Open Bar: Subpoenaed by Congress, but still refusing to testify

Started by altered, November 21, 2019, 05:11:04 AM

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Quote from: Faust on January 02, 2020, 08:34:11 AM
Bloodborne is my favourite of the From Software games, though Sekero grew on me (took a long time to get into it).

Same, I must have beaten Bloodborne seven times now. (and dark souls 1 probably a dozen times)

Sekiro was great, but I did miss the ability to try on fancy dresses and hats. And the setting/story wasn't anywhere near as rich as any other From soft game. But that gameplay tho!

Control looks cool, but I don't really get into shooters. Like I couldn't even enjoy Bioshock or big chunks of The Last of Us because shooting bad guys with guns just doesn't do it for me (unless it's in 2d).

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: altered on January 02, 2020, 04:43:52 AM
You'll love it.

I say that without reservation, having played every game you named. (Also, ORIGINAL Nier, not Automata. Nice.)
I've played both, and though Automata has better gameplay and production value, OG Nier's raw, unfiltered originality makes it a better reference.  Also, this.

I also play the "Tales of" series, and Persona, but that's neither here nor there.

I'll see if I can find a physical copy of Control locally; if not, there's always digital.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Cramulus on January 02, 2020, 02:33:54 PM
Quote from: Faust on January 02, 2020, 08:34:11 AM
Bloodborne is my favourite of the From Software games, though Sekero grew on me (took a long time to get into it).

Same, I must have beaten Bloodborne seven times now. (and dark souls 1 probably a dozen times)

Sekiro was great, but I did miss the ability to try on fancy dresses and hats.
Father Gascoigne's hat is best hat.

I never really got into Dark Souls 1, for some reason.  My play order was Demon's Souls -> Bloodborne -> DS1 -> Sekiro.  After Bloodborne, DS1 felt like a step back.  Bloodborne had better gameplay, and DS1 never managed to replicate that horrible tingling sensation I got from the Prison of Hope in Demon's Souls.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on January 02, 2020, 03:09:08 PM
Persona 5 was awesome, probably the only JRPG I've been able to do other than final fantasy, and though it has some cool themes it is a lot of style over substance, love the soundtrack and look. Tried making some of the bubbles and things theme for SMF last year but gave up and made the flat green theme that I love but everyone else hates.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

chaotic neutral observer

I was an FF fanboy in days long past, but fell off the bandwagon after FF13.  FF12 had some good ideas, but wasted its potential; FF13 was just another JRPG with annoying characters.

There's a lot of hype surrounding the imminent FF7 remake, but I'm not feeling it.  Sure, it looks great, but I have no confidence in modern Square-Enix's capacity to refrain from injecting bad melodrama into the substrate.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


I'm actually replaying FF12 right now.

I dig the gambit system - I like the idea of writing your own tiny AI scripts to automate character behavior.

But jesus christ, the dialog in this game is absurdly overwrought. Everybody talks like Kuzzik from Role Models, but very serious.

like nobody in this universe can just say "see you tomorrow", they have to say "Let us part ways until such time that the golden sun crests the horizon of tomorrow and I gaze again upon thy visage, again. Rub a dub dub."


Quote from: Faust on January 02, 2020, 09:36:46 AM
If it helps better relate to your interests that's good:
Untitled Goose Game
Hollow knight
and Horizon zero dawn
Would all be things I've played last year that fall under that.
As long as the game has a quality, if it does something well, explores an interesting new idea, or just has a good story but is a bit wonky I'll play it.

Your system does have a flaw though if you miss out on Resi 7 and instead get that piece of shit resi 6, and it excludes silent hill 2, which is still the best narrative game, and best horror game of all time and should automatically be on everyone's list regardless of criteria.

I got strict about my system well after I beat RE7. And besides, I still have the RE:Revelations games and 1, 2, 3, and Code Veronica. That's not a bad list at all.

Anyway the actual goal is to leave me time for the games I want to play. It's stricter now because I have more options that are really good and fulfill the requirements, but when I run low on those I'll relax the criteria again.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

The Johnny

Im currently playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2...

Personally the best RPG ive played has been the original Final Fantasy Tactics... the story is great, you dont exist in a random encounter purgatory of souls, and the job progression system, i just love it - but I dont think it has much replay value, unfortunately.

A2 is less about the story but about running contract missions, where the objectives are always different, also the terrain and the opponent types, so its very engaging.
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner


Other news!

My body is reacting to me buying an Amtrak ticket with fight-or-flight because every time I travel normally, it's for stressful reasons.

This time, it's for the FUTURE.

Anyway I apparently have PTSD for long distance transit now! Exciting, isn't it?
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on January 02, 2020, 06:07:19 PM
Other news!

My body is reacting to me buying an Amtrak ticket with fight-or-flight because every time I travel normally, it's for stressful reasons.

This time, it's for the FUTURE.

Anyway I apparently have PTSD for long distance transit now! Exciting, isn't it?

I just hate air travel so much that I experience stress symptoms even when packed to the gills with benzodiazapine.  It's not fight or flight with me, it is just sheer loathing.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Today marks 180 days since I have measured my blood sugar in 3 digits.  My doctor is now telling me my A1C is a little low and I should relax a bit.

But I have also lost 50 pounds in the last couple of years, and I now have an almost flat stomach for the first time since I left the army.
Molon Lube


I, on the other hand, routinely ingest three grams of sugar in a single sitting and look like a gaki.

"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


On my way to quit my job again! :lulz:

This past two weeks are fucking surreal. It's ridiculous. Reality is falling over, clutching its chest, speaking word salad, and I'm just staring in dim surprise, looking around to see if anyone else is aware of the great fucking gaps in cause and effect.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on January 03, 2020, 05:57:04 PM
On my way to quit my job again! :lulz:

This past two weeks are fucking surreal. It's ridiculous. Reality is falling over, clutching its chest, speaking word salad, and I'm just staring in dim surprise, looking around to see if anyone else is aware of the great fucking gaps in cause and effect.

If I were in your shoes, right this moment, I'd be stapling my pants to my chair at work, insanity notwithstanding.  This lovely job market has about 3-4 months left to it.
Molon Lube


Oof. Time to apply like mad before education gets hit again.
"I dispose of obsolete meat machines.  Not because I hate them (I do) and not because they deserve it (they do), but because they are in the way and those older ones don't meet emissions codes.  They emit too much.  You don't like them and I don't like them, so spare me the hysteria."