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Started by hirley0, September 22, 2009, 04:05:30 PM

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1 days, 1 hours and 1 minute -
it appears that on My MetaTable i have had e-12 & e-15 AT-TO FEM-TO reversed f=-12 a=-15
= =
weLL i'LL wait: in the mean time consider BLUE/GREEN/RED as a sort by Length short/long
tus it appears to me that the metaTa, currently displays in that frame of reference OK:
: : :
SO? "BY LENGTH." i CAN SEE THE gramMAR WORD SMITHS (INT3) r trying to out word my int6
methode? wherby the end up a Y eithor way, whilst i would not think that way anyway ..
electron? I get e-27 for the MASS? for P(its)=1&2/3e-24 ? L? ?=1 Angst  P+E
? ? ? ?
THE vanguard Oct,16 has VB ref to start search
for danny & J.G.? bone?
and that should get the leaves falling soon  /-/Ub'
1 days, 1 hours and 11 minutes.  LOOKii i'LL try to keep this page 2 on this bONEs (BS)  ok?

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
1 days, 1 hours and 11 minutes. "REMember its mili second" @ IS.
?"Your postings remind me of the Hybrid Cylon"? I MissED it ?/?.
Last Active:October 14, 2009, 01:01:10 AM PDT Email:hidden Y.not
VB gett'N tricky NOw /?
ONE might think the bs would not end so quickly as this woodN'Ty
:"If you'd like John R. George to be able to see m" rated Secret
Mission who is into bugs, pl & f Bugs by Sue Hubbell .../-/Ub' ?
OK the other Vice (i mean Voice){miss'N o}? SoLLy
MH WeLL? it hangs UP
HB about Here OR
maybe about here ?/? 2008 "Quantifying Twentieth Century G"



space-time interupts - some SPACE ? i'LL search4 the TALE of
= =
: : :
WiKi? ?# 8/26
? ? ? ?
THus IZ only about 1 month behind the TALE (What can i say)?

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
MayHaps? there Xists a MissN U in the RED HOT p1/P2 WHATever the
books link did work OK 4me GO " result&resn " speak'N of Signs ?
I should guess that there may be some?/? Although my guess was..
the space part is A given: thUS what REMains is the tempral part
Anthropology Student Association
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enter it below. If you don't know the password, you can request to
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Read 509 times

1.American Museum of Natural History's web page on the Warren Mastodon.
2.Arkansas Archaeological Survey's web page on the King Mastodon:
3.Calvin College's webpage on their mastodon dig:
4.Cornell Univerity Paleontological Research Institution's web site on the Gilbert Mastodon:
5.Hickory County's web page on Albert Koch's Missouri mastodon:
6.New Jersey web page on the Big Brook Mastodon:
7.Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History's web site on its mastodon:
8.Oakland Museum' web page on the Rustler's Ranch Mastodon Project:
9.The Paleontological Research Institute's web page on the Hyde Park Mastodon:'s web page on the mastodon at the La Brea Tarpits:
11.University of Michigan's web page on the Brennan Mastodon trackway:
12.Wheaton College's website on the Perry Mastodon:


Read 521 times 1 days, 1 hours and 37 minutes
Professor Newman was a founding faculty member of the Portland State University Anthropology Department from 1959 to 1982.

This is the html version of the file

I do/do not waive access to these letters_  Student's Signature

I hereby apply for the Thomas M. Newman Scholarship. If awarded the scholarship, I agree to submit a letter to the Anthropology A

A, M. Hubbell Emerging nay sayer, debunker of logical positivism, denouncer of enforced
stupidity, 4F & NEGATIVELY accredited seeker of Thomas Newman artifact\ARTIFACTS @CH40. \ http://

Ross Smith Structural Bone Density of Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis): Taphonomic and Archaeological Implications (M.A. Thesis (2008)) - View Full Text pdf (1.5 MB)

JOHN W. WOLF Recipient of the Thomas M. Newman Scholarship,
Department of Anthropology, Portland State University (1990-91, 1991-92, and 1993-94).

The Raymond's Dune Site? Newman. (1959). Three radiocarbon dates

ore bin 1979 VOL.40 NO.10

: Tillamook prehistory and its relation ... Thomas M. Newman, 1959

Tebiwa was first issued in bound form as Volume 2, Number 1, in 1958
Vol.14(1), 1971: The crisis in Oregon archaeology by Thomas M. Newman;  

Prehistoric Human Land-use Patterns in the Alvord Basin ...
The page you requested was not found.
Building in Northwest America. Oregon Historical Society; 1974.


123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
/TilT\ yes?yes
i may as well get on with this .... the only bONE of 1 hours &37
WAS:"~ ss Smith Structural Bone De ~" So SoLLy SiS'! My pointed
BS was for TNM, not for bones per say. it was one of those days
i may now attempt to return to the bone tail trail once again?/?
starting from 35-T 9/15 9/16 & (20090922 /FALL on: September 22)
so its easy to get the TWO TAILs confused, I & 1 see .TXT below
EVEN when they both appear on the very same line of text. tHIS,
is the reason I don't recomend trying to follow this trail HERe
.BB. AS I REMember the TI
trail picks up from the U/O link to CaHo ...
(CAHO newsletter editor, Pamela Endzweig)
I DO suggest some GAL call tHERe on the telephone 2Xplane This


-----?----- T1 this was WRONG?/?
9/15 Chinese Porcelains from Site 35-T1-1,
"/15 No. 23. Chinese Porcelains from Site 35-T1-1,
9/16 move 35-T1-1 ? 200909 15 4:35 PM
"/16 color=green = 35-T1-1
"/16 Valley? 3 and then (&ONLY THEN}? 35-T1-1 SAND SPIT\1\2\3\4\5\6\
"/16 Chinese Porcelains from Site 35-T1-1,
9/16 35-TI-1 as 35-T1-1 ?/? Just to confuse the Chineese dinasty takes
----?---- TI this was correct?
9/05 20090905 3:45 PM ProsPectIVe 35-TI-1
"/05 35-TI-1 iS Si.mply a SiX Mile sand Bar south(old) to north(Young)
9/12 Netarts Sandspit Village (35-TI-l). {LOC E99T53N4}?
9/15 Your search - 35-TI-1 - did not match any documents.
9/16 35-TI-1 ?
"/16 color=green 35-TI-1
"/16 Valley? 3 and then (&ONLY THEN}? 35-TI-1 SAND SPIT\1\2\3\4\5\6\
9/16 35-TI-1 as 35-T1-1 ?/? Just to confuse the Chineese dinasty takes
"/16 O-738.20951B366c was found at Multnomah's Co. LiB. READ 35-TI-1..
9/16 35-TI-1 as 35-T1-1 ?/? Just to confuse the Chineese dinasty takes


20091019 -
This began as an ATTempt to return SnyAPEsii to BoneS tails?/?
= =

: : :,3119,696594,00.html
? ? ? ?
Journal of Human Evolution Volume 34, Issue 4, April 1998, Pages 333-360
Anthropology and Prehistory: opologists Study Teet ==== osteology,
The branch of anatomy that deals with the structure and function of bones.
(Um}? 9:03 AM message fragmented (never completted) soLL


20091019 -
nightly news ran an Iceland Icecore segment ?" eminan iminian NEEM NEAM "?
= =
5:07 PM it appears that my wiFi link is down so details wiLL have to wait?
the TV said 11 thousand years ago ... i'LL say 12.9 K ?/? OVER 3e7 Seconds
: : :
15 deg F (Rapid) TEMP rise / is it CO2 rises tempature or T rise = CO2 too
>10(16?) indicators: / Temp (chuckel) its the CO too tail (NEIM)
Eomian (warming) Period 130k years ago lasting about 15 ThouSAND years
? ? ? ? ? 0.49 m/s 1426.10 m because T+/ has a 120 ka
period. cause vs effect? is T b4 C or C b4 T or = whatever the answer
CLEARLY its noT Humm'N, 'poise it T? Why dT rise 'poise it C Why?/?/?
What really is the cause of the 130 Ka movie we can now label Eemian

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
then again there is the IceLand (Vostok) Cores & AntArtic ones.2
there are links to take you to the AA, maybe i'LL find LINKS to
form some contrast between these 2 IceCore samples WHILE waiting
for photos of bones on the far side of the Moon near equator Hm?
120k ice# dates 550,430,(310),190,070. 310 was erased by EOmian?
2*precession? = +&-50ka from 120ka mid advance? My guess is 120k
is caused be heat from Earths interior & may be evident in Sea
floor spreading data? (RIF}? VaLLey Likely? current age 12.9 ?
that could leave 2.1Ka REMaining for this #2.?omian WARming TWO?
Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling Project




20091021 7:32 AM -
my return to boNE chase begins with "CHARTS"
7:39 AM  14 min This began as an ATTempt to return SnyAPEsii to BoneS tails?/?
= =
If attempting to view an image and you have "/oa/" as part of your address,
try replacing the "/oa/" with "/img/" and see if that resolves the problem.
: : : 29 minutes
Apr 2, 2009 ... Thomas Newman's excavation Minor (et. al 1989) Woodward et al. (1990)
8:00 AM ~" the abrupt disappearance in shellfish utilization  "~ (Woodward et al. 1990:61).
? ? ? ?
8:11 AM Really? i'v Lot of daffyCULTii finding "CHARTS" i can use of (Um}? OR coAST shell on WEB's
I DID? try to find VOstok(antartica) Graphs (without any luck) I DID: find GREENland (4got WHERE):
Thus its no minor task to try to compare 3?/? NEEM/VOstok/& ... Sea Floor Spreads (those UNfound.)
AS4: SHELL (Um}? growth RINGs, 4get4nowOK TRY CORal CO2 ? or C14 ... OR maybe Ca. ( i donno 8:20A?

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
/TilT\ EOP 8:37 AM
there seams to me no reason not to use coral inlue of BONE? TRY? AS coral work will not only
redate events, help resolve how quickly Earth warmed s of future
~bt~ EOP 9:24 AM
IN GENERAL? the Coral (song) & CORE tails Jive? i'LL use 120Ka
AS A fig4 FOUR young/old? (WURM/RISS/MINDEL/GUNZ) of Six=800?/?
HOWEVER? those are cold tails & is were IZ {{EEmian:}}
SO? Y/O A.recent14/EEmian130/IOU.hot250/OK@(370)/UnGu(520)/Y/Z2
.BB.9:56 AM EOP
anyway KO: thats the way i would look at the Six Hottii's A-Z
Where Was I? Looking West ( tward the Mid Pacific ) Listen? it
Just REMinds me not to leave out the midATlantic2 ... Search'N
tent you requested requires aN AA AS (its SO hard to pick FIGs

1 days, 2 hours and 31 minutes.
1 days, 2 hours and 34 minutes 20091021 10:20 AM -
YEAH: by now I've FOUR figs E/V/C/M in RANDum? order ? By: using bONEs to LOOK4 CLUE
= =
&I guess: i should really usE 123.456 as Hot.Int of Ice,Cycles (oh never mind 120Ka)
where IZ trying to pluck a Fig is from the Walla Walla Layers
: : :
So my mid term figs are < 1mA OR about 1,000Ka &I now reprogram SnyAPEsii to A_When=
about -14Ka OR as I would guestimate the #o's ABOUT WHEN (SUN){& Solar System}: DID?
Cross the Galtic Equator Fron South? to North? in the long/SS/Cycles GalYr 24e7 My##
? ? ? ?
'poise I usE 10*pi for x? Y could then be CONstructed to be iLL-USe.nED as some form
of Y=Sin(x) {maybe) ReallyIZ ATTempting to get Y14 / siX with 15 as % of 123 (maybe)
I AM? not cleaver with X's lemme try x=1:32 NOPe 10*pi is to long how about Six Pi's

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
x=0:pi/6:6*pi; & then t=x/pi; & then Y=cos(t.*x); plot(x,Y,t,Y)?
WELL? it makes no ¢ents whatsoever other than Miss Stakes to Fix
besides its the WRONG time frame the LOOK is for Walla Wall BEDs
&i'LL say starting 12.9Ka ago as Down by centiMeters
guesses 4 bed belts = 2*4=8feet ? 12in/ft*2.54cm/ft =?= 30.5/ft?
x=0:1/30:58; by beds count? from top down thru Walla Walla BEDS?
t=(x*age/bed) B? i'LL try 1k ... T=(x*1000) Look for bONEs time?
mastadons: this is now a tooth fairy tail THUS Mt= sin(T) WHEN??
x=0:.033:58;T=(x*1000);Mt=sin(T);plot(x,Mt),axis([0 60 .9999 1])
leaving the RED head to = plot(T,Mt) OK? trying2 by cheat'N igot
SIX Teath out of bed 11 15 19 33 39 43 with a possible one @Top2
LOOK'n at wUrm final phase 64:14Ka?/? the Big Q T=x*Bed.interval
My guess was 1000 years it could be 10 If big Mis filled QUickly
11:47 AM
1 days, 2 hours and 33 minutes

Iason Ouabache

You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘


20091023 -
yeah? U can CONsider I'Z raised UNder the Hawks (not A real fan of this however}?
= =
as far as  A B C 's go IZ being B.ed if U must know: Still i see no reason NOT to look
for FOUR? Figs to (Um}? Shrink to Fit? E/V/C/M ARE ... MAR, Coral, Ice A, & G  McAG below?
: : :
where to LOOK? (i donno): it seam really FewTile to me: Seafloor_Spreading took the most time.
? ? ? ?
jpg1 Ice?
jpg2 T / C
jpg2 V
? TIME ?
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
/TilT\ Long Period. 120 Million years = 1/2 Gy
IS based upon A CONcept refered to as a GALyear, defigned as the
period of the ORBIT of the Sun about the center of the galaxy ..
some times thought of as 4 orb = 1 billion years ... although I.
USE 24e7 to fit a clock face and devide that by 4 (seasons) ....
0 & 12 crossing the Galatic Equator, and 6 & 18 farthest from it
~bt~ 120 Thousand years = WARMing Interval
A nuch shorter interval of time (based upon ICE ages){I use 120}
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY thousand year interval between Warming Pulses
of about 12Ka (10% hot 90%cold) At Start of Gy #19_00:00:04.32..
We are at A HOT period of ?(6*120Ka+13Ka) see jpg1&3 above 750Ka  
.BB. the short interval? 12 Thousand YEARS
AS Earth (follows Sun follows Sirius) to begin the NEW #19 Gy..
(RED) The concurrent WARM 12Ka? Pulse marks these events? ALSO
this period is marked by the Scab Land(Missoula) Flood (Um}BEDS
THESE have not been calibrated to my knowledge (should be SOON!


the other anonymous

WTF? Am I missing something? This all looks like line noise.


is teh clueless


It's Johnny 5.  He's had a lot of time on his hands lately. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


20091024 -
Moving along? twards bONEs? My # = 4.32 Seconds = 12Ka ? as i REMember 1s=2777Yr Ms=2.8y
= =
Two years CAN BE? CONsidered a long time (Already Served){Twice OVER} moving on anyway:
Walla Walla BEDs? can be seen in the OPB video ? see link ? I rather doubt I get it @54
: : :
4:32 AM PDT Well Maybe later? Still connected. Not paying ATTention however?/? Flood
deposits R of interest? their thickness ESPecially the BELT? of four Two footers????
When WAS that? CLEARLY beyound my current connection MBS of 54 SoLLy-Sis no get_UM now
? ? ? ?
HOWEVER: the Quest ion arives? 1 second on the 24 hour Gal_Yr clock FACE = 2777 Earth-
thing years?/? it may be TRUE that the Last(TOP) Missoula Flood(BED) was 12.9Ka AGO
add 2,777 to get 15.67Ka ? HOW deep would that be? how many beds down? UP from bottom?
And where is the bONEs anyway? at 15.67Ka ? OR in some other one?  11 15 19 33 39 43 ?

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234
Clearly i do NOT have the answers, not even sure i've a PROPher
Quest ion: I have returned? to BLUE(short wave length) OVER RED
(LONG) meaning (i guess}? i've left ?"Long Period"? above SHORT
what doeth it CONvay? my guess (as a minimalist that Mili Second
hath priority over GaL-Yrs at least today. (Two Years REMember}?
Enough DriZZel though? And back to searching4 the Walla Walla 11
could it be a MASToDOn? More likely than a bat? OR Crow / raven:
the long period stuff will just have to wait? WAIT? maybe theres
a piece in the revine that got washed out in the last rain and
is now lying on the surface just waiting to be picked up by UN-
suspecting stranger to the area.. to give to his dog to chew ON?



READ =  686 5 entries missing ? TBD  

20091025  - Read 705 times 1 days, 3 hours and 34 minutes. -
YEAH?yeah: watching VIDEO in reverse: probably better than 4WORD ... whatever the case CONfusion follows
= =
YES: i'LL try to keep page 3 current with the new nUclear? NON ¢ent$? &yes I DO have to look UP spelling
AS i've a trend to place an eXtra E in the word by starting N E u C (I've no clear idea Y Or NuEc also):
: : :
mayHaps blending NuEcon with iT? anyway what was my point(I HAVE NONE}? probably {total babble): SAD if
true? what to do What to do? I did see A photo Gal on the Right? Not in A yellow polka dot Bakinni thou
Naybe the scrip writers will get the TAIL Corect... though i rather doubt this ... So yeah STILL Photo:
? ? ? ?

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/TilT\ nuclear photos 2009 Oct.
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News results for iran nuclear photos 2009 Oct (links above
RED? the Amount of confusion made this mesage Miss the Green?/?
mostly 'cause of the oo daily Language translator Time Required
10:44 AM PDT i do not know when it goes back to standard? time?
THANK Yu-Na for the photo's  Reset military transfer date 10:50