
Revenge is a dish best served salty, sterile, wet and warm.

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Unified Vidya Games thread

Started by Cain, November 21, 2013, 05:10:58 PM

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Eater of Clowns

It's just odd that this is the tipping point for gamer outrage, like hey it's okay to throw us over a barrel with loot boxes, half finished games, rushed AAA titles, main game content withheld as DLC, dishonest gameplay trailers and promises - but don't withhold Darth Vader.

If it were a legitimate push to be smarter consumers I'd be all for it. By all means let's stop pre-ordering everything and quit buying games just because that's what everybody else is playing. But the demand here seems to be to have our hype based game grabs fulfilled without condition.

This is why I only play single player games that are 2-5 years old and I buy on sale. Witcher 3 is going great, everyone, really loving the Blood and Wine expansion.
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


I think I picked up Witcher 3 for like, £5 on Steam a while back.  Should actually give it a try, since my GPU can now probably handle it.


Well worth it, even if it turns the gpu into a hot air soldering gun. Favourite game of the last few years.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Eater of Clowns

Quote from: Cain on November 19, 2017, 08:42:53 PM
I think I picked up Witcher 3 for like, £5 on Steam a while back.  Should actually give it a try, since my GPU can now probably handle it.

The first two are good, not as polished (lol) but are worth a playthrough just to get involved in the world. Then Witcher 3 happened. I don't know what the fuck went on with CD Projekt Red between two and three, but I hope they can keep the magic going with Cyberpunk 2077.

I think you'd really appreciate the story of all three. There's a lot of political maneuvering, everybody operates in grey areas, and seemingly minor decisions have a tendency come back later with significant consequences.
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


Once I get bored with ESO I will put it on my list.  That day may be coming somewhat soon....I've played a lot lately, but I've reached a point where the research traits and smithing grind is starting to hit hard.  The Dark Brotherhood assassination grind is starting to grate.  Cadwell's Silver was starting to grate, but I blame that on the terrible design of the Aldmeri Dominion, which is 90% forests and green fields, and has an utterly uncompelling character in Queen Ayrenn, the Leroy Jenkins of the Altmer race.  At least I get to do the Ebonheart Pact next...definitely the best atmosphere of all the alliances, you feel like you're actually a soldier, and the Dunmer show they do not fuck around when it comes to war.  Though going to Skyrim will suck...

Doktor Howl

Just started playing Hearts of Iron IV.


I fucking hate everything.  But I burned down France with my Italian hordes before the British showed up and kicked my shit all sideways.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Eater of Clowns on November 19, 2017, 01:22:40 PM
It's just odd that this is the tipping point for gamer outrage, like hey it's okay to throw us over a barrel with loot boxes, half finished games, rushed AAA titles, main game content withheld as DLC, dishonest gameplay trailers and promises - but don't withhold Darth Vader.

If it were a legitimate push to be smarter consumers I'd be all for it. By all means let's stop pre-ordering everything and quit buying games just because that's what everybody else is playing. But the demand here seems to be to have our hype based game grabs fulfilled without condition.

This is why I only play single player games that are 2-5 years old and I buy on sale. Witcher 3 is going great, everyone, really loving the Blood and Wine expansion.

Yes, yes, late to the party but I've kept an eye on the best thing to come of it.


It's fucking fantastic. Seriously.
Good summary review:

As far as I can see, the only game that is likely to be worth actual money in the foreseeable future is probably Bannerlord and that assumes it will ever actually get a release date, never mind an actual release.

And even then, it's probably best ignoring it for another year or so to let the modders fix/update/upgrade everything over the base game.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


So, it turns out playing like a pacifist in Skyrim sometimes borks the AI.

Level 6, no kills, joined the Thieves Guild and over 5k in gold.  No kills includes undead and animals though according to the game stats, butterflies don't count.  Apparently this freaked out the first two hostile guys in the Ratway so much they're now freely letting me pass by.  Just as well, since I cannot calm them yet.

Summons and companion kills count for the purposes of the stats, using Frenzy and environmental kills (shouting people off mountains, setting traps off next to them) do not.  So the plan: power level Illusion for silent casting, steal everything of value in Riften.  Train with light armour, go to Bleak Falls Barrow, kill everything via the swinging axe traps, retrieve the Dragonstone and let Irileth kill the dragon while I chill in the tower. Go to the Greybeards, stealth through Ustengrav, get the horn from Delphine, get the final word of Unrelenting Force.  Proceed to kite every single enemy in Skyrim up the Throat of the World and Shout them off, declare victory.


I'm also replaying skyrim with a "kill as few people as possible" style. No weapons, focusing on illusion. I've only swung a sword once in the whole game, and it was to kill Ulfric Stormcloak.

Getting through a dungeon using Fear spells is fun -- you disperse the enemies, then in like 2 minutes they come back with friends. You send them all running. Eventually you have pushed all the enemies into the final room of the dungeon with the boss, and just frenzy them all.

Illusion is such an underrated school. I think one of the most unsettling things in Skyrim is when a guy is about to rip your head off, you Pacify him, and he's aware of what's happening. Says something like "Oh don't do that", like he's aware that he is a sitting duck that his Fight-or-Flight response is jammed.

I'm basically replaying it 'cause the PS4 special edition was on sale. It sucks that there aren't a lot of good mods for ps4! I was so excited to take on Randy "Macho Man" World Eater, but nooooooo, not available. I've played so much of this game, the only juice left is stuff I haven't discovered yet, and there isn't a lot of that left.


I'm on PC so I have a few more options, but I'm essentially relying on Ordinator's perk overhaul system as the defining element.  Sneak, Illusion and Pickpocket are the major skills, with minor in Restoration (great for controlling undead before you get the perk to cast Illusions on them..turn undead around traps highly effective), Lockipicking, Alteration and Light Armour.  Oh and enchanting and alchemy, for defensive purposes.

I have used a dagger, but only to apply paralysis poison to a very angry bear.  I also used a bow to whittle down the boss of Bleak Falls Barrow, before kiting him into a bunch of swinging axes.

Now at level 17 I have returned the Dragonstone, offered moral support to the Whiterun Guard in defeating a dragon and am well on my way towards getting Nightingale status and armour, which will make the game a whole lot easier from a stealth and illusion POV.

Edit: I'm thinking that, with the right skills, it would be very possible to become Harbinger of the Companions without killing a single person.  Something to test once I'm done with the TG and College of Winterhold (both of which I know are doable).  Then will come the real test - the Dork Brotherhood.  I reckon I can probably do everything up to killing the Emperor...but killing him does present a problem.

Frontside Back

Oh look what you've done. You made me want to start a new skyrim playthrough. Now I have to do everything from the beginning again. Screw your hypnotic sentences! I'm off to Tamriel!
"I want to be the Borg but I want to do it alone."

Cainad (dec.)

Vidya Gaem shit I am paying attention to:

Dark Souls 1 is getting a remaster. Now maybe we can have a proper PC port that doesn't require a mod to run adequately.

Assassin's Creed: Origins is the first AssCreed game I've played since the original and it's the tits. Highly enjoyable.

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus is honestly kinda hard as shit and I had to set the difficulty down like the weakling coward I am, but BOY OH BOY does the game go hard with its story. Like, I'm genuinely impressed with how much balls they had with this writing, and they mostly pull it off.

Monster Hunter World had its beta on PS4 a while back, and it was the first Monster Hunter game I've ever touched. Apparently MonHun has a dizzying, intimidating amount of systems and equipment that are involved, but all I know is that I shot bees at a hippopotamus made of rocks and then pole-vaulted onto its back and rode it like a rodeo bull. So uh, best video game ever, basically. Very sad that the PC release is not until Fall.


Quote from: Cainad (dec.) on January 28, 2018, 01:43:55 AM
Vidya Gaem shit I am paying attention to:

Dark Souls 1 is getting a remaster. Now maybe we can have a proper PC port that doesn't require a mod to run adequately.


May 25th???



So, an update on Skyrim Pacifist Adventures.

My character is now level 49.  With Sneak and Illusion finally hitting 100, levelling has slowed down somewhat, though there's still skills in lockpicking, alteration, restoration, alchemy, smithing and enchanting to keep us levelling for a while. Currently sitting pretty on 160k gold, which could be a lot more if we were not stocking flawless gems/buying filled soul gems for enchanting, with all houses except the one in Windhelm and the built ones owned and fully upgraded.

Livia, for she is my character, has successfully become leader of the Thieves Guild, after Mercer Frey accidentally fell down a very long drop.  Repeatedly. (I like to think the luck of the Skeleton Key ran out, and his earthquake caused him to loose his footing.  He definitely didnt die due to me Fus Ro Dahing him in the face until he broke his neck, that is just a circumstantial factor).  The Skeleton Key was returned, because it was making this whole thieving thing even easier than it otherwise was, and the guild's presence was fully restored to all the major hold capitals, without any loss of life.

Livia also became a Legate in the Imperial Legion without killing a single person in the civil war.  After the initial quest of clearing the bandits (with the final one falling off a very high wall to his death...funny how that keeps happening), it was simply a matter of hiding invisibly on the battlefield, spamming Frenzy or Rally where appropriate, or else pickpocketing and coercing people (which is pretty easy when you're a master thief wearing the Amulet of Articulation).  Ulfric was executed by General Tullius, naturally.

Our character then became a bard.  Retrieving the Poetic Edda was child's play, and it turns out that the ghost of Svaknir, the Bard executed by Olaf One-Eye is in fact a complete boss.  He doesn't even take the knee, he simply never takes damage. So, we frenzied some draugr to speed things along, and poked Olaf a few times with our sword before letting Svaknir finish him off.  You can also retrieve two of the bardic instruments with ease, though Rjorn's Drum is only doable if you're willing to use the console - to escape the dungeon it's in, you have to kill the boss.  Which makes no sense whatsoever, but such is.  I TCL'd through the grate, since I managed to get through the entire dungeon without being spotted once, but if you're on console or want a more pure experience, I'd recommend just skipping the quest.

Livia then became Thane of seven of the nine Holds, with only Eastmarch and Hjaalmarch not yet done.  The latter is simple, if somewhat annoying...Morvath needs to die before we can get the Thane quest and that means figuring out if I can frenzy him and let his coven finish him off.  As for the other...I have some ideas on how to finish Blood on the Ice, but it's going to involve either power levelling alteration or reverse pickpocketing and simultaneously paralysing/frenzying the murderer while he is around a bunch of city guards.  No Stone Unturned was also done, to get the final stone we did, regrettably, have to join the Dark Brotherhood.  Which is surprising since, you know, we're not a killer.  Constance killed Grelod the Kind, and then Astrid killed all the victims in the shack.  My preference would have been to report the DB to the Penitus Occulatus and grab the gem while doing Destroy the DB...only that requires killing Astrid so obviously our pacifist had to join an assassin's guild instead.  Urgh. 

And of course to finish off that quest we also had to do quite a bit of the main quest, including Diplomatic Immunity.  Dragons have been a surprisingly easy problem for the most part, the city guard and passing mages/Thalmor/Dawnguard patrols have given us about 11 dragon souls to spend.  You can also get an extra dragon soul once you're confirmed dragonborn by returning to and activating the Tomb of Jurgen Windcaller, in case you didn't know.  I took that and immediately put it in Become Ethereal, for obvious reasons.

Oh, and we also killed a Dragon Priest.  I wanted the Krosis mask, for more empowered alchemy cheese, so I went up to Shearpoint Peak, and when Krosis popped out I frenzied him and went invisible.  This led to the dragon perched on the Word Wall attacking him and while it didn't kill Krosis, it brought him down to about 1/3rd health before Krosis' staff of fireballs finally killed it.  I finished him off by casting Rout on him and making him run into a pack of ice wraiths who, after being frenzied, happily killed him off.

So, the next step after acquiring the remaining Thaneships and houses is to join the Dawnguard, because crossbows are lit, go adventure for a bit in Beyond Skyrim: Bruma (read: raid the Bruma castle treasury) and then maybe go to Solstheim so I can pick up the Frenzy and Poison runes, as enemies are now strong enough they sometimes need softening up before someone else kills them.

Cainad (dec.)

Quote from: Cain on March 02, 2018, 02:53:03 AM
Oh, and we also killed a Dragon Priest.  I wanted the Krosis mask, for more empowered alchemy cheese, so I went up to Shearpoint Peak, and when Krosis popped out I frenzied him and went invisible.  This led to the dragon perched on the Word Wall attacking him and while it didn't kill Krosis, it brought him down to about 1/3rd health before Krosis' staff of fireballs finally killed it.  I finished him off by casting Rout on him and making him run into a pack of ice wraiths who, after being frenzied, happily killed him off.
