
Testimonial: "This board is everything that's fucking wrong with the internet"

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What is Kek?

Started by TheEldritchGod, February 20, 2017, 11:24:09 AM

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I don't do PM debates. My discussions are out in the open. You wanna dance? Let's dance.


Want proof? Got it right here:

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on February 20, 2017, 01:56:11 PM
Nuke this thread and everyone in it

You are into censorship. Kek Forbid you actually had to engage someone else in an intellectual discourse and actually judge them on their own merits. The fact that Pennyworth posted a call for Censorship and NONE OF YOU SAID FUCK ABOUT IT, shows that each and every one of you, by your show of inaction and lack of offense at the very idea of such a thing, proves to me that you are calcified and set in your ways.

StrawEris: Buht We'z is DaZ WieRd!

Gray faces don't have a standard set of beliefs. They have a standard set of methodology. They are intolerant of new ideas. You can have Radical Feminist Grayfaces and Regressive Republicans Grayfaces. They have the same methodology: Intolerance to that which is NOT APPROVED. And that's you. Judgmental and unwilling to change or consider new ideas.


Over at the Kek Discord when I first started hanging out, the discussions for a while were all philosophical and very deep. Discussions concerning economics, globalism vrs nationalism, that sort of thing. Then, on a dime, the discussion turned to homophobic remarks, anti-semitism, jokes about the handicapped, and an endless stream of Anime Dickgirl picks.

After a "gas the jews comment" I pointed out, "You guys all like Milo and he's a gay jew." Where upon a third said they were gay and another third said they were jews.

We call it "the briar patch". At random we just start autistically screeching, shit posting, insulting one another, and in general acting like complete assholes. The point of The Briar Patch is to keep out normies (Like YOU). We create an environment that appears very toxic, but in reality we're all very tolerant. The message is not the messenger. We hate the sin, but not the sinner. We say racist, sexist, and bigoted things, to make FUN of racists, sexists, and bigots.

Take PewDiePie. Pays some guys 5 bucks to make a video saying, "Death to all jews". People say he's making fun of jews. No.

He's making fun of racists. The joke isn't funny unless you ACCEPT that hating jews is wrong. If you actually were racist, the joke wouldn't be funny. Most "so-called" racist jokes actually make fun of racists.

The reason is simple: If you care about race, you are the racist.

I'm white. I don't care about being white. I don't care if you are black. I DON'T CARE. I am apathetic, and so is every follower of Kek. And if you aren't. Well, we try to convince you to stop being racist. We don't cast out the racists, we try to save them. We save them with a torrent of profanity that would make a two dollar whore blush, but we try. Didn't say it was that effective.

I don't take pride in being white. I also don't take SHAME in anything white either. And that's what the world is about today. Making you take pride in the melanin content of your skin, then be ashamed of the actions of people who aren't you. All women are helpless and need to be saved by men because all men are rapists.

I take pride in ME. I judge YOU by what you post and more importantly, how many of you just read the thread and DON'T CALL OUT THE BULLSHIT.

I never... and I mean NEVER thought I would see the day Followers of Eris would support censorship. It's... revolting.

I've seen bullshit arguments from feminists that amount to "There is no rape crisis in Europe because White Women have Institutional power over muslims, so if a muslim forces a White woman to have sex, it isn't rape, just a reallocation of privilege." Honestly. These arguments were SERIOUS. Feminism believes that you cannot be raped if you have "power"

Why am I pointing this out?

Quote from: IPunchNazis on February 20, 2017, 01:54:14 PM
KEK is hate speech and should be illegal.

Quote from: LMNO on February 21, 2017, 01:27:29 AM
If you say it out loud, it's shorthand for "please punch me in the face".

Because you are just as violent and hate filled as the racist, sexist, bigoted liberal regressives/feminists/all the other grayfaces.

You feel the same way as the left, who advocate for censorship and violence to punish opinions that do not conform to your way of thinking. You have all the same sexist, racist traits as the left. I don't care if you "only raise up one group". If you care about race, you are a racist. PERIOD. Everyone should be treated equal with no one group raised over another. EVER.

And those two above quotes... so where did you get your bullshit beliefs? Where did you get your brainwashing?

You got your brainwashing from the MSM which has told you to judge a group a certain way and YOU NEVER LOOKED INTO IT OR DID ANY INVESTIGATION ON YOUR OWN.

For the record, Kek followers don't like the Alt-Right and the alt-right HATES kekites.

They hate us because we make fun of them CONSTANTLY. We hate those hide-bound normies just as much as we hate the feminists and their cucked beta males.

In case you are wondering about the demographics of Kek followers, it's mostly young men, seniors in high school up to guys in college or just getting out of college. People who are figuring out the system doesn't give a shit about male suffering and that they are fucked. We got a lot of gays, and a whole bunch of autistic guys too.

We got so many, we call it, Weaponized Autism, because they are so fuckin' effective. In fact, a fair number of the leaders are Autistic.

So we're a bunch of assholes lead by retards. We shit post constantly, insult each other all the time, and occasionally get down to some serious philosophical debate before farting into the microphone.

And so you guys think it's funny to post this:

Quote from: Salty on February 21, 2017, 05:25:00 PM
Aw, hey now, it's ok, buddy.

I was just funnin'!

Don't cry.




You actually believe even one iota... one shred... one planck distance squared patch of my self-esteem is dependent on the opinion of a bunch of washed out nobodies? You think that YOU can make me cry?

Yes you can. I laughed so hard reading your hate filled, knee jerked, gray face, stuck in the mud, feminist, cucked responses. I have actually thought of a name for the video I'm gonna make about this for my channel.


You know, like Atheism+?

I love how feminism just gutted out and destroyed the atheist movement. Cracked open it's thigh bones and sucked out the marrow. I suspect that's what happened here.

Your book. The black Iron Prison. HAVE YOU READ IT LATELY? While you were trying to do the slow corruption from within, a bunch of gray faces moved into your forums and DID IT TO YOU. You put it on the internet. Didn't you expect anyone to actually read it? Did you expect someone to ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU SAY, or was it all just a big joke?

Seriously. I mean it. Do any of you actually understand what your books mean? When was the last time ANY OF YOU READ THE DISCIPLINE DISCORDIA? Months? Years?

You've lost your way.
You're weak.
You're comfortable with your echo chamber and your spoon fed media that THE MACHINE gives you.

This forum, has been tamed.

Its such a pity. A place that produced such amazing, thought provoking, and intellectually devastating material, to be reduced to... whatever the fuck you have become. I don't have words. Just fuckin' disgust.

And at least I'm brave enough to take a stand for what I believe out in the open. I won't dox, but if you got a pair, you'll respond to me ON THIS THREAD WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE.

Because I'm not stuck in this thread with all of you.
All of you are stuck in this thread with ME.

Now run back to your pussy goddess.
Make room for a real god to save western civilization.

I'd welcome the intellectual stimulation, You Grayfaced Normie Scum.

Read my signature. I stand by it. Come to me with facts and arguments or run away like a little bitch. You can't hurt me with insults. Trust me. I'm better at it than you.

Oh, BTW...
Quote from: Faust on February 24, 2017, 02:00:24 PM

Faust? Suck my giant hairy ball. Not the small smooth one. Or the other one. Just the GIANT hairy one. And choke on it. Seriously. I am rubbing one out right now as I think about dunking that ball over and over between your plump lips. My testicle is going to go so deep down your throat, it will roll through your colon like Sherman's March to the sea...

...and its only a matter of time before Atlanta burns.

Praise Kek,
I am fallible and I love to fail for without error there is no clear path to truth.


Quote from: Salty on February 24, 2017, 04:45:00 PM
QuoteHowever, I am seeing a rise in "Madness due to non-conformity". A rise in people who are deemed "mad" because they simply do not accept the ever narrowing definition of what society deems as "acceptable".

This kind of intellectual wankery make sit hard to take you seriously. You sound like you're trapped in the 19th Century and re-creating psychology from scratch. It's not clever, it just sounds like it's supposed to be.

"Madness due to non-conformity" is just about the stupidest thing I have read in a while, and Ron Paul's alt won't STFU, so that's saying something.

Not an argument.

Quote from: Junkenstein on February 24, 2017, 04:42:42 PM
LMNO, I think you're pissing into the wind here. It's your pair of pants, I'm just trying to save you some washing.

Not an argument

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on February 24, 2017, 04:34:15 PM
Yeah, pretty much, by people who are either too stupid or too hung  up on occultism to realize that the spread of information is a well-studied field and that the word "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976 as an analog of the "gene" concept of spreadable unit of information. There are a lot of books on the topic, but it's my guess that next to none of the pinheaded adolescents squeaking about memes have ever cracked one.

Not an argument.
I am fallible and I love to fail for without error there is no clear path to truth.


Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


QuoteI'm white. I don't care about being white. I don't care if you are black. I DON'T CARE. I am apathetic, and so is every follower of Kek. And if you aren't. Well, we try to convince you to stop being racist. We don't cast out the racists, we try to save them. We save them with a torrent of profanity that would make a two dollar whore blush, but we try. Didn't say it was that effective.

"I don't see race" is definitely a racist argument.


You actually believe even one iota... one shred... one planck distance squared patch of my self-esteem is dependent on the opinion of a bunch of washed out nobodies? You think that YOU can make me cry?

Yes you can. I laughed so hard reading your hate filled, knee jerked, gray face, stuck in the mud, feminist, cucked responses. I have actually thought of a name for the video I'm gonna make about this for my channel.

Oh, honey, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Ron Paul. Try to keep up.

Also, yes, I am a feminist. I am glad you laughed so hard and weren't at all super butt-hurt. That's why you didn't realize I wasn't even talking to you.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Quote from: TheEldritchGod on February 24, 2017, 04:49:32 PM
Quote from: Salty on February 24, 2017, 04:45:00 PM
QuoteHowever, I am seeing a rise in "Madness due to non-conformity". A rise in people who are deemed "mad" because they simply do not accept the ever narrowing definition of what society deems as "acceptable".

This kind of intellectual wankery make sit hard to take you seriously. You sound like you're trapped in the 19th Century and re-creating psychology from scratch. It's not clever, it just sounds like it's supposed to be.

"Madness due to non-conformity" is just about the stupidest thing I have read in a while, and Ron Paul's alt won't STFU, so that's saying something.

Not an argument.

Quote from: Junkenstein on February 24, 2017, 04:42:42 PM
LMNO, I think you're pissing into the wind here. It's your pair of pants, I'm just trying to save you some washing.

Not an argument

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on February 24, 2017, 04:34:15 PM
Yeah, pretty much, by people who are either too stupid or too hung  up on occultism to realize that the spread of information is a well-studied field and that the word "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976 as an analog of the "gene" concept of spreadable unit of information. There are a lot of books on the topic, but it's my guess that next to none of the pinheaded adolescents squeaking about memes have ever cracked one.

Not an argument.

That's because your post was below the dignity of criticism argument.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


QuoteThis forum, has been tamed.

The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


I, for one, am glad to disappoint and disgust a wet sandwich such as yourself.

If I didn't, I'd feel like I really was DOIN IT WRONG.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Quote from: Junkenstein on February 20, 2017, 11:30:49 AM
Calling it early.

Fuck you, Fuck off.

Ask me how I knew this was the correct response from the start. Go on.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Quote from: TheEldritchGod on February 24, 2017, 04:49:05 PM

Faust? Suck my giant hairy ball. Not the small smooth one. Or the other one. Just the GIANT hairy one. And choke on it. Seriously. I am rubbing one out right now as I think about dunking that ball over and over between your plump lips. My testicle is going to go so deep down your throat, it will roll through your colon like Sherman's March to the sea...

You mad bra
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Salty on February 24, 2017, 04:58:01 PM
QuoteThis forum, has been tamed.

He's not entirely wrong, although its more a case that we are dormant.

That's not dead which can eternal lie.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Junkenstein on February 24, 2017, 04:42:42 PM
LMNO, I think you're pissing into the wind here. It's your pair of pants, I'm just trying to save you some washing.

Part was much like his own post was supposedly, a way to clarify my own thoughts.

The other part was in hopes of getting the UMAD response post at the top of this page.  Looks like it worked.  Hail Eris!


You know, for someone who purportedly deals in mockery as his stock in trade, TEG isn't handling it very well.


The Feminist outrage is the strangest one. I know we have discussed it in the past a lot but its not like its a burning issue.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Vanadium Gryllz

WTF is discipline discordia?
"I was fine until my skin came off.  I'm never going to South Attelboro again."