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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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Quote from: Junkenstien on October 22, 2019, 08:18:43 PM
Brexit deal passed by 30, then timetable lost by 15.
Holy shit, yes this will almost certainly get ammendements that either:
Make it incompatible with the EU (both sides need to match)
Make it unpalatable to the majority of MP's

That said, 30? I was expect 1-2 at best Where did all the other votes come from?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Magpie on October 22, 2019, 09:52:06 PM
The DUP also put on a show of trying to block decriminalisation of abortion in NI yesterday, .

There was never any chance for power sharing to be negotiated on the day, but this way the DUP can claim to their extra religious supporters that they tried, but Westminster forced the changes on them, while also removing the issues of abortion and marriage equality whenever the next election happens.

This is something to celebrate, the fact that NI now has the same rights for its citizens as the rest of both Ireland and the UK (for some reason NI was caught in a time vortex of the 1950's).
If Boris wants to punish the DUP further, the next one is the Irish Language act.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Faust on October 22, 2019, 11:28:06 PM
Quote from: Junkenstien on October 22, 2019, 08:18:43 PM
Brexit deal passed by 30, then timetable lost by 15.
Holy shit, yes this will almost certainly get ammendements that either:
Make it incompatible with the EU (both sides need to match)
Make it unpalatable to the majority of MP's

That said, 30? I was expect 1-2 at best Where did all the other votes come from?

Chunk of Labour, no dup, both times.

And yes, some of those voted yes with explicit intention to love it to death. Next read will be much slimmer if it even passes, "pause" serves a bunch of other purposes like replace bercow, give the rags a few days to convince everyone it's done, push an election again when that fucks up etc.

What's really scary was the timetable margin. Basically 50% of mps displaying utter unfitness for any power beyond a milk float. And that's a push in some cases too.

Give grayling a fucking milk round and he will return with magic beans and £100 million debt. On a good day.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Doktor Howl

Any one else watching the tantrum?

Cain, what is your best guess at the results of a Dec 12th election?
Molon Lube


If there was one, the polls suggest a Tory win, but very likely a hung Parliament.

But I don't think Labour are going to vote for it. The scuttlebutt from tonight's emergency Shadow Cabinet meeting is to tell Boris to shove it.

Edit: even better, they've told him they will do it, but only if he takes No Deal Brexit off the table. That is as good as telling him to shove it.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on October 24, 2019, 09:41:04 PM
If there was one, the polls suggest a Tory win, but very likely a hung Parliament.

But I don't think Labour are going to vote for it. The scuttlebutt from tonight's emergency Shadow Cabinet meeting is to tell Boris to shove it.

Edit: even better, they've told him they will do it, but only if he takes No Deal Brexit off the table. That is as good as telling him to shove it.

Fucker thought this PM thing would be easy.   :lulz:
Molon Lube


Why anyone would want to be PM with Brexit undecided is beyond me. I think I've used this analogy before, but it's like being voted to clean up the mess after a massive party, only everyone has already buggered off. And there's vomit in the carpet, someone tried to set fire to the bathroom and the fish from the backyard pond have been left frying on the cooker.


Boris is now throwing a hissy fit of epic proportions. He is going to do the UK equivalent of a US government shutdown. Minimal amount of work in Parliament. No budget being put forward. Asking every day to hold a vote on a General Election.


A government shutdown. Well Arlene would be happy, makes NI consistent with the rest of the UK.
No government for all
Sleepless nights at the chateau



Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


This reminds me of that time I was like, five, still recovering from a traumatic head injury, and my dad was driving us home from the beach, drunk as a skunk, my mom said something he didn't like so he backhanded her five times in the face, getting blood everywhere, then jerked the wheel side to side with the pedal to the floor screaming "GODDAMNIT! I'LL KILL US ALL!!!", except in slow motion.

Good times.


That sounds like something that a lot of things would remind you of.

With alarming frequency.
Formerly something else...


Yo, you know Deez?


EDIT: Every day was an adventure in darkness. It would've been nice to have a happy, soothing environment to heal in, but did I get that? No. I got something like Mad Max: Fury Road. I'm not bitter, I'm past that point. I'm a pickled pickle.


Here comes the Lib Dem knife in the back.

QuoteBoris Johnson has been offered a route to securing the pre-Christmas election that he has been seeking, through a plan that would only require the support of a simple majority of MPs.

With most Labour MPs still against the idea of a snap election, the prime minister looks set to lose his bid to secure a December poll on Monday in a vote that requires the backing of two-thirds of MPs. Other parties are also opposing an election until the EU has granted a three-month Brexit delay, although the DUP hinted on Saturday it could back the move.

However, in a sign that the coalition opposed to an election is under strain, the Liberal Democrats have drawn up a plan allowing Johnson to secure a December poll with a simple majority of MPs, with the support of Jo Swinson's party and the SNP.

Under the one-page Lib Dem bill, the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act would be amended to state that the next election would take place on 9 December, three days earlier than under Johnson's plans. It states that the new election date would be cancelled should the EU fail to grant a three-month Brexit extension.

Sure, give Johnson what he wants, rather than making him water down his Brexit deal into something that might actually pass Parliament. That'll work out great, when he returns with a No Deal Brexit ironclad majority.