
Endorsement:  I know that all of you fucking discordians are just a bunch of haters who seem to do anything you can to distance yourself from fucking anarchists which is just fine and dandy sit in your house on your computer and type inane shite all day until your fingers fall off.

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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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Johnson has said he would prorogue Parliament again if this happened.

In which case this is heading for "contempt for everything" territory.


The Brexit Party seem to be reserving their ire for Cummings, who they want sacked. Meanwhile, both the SNP and Labour leadership have called on Boris to stand down, while the Lib Dems have called for a unity government (but not under Corbyn).


Sorry, someone just posted this in a discord room I'm in. Unsure how relevant or true to the situation it is.


In theory we could just leave, sure.

However, without a deal, it would put us, and probably the rest of the world, will be plunged into a recession.

However, the UK cannot decide on a deal that actually secures our interests while not completely ruining the country, while not pissing off the Angry Old Person vote, who the current government relies on.

So it's more a case of us standing in the door, making over-the-top and ridiculous demands, then acting affronted when they are not catered to, with an undertone of "we will pull this trigger and fuck us all over".

Also not very relevant to Parliament's unlawful suspension.


Labor have just been handed the most significant advantage in this whole process, and the opportunity to unify people for second ref / remain but no, today is the day to squander it on infighting
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Are they still fighting over the Brexit policy vote?

Labour is, as far as I can tell, the only political force in the country that recognizes that a culture war on the lines of Brexit is bad for everyone and is actively trying to avoid it, while still taking a fairly hard "Remainer" position (referendum and campaign for remain).

But that's not good enough, apparently. Because the Lib Dems are (again) making promises they have no intention of keeping with their "Revoke" campaign, Labour must "compromise", by which it is meant adopt their policies wholesale and bend over backwards to accommodate them.

Do the Lib Dems and Labour centrists know what is happening outside of their marginal support base? How heavily the hard right are running the "treason" line? Revoke Brexit without a referendum to defuse the "will of the people" bullshit and there will be considerable civil unrest. Appear to be too heavily promoting a particular outcome, and they'll claim the referendum was rigged and unfair. Labour is the only party saying, right now, "yes there are disagreements on Brexit, but Brexit is not all of politics and we still need to work together to find solutions to this and other problems."

Everyone else is busy drawing up battle lines and appealing to the worst people on both sides.


That's true and out and out remain would lead to problems as big as no deal would create, Labor playing it down the middle and eventually handing responsibility back to the people again is possibly the only way out of this web
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Alternatively the withdrawal agreement, acting as a stand in for the EU for everyone to blame for the next 40 years while also technically delivering on brexit
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Yeah. Labour are playing the long game. In the short-term though I expect them to get absolutely hammered for it by the press and the politicians who stand most to gain from said culture war.

I think that the Withdrawal agreement is dead in the water now. Labour and the SNP can just keep blocking the government from any meaningful action until the polls favour Labour in a general election. Whereupon it'll be referendum 2, possibly preceded by Labour negotiations on a Customs Union, to include it as an option on the ballot.


I see that the rightwing press is having a very sensible and not at all hysterical response to yesterday's ruling:


It's a shock. Never saw it coming. The ridiculous doublethink that's coming out of government is equally amusing.

At least it keeps the £126k+ to the pole dancer off the headlines for another day. A few more stupid things and you might just push that into next week's old news.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


To be honest I would be happier with the pole dancer as the brexit advisor instead of Dominik Cummings
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Nah, we gotta discuss how Lady Hale, who graduated top of her class with a 1st in Law from Cambridge, was Professor of Law at Manchester University, is the first woman to be appointed to the Law Commission, only the second woman to be appointed to the Court of Appeal and President of the Supreme Court was a BAR-MAID.

I swear to god, these fucking people. It's amazing how someone can be an "out-of-touch elitist" yet be a fucking peasant at the same time.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 24, 2019, 11:18:31 AM
Johnson has said he would prorogue Parliament again if this happened.

In which case this is heading for "contempt for everything" territory.

What happens if parliament says "no"?
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 25, 2019, 05:53:45 PM
Nah, we gotta discuss how Lady Hale, who graduated top of her class with a 1st in Law from Cambridge, was Professor of Law at Manchester University, is the first woman to be appointed to the Law Commission, only the second woman to be appointed to the Court of Appeal and President of the Supreme Court was a BAR-MAID.

I swear to god, these fucking people. It's amazing how someone can be an "out-of-touch elitist" yet be a fucking peasant at the same time.

We get the same thing out of the right wingers over AOC.  "How dare she work her way through college?"
Molon Lube