News: Better than a xylophone made out of live kittens that you play with a tazer.

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Property of mission control 3

Started by froclown, October 08, 2007, 10:17:36 PM

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The Future Ages of Society.

That was Fun, Let's do it Again?
Report on the condition of the earth 3170. As far as worlds go, this one isn't so
bad. The air is nice, there's plenty of food, even if it is hoarded away from the general
public, and basically held for ransom in exchange for green pieces of paper, or at least
numbers in a computer simulation that represent green pieces of paper. The majority of
people around here are forced by the same institutions that hoard the food, to work most
of their lives, for which they are given these green papers, or the electronic equivalence.
Some these papers are exchanged for the products that the workers make in exchange for
the paper. The food hoarders take back a large amount of the papers that they give out,
and the rest are given back in exchange for the food and products, that the workers
originally produced. Despite this almost insanely stupid over organization, based on
making sure paper moves around, the world is decent. There are not too many natural
disasters, there is water, and some of it is consumable. Social and economic order is
working in such extremely complex way, that no one can even begin to understand what
is going on. No one can even blow their nose without the proper forms. This is the
twilight of a Bureaucracy.
   Earth condition: 3100. This world is in grave danger of collapse. The last major
bureaucracy has fallen, chaos seems close at hand. No that the central order is removed
from power, people will act unpredictably. They will blow their noses at any given time,
even without a form. People will not know when and where they should go, without time
charters. If people don't go anywhere, the factories stop running, and society will come
to a halt. There is an even worse prediction, I believe that people will go where ever, at
what ever time, and without any forms, or following any processes. How can man
survive without strictly organized laws telling him what to do? This is must be the end of
man kind, and those damn Discordians, just say "This is just a season of Aftermath" and
laugh like a bunch of moose-iers.
Earth report: 3230. We finally got those boring bureaucrats out of power, and this
world is ours again. We don't have any social structure, anymore. The environment is
already looking better. Food is easily grown in abundance, and is free for all. Those
things, which are rare, get shared amongst everyone who likes it if possible. If sharing is
not possible, a random method is used to choose who owns what. Many of our people had
begun to study the ways of science, and others of philosophy. These groups have helped
the others to increase knowledge, and understand the universe. This new age of Chaos
has produced many new products and ideas.
Earth Report: 3250. Everyone is confused! They began to try to understand how
chaos worked. Why is it that random actions bring about predictable results? The
scientists and philosophers have come up with many differing theories, all of which seen
to hold part of the answers, even mutually exclusive ideas. The new products are
designed to be orderly and predictable, but most of them breakdown at the least
predicable time, for some unpredictable reason. The ignorant are happy, average are
content in their beliefs, and the intelligent are perplexed to the point of dizziness. Still
everyone is free. "There is no tyranny in the state of confusion."
           Earth report: 3330. Everyone is arguing. All the scientists believe that they have
the correct theory, even though none of them agree with each other. Every philosophy
and religion believes itself to have the answers. Most philosophies and religions disagree
with science, and vise versa. The conflicts are so strong, that these groups have actually
started wars against each other. They are so convinced that they are right, that they will
kill people who think differently. Everyone is at odds; there is no harmony here. This is
the dawn of Discord.
Earth report: 3383. Everyone still believes in the absolute truth of there own
persuasion, but few wars breakout, since the laws have been instated. Every one relies on
the newly established bureaucracies to protect them, and for food tickets, because the
individuals are no longer trusted to share the food. Products are again set at value and
traded for in bureaucratically issued tickets, given in exchange for work. The individual
is overlooked, while the state is seen as important. Laws are continually being made;
soon everything will be regulated and controlled by the central bureaucracy. It's been a
long trip, but here we are back at the season bureaucracy. And the cycle continues. Hail
The Magickal Process
The void is with out form, is nothing, not even nothingness. Non-existence is just
as absent as existence. Neither of these to be found anywhere in void. The void has no
knowledge of space, and therefore has no size. Void can fit into any vessel, yet no
container is large enough to hold it. Void is independent of time, always was and always
will be. Void does not change, but is constantly changing with respects to time. Void
holds the potential for all things. The first things to arise for void are existence and
Existence is the quality given to things, which sentient existent beings can
perceive, or detect by using existent devises. Thus existence is not actually provable
to the existent beings, because its definition is self-referential. Existent being generally
believe they can understand what existence means by comparing the reactions between
two or more existent things. This believe makes scientist and religious leaders believe
that laws exist, which describe how existent things react at all times. They fail to
realize that the laws only hold up as vague generalities of how exactly identical objects
will possibly react under the exact same circumstances. Many religious leaders don't
even do the tests, they just speculate then expect their laws to hold up. The only way to prove
that something exists would be to compare it with something non-existent.
Non-existence, is the opposite state of existence. Due to this fact little is known
about it. There are much more things which do not exist, that which do exist. The
problem is that things, which are non-existent, are described as those things, which can
not be detected by sentient/existing beings. Things, which can not be detected, can't be
described. Some non-existent things have been described, but they are just alterations on
existent things, made by sentient minds. Some believe that describing a non-existent
thing gives it a kind of pseudo-existence, since the description is existent. Nothing which
does not exist can ever be known to sentient beings, because as soon as it is known, it
becomes existence.
We detect changes in the void be noticing that with accordance with time, some
existent things become nonexistent, and some non-existent things become existent. From
the point of view of the void time is not a factor, therefore no changes occurred,
the things were never existent, nor not existent. This is why void is neither existent, nor
All things come into being from divisions in the void, made by sentient minds, who divide
void up, by what they can sense and what they can't. They provide further divisions
based on their sense organs and limited capabilities of their minds to split things into
space and time. Space is divided into more divisions, Up/down, /Left right/
Forward/Reverse. Since the senses can't pick up any more directions, the beings assume
that space is 3 dimensional, even though those 3 are themselves created by the beings
minds. The mind can't experience contradictions so it creates time so everything doesn't
happen all at once, these are split smaller and smaller, depending on the events which
need to be viewed. Again man assumes that this time exist external to his creating it.
The lesson here is that everything exists, it always has and always will. The mind
decides how things are interpreted, and basically what things will be experienced. If
man learns to fully control his mind, thus concurring his spirit, he will be in control of
what divisions are made. Magick is the process of learning to control how your mind
interprets the world. With out magick, the mind interprets the world subconsciously on
it's own, and leaves the appearance that the universe exist independently of your mind,
and must be excepted as a set of predetermined rules. Magick is the key to living your
own life, to playing the game by the rules you create, rather than following the ones laid
out for you. It's like the difference between being a slave and being king. The king can
live by the rules of a slave, but if he disobeys them, who will strike the king? If the slave
tries to pretend to be king, however, he will not succeed. Learn magick, and you can be a
king, try to take control over the nature in any other way, and you are merely a rebellious
Pope's log, entry 3Q24A7
I seem to be stricken with some kind of impairment. It's 4:00 am and any desire I
ever had to relate with my environment has vanished. Now all I want to do is find
someplace safe to lie down and slip into a subjective reality, cut off from all objective
influences. It is at this time far more appealing to me, that I should relate with ideas, and
imaginary visions, than with real solid objects. Objects seem to fade out as blurry
images, and visions in my mind replace them as appearing real. My posture is wobbly; I
can't seem to keep from falling over. My eye continuously keep trying to shut in a way
that is beyond my control. I keep zoning out; symptoms include numbness, and
temporary loss of vision. I seem to be able to stir my self from these attacks, thus gaining
my composure of thought. Dizziness, the room appears to come into focus, but only for a
second as the mild hallucinatory effects return. Surely this must be some kind of a
disease, possible a plague. The only thing left for me to do is Quarantine myself, until I
can learn more about this affliction. I must go into my fort and wait it out, or I may
accidentally jeopardize the whole crew.

Gates, Bill- Business man, who inherited the Microsoft Corporation, known as the richest man in
the world, no good capitalist pig, and the one man who gives free enterprise a bad name.
Mishmoeman, Doctor- Time traveling inventor and salesman born in the year 3365 he went
back in time for schooling between the years of 3190 and 3202, where he became educated on the
use of radioactive atomic core elements. Build the first Mishmoeman AC in 3212. This invention
was one of me key elements to the upcoming caused 32 years earlier.
Roy-Al, Franklin- first man to contain a pie soul in a bottle. He based his life's work, around the
exploits of one Professor Fenderson, who accidentally put uranium flakes in is Apple pie,
mistaking them for saw dust.
Roy-Al, Tacoboy- Son of Billionaire Franklin Roy-Al, named after his fathers favorite Mexican
word. Tacoboy is an idiot, a booster, and a tripe eating yokel, but above all else, he is know as the
Pie liberator.
Fenderson, Pineas (Piney)- Professor of Dumbass Mistakes, at the University of Worthless Ideas.
He was responsible for me discovery of pie souls, for which he was fired for inventing something
so useful and important. As such, he's biggest claim to fame is blundering idiocy.
Crustaceans, The- there are many of these, but since they can't talk, anyone can play them, no role explanation necessary.
El Pie, App- Teaches Tacoboy all about pie culture and is the first to speak out about how being
stored in jars depresses them.

Messier Undertree

  Hey froclown, do you know what happed? Oh, by the way, this is nothing to do with
  this thread. I went to Yoshinoya the other day. YOSHINOYA! And there were
  so crowded and I couldn’t even find a place to sit. Then, I found the
  advertising saying “150 yen off!.” My goodness! How come you are all coming,
  and sitting at Yoshinoya for just “150 yen off?” I saw a familie, like four
  of them with their kids. This guy’s saying “All right, your dad is ordering
  an extra large bowl.” What a pathetic! Hey you bastards. I can give my 150
  yen. So, just give me a break alright? Yoshinoya should be a place where
  people are fighting, like two jerks facing on each other against “U shaped
  table,” then one of them can be stubbed to death by any chance. This is how
  Yoshinoya’s suppose to. This ain’t a place for no woman and no kid. Alright,
  I finally found a place to sit. Then, the jerk next to me was ordering a
  large size with putting extra juice on it. That pissed me off once again.
  Hey jerk, we ain’t order “putting extra juice on a bowl” no more today!
  What a stupid you looked: ordering extra juice with his goofy face! Do you
  really want to eat a beef bawl with extra juice on it? I really want to ask
  you, interrogating you for an hour. Don’t you just want to say “an extra
  juice!?” As a professional Yoshinoya customer, I would rather order “extra
  scallions.” This is the coolest way. You get more scallions, and less beefs.
  This is it! It can be the best, if you put a raw egg on it. No one can beat
  this. But you have to be careful because if you order this way, the Yoshinoya
  employees gonna put you on their black lists. This can be so dangerous,
  like a risk of fighting with a double edged blade. So, I don’t recommend
  the beginners to do this... froclown, you’d rather ordering some ordinary set menu

Sir Squid Diddimus