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Messages - Nast

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 17, 2016, 03:03:15 AM
Oh, right.  Never mind.   :lulz:

Sorry for the delay! I wasn't ignoring you. PM and friend request sent.
Is Facebook dead lately or am I just really unpopular? I remember when I used to get a bunch of new notifications everyday, but now it's like barely a few each week.
Discordian Recipes / Re: I MAEDED SO MANY THINGS!
March 12, 2016, 04:11:59 AM
The orange blossom tea sounds lovely! I should try gathering some while our tree is still blooming and experiment.
Nigel, I am so sorry. There are no words.  :sad:
Quote from: Cain on February 14, 2016, 10:49:16 AM
Sounds like most of our rooms, except they don't have bathtubs.

True story: one of our apartment tenants converted their apartment into a drug den. I use the word "converted", but really I mean they just kind of strewed what looks like a year's worth of trash, cigarette butts, and used syringes on the carpet. There is a giant gaping hole in the ceiling. The closet doors are ripped off their hinges. The sink appears to be awash in human blood. The bathtub is a thing of black mold and horror.

And of course, the tenants are nowhere to be found.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
February 07, 2016, 06:20:57 AM
Quote from: LMNO on January 28, 2016, 01:18:34 AM
I have to be honest... I want to try it.

It could be the basis for a ponzu-flavored martini! Might be good...
Quote from: Angel? on January 27, 2016, 09:15:03 PM

2 Parts lowest-shelf flavored vodka (Citrus flavor for best results?).
1 Parts Soy Sauce (Low sodium soy sauce is for punks).

"A shot of salty surprise"

WTF? :lol:
Hello new person! There are no real people here, only crustracean-shaped horrors.
Quote from: East Coast Hustle on January 19, 2016, 06:00:13 AM
Weekday. Make sure you go on a weekday. Ideally between 11am and 2pm when checkouts should be over and check-ins haven't happened yet. Should be the most likely time for you to actually be able to talk to someone in charge without it being a pain in their ass.

This is useful information. Thanks!
Thanks guys! I'll go there in my best pantsuit.
So I'm trying to apply for a job at a privately-owned bed and breakfast. Would it be a good move to pop over there in person to introduce myself and ask if they are hiring, and if so, for what position? Or is this obnoxious? I just ask because in the past I've gotten into awkward situations for doing this (the people at the establishment were busy and stressed out and didn't want to deal with me, the person I talked to wasn't even sure if the place was hiring or not, etc.).

I'm worried that if I ask via email, I'll just be ignored or given a vague fluff-off answer.

I'm happy to hear of your advice on best how to approach this.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
January 14, 2016, 09:20:05 PM
Handsome man, adorable cat!