
If you really want to hurt your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be a homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. But do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites, standing for absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.

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Topics - Suu


This is what happens when you have a spousal culture-clash over sirloin tips.

First of all...allow me to remind everyone that I have not had red meat in the form of a steak, steak tips, or steak-like in nature in MONTHS. So last night when we were at the 24 hour Wal-Mart and saw decent looking meats at fabulous prices, we couldn't resist.

...Then we immediately got into the argument.

Sirloin tips.

Now, I grew up with my mom making fabulous tips using just basic seasonings, mostly black pepper, and grilled to a wonderful medium. Black pepper was pretty much the foundation of all my childhood meat flavors and allows the preparer or consumer to garnish with their favorite condiments during the meal.

Mr. Suu on the other hand, could own stock in Goya between all of the cliche Hispanic spices he uses on everything on a daily basis, namely the sodium-rich Adobo and Sazon con Achiote. Don't get me wrong, I love these spices, and I've too come to abuse them on a regular basis, especially when it comes to chicken, but I couldn't bring myself to destroy the flavor of beef for this go around.

So we reached an agreement: We would prepare our tips in separate ways, and then saute them both in the evening with green peppers and onions.

After consulting ECH and my brother, I decided to go with my brother's most basic recipe since he said the saute would obviously pull flavors from the veggies into the meat, and we're not serving the tips as a stand-alone. (However, I do plan on trying ECH's most yummy sounding marinade of soy sauce, pineapple juice, and cooking sherry at a later time.)

Suu's basic mix:

Black Pepper

Mr. Suu's chemistry experiment:

White vinegar
Sazon con Achiote with Black Pepper
Moar black pepper
Crushed Red Pepper
Moar black pepper
Red table wine
Moar black pepper

      Suu                                                                                    Mr. Suu
      \                                                                                                /

Stay tuned for the final tonight, around 8pm EDT.
Bring and Brag / THIS SATURDAY!
September 25, 2008, 05:20:32 PM
Come support your favorite Suus at the annual Providence Street Painting Festival. Watch us slowly get sunburned over the course of at least 6 hours of work slaving over an 8'x8' patch of concrete downtown from 9am-9pm! We get absolutely filthy, bitchy, hungry, sore, and miserable, but it is actually a lot of fun!

Last year's square:

and 2006's entry:

See moar pix here:
Discordian Recipes / Poor Suu's Meal of day!
September 16, 2008, 01:49:07 AM
White rice, blueberry muffin cake (our muffin pan shit the bed) and...Generic Spam "Bacon Grill" from the hurricane kit.

I don't know if it's because I'm fucking starving, but this Spam thing isn't too bad. In fact, it kind of reminds me of kielbasa, so that's what I keep telling myself it is.

Luckily, when Mr. Suu makes a pot of rice, he makes it to feed a small country. So we should be set for a day or two.
GASM Command / 5167/8167 size memebomb StickerGASM sheet
September 14, 2008, 02:19:14 AM
I whipped this up. It's for return address sized labels (Avery 5167/8167 or comparable brands).

Here's both the PDF and .doc formats for your consumption and adjustments. Font is Tahoma.
Discordian Recipes / Poor Suu Pizza
September 14, 2008, 01:43:51 AM
Another amalgamation of  "omg, I hope this is edible."

A couple of years ago, Richter bestowed several boxes of Matzo on us. Though I've often snacked on it, I forget we had an unopened one in the house. went:

1 matzo wafer, broken into quarters
Tostitos™ Salsa con Queso
The most horrific "Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Product" on the planet (GV brand)
Jarred tomato sauce (Stop and Shop Tomato and's actually not bad for jarred sauce.)
Sliced tomato

...Put everything on top of the matzo on the pan in your toaster oven for 5mins....

Now, when I say that the "Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Product" is horrific, I mean it from the depths of my soul. Now, I eat cheap, I have no choice, so normally we get the Stop and Shop brand white American singles, however, this time Mr. Suu went grocery shopping unchaperoned, and I know we have to buy cheap and all, but this is BELOW even hobo-standard cheese, not even the government would issue such a dishonor to the glory that is REAL cheese. At least the first ingredient on the list of the Stop and Shop kind  is "American Cheese" followed by a breakdown of the usual cheesy makeup.

...This is:
water, palm oil, corn starch, gelatin and/or casein, whey, modified potato starch, sodium citrate, salt, carrageenan [the fuck?], kasal, Lactic acid [you know, the stuff that makes your muscles sore after a workout...], natural and artificial flavoring, sorbic acid as a preservative, citric acid, annatto and oleoresin paprika color (if colored.)
Contains: Milk

Milk? MILK?! WHERE?! All I taste is SALT and CITRIC ACID! Gah...and it's not colored, btw, this is the whitest fucking white "American Cheese" I've ever seen in my LIFE, and more or less a piece of uncolored plastic that's missing a molecule or two to make it rigid! I put it next to a piece of the other singles we had left and it was like white VS champagne at David's Bridal!

This isn't cheese, it's fucking PLAY-DOH. I wonder if Hasbro knows that their product is now being sold as a food product. Gah.

And if it wasn't for this "Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Product", this snack I made would have been awesome...but all I tasted was PLAY-DOH!  :argh!:

Next time: NO "Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Product"!

Meanwhile...I'm using my crock pot for the first time ever after owning now for nearly 3 years. It's a cute little one, and I figure it'll be good to sorta cook the jarred sauce we have with the additives I threw in...namely chopped tomato, oregano, and garlic. I think I should through in a pinch of sugar, just to kill the acidity a bit, and hopefully next week I'll be able to get the fixings to make a real pot of sauce, in which half of it I'll freeze for later use and use the rest for a pan of baked ziti. It's not that it's hard or expensive, it's just time-consuming since I make a veritable VAT of it.

I shall update on my sauce project later in the evening when Mr. Suu comes home and I make the pasta.

...Maybe I'll garnish his with some "Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Product".
Discordian Recipes / Today's Po-Suu Lunch - Ramen Stir-fry
September 04, 2008, 07:59:37 PM
For the record. I detest ramen noodles. The only way I'll eat them is drenched in hot sauce, or like this. I made this a variety of ways depending on what veggies we have in the house and what we feel like, this is just today's variant.

2 pkgs of Ramen noodles
Vegetable oil
Soy Sauce (I use lite soy sauce)
A frozen block of chopped broccoli. I have the Stop and Shop 2 for $3 kind.
Sesame seeds
Louisiana Hot Sauce (not Tabasco, not wing sauce...the plain red stuff.)
Black Pepper

Boil Water, cook ramen. THROW THE SEASONING AWAY.

Drain the ramen after it's magical 3 minutes of boiling, and set aside.

Break apart the broccoli as best you can.

Enter the wok. (If you don't have a wok, you can probably use a large frying pan.) Add some oil to the bottom of the wok and begin heating it up, once the oil is poppin', gradually add the broccoli and be careful since the moisture will make it attack you with little pops of hot oil fury. Once the broccoli is cooked but still firm (don't let it get soggy!) add a bit of soy sauce, flip it around a bit, and then add the noodles. You're going to have to keep this is motion or else the noodles will burn to the bottom of the pan fast. Stir it rapidly with a spatula or claw and make sure that everything is evenly coated with the oil and soy mixture. Add more if necessary and to desired taste. At this point add a few splashes of Louisiana, and then stir in sesame seeds and pepper to taste. 

Once everything is evenly coated, go ahead and remove the wok from heat, but continue to stir until the surface is cool enough to not burn anything to the surface. Serve into a bowl and garnish with more sesame and pepper to taste.

It doesn't look like much, but it's got a decent somewhat Asian flavor and it's filling, and when you have NOTHING ELSE IN THE HOUSE, deal with it.

And something about the frozen veggies makes it better, I've used fresh bell peppers and onions with it before, and it just doesn't seem to taste as good. They make a good pepper stir fry mix and that's what we usually use, but again, poverty...the frozen broccoli sufficed.
Discordian Recipes / Peppery Chicken Boobs
July 08, 2008, 02:59:27 AM
I completely made this up as I went along by grabbing shit from the spice cabinet...

Throw 6 large boneless breasts in a bowl...

Attack with Adobo, jarred chopped garlic, oregano, black pepper, crushed red pepper, and white wine vinegar infused with tarragon...rub all over chicken boobs, let sit for a while.

Throw on baking sheet/pan after marinating, putting the remaining liquid in the pan, and brush with olive oil...

...add moar crushed red.

Bake at the normal chicken temp for the normal chicken time... (I did 375F for 30mins *shrug*)


Serve with cut green beans from a can and nuked for 30 seconds.

Voila...this is damn tasty, obviously spicy, and the chicken is perfectly moist and tender. I actually couldn't eat the entire peppered boob, it was massive!
Discordian Recipes / Eggplant halp plz.
June 25, 2008, 02:03:46 AM
Okay, I know how to PREP eggplant sorta. I know they're pretty spongy, and that after you slice them that you should sprinkle them with kosher salt and let them drain for like a half hour.

So now I'm looking for trying some other things. I hear grilling the slices with olive oil and garlic is pretty amazing, but I'm still kinda scared to touch one until I'm pretty confident I can do it. Because when it's ruined, it's RUINED.


A 52-year-old California woman is suing lingerie giant Victoria's Secret, charging she was hit in the eye by a decorative metallic object that flew off a thong she was trying on.

Macrida Patterson, a traffic officer for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, claims her cornea was severely damaged in the underwear mishap.
Discordian Recipes / Fucking tomato ban...
June 11, 2008, 07:43:59 PM

Sammiches ruint.
The internet was created as a network to allow humans to mostly interact with others and share knowledge. Amirite? Much like the cruel open world, we're all mean here, arrogant, and yet faceless. Why do I leech on for my daily dose of the tubes? Besides some form of ridiculous co-dependence, the internet has allowed me to remember that humanity, even at it's most amazing and selfless hours are still nothing but a collective of douchebags spreading their douchebaggery abound whilst flaunting their epic douchitude. And I find it amusing.

Do NOT come to me asking for help, posting threads of pity or buttons of Paypal on pages asking for donations to keep your website alive or to keep your bunny alive. Eat your bunny plz, post pictures, grant us thee folk of the internet the horrormirth we desire to continue our lives in a sick, twisted illusion of awesome. I am awesome, because I tell myself this on a daily, as it helps me get through my day with no medication required™!

I don't tell you about my debt, my marital issues, my financial stress and overall hatred of my current status quo in great detail and outside of general jest, because you're not listening. I did the Livejournal thing for a while, and all it did was create an abundance of drama I haven't seen since middle school anytime I posted about something a wee bit wrong in my life...then I remembered I didn't read my friend's shit anyway, so why the fuck bother?

I don't listen; you don't listen.

I began a brief ritual of 'Wednesday Rants' on the ol' LJ during my Sophomore year in college in an attempts to at least bring some sort of reason into having the damned didn't work, and I abandoned it rather quickly, as the answers I either got were my friends of the best variety giving me empty praise or some faggot twisting it into bullshit. Therefore, I felt like I accomplished nothing. I often think of posting on Verwirrung, and feel that in short, it will really only benefit those here anyway if at all, because outside of PD.Com, no one could give a fuck about this site, but perhaps they need to? Maybe? Who knows. I highly doubt anyone here will get anything from this smear on the blog.

I'm not an entirely cold human being, no...but I have my moments. I am close to those I allow to be close, care for them, laugh and cry with them, but my shell is a woman that rarely smiles. This doesn't mean I'm upset, it means that I just don't care to unless I have good reason. There was a Daria episode in which the football alum from their high school died because the fucking goal post fell on his head or some shit, and it was pointed out that the reason Daria never smiles is because she 'thinks'. I often use this as my excuse when I'm asked about my sour countenance. The reaction I get is usually an odd look and a, "But I think too, and I smile, so smile, damnit!" My retort is typically, "Well, maybe you aren't thinking hard enough?" And leave it at that. I also like leaving my thoughts to myself.

...I also hate my teeth, but that's another tale entirely.

The internet is my escape from thinking, sometimes WAY too much. It allows me to be creative during work, or gaming, it allows me to sit here and giggle like a motherfucker all day long as I leave this forum tabbed on my browser. The internet is a collective of minds that do the thinking for me, and I like it that way, because it gives my tired brain a break. No doubt others do the same.

So why should I give a fuck about what's wrong with your life anyway?

GTFO my internet with your piteous throws of fits and excuses as to why you NEED to be accepted or WHY you're different. We're faceless, mindless-minds who congregate to feed off of your insolence like sociopath vampires...hiding our identities while we attack you with little or no remorse. If you need a shrink, GO TO A SHRINK, don't come here, to the internet to find answers because Wikipedia gave you a link or you felt lucky on fucking Google.

Of course, one could always allude the internet is like a gang that you need beating into, which means that you better lay there and get it over and done with quickly to avoid severe injury...rather than putting up a struggle.

Oh fuck it, I really just wrote this to conjugate forms of douchebag. You all may go about your business.
Garlic hummus
Feta cheese


Nuke til cheese is bubbly.




*was bored and hungry yesterday*
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Saturn.
May 09, 2008, 03:30:57 PM
(Thread inspired by RWHN's new avatar.)

<--- This one rocks.

Discordian Recipes / Last night's grilled cheese.
April 23, 2008, 05:50:21 PM
As I've attested in another thread, I can make grilled cheese in about any way imaginable. How do you like it cooked? What bread? What cheese? You want tomato? Etc. I can do it all. (I lived off of it in college for the most part...)

So last night, Mr. Suu got all cute in the grocery store and asked for grilled cheese. So here's last night's version:

One loaf of Sicilian bread from a local RI bakery (this is a wide loaf of Italian bread with a hard crust, basically.)
1 package of Cabot sharp white cheddar cheese
1 plum tomato
Butter alternative (we use a butter blend Country Crock style spread. Although nothing beats the flavor of real butter, the spread works better.)

Get a large frying pan and start heating it up.

Prepare grilled cheese the normal way by buttering the bread on one side, and putting the cheese and tomato in it. I used 1 and a half slices of cheddar and about 3-4 slices of the tomato per sandwich.

Place sandwich in the hot pan, make sure the buttered side of the bread is out of course.

This is the fun part, Mr. Suu likes his bread just a touch golden, and I like mine blackened, but NOT BURNT. So you need to watch the bread carefully. I usually do his first because the pan isn't as hot, and the first sandwich you do will never be dark enough by my standards.

Once you've had one side down long enough to sear, flip the sandwich with a spatula and PRESS on it while the other side sears. Flattening it is essential.

Do NOT move the sandwich around much, just hover over it and watch the steam/smoke rising to gauge the frying process. Moving it around increases air flow and slows the cooking time. Flip occasionally to check the darkness of each side. When it's to the level you desire remove it from the pan carefully to a nearby plate and cut in half. Traditional bread you cut from corner-to-corner, because it's an unspoken grilled cheese rule. However with such a large loaf as we used yesterday, you'll have to cut it it down the middle.

My observations:

Maybe a bit TOO bready. I think it drowned out the flavor of the cheese. Next time we use cheddar I'd recommend using some typical white Wonder Bread or some shit like that. Though I may try a light rye, because I <3 rye on grilled cheese. Especially with turkey or ham, and provolone.

Picture to come in a moment, we snapped one last night.
Literate Chaotic / Persephone
April 16, 2008, 03:27:52 PM
This is a "fan myth" or something...But I've been following this one for a while now, it's coming along really beautifully so:

Check it out, spags.
Since I'm feeding this to D-Cup, Richter, Leln, Mr. Suu and myself today...I thought I'd share with everyone my recipe for baked ziti. Pics will be added as the day progresses.


3 cans of crushed tomatoes
1 can of tomato paste
1 can of diced tomatoes
2lbs of your preferred ziti (This time I'm using Prince™ Ziti Rigati. The ridges work well for holding the cheese)
2lbs of Ricotta cheese (I get part skim)
1lb of Mozzarella, low moisture. (with all the ricotta and sauce, you DON'T need slimy mozzarella!)
2 Bay Leaves
Minced garlic (the jarred kind) OR 2 fresh cloves, I'm just out at the moment.
Half of a red onion


The basis of this sauce is a family in, my mom, who gave each of her children the outline on how to make it. What we do with it from then on, is up to us. For example: My sister caramelizes onions in her version and my brother uses a carrot instead of adding sugar...The choice is yours. This is just my (It does tend to change depending on my mood or what I'm making or what spices we have available. Sometimes I use Adobo, cinnamon, cloves or mint, but for baked ziti, I keep it simple.)

Combine the 3 cans of crushed tomatoes and tomato paste in a large sauce my case it's practically a lobster pot (there's a reason for this). Stir in the paste, this helps thicken the sauce a bit for a baked dish. (For a regular pasta, I'd recommend a small can of tomato sauce rather than paste.)

Add salt and pepper. (I shake them both and whistle Jingle Bells quickly. That's how I measure.) Double the amount of pepper to the salt.

Add oregano...I use enough to cover the surface of the's gonna be mixed in anyway!

Add parsley...I don't use a whole lot. It adds more color and digestive help against the garlic and onion than flavor.

Add a little less than a teaspoon of sugar. This counteracts the acidity of the tomatoes.

Throw in the 2 Bay Leaves.

Add a heaping TABLESPOON of minced garlic. Don't be shy. It kills the worms. Or...chop your cloves and add them.

Peel and chop half a red onion. Make sure it's a bit on the fine side, but not TOO small. I tend to cube mine a bit.

It should sorta look like this:

Stir until everything is mixed evenly, and put the pot on the stove. Heat it at high heat uncovered until the moisture begins to escape, NOT BOIL, just a few bubbles and you're good. Lower the heat to a simmer and cover. Stir every 1/2 hour or so.........................Do this for about oh...6 hours. If the sauce starts getting a bit explosive, uncover, stir thoroughly, and recover, only this time leaving a sliver of an opening from the lid to allow moisture to escape.

Finished sauce:

When you hit that 6 hour mark, remove the sauce from heat and set aside. Get another pot on the stove ready to boil the pasta per the directions of whatever kind you have. This tends to take a while, especially in a pot big enough for 2 fucking pounds of ziti.

Some people do different things with their mozzarella. You'll find that most will grate it and mix it with the ricotta, me? I slice most it and put it on top, but still grate some of it for the grand mixture. So now is a good time to do what you prefer while water is boiling and sauce is cooling.

Once the pasta is in, get our your 2lbs of ricotta and gradually mix it to the sauce, but try not to liquify it, the chunkiness is a GOOD thing.

Preheat your oven to 350F/177C.

Drain your pasta when it's finished, give it a bit to cool so you don't BURN yourself, and then add it all into the big ass sauce pot with the cheesysaucyawesome. Stir slowly until all pasta is evenly coated, then throw it in your grated mozzarella, doing the same.

Once mixed to your content, carefully pour the pasta and sauce and cheesy-cheese-cheese mixture into your this case I have a 20lb foil roaster. Make sure it's down in there all evenly, then take that can of diced tomatoes and spread them over the surface of the goop. Take your sliced mozzarella and place it in a funky pattern or whatever on top of the tomatoes, and garnish with oregano.

Cover the pan with tinfoil completely and slide it into your oven on the top rack.

Put 45 minutes on the clock.


Yank that shit out, and let cool. Now is a good time to pop open that bottle of red wine.

Uncover the ziti and dish out with a spatula.


O Hai!


Big goats are big.


No beard.



And for the really REALLY scary one...

I like to call him Janus.
No you didn't...But do never cross a Wapanese when bored...I have started making you all Animefags! (You can thank me later...)

and one of my cats made a guest appearance when she was posing for me whilst I held the ink...

Upset that you're not included? Fear NOT, plebes, your turns are all coming.  :evil:

Edited for Photobucket, Nantucket.
Take 6 boneless chicken breasts, put them in a large bowl.

Coat with adobo.
Shake on a good amount of cumin.
Slather with hot sauce.
Toss in some oregano.

Rub it in. rub it ALL in.

Throw on the grill.

Serve with buffalo ranch dressing. (hot sauce mixed with ranch.)

I think I may have overdone it a bit on the cumin, but next time I want to use the same spices and cube the chicken to put in chili, or maybe marinate the chicken overnight in a vinegar base then bake it so it isn't as dry.
Or Kill Me / Dear Sci-Fi Channel...
January 16, 2008, 05:03:20 PM
I actually ganked this from a site:

Dearest Sci-Fi,

Why are you not way more awesome?

Don't get me wrong, when you're good—like with Battlestar Galactica or Eureka (and I'll even give you credit for Doctor who, despite that being a BBC show you just imported)—you're a phenomenal destination network. But let's be honest here, there's not a lot of "good" on your schedule. The Stargate franchise is stale, Flash Gordon (left) is a derisible, stillborn remake, and ECW Wrestling is...wrestling! (And I swore an oath never to speak of Who Wants to Be a Superhero again.)

The thing that infuriates me is that you have so much potential. We're living in the Age of the Geek, where pop culture has finally come around to our way of thinking. Where the most-watched shows on TV are geek-nip like Heroes, Lost, and Bionic Woman; where we buzz about movies like Pan's Labyrinth, Spider-Man, I Am Legend, and Iron Man. The audience could not be more primed for this material, so why are you offering them Ghost Hunters International and crappy "original movies" like Mansquito?
Again, why aren't you more awesome? After the jump, some friendly advice.

Why aren't you adapting more classic sci-fi texts—like you did with Dune—into miniseries events? (Ones that, hopefully, will fare better than Tin Man.) Where's the Foundation saga, or Ender's Game, or Footfall, or The Man in the High Castle, or The Forever War?

Why aren't you engaging today's premiere purveyors of genre material and giving them ten episodes to do whatever the hell they want? I'd watch contained, BBC-style series from folks like Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow, Warren Ellis, Charlie Huston, Neal Stephenson, or China Mieville. The names alone would attract viewers by the truckload. And even if what they produced were failures, they'd be interesting failures—marked by reaching too far, instead of not far enough.

Why don't you try a daily sci-fi soap opera? Airing late at night, so people could actually be home to watch it—or DVR it. Why can't the same kind of serial storytelling that's worked for 50 years on shows like General Hospital be marshaled to create compelling science fiction? (Actually, I've got to give Evan Narcisse a tip of the hat for this one. Because I'm just that kind of bloke.)

Mark Harris was right when he said that science fiction needed to ditch the nostalgia if it's going to reclaim its integrity. Lucky for those of us who love sci-fi that there's a whole network devoted to it. I just want them to fulfill their mandate.

Imagine that. (No, seriously. Get to work imagining.)
Discordian Recipes / Orange Fennel Shrimp
January 14, 2008, 03:15:20 AM
This is a creation of Suu-Brother.......Unfortunately in order for me to try it I would need Benedryl, Aveeno Oatmeal bath, and a lot of water, so um...someone try and tell me how it is. Cause I love shrimp and this breaks my heart.


1lb 16-20 uncooked shrimp
1 whole Florida orange
1/4 cup honey
1 cup oj
1/4 oz fennel leaves

first reduce the oj about 3/4 ,zest your and your zest to the reduction.
Then you need to peel and slice that same orange and puree' it. Add in your fennel leaves and honey.
Then slow mix the reduction in the puree'. Peel shrimp and sauté's it for 45 seconds each side on high heat.
Place on a plate pure your sauce onto shrimp and enjoy
Bring and Brag / If I publish an artbook...edit-DONE
January 06, 2008, 10:52:30 PM
I'll be using Lulu, so you get to order from them or like,, but yeah. No more than $20, full of my shitty doodles.

You buy, I be happy.

I'm going to actually plan it out a bit tonight. I figure 50 pages, which some for commentary or whatever, biography BS, then like a chapter for sketches, colored pencil, and um...big shit like the street painting festivals.

If anything it's good promo merch for my table...And I will probably want one in about 3 weeks for Templecon. Fuck, I gotta get rollin'.  :x

Mr. Suu got into my chat and email archives last night even after I asked him...many times...not to. Passwords have been changed remotely from work as to not be keylogged.

Scrid! Get me drunk...

PDers: Scheme.

I'll be back in a few some hardcore work to do today. Grr.
Not that anyone here really gives a flying fuck, but here:
Literate Chaotic / If Suu were to publish a book...
August 29, 2007, 05:18:53 PM
It'll be fiction.

Bring and Brag / Suu's Thread-Jack
August 27, 2007, 05:17:12 PM
AKA: What fucking project is the former 40 year old fat man working on now?

A few familiars in the chatroom have heard me rant lately about this rather expensive ensemble I'm working on now for a coworker/friend (Who Richter and I like to call Delicious) who LARPs. Basically for $200 I'm making him puffy trousers (done), a Ren-style shirt (done) and a velvet doublet with silver trim. This is all due by September 21st.

Will I be done in time?

Will this gentleman be the belle of the ball?

Stay tuned for updates with pictures when available.
Discordian Recipes / PORK SHOULDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 17, 2007, 06:26:04 PM
Puerto Rican Pork Shoulder...IT'S WHAT YUO CRAVE!!!!!

The official Mr. Suu recipe:

1. Kill a pig

2. Cut off the shoulder (hence pork shoulder)...Leave the skin on. You can cube it if you want and fry it in a pan (instant delicious heart attack though), or bake it like we do.

Stuff you need:

Black pepper
Sazon con Achiote
Splash of salt.

Season with everything to taste. Let marinade in fridge overnight or at least 3 hours.

Cook at 350-400 degrees. Usually takes a couple of hours depending on the size of the fucking pig you killed.

Eat and enjoy with your favorite Boricua side dishes such as rice and plantains.

Edited: I have no idea how the fuck I missed garlic in that.
Or Kill Me / Dear Mr. V8 Audi Man:
January 29, 2007, 09:02:05 PM
(This isn't a sermon, just a short letter to my new friend...)


Dear Mister "I'm hawt shit in my car",

What is the point of owning a V8 compact car? You won't be towing a boat or hauling anything in your Audi. So why did you pay so much more to upgrade not 2 cylinders, but 4 cylinders from the regular 4-banger? I'm sure the wheels will move just the same, and the Masspike is NOT the Autobahn. It's not worth it the amount of gas it will take you to go from Back Bay to the BCEC. Sorry.

Also, why are you talking on your phone with one hand, picking your nose with the other, and trying to turn onto South Street at the same time? I don't know HOW you're doing it, but I see no hands on your wheel, and it's kind of scaring me since I'm attempting to cross the street with my medium hot French vanilla extra-extra. Don't pretend like you don't see me, because I'm looking right at you. I see that pinkie in your nose...Maybe if you wouldn't snort up all that dust on your lunch break you would know that your knee is not an acceptable steering appendage.

Go ahead, hit me. Really, I dare you. Hit me. Because not only are you not yielding to a pedestrian, violating the law by talking on your cell or having both hands on your wheel, but you're also blowing a stop sign while turning onto a one-way street. I will rake you for what you are worth, and even take that shiny new Audi of your's while I'm at it. Oh, and you'll have to buy me another coffee too, because that last 2 dollars I spent on it is the last of my cash for 11 days.

Or Kill Me / My disgust in humanity has been renewed.
December 12, 2006, 03:56:18 PM
This is dedicated to TGRR, since he seems to enjoy my ranting so.

I saved a life last night.

No rly! I did! I'm a hero! Go me!

This is a tale of how a good deed did, in fact, go unnoticed, and why I am in pain this morning...

As it's been previously stated, I commute from Providence to Boston for work and vice versa on the way home. The train I take home is typically the 8:15pm local. It's evil, I hate it, but for 8% more on my paycheck every other week, why the fuck not?

I always go to the first forward-moving car, which in the case on the way home is the one right after the engine. I do this for two reasons:

One: The noise of the engine tends to control the crowd in the car.
Two: Most lazy Americans don't want to walk the length of the platform to GET there.

So I do my thing as usual, with the daily Metro in hand cursing at the crossword puzzle and solving the Sudoku in about 3 minutes. This train takes about an hour and 5 minutes to get into Providence.

The last thing I want to do when I exit this train is involve myself with human contact of any kind. I'm tired, I want to go home, and typically I have to piss like a racehorse because I'll be damned, even in the gravest of circumstances or status of my bladder, to use the facilities on board of an MBCR train.

The train pulls into the station, and I high-tail it to the rear of the car, passing by a young black woman who is chatting away on her Sidekick and ignoring what I assumed was her small (3-4 year old) son. So I go to the door, and someone in front of me opens it. Now, for those that have never been on a commuter train, especially the car that attaches to the engine, the doors tend to be pretty heavy and are hard to latch open, so you really have to THROW it to the side to exit the train. Well the person in front of me didn't really push the door open hard enough, and I slipped through before it was slamming back. However, the wayward kid who was being shunned by his gossiping, Baby Phat and Apple Bottoms-glittering mother, decided that he wanted to follow........Just as that door was about to crush his skull.

Call it a '6th sense', call it 'woman's intuition', or just call it 'not wanting to deal with being a witness to a little boy being turned to goo in front of his mother and a potential lawsuit to MBCR', I dove back into the closing door, screamed, "WATCH OUT!" and pushed the kid out of the way. He fell back in front of his mother and I took a steel door to the left shoulder. I threw the door back with my weight and locked it in place, and caught eye-contact with the boy's mom, who stopped talking for a moment.

She looked at me, looked at her son, looked at me, looked at her son, then said straight out to him, "Next time you don't stay by me I'm gonna throw your ass off the fucking train if that's what you want!"

I was dumbfounded. No thank you, no nod, no nothing. Just verbal abuse to her son and back to her fucking phone as if nothing happened.

So I walked to the station, and replayed the events in my head...Then came to this conclusion:

Like a finger in the power-socket, the kid has to learn. Next time, let his skull get cracked, because my shoulder would thank me for it. Put your kids on a leash, kthxbye.
Literate Chaotic / Dr. McNinja
December 07, 2006, 10:06:23 PM

It's amazing what too much coffee and Google at your fingertips can yield these days.