feel all the way to the back of his throat.  He hated being the nightwatchman for ENRON, and he knew that come morning, the bloodbath in the papers would end this job forever.


Gunfire was heard overhead.  Another shell hit the ground as he raced toward the mountaintop, his dusty feet in his thick, flat sandals pounding the dirt as it came up in little chunks.  If he could get up there fast enough, he could warn his buddies that the war had started, and the Soviets had entered Afghanistan once and for all.


"How long do I have to live?" the woman asked, looking up between her tightly clasped hands in the sterile, cold room.

The doctor looked at her, seeing someone who was young, but old, pale and thin yet still so full of life, and he began to speak with quiet sympathy.

"I don't usually like to speak in probabilities, but Angela, the typical time period for this disease to take over and completely overcome the body is about six months--I'm so sorry."


The pulsing beat of the music inside made her yearn to enter the dark doorway, but she hesitated even still.  The night was young, full of many possibilities.  But this was Lulu's evening to be on the town and maybe get some kicks in, and the richer Johns were always found in the nightclubs on Tuesdays at eleven.


At the top of the stairs was a strobing light, its beam cutting clear across the ceiling with little discs that turned on and off, on and off.  The hallway was silent, but you could still hear the distant thrumming of the traffic out on the street.  Across the hall, the cat waited silent and still on a chair, hoping to bait that final mouse he wanted from inside the wall.


A beautifully scaled dragon came into view, a rainbow of colors speckling its long, lithe body, its eyes glowing green and tongue a forked yet delicate pink.  A puff of hot air escaped its nostrils, and the elfling turned to grasp its ear.  "Enough playtime!" said the small little sprite, "because tonight we fight, and we have yet to sharpen your claws for battle!"


A shrill cry broke the night air, slicing it in shards and tearing into the detective's heart.  He lay bleeding, unable to move except to swallow and gasp when the spasms inside his shredded torso stopped intermittently.  In the distance, an even shriller and high-pitched wail of sirens could be heard, but the sound of a car engine nearby told him the boys in blue were too late--the killer was again at large.


I grew up very small, in fact, I was always told I was a "Shorty" and "too thin," and that I needed to eat more.  But as time went by, my metabolism must've slowed considerably because soon I found myself getting the opposite comments, like, "Wow!  I think this is the largest I've ever seen you!" and "You're not a little girl anymore, are you?"  So now I'm on a never-ending quest to find that all too thin self, and I fear I will never find her, ever again.


[wow, this is easier than I thought]


A man rolled up to the gate in his Lincoln Continental.  He lowered the driver's side window to hand me his credentials.  That is when I shot him in the face.   
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


if you change "when" to "why" in that one, it's a totally different story  :lulz: