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Messages - Vene

Quote from: Cain on June 29, 2010, 01:23:19 AM80 year olds also have poor reflexes, sight and grip.  One cop could easily distract her while the other controls the weapon hand, applying enough force to cause her to drop it or, if she was unexpectedly strong, break the wrist.  Especially when she's in bed.

I mean, lets think about this.  In bed, you cant put weight behind a weapon, and your attack vectors are highly limited.  At the worst, she could likely inflict flesh wounds via slashing attacks and while that would spread a lot of blood around the place, it is hardly fatal.
This is at least what I'm looking for, an actual method to disarm her. Although I admit I'm not sure if flesh wounds are an acceptable risk and I don't have much sympathy if somebody gets hurt after threatening another person. I'm also not sure if the effects of the taser are worse than a broken wrist.

QuoteAnd this is assuming she had a knife.  I remember only too well how the cops over here lied repeatedly when they capped a Brazilian guy on the subway because he might've been a terrorist.  They lied about the clothes he was wearing and his actions immediately before his death, spinning it to look like he acted suspiciously enough to allow a copper to empty a clip into his head.  Cops lie, and cover up, and distort, and one of the main reasons for doing such things is negative media attention due to acting like a thug.
Lying is a very real possibility, I can't discount it happening. I'm going to have to reserve judgment on that front for now.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 29, 2010, 12:11:01 AM
Quote from: Vene on June 29, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
Quote from: Cain on June 28, 2010, 11:30:02 PM
The problem I have with this "death threat" argument is that it relies on the testimony of cops who tasered an 86 year old woman, from a department which apparently has many issues when it comes to using tasers.

Of course, the police would never lie to justify their actions, especially when they start to look like real shitheads in the press.  They're too honourable.
See, that's something that is at least a source of reasonable doubt. Dishonesty on their part wouldn't be something unrealistic, but I have nothing to say that it is a lie. If it is false and she didn't have a knife, no question, the cops did wrong, but if she had a knife, I'm not sure what else they could have done.

And, Dok, it's a knife, it's fucking sharp, humans are squishy and weak, it doesn't take much to stab somebody. I don't doubt they could get it from her, I doubt that they could get it from her without anybody getting stabbed in the process.

Well, sure.  I know nothing of this subject matter, after all, and those old ladies are like fucking ninjas.
Not what I said, but you can tell yourself that.
(For the record, I received some training with knife fighting from a former US Army instructor, one of the things I learned is that when a knife is involved, there will always be blood spilled. I try not to underestimate weapons.)
Quote from: Cain on June 28, 2010, 11:30:02 PM
The problem I have with this "death threat" argument is that it relies on the testimony of cops who tasered an 86 year old woman, from a department which apparently has many issues when it comes to using tasers.

Of course, the police would never lie to justify their actions, especially when they start to look like real shitheads in the press.  They're too honourable.
See, that's something that is at least a source of reasonable doubt. Dishonesty on their part wouldn't be something unrealistic, but I have nothing to say that it is a lie. If it is false and she didn't have a knife, no question, the cops did wrong, but if she had a knife, I'm not sure what else they could have done.

And, Dok, it's a knife, it's fucking sharp, humans are squishy and weak, it doesn't take much to stab somebody. I don't doubt they could get it from her, I doubt that they could get it from her without anybody getting stabbed in the process.
I find it interesting how the source in the OP leaves out things like how she had a knife and threatened to kill the cops.

Quote"If you come any closer, you're getting the knife."

"If you try and get the knife I will stab you and kill you. I killed four Japs in World War II, and I would not bat an eye killing you."

I just wonder what the cops were supposed to do, whether it's misplaced ideology or not, they had a responsibility to prevent her from committing suicide. She was also armed with a weapon and threatening them. So, they needed to remove the weapon from her. Should they have tried to wrestle it away from her, beat her to submission with billy clubs, sprayed her down with pepper spray, shot her? I'm open to suggestions, but in the context of their duties, I'm not sure what else they could have reasonably done. To some extent, this sounds like an attempted suicide by cop.
I love the Dunning-Kruger effect, and by "love" I mean it makes me want to punch babies.

But, I do find it interesting that everybody puts their skill in the third quartile, irregardless of actual ability.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: I am reading letters
June 21, 2010, 08:55:31 PM
I've started reading some again out of boredom.


Where do you find these incompetent people...Obama Labor chief: Illegals have a right to fair wages.. Really,.and maybe medical and school and social security may be we should all quit our jobs and give them to ILLEGAL ALIENS....this is the hall mark of your administration INCOMPETENCY.....Its endless..........It appears you are unaware that this in the United States of American, the Greatest Country in the World...we are not Europe or Asia or South America.....We are still number 1 get use to it or go back to Jakarta...PS: We are the most generous people in the world....We don't need you to share our wealth...PS: I do believe you earned to much money last year and should give some 4 million to the poor...As it is you are liveing in a great house for nothing...and doing nothing right....Over paid...
Quote from: Turdley Burgleson on June 18, 2010, 10:05:04 PM
Why not?? Louisianna is where transexuals come from!
Let's put it this way, in Minnesota, they can use the bathroom of their gender, in Louisiana, they'd get arrested.
Quote from: RWHN on June 18, 2010, 05:05:00 PM
And one more thing, President Obama ran on a platform that included civic engagement and working in the community.  

Hello?  This calamity SCREAMS for that.  His office should be leading the charge on this.  You gotta know there are tons of people out there who would love to travel down and pitch in.  Get a few brains together and come up with a plan to tap into that.  The leak isn't going away soon, there has to be plenty of shit to do.  
I'd honestly love to help with the cleanup (I've got nothing better to do), but there's a few problems, like, I'm in Minnesota and can't afford to travel to the gulf (at least not if I also want to eat). This one's more selfish, but I also don't want to leave the SOs here and I am NOT taking two transsexuals to Louisiana.
Aneristic Illusions / The Laughter, It Hurts
June 18, 2010, 04:28:57 PM
QuoteThe last thing someone who is unemployed needs to be told is that they shouldn't even apply for the limited number of job openings that are available. But some companies and recruiters are doing just that.

Employment experts say they believe companies are increasingly interested only in applicants who already have a job.

"I think it is more prevalent than it used to be," said Rich Thompson, vice president of learning and performance for Adecco Group North America, the world's largest staffing firm. "I don't have hard numbers, but three out of the last four conversations I've had about openings, this requirement was brought up."

Some job postings include restrictions such as "unemployed candidates will not be considered" or "must be currently employed." Those explicit limitations have occasionally been removed from listings when an employer or recruiter is questioned by the media though.

That's what happened with numerous listings for grocery store managers throughout the Southeast posted by a South Carolina recruiter, Latro Consulting.

After CNNMoney called seeking comments on the listings last week, the restriction against unemployed candidates being considered came down. Latro Consulting refused to comment when contacted.

Sony Ericsson, a global phone manufacturer that was hiring for a new Georgia facility, also removed a similar restriction after local reporters wrote about it. According to reports, a Sony Ericsson spokesperson said that a mistake had been made.

But even if companies don't spell out in a job listing that they won't consider someone who currently doesn't have a job, experts said that unemployed applicants are typically ruled out right off the bat.

"Most executive recruiters won't look at a candidate unless they have a job, even if they don't like to admit to it," said Lisa Chenofsky Singer, a human resources consultant from Millburn, NJ, specializing in media and publishing jobs.

She said when she proposes candidates for openings, the first question she is often asked by a recruiter is if they currently have a job. If the answer is no, she's typically told the unemployed candidate won't be interviewed
More here
Aneristic Illusions / Read this Shit
June 17, 2010, 04:21:36 AM
Read it! Do it!  :argh!:

Georgia candidate for governor says sex with mules, watermelon behind him

Quote"When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."


"The kicker is, as soon as I was done she pissed all over me. It was embarrassing. I never told anyone that before."
Wanna see something fun?

Gulf Lawmakers to Obama: It's Time to Lift Ban on Offshore Drilling

QuoteGulf region lawmakers are demanding an end to the moratorium on offshore oil drilling imposed by the Obama administration, saying the cost to workers' livelihoods exceeds the risk of another spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Louisiana Rep. Charlie Melancon joined several of the region's other congressional members on Tuesday to argue that a six-month moratorium would result in 20,000 lost jobs and the collapse of offshore drilling companies and suppliers, who contribute $6 billion a year to federal coffers.

Melancon, a Democrat, along with 19 other Gulf lawmakers, held a press conference Tuesday to demand an end to the moratorium and to advocate for "responsible offshore drilling and continued development of our natural resources." Other representatives present, included Ted Poe, R-Texas; Charles Boustany, R-La.; Robert Aderholt, R-Ala.; Joe Barton, R-Texas and Gregg Harper, R-Miss.


The U.S. government extended a moratorium on deep-water drilling in May by six months following the April 20 explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 workers and unleashed millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf. BP currently has four other offshore oil drilling permits that were put on hold by Obama.

But the ban, while supported by the White House and other Democrats, has angered Gulf lawmakers who say it's crippling an already weakened economy in the region.

"Thousands of Louisianans are already out of work because of the devastating oil spill, but President Obama says he has a plan for all this job loss -- join the unemployment rolls, and collect a government check," Sen. David Vitter, R-La., wrote in an e-mail to his supporters on Tuesday.

"This is totally unacceptable. I will fight to keep every single Louisiana job Obama is putting in jeopardy as a result of this moratorium," Vitter said.

And in a letter to the Small Business Administration Tuesday, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., cited the six-month moratorium as a factor in the Gulf region's economic struggle.


Public Polling Policy, a liberal-leaning polling agency, released a poll Tuesday that surveyed how unhappy Louisiana voters are with Obama's handling of the Gulf crisis.

Fifty percent of voters in the state -- including 31 percent of Democrats -- said former President George W. Bush handled Hurricane Katrina better than Obama's response to the oil spill crisis.
All I can really offer is that I have a laptop, and it is my main (well, only) computer. It most definitely has the performance capabilities that you listed. But, yeah, I'm not sure it's quite as portable as what you're wanting. What kind of portability are you looking for, where else do you plan on using it?

And Richter is right, I can confirm that a laptop does require its own bag if you want to carry it from point A to point B.
Quote from: Ne+@uNGr0+ on June 12, 2010, 08:59:18 PM
Quote from: Vene on June 12, 2010, 08:47:17 PM
Kill the tissue, but not the organism, if it retains thought, then the tissue isn't responsible for thought.

Too bad that hypothesis has been disproved.

Many times the adjacent brain tissue adopts the function of the missing part.

You can see this in traumatic brain injuries and cases where half of people's brains have been removed.

Do try again.
The left and right hemispheres are, more or less, copies of each other, that's not really a good comparison. You can remove half because there are structures in the other half that do the same job. And if this was an absolute, then why do we see differences in people before and after they are lobotomized?
Kill the tissue, but not the organism, if it retains thought, then the tissue isn't responsible for thought.
Quote from: Jerry_Frankster on June 12, 2010, 08:12:55 PM
Quote from: Vene on June 12, 2010, 07:42:55 PM
Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on June 12, 2010, 07:36:58 PM
I'm out of here. You scientists have your beliefs. I don't. Nuff said :lulz:
Our beliefs give the world things like medicine, computers, and automobiles, we win.


Now get back in the lab and invent me a flying sandwich.