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Messages - Chelagoras The Boulder

Literate Chaotic / Socialism by way of Hobbes
November 06, 2020, 05:10:50 AM
so long story short, I got this crazy idea to try and sell socialist goals and objectives in a political pamphlet without referencing a single socialist as a means of sneaking it past America's OMG BUT HELPING PEOPLE IS SOCIALISM reflex  and here's what I have so far:

So have you ever thought about why we're doing all of this? With the flags and pledges and the taxes and borders and so on? Countries, I mean? Like does it ever seem like at one point we were in some sort of tribe or something and then we started making cities and before we knew it we had gigantic superpower nations the size of continents with enough nukes to flash fry the earth if we really wanted to? We have never wielded more power as a species on this planet yet we've never seemed more unhappy. So why do we do it? Whats the point of it all? Well i'm no philosopher, but it seems to me the only reason for all this is to get a better version of what we had in the tribes, right? Why waste all this time and energy building anything more, if it was gonna be worse?

And make no mistake it IS worse. Look around you. The world hasn't felt normal for a while now, and certain presidents I could name are just the newest symptoms. Just surviving from month to month is a chore, the sick die without care or are billed to death after the fact, and homeless people and minorities can be beaten or killed on a whim without repercussion. This is a very Strange Time in the history of humanity, and there's no reason why it should stay this way. So how do we change it?

Well, like i said I'm no philosopher, but Hobbes was, and he said that the legitimacy of a government flowed from the fact that life under said government was better than living in a state of absolute nature, without even a tribe to help you out.He described life in the state of nature as "nasty, brutish, and short" and postulated that this is where the authority of all governments rightly flows: from helping people survive better than they could alone in the wild. Now granted in his time this was an argument for maintaining the monarchy but the same principles apply to any form of government at all: tribal, democratic, aristocratic, capitalist, or socialist. Every society promises a better life than the hermit life, and the degree to which they deliver on that promise is the measure of how well that society worked, all other things being equal*

*Meaning, assuming it wasn't sabotaged by the CIA

I guess what i'm getting here is, what else are you looking to get out of society if not a life that isn't nasty brutish or short? I mean that's what it's felt like lately, hasn't it? The people around you seem nasty, for nasty reasons, our policies towards our own people seem brutish and hostile, and life seems subject to end without notice, by disease or by violence. Everyone is working hard just to survive, but dont we deserve to thrive? We work so hard, yet still we struggle unnecessarily, just to afford that which should be basic: food shelter, even clean water, if you live in Flint. Why do we put up with having to live life on Hard Mode?

Well obviously because we've been trained to it. You don't get compliance like this without a bit of preparation. Little by little we were trained that to be a person meant to exhaust you body everyday doing things you don't wanna do, in order to go on living a life filled with yet more things you don't wanna do. And its not natural to do this either. From birth to death we are told that we have to fit the system, the same system which was created to benefit US,so that we are contributing enough to the system. Tell me THAT makes sense.

But the final question remains. What do we do about it? Well the first step is to realize what we want out of this whole social contract business and the next step is to start working towards it. How? I dunno. I can't tell when you're reading this, or in what context. Maybe its time for a revolution? Maybe change can come peacefully without firing a shot? It's on you to look around and determine that, dear reader.

Hold a protest, start a political movement, found a cult based on Punxsutawney Phil, pick a direction and starting moving grasshopper, cuz you've been wandering blind for too long already. Whatever you see as the next step towards making this life a little less harsh brutish and short, do it. The less specific I am here, the less The Powers that Be know about whatever it is, You, the reader, are about to do, and thus,the more likely you are to pull it off. So good luck, you weaponized ape, you.
Quote from: The Johnny on October 29, 2020, 06:21:35 PM

And here we are, radicalising ourselves for free, what are we even doing?
Like a bunch of goddamn suckers.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 16, 2020, 05:11:01 PM
I spiked a 101.5 temperature today in 45 minutes.

The good news is my stomach is in an uproar, so it looks like a stomach flu rather than the plague.

That's where we are:  "Thank god I have the shits."
That sucks Dok. Hope it all turns out alright
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 06, 2020, 09:19:47 PM
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on October 06, 2020, 04:32:13 AM
hey y'all. Roommate recently moved out of our one bedroom apartment, which means I get the bedroom as opposed to the living room. Problem is, the property manager literally did not read the 30 day notice my roommate left which read that I would be remaining in the apartment, listed me as a former tenant and nearly fucked up my ability to pay rent. My sister who works as a social worker was able to scare them into accepting my rent payment, but they've also decided that they now need to verify my income to see if i can afford rent, even as I've already afforded rent. I normally make about 2400/month, but they want someone who makes 3x the rent, which is a whopping 3228/month. I dunno what they intend to do if I cant make that, since I'm fairly certain an eviction ban is currently in effect in my area, but with this gang of dick trippers, anything is possible.

adding to this shit salad is the fact that my boss is cutting back my hours due to the fact that me and my coworker have made and dipped so many candles that we have more than we can sell in the foreseeable future. SIGH.

Get your state attorney general on the line, you have rights as an existing tenant and they are trying to fuck you.
Yeah i figure that since this company sells all its other one bedrooms at about 500 bux per month more than I'm currently paying, they were hoping they could "accidently" kick me out of my place and then jack up the rent on the next poor sap. FML
Ive recently taken an interest in Hoodoo, partly because the hoodoo lady that works with my boss has been encouraging me to, and partly because as a magical system its origins were to preserve Latin American folk traditions by hiding them within Catholic belief structures, which i dig because its basically the witchcraft equivalent of wearing gothy makeup and upside down earrings to piss off your Catholic parents, but your parents are The Church.
hey y'all. Roommate recently moved out of our one bedroom apartment, which means I get the bedroom as opposed to the living room. Problem is, the property manager literally did not read the 30 day notice my roommate left which read that I would be remaining in the apartment, listed me as a former tenant and nearly fucked up my ability to pay rent. My sister who works as a social worker was able to scare them into accepting my rent payment, but they've also decided that they now need to verify my income to see if i can afford rent, even as I've already afforded rent. I normally make about 2400/month, but they want someone who makes 3x the rent, which is a whopping 3228/month. I dunno what they intend to do if I cant make that, since I'm fairly certain an eviction ban is currently in effect in my area, but with this gang of dick trippers, anything is possible.

adding to this shit salad is the fact that my boss is cutting back my hours due to the fact that me and my coworker have made and dipped so many candles that we have more than we can sell in the foreseeable future. SIGH.
Literate Chaotic / Re: My Landlord Has Illegal Chickens
October 06, 2020, 04:11:14 AM
From the title of this thread I thought that your landlord literally had illegal chickens for a second and my immediate thought was how to extort them for free rent.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Love is Not Respect
October 06, 2020, 04:06:16 AM
man this should replace that whole "Love is patient love is kind" thing they always throw out at weddings.
honestly i'm considering buying a houseboat because a) its probably cheaper than a house and b) maybe once day i'll go out to sea and "wind up" in Canada
For anyone not getting the shark reference:
Sharks are smooth as hell
the forces of evil never feel the toll of emotional labor because their side of things is incredibly easy compared to the person answering. A lot of the time sealioning comes with a lot of dismissal and willful ignorance baked in. You give the straightforward answer, they act like they've never heard of systemic racism or misogyny or question its very existence, and demand you explain it from scratch. So now, YOU have to improvise a PolySci lecture within the context of a FB post, while he sits back and waits to call all your sources fake news. The leftist has the burden of being right, the fascist has no such burden, and just has to keep playing dumb in order to completely derail the convo, and soon enough he has a neat little screenshot of the exchange to show all his Nazi friends and any potential recruits he might find as evidence of how incoherent, emotional, and RUDE The Left is. And after a while you realize that you've essentially become one of the dipshits determined to argue with the guy who has made up his mind that sharks are smooth, and stop feeding into it. Which is pretty much where were at.
its so hot here in CA i have been contemplating buying several bags of ice, tossing them in the tub and laying on them until a bath results.
Quote from: Pergamos on August 01, 2020, 02:45:26 AM
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on July 29, 2020, 07:50:14 AM
Hey guys, I'm back! 2020 has somehow failed to kill me thus far. should ask for my fucking money back.

recently got a new job producing spiritually themed candles for a local small business. Pays better and is safer than what i would have been doing before the pandemic, so i'm pretty happy with it. Also we make dick candles, which is still funny.

Spiritually themed dicks?
i mean, yea, apparently. if you're into candle magic
Also, hey QGP!
Sorry to hear about Altered's heart troubles. Hope you can get the help you need.

Also it breaks my heart that we don't actually produce any scented candles, cuz these names are fucking GOLD.