
Testamonial:  And i have actually gone to a bar and had a bouncer try to start a fight with me on the way in. I broke his teeth out of his fucking mouth and put his face through a passenger side window of a car.

Guess thats what the Internet was build for, pussy motherfuckers taking shit in safety...

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UNLIMITED Arizona Hilarity thread

Started by Requia ☣, April 22, 2010, 04:44:30 AM

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Manabu, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but did you know that there are thousands of infractions on the books which are usually not enforced?

What that means is that, if the cops want to pull you over or question you, you are already probably violating a handful of laws as we speak.  They don't need an obvious reason, they've got dozens of unobvious reasons.

And let's not forget "acting suspiciously".  That's always precious.

Triple Zero

The word MexiNazi just makes me think of food. A combination of the Indonesian fried rice dish (Nasi Goreng) and .. uh .. chilli beans nachos (cause anything with chilli beans and nachos and corn is marketed as "mexican" by our Dutch UniLever overlords) :lol:

Also, correct me if I'm wrong here, does this new law really mean that if any [mexican looking] person gets held up by the police, and they can't produce ID, they get detained [per default] and if found to be really illegal, are deported instantly? I picked up something about them not even getting a phonecall to notify family or friends where they are taken? Or am I mistaken?

Cause that's fucked up. Illegal or not. We got loads of problems with illegal immigrants in the Netherlands [although the big crime problems with "foreigners" are mostly caused by the legal morrocans, not the illegal ones from war-ridden country XYZ], but we at least put them into an asylum-seekers centre until it's been figured out what's up. Of course I can imagine it to be somewhat different if the originating country is right over the border instead of some country far away.

But still, humans are humans. And no matter what, even the simple fact that this law is going to promote blatant police [and civilian] racism, should be enough to take a step back and think about a better solution to the problem.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Yes, Trip.  And I'm sure you can realize it's the slippery slope of this law that's actually what galls and angers.  This is let out of the bag--and going BACK is always harder than forging forward.

Rights, once lost, are MUCH harder to gain again.


a fun fact I just learned:

Quote from: by economists and sociologists alike have consistently failed to show a significant direct effect of migrant labor on the employment rates and income levels of domestic groups, including African Americans. Instead, studies by immigration scholars Frank D. Bean, Gillian Stevens, Michael J. Rosenfeld, and Marta Tienda, among others, point to a pattern of labor market segmentation in which undocumented immigrant workers crowd at the bottom of the market in menial service and low-paid industrial jobs, while domestic workers predominate in higher-paid clerical and administrative occupations. The spin-off effect of immigration in stimulating the growth of higher-paid occupations for domestic workers is entirely neglected by the nativists.
(emphasis mine)


QuoteBorder militarization has not been without its consequences, however, and those consequences have generally been the opposite of what was intended. Because coming to the United States has become so expensive and arduous, immigrants who cross the border seldom return home. Instead, they bring their families along as soon as possible. Hence, border enforcement, which has not succeeded in stopping the unauthorized flow, has succeeded in keeping these immigrants bottled up on the American side of the border. The policy has been instrumental in creating a large and growing unauthorized foreign population in the United States, exactly the opposite of what advocates of that policy intended. Not incidentally, the unauthorized status of this population leads directly to its vulnerability in the labor market, and, hence, to exploitative practices. These practices would not happen if immigrant workers had the legal means to fight them.


Quit clouding the discussion with facts, Cram!  This is about your right as a white American to pick strawberries for a living!  Sheesh!

(actually, :mittens:, Dawg, for finding some actual great commentary on the research)

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Hawk on May 14, 2010, 02:14:03 PM
So Roger...a friend of yours?

sitting on his typing fingers.

Type away.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Manabu on May 14, 2010, 03:36:37 AM
I must say that i dont mind the new legislation (losing more freedom to protect me)

the oddity in making a new bill to remove cultural studies from public school is a bit... er, odd. (illegal and bigoted)

but the whole giving the police the same abilities as the border patrol just seems to be on par with (keeping brown fuckers in their place)what should have been in their abilities in the first place

most people have been warped by the (fear mongering right diverting attention away from the real issues in this country) shitty opinion-news that CNN spews forth from its foamy gullet as it shakes its fingers at anyone who their masters tell them to, so they dont actually (believe what Fox news says)know what the bill does

but once i went skimmed and read picked out the sound bytes through it, it is, as i said, on par with what should have been anyways.(to keep smudgies out of my country)


the bulk of these are, indeed, when you are pulled over

but guess what? YOUR ID (MEANS NOTHING WITHOUT DUE LEGAL PROCESS)IS PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. and, even far far before the bill was even a glint in AZ's eye it was ILLEGAL to drive without your id

in fact, i was told when i came to AMURRRIKAH that you are required by law to carry a state id at all times anyways  (O RLY)

so the bill doesn't really change anything   :cn:

all it changes is that if you are pulled over/arrested/held and can't prove your are a citizen (I.E. YOU DONT HAVE YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ID ON YOU TO THEIR SATISFACTION) then you are detained, investigated, and deported if no proof can be shown (as in no one brings an id for you, you aren't in the system, etc etc)

all the mexinazis  (STFU BIGOT) spewing the san diego plan downtown are doing nothing but bitching SEEKING RIGHTS for the sake of bitching A BETTER LIFE. before, the border patrol was called. now, the police can deal with it  beat them senseless themselves. BIG FUCKING CHANGE, NE?

And now, Austin is jumping into the Ignorance  due process pool, and is quoted as saying that it "wants to be sure that its employees are not subjected to unfounded detention." How is it "Unfounded" if they are motherfucking ILLEGALLY HERE? ( Can you say innocent until proven guilty or are you saying every brown person on the planet is illegal?) if their fucking employees are NOT illegal, they have nothing to worry about.

and California, fuck 'em all. i am not even going to bother to shoot down every statement they have given on the matter, because if i have to ,correct that much stupidity in one post acknowledge civil rights i will feel as if i am grading a kinder-gardeners calculus worksheet my knowledge of the American legal system. I DONT HAVE THAT MANY RED PENS TO CROSS OUT YOUR  MY MORONIC STATEMENTS, CALI. SO I WILL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET IN THE CHOPPAH.

but alas, this fact will be ignored by the masses, the CNNazis will continue their hateful tirade filled with conjecture, ignorance, and opinion,(AS OPPOSED TO FOX) people will take it as fact, a conspiracy theory will be formulated, and AZ will ignore it all as we sit in our desolate hell of a state sipping on muddy water willed with e-coli and the tears of the desperate, and slowly dry-rot into the ground as the lizards feast on what was once a state that was filled with people who attempted to hope and in turn received no answer to their wanting beyond death... WUT?

EDIT: i figured i would put this here before someone starts throwing therealizing I am a racist card: i am all for LEGAL immigration (to OTHER states), obviously. fuck, everyone in the US is or is descended from an immigrant. i just refuse to accept the unchecked tide of illegal immigration that is flowing forth. NO OTHER COUNTRY WOULD STAND FOR IT. NO OTHER COUNTRY ALLOWS IT. EVERY COUNTRY HAS THEIR OWN ANTI-ILLEGAL-IMMIGRATION LAWS. NO OTHER COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON IMMIGRATION. the fact that we are trying to be proactivePROTECTIONIST about ebbing the flow of this tide of illegal immigrants shouldn't be frowned upon. Before people bash  I support the bill, perhaps they should read it to the point of comprehension and understanding, ne?

Fixed that for ya.



Quote from: LMNO on May 14, 2010, 03:40:26 PM
Whoa.  Not bad for a redneck.

thoroughly fed up with cowards surrendering rights based on hysterical screaming.

Doktor Howl

Well, the first bill is odious in intent, if not in the actual wording.  The only actual change is that the locals are now trying to do the federal government's law enforcement.

It was the test-bed for the other Jim Crow laws that immediately followed it:  "Accent" tests on teachers, banning (not just discontinuing) ethnic studies, etc.

More will be following.
Molon Lube


Maybe, just maybe, if Americans stopped buying so much Mexican dope then the country would stand a chance of developing more and with it the ability to create more jobs.

These bill make me sick to my stomach. I am having flashbacks to the prejudice the blacks had to overcome and here it comes again except pointed at brown people.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Hawk on May 14, 2010, 04:20:34 PM
Maybe, just maybe, if Americans stopped buying so much Mexican dope then the country would stand a chance of developing more and with it the ability to create more jobs.

These bill make me sick to my stomach. I am having flashbacks to the prejudice the blacks had to overcome and here it comes again except pointed at brown people.

I'm waiting for misegnation laws and retroactive cancellation of amendment XIV, clause 1.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 14, 2010, 04:22:25 PM
Quote from: Hawk on May 14, 2010, 04:20:34 PM
Maybe, just maybe, if Americans stopped buying so much Mexican dope then the country would stand a chance of developing more and with it the ability to create more jobs.

These bill make me sick to my stomach. I am having flashbacks to the prejudice the blacks had to overcome and here it comes again except pointed at brown people.

I'm waiting for misegnation laws and retroactive cancellation of amendment XIV, clause 1.


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Hawk on May 14, 2010, 04:25:09 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 14, 2010, 04:22:25 PM
Quote from: Hawk on May 14, 2010, 04:20:34 PM
Maybe, just maybe, if Americans stopped buying so much Mexican dope then the country would stand a chance of developing more and with it the ability to create more jobs.

These bill make me sick to my stomach. I am having flashbacks to the prejudice the blacks had to overcome and here it comes again except pointed at brown people.

I'm waiting for misegnation laws and retroactive cancellation of amendment XIV, clause 1.


You'll fight for the right to pick cabbage, and like it.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Jenne on May 14, 2010, 02:50:28 PM
Yes, Trip.  And I'm sure you can realize it's the slippery slope of this law that's actually what galls and angers. 

What slippery slope?  This is 169% pure Jim Crow.
Molon Lube