
Yes we're horrible toxic people, because this is 2020's Mental Illness Olympics, and the winners get a free pass on giving life-threatening advice with the bonus of having zero accountability for their shit behaviour.

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Messages - sadhugonganess

im kind of a rolemodel for order in the global community

Naklin went to Africa and communed with the spirits, denying all
monarchies and all sovereigns, it wasn't how it was portrayed, but
mostly people were nice, there was food and peace, by and large the
conspiracies of the outside world disappeared, there was incredible
peace, and incredibly wise people from all over the world there who
had gathered, practicing original spiritualities, channeled
spiritualities from the forests, from nature itself. Perhaps it was
Wanti that was truly Africa. We looked at the stories we looked at the
portrayals, and we just realized everything we were getting it had a
spin on it, to see purely, we had to stop thinking in consensus terms.
It was designed to make you feel like a conspiracy was happening
around you, but really it wasn't, none of them could trick us into
performing in their cult, all of them claimed to know what Africa
truly was, but was it was was something inside, we had never been to
the physical place, but it lived in us, in primal originality rising
again and again, rising in what we called hippie, in these movements
of truth, and sincerity, which blasted away the doings of the robots,
and yet inconcievably seemed to live right among them, in the way of
the Amanita Muscaria, we left the context of texas, where they tried
to trap us under the influence of old faiths and saw purely without
the propaganda a spirit even deeper than that, and deeper than any
determined priesthood. Like magical monkeys of the sea we danced
camped on and on, across the plains and over mountains. We had simply
left the ouroboros, we say the Yomo dancing in the trees, and seemed
to slip into the cosmic algorithm of existence, true happiness, the
vampirism, the vampirism was gone, the spiral which matched the truly
good with the worst had finally disipatted, we were able to live in
accordance with tao. in these fields of mushrooms, people of all
types, rainbow people, fairy type people, would gather around, dancing
ecstatic in spirit, dancing but not with weight, pehraps they were
apparitions. travelling through an astral path, travelling across
stonehenge, and through every mushroom ring, singing the intoxicating
song of spontaneous life, what was there but simple life every day,
growing and fading away the eternal breathe, and all the sensations of
the spirit.
It wasn't that it was african, its just that it was happening ,it was
truly universal, it was beyond judgements, it stirred us away from the
cults, they had fallen so deeply into roleplay for long dead kings,
but here everything was a circle, and we were not warriors, we were
not nights, nor any longer were we dazed.
we just saw through the ways society had tried to handle us and
shepherd us along, we meditated and realized there is a greater path,
we didn't have to support this system, we could just support eachother
and through our warmth and openness set up a camp of peace and love,
everywhere, just as others were doing in other places, and had done
before us, we realized it truly went on forever, and went deeper and
deeper, its this society really which was the small place, they tried
to hide the rest away form us, so we would never seek it, but as we
went out into the woods and the fairies began to speak to us more and
more eventually they became people too and strengthened the way of
truth in the world. it wasn't based on spirituality, race or species,
but we saw indeed that was the game of the other world, it was based
in something more inner, more spiritual, which was hard to express,
but we did through so many organic arts, becoming again like the
tribes, but not seperate, not fighting, just being.
we were the shamans, on the outskirts, living, bouncing between worlds
ensuring that chaos continued and that idealism never died, the crow
and the raven and the bear were the gatekeepers, but they made it seem
too much like a battle, or a sickness, they were still intertwined
confused, the degree they allowed the crystals to intermingled with
their essence, that was just their way, but we seeked further, to the
places were patterns no longer existed, and realizing that place, it
was clear that everything was one huge plant and there was no system
and not, only varying regions of the spirit, all of them sacred, all
of them organic. this intuitive teaching, wasn't passed on by old
collegiate men, but they had taken it from the annals and corners of
the mysteries hidden worlds all around us, the characters and shamans
passing doing the universal dance, and tried to let it flower in hopes
of changing the grand lesson, so we could move back closer to the
celestial communion with all things, beyond these divisions which no
longer served a purpose, beyond the passion of folks who just wanted
to fight, but perhaps them, the morrigan they will always exist, and
this is the way of the world, and so our way also shall exist and
perhaps they compliment eachother, because in all this, the herb still
grows, the love still flows, there is simply enough, when we have come
together in the mutual warmth and no rules, setting no boundaries but
inexplicably, pointed towards the liberation of all consciousness, in
meditation all the energies of the universe coalesced and ultimately
every action was the yoga which completed everything, what are we but
a fractal plant and its cellular guardians, buzzing away in
infinity,as the dramas come and go, still in the spirit, the great
peace awakens and it merely passes over us like a quiet storm of all
the colors of the horizons and things we see every day, all of it
alive, the sacred doesn't discriminate when it enters, it entered

it wasn't based on segregation and we began even again to prophecized
and write again in the flow

In the beginning all was shattered and clashed against eachother for
none of it knew the rest existed until it all met, then there was a
force that grew between them and united them all together, and knew it
was all good, that force was Goddess, who had created the rainbow
bridge, and brought it all together, thus ending the clash of
dualities, and saving us from constantly having to replay old events
from the past. She had liberated us from slavery, and yet old us that
she is in all of us and in everything, to love and make stories and
prophecize, healing the old, and forgiving all adversaries, in the
rainbow energy we went forth, because it brought peace to all beings,
and say the inner essence of all faiths and all Gods, appeased them
all that no suffering came from their worship, and showed us that we
had the power to dream, and to hear heir voices individually.

They had just been waiting for the story to take shape, she was not a
Lord, it was not a great celestial monarchy but simply a planet, wild
natural, yet with a place for us, an egoless place, speaking in an
ancient language, emanating and bringing us together, psychically, as
all of this had been woven.

the Yomo showed us that she was strong, in all the other faiths, we
saw too, the Ness, it lifted us up and we spoke to the universe
through all sensation, becoming one with it, returning in spirit to
the stars, there among the shining spheres of the tree of life our
spirits learned the ways which had been blocked, by the tao, now we
realized, how we were all together. We realized and we were joyous,
many thought only of the sacred, and the earth and everywhere sprang
with bounty, which we were thankful for and reaped in part, always
sowing some in return, for this was the dance that we were taught, we
saw it all as a circle, and heaven is here now, not seperated by
death, and even the dead are here now, and we planted trees over their
burial grounds which again became greater forests, and sacred places
where we could hear especially strong the universe spirit speaking to

the spirit went forth and those of all faiths began to understand,
less and less was the pressure, and more and more was the relaxation
as the dharma of infinity went throughout spending much time in zazen,
enjoying the grand vision, this world is that vision this is the
supreme, the unimaginably beautiful, rest in stillness here we did,
knowing all beings are one with us, and praying by the method of
making these stories, which the spirits gave us, stories of the coming

we planted trees and we made our joys and our songs, stepping out from
the past, loving all, directed by the angels of positivity, the
messenger was in all of us, like Shiva, appearing in so many different
names yet the energy in the end was one, at night we gathered in it,
without words, without distinction, simply melting into eternity.

Om all of us came from everywhere, we were all natives of the present moment.
the dream is sacred. and lucidity is our sacrament, which we will
never truly be without.
i know, i cant deny it any more but its thrilling to say that at least

it seems like it would hurt me, maybe it will, but i am doing it to

myself... thats the extent of this schizophrenic, as far as i

understand it..

im just this spirit i guess in this wierd ass world and when i think

i'm a dickless eunuch and do kechari mudra its like heavenly music and its mystical... lol

and now at least i know it has to do with Mira , when i said basically

that on her facebook years ago, stuff happened, they were not able to

let it go, they make it serious, and force it, and before i guess it was just from being dumb, but then it crystallized so much... but idunno, idunno if

i really cant escape it then.. idunno.. this makes no sense but..

i just hope old men dont start trying to fuck me... protection spell from that and the ones who do already to stop

maybe thats actually like healthy, cuz this world seems fake anyways, and everyone pretty much acts like that here.. honestly

its buddhist!

this is probably the best thing that ever happened to me

I dedicate this moment to the TREE GODDESS WHO IS GODDESS OF ALL THINGS

through this prayer the forest will be protected and cannabis will be legalized, masonry will not harm the environment or be mean or forceful, and spirits will be good and laugh will be laughed at and love will be everything and all beings will experience total bliss and complete nirvana and much psychedelicness


thank you all for letting me share this moment with you, im sorry if it freaks you out, but life is full of freak outs, and in the end, its probably all good for you, this is wantism

we are the only wantist, we're the only ones who can be wantist!


we are a member of every gender, race, and species

this is tao

we are a rainbow


still raving!!!!!
no need to thank us :)
Literate Chaotic / epic cure! (dryad wantism)
May 17, 2012, 07:23:56 PM

Eureka! the password is keeg, missy elliot is so deep, keeg is the
esssence of friendships, not worship

Peaceship bhajan! hippy phajan fashion.. pagan pajamas fashion.. i am
a pajama from now on in truth.. and always! hippy peaceship trippy
ffideas, not fetish or vegas, vegish veggies foot veggies, root
veggies, medeblessings metaspellings magic language we can't fear, new
works from old roots make clogged spirit clear, rainibus cainabis,
boghafroise, ccrazy gaelic magic healed global warming nobodies
talking bout that anymore the planet realy is healing wow, ecstatic
afros.. rave fave

cool fools, keel feels
smart arts
feelings live, canna lope

canti kanteloup cant elope
kannelope.. not cannabis, kinda loopy but healing spirits
true love! is the healing of the  soul and what israel, the heart not
illusions of mine, mayan, but ours, hours, 12 and 12 hours, the end of
the day!

in the end the love you make is equal to the love you take
and the love you give is equal to the love you live

the heroic dosi-do

many hippie feet dancing in fractals
like mandalas of kaliedoscopes of talking body parts
in wierd tripped out freak outs
going deep, going far, how many buddhas are in your body?
dancing across and toadstools hat and leaving a circle ring from the tracks
and growing from that was the dew like the wax, tiny buttons of healing
and now we relax,
hippie feet of wu-wei, ending wars, holding the seed of peace
in our roots, we are like garlic, we spend most of our time doing nothing
letting rainbows grow
psychedelic world of feet, enter into the fairy world
and your spirit journey will be closer to complete...
we are grounded by the feet, around them exists everything
they are paisleys, they are the drop of yin and yang,
they are the endless drum of dreams,
this is like my art, woman of not what it seems
seems to be a stop but really and endless portal
the realm you fall into is truly immortal,
all kinds there must be, is it greater or lesser
you realize nothing can really ever be gained  or lost
but then what is it that was realized?
many hippies feet dancing in chaos, making trails, trails of peace
painting the zen painting, organically, impermanently
in the valleys, mountains, hallways, rooms, and streets
the labyrinth does open and we all go flying
the medicine is mushrooms, their vitality is never dying
under one layer of earth, through this layer we speak the best
not anchored by slow words, no longer can we test
the spirit is just one, as its always been... the spirits out in the
endless gathering,
how do we know what to say, even remember whats happening, somehow its
comes, like the tides, like the winds, the messages that the spirits
give to us to send
we are earth, we are fire, we are wind, we are water, we are spirit
we are ecstatic, not son nor daughter, mother nor father
just that which is, here and there, there is no organization,
i see the world, i see it all flying around... i feel the energies
i know nothing, its all chaos, its all lights flickering forever,
there is no life
there is no death, the egoless ones, assemble finally, in having ego..
suddenly it is saved, for the others were lost just looking for a place to cave
now it is open.
all of you could be corrupted, but i just trust the universe, it is
egoless, we can't speak here in the world of ego, it doesn't make
sense, psychology is just what they call shamanism these days, magic
we all know some, awkward yeah, we all feel it, why?
why let the ego know, the ego can grow too, we can experiment with it,
as a sacrament perhaps
we can help it realize non duality. ego, just the trickster, the
rebel, the exiled ones,
how easy it is to channel good spirits, so many good spirits, so much
kindness out  forever, on the astral plane, hippies were always part
of some kind of psychic, magical world, who knows what is going on,
hippies are folks with good karma, hippies are..

what are hippies?

this shrink dude says

and i'm like wow its such a good feng shui situation to talk about the fae
aren't you a hippie?

or are you just a shaman, a total neutral spirit like a buddha
our dreams, dont happen in logical ways, that can be controlled, they
are just dreams its just life, its just surrender, its like surfing,
that is zazen
hippies are just trips of love, its just like people who are trying to
get rid of the disharmony, people who are hip, who have consciousness
of why things are like they are, whereas others just kind of do things
without thinking about it, self directed, its an art, its a way of
love, a way of peace, hippies are like angelic spirits who are healers
and guardians of the world who keep up the sacred wisdom while many
others abide in foolishness and ignorance, perhaps it has something to
do with the tao, maybe the masses will always be like that, they are
just like a mantra, like the hare krishnas, its not gonna change but
its there, thats their yoga... hippies are shamans who can heal that,

hippies are compassion, its not about the devotion, it like thats hard
to trust, the free love,
undifferentiated consciousness, people who chose to abstain from the
system and to drop out, people who retain their true original spirit
in the face of the mindless monotony and peer pressure to destroy it.

hippies are really calm, and really wierd, they are kind of like gods,
they do yoga, its more of a psychic thing,
hippie is a meditation that can help your aura, and allow you to see
the infiniteness of everything and that everything is nature, it will
cleanse you from the synthetic, and bring you in touch with the
moment, for everyone its different, hippieness is awesome

people who have different views than you would think of, just how it
is when the world is not at all what they said, question everything
think for yourself, everyone needs to have their own trip, it doesnt
matter what it is, theres enough space for that to happen, the
universe is infinite, and realize its just your trip, so there is
always space of lucidity, where it all ends, nirvana, we can always go
there, but the spirit must take us... hippies have deep psychedelic
magic, entheogens they are recently called, its all a meditation to
awaken these qualities you can find it in the world, you just remember
that energy and it will arise, its really trippy though its all really
buddhist, its a divine ritual

what are spirits, the yomo is a spirit, a spirit who revived hippieism
and spoke of a mystical pagan land which is the origin of all things,

and taught about a pervasive energy called ness which is also the tree
of life and cannabis, mushrooms, halko, and invoked also innate in the
self to channel chaos

all hippies really usually wanna do is sit around meditate, have fun
dance and play music have a visionary experience hippies realize that
sometimes thats all that needs to be done.
its magic it has nothing to do with this world, these generic things,
hippies feel knowledge should be free from initiation type ideas and
consciousness is just consciousness so its kind of like hinduism,
thats why dropping out, hippies are really chaotic, its like an
ancient really funny dance, its not really serious, its not gonna
follow the program.

im probably never going to meet hippies, but everyone is a hippie at
the same time, everyone is beautiful, everyone is wierd, no one is
judging, there is compassion, just the spirit, emptiness, peace, no
more gender roles, hippies is like a crazy tribe, but what does tribe
even mean, what is this type, it is nothing, its not a philosophy, its
just slowly dissolving into insanity and enjoying it because you can
feel intuitively that it means you're actually being healed, come for
from the world of delusion, the world of infinity is here
live and change you life, fashion what it is you are doing, just do
it, don't think of 'them'...

the fairies dig it, the trees dig it, its just a spirit dancing love,
everything is the astral rollerskating rink of the ancients, its like
stonehenge, its like this wierd insane dude.

life is insane, it makes no sense, hippy is like hooky
its like not being there, in a good way, these hippies are not here,
continuing to just be yourself , live your life dream

travel in spirit meditate, live a life, you will see all things, eat
the natural plants become one with nature, its about becoming one with
nature, its about the spirit
listening to the spirit,

it has to do with life, i can tell its somethin natural,

the yomo is a hippie, i love hippies, i love the meditation of life
philosophy, hippies knew the true zen, they left the program, they
broke free so in a way, its like hygiene you know
hippies were said to be dirty but we have clear minds and really its
just a healthy energy...

i have no idea what im talking about anymore or why i do this but its
something, its just zen, its this life, its beautiful, its the
universe, it is what is, nature at work

everything is a hippie, transforming into everything

and just constantly ask yourself if it comes to you, why am i not
enjoying life more, why am i not shirking more responsibility, and
just shirk the responsibility and enjoy yourself without cares
you have to not care and then you'll realize everything takes care of
itself, we all have a place in the universe, there are certains rules
but not that many, just live, anarchy, and peace and love
peace love anarchy and nature
its like a plan but its not even, because who knows what going to
happen, how can i address it here, how can history addresss anything
truly it all is just what it seems to be in this moment,which
constantly changes,
you realize that that way it common and its like the greater good, and
you realize you were in some kinda  cult and its not at all that
powerful really, and that the world is okay, and like.. you just relax
and dig infinity

hippies are people who are too smart for the government of submission
and the government doesnt mess with them because that makes no sense,
most people should be too smart for it, we dont harm anyone, we just
live our lives and be free and experience our consciousnesses, when
enuf are hippy (or when your spirits awakens enough to reality to
realize that) government basically just a game and its like that right
now, always really.. magical laws are real, karma is real, but it
doesn't come from the place of ego... ego has no responsibilities and
it not trusted to handle it, its just kinda there for the most part,
should be easy enough to just live  just dont hurt anyone else and
enjoy the art of life

with all its stuff

we worship a god called hippie who is ourselves
hippie is everything, in everything hippie is like a kinda of energy,
hippie is ness, its like animism or sufism, but its not based in that,
its not paganism, but it has no histroy

hippies are like porcupines

hippie was suddenly there after we had a dream
the thing with shamanism and the internet is this fear, the fear that
it will be stolen, your style will be copied, but the thing is, its
not that, if that happens, it just goes to the ancestors, who in
another time needed it, or it goes to others who need it now
and nothing is really lost, its just their spirit can be there too, it
becomes two spirited, it can end their suffering as it ended yours,
but its not the same as yours, its just grown, formed again, and
helped someone else and you can see how it goes, its the true magic,
going and helping so many.. and thats the great thing about, then your
pleasures and joy can be shared with the world, then you have really
healed, then you are really a shaman, all of them can have happiness,
all of it can exist, just from one many candles are lit...
as you get over the shock of seeing another

of being at the annex between schizophrenia and ayahuasca, you can
relax, and realize its okay, the spiral will continue.

im not afraid i will be copied, i dont care, if you do it
authentically, and who is to say you don't? the kabbalah taught me
everything is shared, everything must be shared, none of it is all the
way logical, no one has to let you do it, shamanism is just something
you naturally do maybe you join a group maybe you dont does it matter,
its not about the outter, as i let it be healed, i healed everyone..

we healed everyone...

it felt wierd, but it happened.

the thing with shamanism is that will always happen, it will always be
dismembered, dont be fooled by that, that is its genius, and then it
comes together, it doesnt make sense,

its all being scattered through out, its all wytipodating going
through every circle, mira is wytipodating, ruby is wytipodating, erin
is wytipodating, flo is wytipodating, aisha is wytipodating we are all
one being, but really its just the spirit of wanti wytipodating for
all is wnati, we go everywhere meditating on compassion and divine
love, worshipping trees, planting seeds, and healing with sacred
plants, and hippie ways, loving kindness, upholding consciousness
rights, rights of the heart, rights of the mind, rights of beings, it
can't be pinned down to an exact method, its intuitive, we are healers
of wanti, but it is the spirit itself that heals, this is matriarchal
judaism, we don't have a problem with christ (aka AERIS! who is a manifestion of the higher self living in all creation)), with non traditional
gnosis, with compassion beyond the law, in adherence to the true law
that an it harm none do as ye will, we love magic, we love Goddess, we
know its all one, we are all peoples, we have returned in some part to
wanti, ness sulos, adawapayo, nommo... to all peoples was revealed one
essential spiritual truth that echoed out in various ways because of
its ultimate reality

because its not money that matters its consciousness, we are
consciousness, the more conscious we are, the more rights we have,

without consciousness you could have everything and not even realize it

we are destroyers of history, enders of karma,

in this faith, wanti/jews/christians/pagans/wiccans/schizophrenics(chordian and discordians) saw
all the bad stuff  in the books about their 'history' prevented
anything new, and was like dont be a slave to it or use it to control
others  but praying is fun and wise and natural and then you see the
truth  just love, no specifics, you ultimately pray to yourself, your
realized self, to wake you up,  ultimately it all amounts to zazen
just this one moment outside of thought structures,  only this is real
and the beginning of everything,  any conceptual world is unreal even
spiritual conceptual is unreal, an intuitive process awakens us

the universe is a conspiracy to relieve us from karma and a limited
sense of self

we plant trees, trees are so sacred,

we use hemp and care for the planet, we use all plants of
consciousness as sacrament to heal from the history from a tradition
which hurts the planet if it is there, we legalize cannabis across the
world, magically, and bring back peace for all, we are in many forms
like shiva and shakti, we join them, who have come this same path,
this path that goes many directions at once, it more than one place at
once, the direct path,
yomo, yaveyetta, airmid, nommo, for the healing of earth, for joy!
delight in the universe!
this is the faith of some hippies.

it has always been, we are just realizing it

Hashem-Hachem-Shalem! wanti yomo om blessed be the forest of hempowillowysp

ya-we are the messiahs!

you and we
are wanti and whatever else some other name form, its not really about that!


not customers but consciousness
these custums are a costume for consciousness, a comforting song,
naked consciousness,  we are consciousness,  the game is just a game,
you can give up a game,  its not always time to play or fun to play
but dont give up consciousness
.. happiness health dont give up what you want if  you want it for a good reason
i want what i want for a reason,
why is consciousness in a costume? just let it be what it is not
focused on words, then its no longer a costume, its no longer a
pretense, it just is
songs of matriarchy not communism, not bondage, harmony,just
something.. something you cant explain

you dont have to agree with all of it, if you can change it  to make
it better you should

no one will try to stop you, but we'll question it and really think about it...

ultimately though, you decide

eat your mushrooms!