
MysticWicks endorsement: "I've always, always regarded the Discordians as being people who chose to be Discordians because they can't be arsed to actually do any work to develop a relationship with a specific deity, they were too wishy-washy to choose just one path, and they just want to be a mishmash of everything and not have to work at learning about rituals or traditions or any such thing as that."

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The Pursuit - Entry 1 - The Introduction

Started by Norman, August 22, 2018, 02:35:06 PM

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The pursuit of happiness, for the longest time we were sold the white-picket fence American package.  The perks were cool haircuts and two and half cars in every garage.  Over time, we realized this was more or less a sham.  It was the carrot at the end of the stick and we are Bugs Bunny running to nowhere on a treadmill. 

Now, the kids crave internet infamy.  To be the Ultimate Youtuber with likes and subscribes and mindless minions gripping onto every inane syllable.  They don't want to be tucked away in suburbia...but this dream too, is sold by the same hucksters who sold us The Cleavers and the Huxtables.

Because...the more we are gazing at holograms the less we are gazing at the workings and machinery behind these hollow vesper facades.  Because then we might figure out how to mess with swap out douse it with ALL of the lube...

It's time for some redirection...

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


We go.... To the Land.... Of shitty Punctuation.

Guerrilla grammar will somehow save the day, apparently.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Junkenstein on August 23, 2018, 11:09:29 PM
We go.... To the Land.... Of shitty Punctuation.

Guerrilla grammar will somehow save the day, apparently.

Elipses > content.

We've talked about this.
Molon Lube

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Norman on August 22, 2018, 02:35:06 PM
Because...the more we are gazing at holograms the less we are gazing at the workings and machinery behind these hollow vesper facades.

So, what have you been gazing at?  I mean, specifically.  Don't give me any metaphorical crap about how you've been gazing at the abyss, but it just avoids eye contact.

Analogies and generalizations can be used as a starting point, but eventually you should try to map them to something concrete.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


 :? Strange vessel spotted two shields off shore. Does anyone else think I should go see if the commissary stil sells rubber dingathingdiddlies?


Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 22, 2018, 04:46:22 PM
Well...then...what is our...redirection?

Good question.

I don't have the answer.


Quote from: Junkenstein on August 23, 2018, 11:09:29 PM
We go.... To the Land.... Of shitty Punctuation.

Guerrilla grammar will somehow save the day, apparently.

Sorry, when I was hearing this in my head I was hearing spaces but it came out as elipses.  Shit, I don't think I even know how to spell that right.


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on August 24, 2018, 02:52:34 AM
Quote from: Norman on August 22, 2018, 02:35:06 PM
Because...the more we are gazing at holograms the less we are gazing at the workings and machinery behind these hollow vesper facades.

So, what have you been gazing at?  I mean, specifically.  Don't give me any metaphorical crap about how you've been gazing at the abyss, but it just avoids eye contact.

Analogies and generalizations can be used as a starting point, but eventually you should try to map them to something concrete.

Fair point.  I think we need to get back to being comfortable with independent obscurity.  It feels like everyone has become Fred Flintstone and Homer Simpson.  Trying to find that "get rich quick" scheme.  But not everyone can get rich.  For a lot of reasons.  But lives still can still be lived to fulfillment, defined by us as the individuals living our lives.  But as soon as we try to define it by the standards and goals of others, we are cheating ourselves. 

But no one really talks about that.  No one says, "Hey, I hope you grow up to be happy and comfortable kid."  No, it's "Hey you could be a doctor!  You could be a Senator!  You could be someone with 1 million subscribers!"  I dunno, what about getting a job you don't hate so you can afford to do some things you love?

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Norman on August 27, 2018, 01:19:23 AM
I think we need to get back to being comfortable with independent obscurity.
I'm quite comfortable with my level of obscurity.  I currently have one subscriber on youtube.  I figure the guy must have misclicked.

QuoteBut lives still can still be lived to fulfillment, defined by us as the individuals living our lives.
The "happiness is being content with what you have" idea has been around for a while.  Sure, if you could define fulfillment arbitrarily, everyone could feel fulfilled.  But most humans aren't wired that way, and some of them aren't even getting enough to eat.

But as soon as we try to define it by the standards and goals of others, we are cheating ourselves.
Humans are social creatures, and although it isn't as obvious as in some parts of the animal kingdom, we're loosely hierarchical, and generally wired to seek increased social standing.  And, regardless of culture, that standing is highly coupled to what you can do, what you have done, the stuff you have, and the rank of the people who you hang out with.  Exactly what sort of things are important does depend on the culture (my video game collection would not grant me much standing in medieval Europe*), but the basic principles are the same.

This is a species who is taught, from birth, to believe what you tell them, and to do what they're told.  When the notion of authority and hierarchy is ingrained from a young age (and is likely supported by a genetic predisposition), how are you going to get everyone to suddenly stop caring what everyone else thinks?

*Or anywhere else.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


I've found it's less about direction and more about SPEED
"a real smart feller, he felt smart"


chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Norman on August 27, 2018, 01:23:40 PM
Good point.  I must ponder this.
No!  Don't waste time pondering!  Jump on your walrus and ride!  Ride for the buttes!
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Norman on August 27, 2018, 01:23:40 PM
Good point.  I must ponder this.

Don't ponder, write.

The way you learn to write is by writing.  I caught a lot of shit over my elipses abuse when I started, too.  You take the horrible abuse and learn from it.  It's literally the ONLY way to learn that kinda shit.
Molon Lube


Trial by fire is good.  Builds character.  Thanks guys!