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Started by Wolfpoet, April 25, 2007, 04:53:25 PM

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As requested, therss more but i can't be arsed to go through ever post I ever made here.

Life and death in the modern age
I walk down the street and looka round me, seeing the mindless masses going about life. They dress a certain way, do a certain thing, listen to a certain music.

To be a Goth you have to dress this way, have to listen to that music.

To be a punk you have to wear regulation Doc Martins.

Even the Wolves have taken to wearing wool.

We are slaves to the consumer Gods, souless automatons. We work day in and day out then spend our money on shit we don't need. We vote for a pointless government, watch the Warporn on BBC news.

Just once I'd like to walk through the crowd, pull out a gun and blow some little shit's face off and teach the people that the world is not a pretty place. Educate the pointless morons in the real lessons life has tried to teach our stagnating race since we decided to opt out of evolution and take the easy road.

But then I realise it won't do any good. Some would hate me for murder, others would worship me, but none would be willing to look behind the act and see their own worthless values.

So i live my life, do my thing and laugh at the people who can never realise why it is I laugh at them.

Thoughts on converting people

Why would I want to win anybody over?

Convert people to my way of thinking? Have them follow my path? Show them my way is the best way?

Then I become the embodiment of that which I despise. the abyss looks into em as I glare at it and finds a nice little home in my heart.

My goal is to merely state how I think, how i feel, what drives me and motivates me. To share with people how I deal with the system and what I do to try and struggle against it's oppresion.

People read my words, understand what they will, like what they will, dislike what they will. Hopefully they take away something positive that effects their worldview in some way, evolves their way of thinking or at the very least gives them access to a way of thinikng not their own to reinforce or in some way positively effect how they deal with the system.

I'm not here to preach or convert, just to share.

Do you like games?

Care to walk with me? I can show you the shadows, i can show you your dreams.

Blood dripping from cold hands, gunshots in the night, screams to break the dull silence.

We all secretly desire the pain and suffering, we all wish to kill, maim, rape, destroy.

Our media is glutted with scenes of depravity. Movies, comics, books even the songs we download into our cute, little ipods.

But we do not have the courage of our convictions. We may imagine the taste of blood, we visualise the crimson patterns drawn on pure flesh, we imagine the sweet symphony of screams.

But when all is said and done we bury these dirty little secrets in a dark place, we hide it from our rational selves.

The greatest irony is how much we condemn those who do not hide, we fear and hate those who explore their natures.

We are predators, we are born to hunt, kill, maim, destroy and dominate. Sooner or later we all delves too deeply into that hidden beast and not all of us come out from this communion quite the same.

Views on the old guard

And you wonder why Discordianism has backslided in 2006?

You have formed a narrow minded view of what discordianism is and when somebody who as only recently embraced Discordianism voices an opinion you come out with the old STFU NOOB line.

The old-guard of Discordianism dictating to one of the few new converts when he dares to go against your dogma.

Practical advice for a revolution

Humans are 98% water, yet we still drown.

It is possible to overload the system to the point where it collapses under it's own weight.

In a way by fighting the system you are also feeding it. By consistently giving the system an excuse to say:

"Look at these crazy Discordians, they don't accpet that I am your friend, they are strange, they are an example of what you should not be. the system is your friend, the system gives you stability, the system is what you know, fear what yo do not know, fear the Discordians, hate them."

In every revolution there are the fighters, the thinkers, the spies and the workers.

The fighters bring out the molotov cocktails and cute dutch shoes and throw them in the system. They tend to die in rather impressive ways but provide martyrs to follow.

The thinkers come up with ways for the fighters to go off and die for the cause.

The spies find out the juicy info that the thikers use to get the fighters killed.

The workers are the ones that actualy change anything at all. They tirelessly work hard behind the scenes, often within the system itself. they print the propganda, they organise the meetings, they talk to the people on a level the people understand. They are not firebrands, they are not radicals, they are ordinary people who think in ordinary ways. But they are ordinary people with their eyes open and all they want is to open the eyes of the person they work with.

If all the world where workers would we need a revoloution?

Social commentary on the state of the nation

special thanks to Cain, his dream inspired me to post this.

Know your enemy as you know yourself and you shall never be defeated in a hundred battles.


I'll start with my own nation as it's easiest.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

We like big titles us Brits.

Historicaly we are a warrior people, we kinda like to get into fights. Sometimes we have fought on the wrong side, putting our savagery to use enforcing our will. But we are also famous for defending the underdog, we abolished slavery and hunted down slavers, we have gone to war for no better reason than to help some poor bastard out. we love freedom (especialy the Scotts) and have always been willing to fight long and hard for what we believe in.

The problem is this is all past tense.

Today's Britain is a weak and crippled being. The government uses divide and rule to enforce itself, getting factions, sub-cultures and religions busy hating each other while at the same time pretending to follow an equal rights policy. Works realy well actualy.

We are flooded with these "Human rights" granted by the system to confuse and appease us while a man is arrested for the crime of reading out the names of dead soldiers at a war memorial.

The spectre of Terrorism is used to justify increasingly harsh measures to curb civil liberties.

Added to this businesmen loan money to government parties and are in turn rewarded with noble titles and give the right to sit in one of of parlimentary houses (house of Lords) and thus have a say in our legal system. let's see how many pro-business bills get past and how many anti-business bills are ripped up.

These are the trials that face us British Discordians, this is the main face of the enemy the source of our country's apathy.

It is not to say the bulldog spirit lies dormant, it's not to say we can't ignite the flames and stir britain up. We have to fight the apathy generated by the government and it's business lovers to stir it all up. The Lion is sleeping and we need to ram a big enough stick up it's arse to wake it up but we need to get that stick past the zoo-keepers.

I invite an American to write a similar post about their own country, I'm ill-suited to it being both British and rather anti-American.


What is enlightenment?

Bhuddists tell us of a universal sens eof inner peace and well being.

Fundamentalist Christians speak of the rapture when the chosen few are transported to heaven.

Satanists break out the recreational pharmaceuticals and kick start the party.

People of a more Nordic attitude wait for the shit to hit the fan and the war to start.

But what does it mean? Forget the far-reaching plans for a moment, forget the great work, forget everything just for a moment of reflection.

When this great and noble endaevour has been completed, when eyes have been opened, sheep converted to wolves and the packs run wild and free. When society as we know it has crumbled to half-remembered dust and the monolithic systems that rule our lives have been brought down, what then?

What happens when the soldiers have nothing left to fight for? When the thinkers have seen their thoughts turn to reality? When all we have strived for has come to pass, what then?

What are we actualy fighting for?

For each of us it's a different answer, for each of us it's a different road to this ideal.

Take a moment in each day to reflect upon this, drop your plans, forget your ideas. Just step away and consider what you are doing and why.

Never lose sight of your goal lest your ideals be forgotten, lest the struggle becomes the reason for struggle.

As long as you keep that goal in sight, as long as you realise with every breath and every thought why you do what you do, what you seek, then this enlightenment in whatever form it may take will never be far away.

Some of you are no longer content to sit and talk, some of you are no longer able to stand idly by. For some of you a rallying call has gone out and you feel compelled to make your stand and cry out in defiance.

So always keep sight of where you want to go, never lose that which you seek in the pursuit of that goal.

*steps down from the pulpit*

It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.


Monasticism and Evangelism in relation to Discordianism
I do like my 'isms

In any belief there becomes a divide between to divergent schools of thought. I like to use the terms Evangelism and Monasticism.

Examples of Evangelism:

Islamic extemists, it takes a powerful form of preaching to make somebody become a suicide bomber.

American fundamentalist Christians. We've all heard or seen this lot, scary bunch.

Democratic Evangelism, the revolutionaries of America and France who removed the existing government forms and replaced them with Democracy.

Examples of Monasticism:

The Catholics, ok a tad obvious but the various monastic movements of the Catholics gave the term it's name.

Bhuddism, another famous monastic belief system.

Thw commitees, quangos and think-tanks prevalent in modern democracies.

So where am i going with this?

Evangelists are the preachers, front line, brave fighters of these beliefs. They carry it forward and try to convince non-believers their cause is just and should be followed, they spread the word.

Monastics are the thinkers, they spend most of their time in reflection. They define, discuss, evolve the belief system.

A successful belief needs both extremes. Without evangelism it stagnates, nobody hears about it and the belief becomes an obscure footnote. Without monasticism the belief becomes extreme, preachers yelling at you when even they don't know what exactly they are preaching.

The two schools of thought rarely get on. Evangelists think the monastics are cowards, never prepared to go out and spread the word, just sitting in their little rooms and thinking. Monastics consider Evangelists to be loud-mouthed braggarts more concerned with convincing as many peopel as they can than actualy getting the belief across properly.

How does this apply to Discordianism?

A Christian Evangelist thinks Christianity is the best path, the best way to free a person's soul. Anybody that doesn't listen or convert is obviously a waste of time and not worth bothering with. Let the heathens and heretics burn in hell.

A Discordian Evangelist thinks Discordianism is the best path, the best way to free a person's mind. Anybody that doesn't listen or convert is obviously a waste of time and not worth bothering. let the cabbages and grey faces fall when society collapses around them.

Hmmmm summat familiar in those two paragrapths.

This is where our monastics come in. our thinkers, philosophers and barflies take the above and rip it to shreds. It's one of the reasons Discordians fight each other so much. It's a constant struggle to develop the Discordian belief without falling into the traps. To consistently fight the system and not becoe an extension of it as the Goths have become.

We need complete coverage. Some people will look at the evangelical types and laugh, consider the mindfucks pointless and childish. When faced with the tools of monastic Discordians these people are more likely to wake up.

Deep thinking and street preaching both have their place, lately there has been an upsurge in Evamgelical Discordianism. Efforts to update the PD for 2006, increased focus on pro-active measures.

I think this is a damn good thing.

But never marginalise or discount the Monastics, they may yet surprise people.

Humanity in Discord

This is gonna be an unpopular post but I feel it needs to be said.

Nigger, Raghead, kype, Spic, Dago, Frog, Gerry, Kraut, Commie, Fag, Dyke, White-trash, Trailer-trash, Yank, Limey, Greyface, Cabbage.

What do these words have in common?

The have the exact same meaning.

In conflict it is easier to de-humanise your enemy. This is done by giving him/her a label, you cease to associate your enemy with the word Human.

They are not us, they are not like us, they are different. This begins the path to legitimising whatever you want.

You can treat them differently to the way you treat someone else without any moral qualms.

I've noticed an expression on these forums.

"Turn Cabbages into kimchi"

Let's turn it around.

"Turn Humans into dog food"

Hard to support the second statement but the first is much more palatable.

I appreciate that in a very real sense we are at war. I understand the word "war" is pretty damn strong, but to be honest is there any other way to describe what's going down?

Sure we are not shooting people but it's a war of ideals, a war of words, a war of morality. The system has the Human race locked in tight and is squeezing, some folks believe time is rapidly running out.

Hence the importance of this post.

At the moment words like greyface and cababge are being thrown out lightly. But be VERY careful how these simple words could end up becoming justifications.

I tend to think long-term, prefer to make sure I have the afterwards either planned or considered before I get started with anything.

Longterm I can see Discordianism working or failing based on how we develop the movement in relation to our fellow Humans. We either repeat the mistakes of the past and this noble endaevour becomes a twisted and corrupt extension of the system it once tried to defeat.


Everything we plan for, hope for, dream for is made reality and we find a home. There will always be proponents of the system as the world is balance. But Discordianism can become something greater than it is today, I don't want to make any wild-eyed, hopeful prophecies, but imagine a land where Dscordian triumphs over the system.

We will ONLY do this if we avoid the anger, hate and fear the system engenders. So when you think of someone as a cababge or a greyface look into yourself and just check to make sure your not de-humanising them, because when you start that road and sink too deep into that comfort then concentration camps are no longer a horrid impossibility but become an all too easy possibility.

A revelation (man, this goes back to the days when I hadn't rejected christianity fully)

I awoke this morning to witness a strange figure at my bed. But then in a flash of light i did recognise her. The Archangel Eris in a Nun outfit, and she did speak to me....

"Behold for I am.... wearing a Nun outfit? What the fuck?."

In a trembling voice I did respond.

"Well I'm a Catholic, I either manifest you in a Nun outfit or the convent school look and well I've fucked convent girls, never fucked a Nun."

And the Archangel Eris did smile knowingly.

"Your not fucking this one either, now listen up laddie."

I shall write the revelations of eris in laymen's terms for the un-rightous to understand.

Ok i came to discordianism from a catholic background. A repressive, hide-bound and order obsessed culture. However the added benefit of doing what you want and saying sorry afterwards did help allot with the old teen-guilt-angst in my younger days.

Now I'm searching for a different way, a way of balance. I have always understood life has to be 50/50 but never found a way for that to be achieved in hidebound religion

I want a certain amount of order in my life, anarchy is just plain boring but i want freedom.

Now how can Discordianism help me acheive this?

That is pretty much my operating statement.

What i have learned so far:

1) The Archangel Eris doesn't give a damn about any of this shit.

2) If she did give a damn we'd be looking for somebody else anyway.

3) That is precisely the point.

4) It's when we stop caring about all the little things that rule and regiment our lives we begin to understand free will. Anybody can claim to have free will but be shackled by all the little things they don't realise have them in chains.

Ok am i right so far or am i so far off the track i need to be dragged back kicking and screaming?
Some ideas for getting Christians (some of my early contributions to the discordian revival)

Reading cain's post on Eris and reading BMW's post on reverse brainwashing i had a thought. Why don't we use Christianity's most succesful tool against them?

What am i blabbing about? Let me describe the process.

"Believe in the power of Jesus or you will burn in hell!"

Popular Christian party line and a succesful one. Read the bible and try to find the fire and brimstone pit of hell. You won't, why?

Hell originates with the Greeks and their concept of Hades which was then swiped by the Romans. The Roman cult was Christianity's chief enemy in the old days, persecuting them and feeding them to household pets (Lions, tigers, wolves etc).

The Roman faith is heavy on the Gods fucking over Humanity. Funny, kinda reminds me of allot of the old testament stuff.... I wonder why....

To get Romans to convert the Christians changed a hell of allot about their religion and adapted it to the Roman worldview. They lost allot of the peace and love stuff but it stopped them getting cut up into kitty-treats and scooby-snacks.

Roll forward a few centuries to Saxon England. Christians converted the Pagan Saxons pretty well, again by adapting Christianity. a little known example si the ponds and lakes, such sites where Holy to the Saxons, a hold over perhaps from the previous Celts. Each holy site had an attendant spirit to protect it. Chrisians got rid of the spirits but said "yes this is holy and Saint *insert name here* watches over it in heaven". seeing the pattern?

Then came the Norse whose recreational activities included raping Christian women, murdering christian men and nicking their stuff.

This helped the Christians at first, they had a real bogeyman to keep the sheep in line. But raids became invasions and invasions beacme settlements. So how do the Christians convert the Norse? adaptation again!

Two concepts of Saxon Christianity: 1) Paradise, 2) Hades.

Two concepts of norse belief: 1) Valhalla, 2) Hel's hall.

In Norse religion the brave get sent to Valhalla where they fuck, drink, eat and have fun till the end of the world and they get to fight the biggest battle of all time.

Fairly easy to adapt the concept of Christian paradise with this, tap into revelations for the end of the world and they are hooked.

The dishonoured and the cowards go to Hel's hall. Hel is te Norse God of the underworld and her hall is where the poor buggers who didn't make the grade eat mouldy food, drink vinegar and forced to couple with hags.

The Christians of England dropped the hades line, adopted the term Hell and there we go, Norse Christians.

So today's Hell has nothing to do with Christianity at all. In point of fact the original Jewish concept of the opposite of Heaven was the absence of God, pure nothingness.

Now what the bloody hell am i rambling about?

Eris as Cain presented her would be a HUGE turn off for Christians. Could we re-invent her with a slant that appeals to christians?

Archangel of Discord. Giver the old cow a new outfit.

Christian teens are just as disilusioned as atheistic ones ad looking for the same things. They get brainwashed by the preachers, let's give them something they can believe in that drags them into Discordianism.
Some thoughts on the struggle

My learned friend kai-Wren is a FUCKTARD

Which to be fair is far kinder than some things I've said to his face on other subjects *grins*

Kai-Wren is no student of military theory, i am however. I do not pretend to know it all, nor will i ever claim to do so and I bow before Cain on this subject. His open source war post left me in awe.

However in this case organisation is a fatal flaw. make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, we are at war.

The very word evokes images of bloodshed and carnage, brave men being cut down on some forgotten field.

However there are many and varied forms of conflict, ours is one of ideology. It is no different in thinking to make war with tanks as it is to make war with words and ideas. It's just a different scale and different individual problems. The main theories and strategy remains essentialy the same.

The enemy has something we want, we have something the enemy wants.

In this case we are on the defence, the enemy in this situation wants our freedom.

However we are not a state or a religion, I have expressed this in my previous post, the state can never afford to legitimise us and make us in the mind of the people an equal force.

However we can not and will not win by thinking like we are a state. Organisation, the art of war, communal funding, it's all principles and tactics used by the state.

However they are all fundamentaly linked to the mindeset and ideaology we are competing against. To use such methods requires that thinking, leading to that ideology and thus our own is gradual chipped away and erroded while we convince ourselevs we are fighting the enemy instaed of evolving into it.

Loikk at how the Goths ended up an extension of the system from such promising beginnings.

Thus we must respond to the enemy's tactics with ones of our own. We draw upon the enemy's ideas to understand his thinking and follow some of the basic ideas and theories that are universal but stay well away from ones specific to the ideaology we face.

We must be the Hydra, disorganised, loosely affiliated. Even if this means two groups of Discordians end up actualy working against and counter to each other! In fact that is a good thing because it's thinking the state can not and will not contemplate itself doing and because of that will find it hard to counter.

We are not an army on the battlefield, we are a mass of rats carrying a deadly plague, a plague that has the potential to topple the state.

Study military history but not the armies of America, Britain and Germany. Study the terrorists, the freedom fighters, the rebels.

An organised rebellion has always replaced one system with another that has consequently led to another version of the first system rather than one opposed. Take the American revolution, highly organised and motivated. America today is no different in attitude, character and political/economic desire than the British Empire of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Thoughts on the jailbreak idea

You think your God can save you? You think your country can save you? You think the Human race can save you?

Your on your own mate, nobody gives a shit about you or your life. Everybody you know, have known and will know want something from you. Your boss, your partner, the guy down the street. All they see when they look at you is what they can get from you. You do the same damn thing to them.

Don't give em any of that denial crap, if you spend five seconds being honest with yourself you'll see I'm right.

It's the great rat race mate, or if your gonan get martial about it, rattenkrieg. Your a tool and that's how anybody will ever see you, even me.

So what's the point of this little lecture? Let me be honest, yeah it's a rare trait honesty. I want something from you, just like everybody else, I want your freedom.

I see that got you confused, not what you think mate.

Your all chained up, shackled down and you probably don't even realise it. Cultural conditioning, it's a pain in the arse but we all go through it. We are taught to obey, to listen, to follow the party line. They throw us a couple of freedoms like scooby-snacks to make you toe the line.

I'm not asking for you to fight the system, not asking for you to join some crazy revolution, not even asking you to join a movement. I'm asking you to wake up, think for yourself. You see there are folks who have, folks who have realised what the hell is going on and learned to live their lives constantly questioning the status quo.

Now what do you say? I'm inviting you to a jailbreak mate, all you need is to provide your own lockpick, think you can do it?
I always liked this one

Amazing Discordia, how sweet the sound,
That awakened a cabbage like me....
I once was lost but now still lost,
Was blind, but now, I have contacts.

T'was Discordia that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Discordia, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Discordia appear...
the hour I first woke up.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Discordia that brought us safe thus far...
and Discordia will lead us nowhere.

Eris has promised nothing to me...
Her word leaves me confused.
Her words my shield and it's full of holes...
as long I'm around.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
The world will still kinda suck.
We've no less days to fuck around...
then when we've first begun.

"Amazing Discordia, how sweet the sound,
That awakened a Cabbage like me....
I once was lost but now am still lost,
Was blind, but now, I have contacts. (end)

In the trenches

Stand tall and face the front, there's a storm coming lads and lasses and it's gonna be hell. We are the front line, we are the back line, we are the only damn line left.

It's a fight they don't want but a fight they are gonna get. Civilisation is starting to implode, the more the guys at the top tell people what to do, what they can or can't say the more folks rebell and it all get's fucked up.

But it's working both ways, the idiots rebelling against it all are just the same as the bloody fools they are rebelling against. They tell their folks the opposite to the other side but it's still telling people what to believe.

Nobody ever started a revolution and changed anything, they just replaced one system with another and a few generations down the line the same thing happens all over again. Each system and extension of the one that went before it.

So where do we stand? Right in the bloody middle, stuck between the extremes with a message nobody wants to hear. We go to the sheep and we tell 'em to be Wolves. Get a life and think things through, if your gonan run in a apck then make sure everybody knows what they are doinga dn do it because they choose to. But they just get themselves into herds and follow the first shepard ina grey suit that comes along. They think painting their wool makes them different, but shear it off and you get nowt but dinner for the shepards.

There's a line been drawn and a trench dug along it. You've got a few brave souls hunkered down and waiting for the shit to hit the fan. Hell none of them realy agree with each other, some don't even like each other. They have sat around the planning table and argued over the strategy, they have pinned cute flags to wall charts and made bold statements of intent.

But in the end it comes to this my friends, a bunch of poor bastards in a trench with nowhere left to go. It's gonna get hairy, gonna get brutal and hell your gonna have to take the bastards at the point of a bayonet sometimes. We are going to lose friends along the way, disillusioned folks falling by the wayside. People don't want to hear what we have to say, they don't want to do the hard thing, just the easiest thing.

We are trying to do the hardest thing. We are not trying to get people to follow us, we are not trying to install a new and better system mark II. We are trying to get people to make a choice, we are trying to get people to take responsibility, we are trying to get people to think.

So stand to, unfurl the banners and start the marching band. There's a war to fight and a war to win, a war of words and a war of ideals.

To rip off the speech of a famous bloke:

"When you put your hand in a pile of mush that used to be some cabbage's belief system, you'll know what to do."

It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.


Thanks.  You gonna stick around?


Quote from: LMNO on April 25, 2007, 04:59:49 PM
Thanks.  You gonna stick around?

Probably not, been here before, got tired of the constant infighting an bullshitting. Say summat the old guard don't like and your message gets lost in the constant spamming an bitching.

When the hunted me down on another forum to complain I was running an alt here (which I wasn't) I cam back to state my case and have a look around.

I kight post again from time to time but I'm not wlecome here, the old guard always made that clear so untill they come looking for me again I'll give them what they want and stay away.

However LMNO, I thankyou for the oppotunity to repost this stuff. I think i did some of my best work here.
It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.


So what was the point in coming back here and posting this again and leaving, without even bothering to answer the original allegations?  I even made a thread for it.  Is it really worth my time to go through this, tweak and improve and critique it, if you don't even bother hanging around?


It seems his point was that we liked some of his stuff, so we can't say everything he did was bad.

I care more that he called out the forum, instead of individuals.


1. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, but that was never in dispute, AFAIK.

2. Precisely.  As far as I can see, he and Eldora equated everyone here as being cultists, because of a tiff he had with Roger and ECH.  Which is bullshit.  I hate Bella, for example, but its not like I blamed her entire forum for what those two said.


Quote from: Cain on April 25, 2007, 05:15:50 PM
So what was the point in coming back here and posting this again and leaving, without even bothering to answer the original allegations?  I even made a thread for it.  Is it really worth my time to go through this, tweak and improve and critique it, if you don't even bother hanging around?

Which thread? I may of missed it.

This post was in direct responce to a challenge made by LMNO.
It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.


I think the point of this is to see how people react to his rants in the present so he can compare them to how people reacted when he first posted them. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Riiiiiiiiight.....why?  For example, I've been learning a lot since these rants have been posted.  It was over a year ago and I've devoured so much philosophical and political texts in that time, I may not agree with some of my own past stances.  Its happened before.


What!?  YOu change your mind!?



Indeed.  What an evil cultist I am, with my tricksy habit of changing my mind based on new evidence and really keeps fucking up the dogma, let me tell you...


zomg!  It's CATMA!  You = stepping out of line.  Time for "The Ritual" again. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Wolfpoet on April 25, 2007, 05:03:58 PM

Probably not, been here before, got tired of the constant infighting an bullshitting.

And you call yourself an Erisian.  :lol:
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.