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Messages - Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Needles and cords and threads and other implements of tortu, er, I mean creativity, yeah, that's it  :lol:
I am reading a book about pirates and the Templar Knights.  So far it is just doing an overview of the Templars.
Well, what's wrong with the Cthulu hat, other than I never pictured him as white, I dunno why  :?
Tired?  Hungry?  
Try our new chocolate covered espresso beans!  
New from Hershey's!!
Wake up and mellow out all at once!  
Got PMS, this is just for you!!
Get the chocolate you crave with the energy boost you need!!

not responsible for overindulgence of caffeine, chocolate can only override so much espresso, not responsible for pms outbursts that lead to injury, arrest, or confinement to hospital
Quote from: Shecky D. Albino
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy
Quote from: Shecky D. AlbinoIs Barbie wearing macrame?

Fucking shoot her.

It's either knitted or crocheted.

Um... thanks?

Well it wasn't macrame  :lol:  What kind of hippy are you, anyway :twisted:
Quote from: Shecky D. AlbinoIs Barbie wearing macrame?

Fucking shoot her.

It's either knitted or crocheted.
Butch:Where's my fucking drink?
Now, you've done it, the bird is picking up bad language as well as a drinking habit  :evil:
Enrico, my darling, WAKE UP YOU FAGGOT!!!!!

I have another appointment, so I really must be going.  It was so nice for you to be able to see me and all, but I must be going.  Try to do something with alpha d00d, this is really kind of sad.  I hope he feels better.  What do you give someone after they've eaten bad Smurf?
Are you having trouble controlling your pets?  Try our new all in one anti everything pill for your pet.  It combines all the old and new drugs into one convenient pill.  Valium, our own patented SSRI, reds, blues, pinks, you name it, it's in their.  No more humping, well, not as much, no more tearing shit up, no more jumping on people.  Just calm cool relaxed and mellow.


Quote from: Enrico SalazarEnrico did not know that, but will write it in his diary backstage.  Menatl note - Eldora likes dangerous scorpions.


Would any of you mind if Enrico sang a song now?

I have a fondness for dangersous men, er I mean people, no, I mean, arachnids. :twisted:

Sing to your haert's content, my little Liberace!
hmmm, there seems to be an echo in here.  Too bad about Dildo, I miss him already.  You did know my birthday is in November, didn't you? :evil:

Thank you Baron.  I fear the only way to deal with LMNO today is to keep him quite drunk  :twisted:
Not that I know of, but since it has been staying at my house, I would not be surprised.  He can say a lot of words and can identify a lot of things.  

Butch:  That guy is drunk.  Sloppy drunk.  No excuse.

Yes, LMNO seems to be having problems today.  Very uncharacteristic of him.  

Turkey Vultures are very adaptable.  They have taken up residence in a hospital near where I live.  Scares the crap out of people, which alone makes all the Discordians want to protect them.
:young man comes out with pampers diaper wipes, extra large bin:
For crying out loud, alpha d00d, since when can't you hold your liquor, really.  The wolverine has had more than you and all it did was make him horny  :roll:
That's hard to say.  I would definitely say the wolverine, they are scrappy and determined, just like my friend Enrico.  Tazmanian devils are feisty, but they lack a focus, like some of the people who post around here.  I pray to Eris for them to find their way.

:cute young man comes out with bird:
Thanks sweetie:wink:
:slaps young man's ass:
:young man takes wolverine offstage:

Enrico, this is an African grey parrot, his name is Butch

Butch: Enrico, my glorious faggot

I taught him that especially for your show.
Well, in order to avoid any lawsuits we pumped him full of valium, but they can be rather nasty.  This little guy only weighs about 40 pounds, but wolverines have been known to fight a grizzly over food.  Hey, that's just like your last common law wife too, isn't it  :lol: