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Messages - Prince Tao Jones

Quote from: TaoWell I obviously feel this is a principia forum, so if your discourse and the way you live your life in in direct opposition to the forum's topic, then why the hell are you here for one? Two you're going to clash with those that are here to discuss the principia.
Quote from: Tao

Quote from: Colonel FailureAnd I feel it's a Discordian forum. Sure, the name is, but I wouldn't suggest that this limits the topic of discussion only to the principia. There's a forum for that (Principia discussion), and a forum for silliness (Apple Talk), etc... Of course, being Discordians, we're inclined to blur the lines between them (Where's the fun in staying within the lines, anyway?). And since when is clashing a bad or even undesirable thing? You and I have been clashing, and it's been the highlight of my brief tenure here.
Quote from: Colonel Failure

For about the 100th time, I'm not saying that the forum should be limited to the topic of discussion only to the principia. I'm saying that if most of the people here misunderstand it, or directly contratdict it, than the forum's been invaded by and anerisian virus, and is not fun for us to read, not fun for us to get criticized for our ideas by a bunch of folks that don't really have any ideas of their own.

If you like it, sit here and type away. We just feel like a bunch of morons spouting pointsless flock to while away the hours, days, years of our lives, we have better things to do.

Quote from: Colonel FailureAnd I'm all for the international jakery. Just my drug-addled mind can't think of anything cool for that...
Quote from: Colonel Failure

Good talking to you, eventhough you seemed more to try and want me to enjoy the same things you do. I don't, sorry.

Destructive disorder and unenlightened interrelations is not what I'm looking for in my leisure time, have enough of it in my real life.

EVT and I don't wind up on our death beds looking back at a life of pot smoking, video games, and every couple hours addressing some pointless nonsense on the computer and feeling like "holy shit" I could have had a lot more fun and made people think.

Hope that for everyone, but I think most prefer that type of life here.

I'm sure as we have in the past month, check in every couple weeks, but if we same the same ol same ol, we'll just move on.

Those of you that want to say hi can pm us.

(only speaking for EVT because she doesn't have internet access, and am on the phone with her)
OK, I can therefore now find meta-irony intelectually stimulting, thus am now free to laugh.

Thank you.

I'm in tears. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
QuoteYou wanted attention, you got it. Just might not have been the kind you were hoping for. I haven't been lurking and posting to this board for too long (certianly not for ages), so I can't speak to your feelings of being ignored, specifically, but I certianly understand frustration.

If you notice, no one anwers her posts, hence my joke "no one understands it anyway. No one answered mine when I did, just a game of chaos cop/order cop. Neither worked"

QuoteIt's all always about personal experience. Everybody looks at everything differently. This is what Discordianism is. It's not Rog's Destructive Disorder. It's not your Jakery and mindfucking. It's not my sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. And it's certianly not SssBella & Her Zombie Legions' silliness.

These are just the things that each of us brings to the table.

Discordianism *is* the table.

Well I obviously feel this is a principia forum, so if your discourse and the way you live your life in in direct opposition to the forum's topic, then why the hell are you here for one? Two you're going to clash with those that are here to discuss the principia.

What you're talking about is a social circle, that the Rev admits that most here aren't even his type of discordian.

Prince Tao Jones wrote:
Prince Tao Jones wrote:
The Good Reverend Roger wrote:
SssBella, Oracle of Doom wrote:
The Good Reverend Roger wrote:
When and where is it?

July 2nd. Chicago, Ill.
I'm not gonna make it this time, but some of the others will be there.

Trying to organize a discordian meeting.

If Bella ain't going, neither am I.

Why are you only comming if Bella Does?

Because most of the other posters here aren't my style of Discordian.

Again the reason I find the conventional mainstream religions absurd and destructive is that they are a contradiction to what they proclaim, and hypocrisy makes them ludicris.

If it's the same here, there needs to be a new chapter in the principia to discuss the discordians that are as daft as the other religions.

If it's to illustrate other religion's short commings, that can be clever, but rather I think it's cabbageness and fear that keep people from growing, progressing and constantly changing. If the board is getting stagnant, I'll speak up, but EVT and I are balls of creative energy, we think up crazy shit every day. If I wanted this I'd go to a Babtist church.

It'd be one thing if there was appreciation for our efforts, rather, you can here crickets after our posts, yet everyone jumps on a thread about clowns. Hence my juvenile, sophmoric comments.

QuoteAnd that's what this comes down to. If you feel that the people here are not showing you respect, call them on it. But if you stoop to their level, you're both just gonna wind up with bruised egos, hurt feelings, and mean-spirited running jokes - which I don't think is what you were after.

Again that falls on deaf ears, and doing it jokingly falls on misinterpreted ears. That's my gripe.

QuoteAnd finally, I'd suggest we all take Demonica's advice and have a group hug, then just forget about the whole thing. Cause in a hundred years, it's not gonna matter that she called you an extremeist or that you called her a child, but it might matter that we all got along and eventually managed to accomplish something positive. Or not. And if not, at least we wont be mean to each other anymore, and come to think of it, that would be accomplishing something positive.

I think that would be brushing fundamental issues under the carpet.

I think we need a thread about what we believe and why were all here, but you'd get plenty of nonsense answers that way as well, and folks would consider that too serious for discordians which is why I posted jokingly in the first place.

Damned if you do damned if you don't.

If I started like this they wouold have thought me too serious, if I joke, I'm a jerk.

The problem is that when others do it, it's ok, when I do it I'm slammed, I think that the biggest issue.
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?

Our Kabal Saints those that jake, mindfuck, and promote anti-cabbage propaganda.

It excommunicates those like GW and other grey faces.

To cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos, and Rev believes in opposition for oppostion's sake which is anerisian, according to the principia, according to this forum, but you can read in detail in the Kill me thread for more on that.

I'm sure you could also be right that it was ironic humor, yet got caught up in the current climate to prove a point, but the point that no one's getting is that a lot of people have been disappearing from the forum, and EVT and I have been bored or just sick of banal circular arguments in the name of negative chaos, which is what our cabbagey right wing parents shovel on us all the time. We don't come her for more of it, or to argue for argument's sake, and are trying to prove the point that destructive chaos is nasty and needs to be cut down on, on a principia board, or we'll probably stop comming here.

When we do start doing some significant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise out of embarrassment of this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reflect anything that's in the principia, rather more often thant not contradicts it, which is why I left Christianity because it contradicted it's own bible, and why I come here and rag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.
so what your telling me is that because I admitted that i'm a christian that you have targeted that one character "defect" so you can feel justified in attaking me. I hope you realize that i do not approve of this man sending thousands to their death...

but I think that he said some hillarious things(Dumb but funny)...

I would like to hear of your defense of Yossarian participateing in the murders of innocents and how the fact that he was only a fictional character and so more able to acheive perfection...

yes destuctive chaos is bad... but do you honestly think that Bush would see it as an honor to be a discordian Saint?!?!?

I think not... I am personaly planning on sending him a poster that lets him know he's a Saint.

dubya we dubya the first cabbage saint on the records of discordian history and we hope you think of us the next time poppa asks you to do something you know is wrong... we hope you really don't think what you are doing is a good thing dubya, because we know that every man woman and child is a discordian pope, and we are getting tired of our fellow popes treating others wrong when we should be treating them right good forever...

but of course you wouldn't want him ... he's one of them.

bill hicks said to choose between fear and love and this christian is going to choose love. I hope you can forgive me for what others have done to you in the past and join me on this... lets not argue about weather or not he should be... we all should be... but how to get him there.

Let me put it another way.

We are here for the irony.

It's ironic to saint a roach, and old kooks who print their own money and declare themselves emperor.


Because the conventional church would find this the anti-thesis of sainthood.

therefore, it's funny.

To saint someone who is not the antithesis of a saint and someone a lot of mainstream church goers hold in high regard is not ironic.

It is ironic only to a group that is already ironic, which the being ironic to the ironic makes you non-ironic, they cancel each other out.

Either way it was not ironic, just incorrect. A wrong understanding of principian chaos, if that's funny feel free and laugh, I'm not joining you.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: PrincessEris von Tartarus
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: PrincessEris von TartarusOr does anyone want to cannonize Adolf Hitler or maybe Saddam Hussein?  :twisted: They also caused enough havoc.

Yeah, but they weren't funny.

Besides, havoc is one thing.  Continous fuckups and snafus are quite another.

I think hitler had something definetley funny of wich he was really not concious.

His silly mustache?

The fact that he was 1/4 jewish
Quote from: Colonel Failure
Quote from: Tao1.there's plenty of examples of negative stuff going on, yet I'm the one you're writing to, not the others, as well as others who say nothing when people say certain things. Seems a different standard for different people.

Well, for starters:

Quote from: TaoPoint taken, but in context, we've been (including me) just matter of factly, and non-defensive for ages about our concerns and the feedback from our posts was falling on deaf ears. Being contraversial, confrontational and caustic was a tool to get people's attention, and it worked.

You wanted attention, you got it. Just might not have been the kind you were hoping for. I haven't been lurking and posting to this board for too long (certianly not for ages), so I can't speak to your feelings of being ignored, specifically, but I certianly understand frustration.

I you notice, no one anwers her posts, hence my joke "no one understands it anyway. No one answered mine when I did, just a game of chaos cop/order cop. Neither worked"

None of this has been to say, 'You're a bad person.'

There's another reason I picked you to engage on this topic, I'll get to that later.

But I think I have been clear in my posts (which everybody can read) that I don't consider you the only cause of this (curiously unwelcome) discord. But what? you want me to turn around and point fingers (other than at DD, whom I mentioned in my last post)? OK, that's fair.

For the record, I think SssBella, The Right Rev, Chaosgraves, among others are perpetuating the situation as much as you are, currently with the running gag, 'We'll have to check and see if Tao approves'.


But then, it may not be in their natures to be helpful.

Certianly not Rog... thought-provoking, perhaps, but not helpful in this regard...

I'm gonna toss this quote in before I continue:

Quote from: Tao2. This is all about personal experience. We're trying to say our personal experience is not that enjoyable here, as apposed to just dropping out. We've now voiced it, if things change we'll probably hang around, if not we're getting bored, and will do more productive stuff with our time.

The dificult implication is that we believe strongly in the idea of discordianism, and find the principia quite genius actually. So if we scram, and deem this place lame, we'll have to dissassociate ourselves with this forum and explain why. I.E. it's supposed to be about jaking and mindfucking, yet is overtaken by those who don't.

Also in it's current state, I'd never invite my current friends here. Sojme have dug holes in D. Rumsfeld's yard while he was looking out the window calling the cops on the cordless.

If I told them there's a forum for other creative pointed pranksters, they'd come here and go where are they?

It's all always about personal experience. Everybody looks at everything differently. This is what Discordianism is. It's not Rog's Destructive Disorder. It's not your Jakery and mindfucking. It's not my sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. And it's certianly not SssBella & Her Zombie Legions' silliness.

These are just the things that each of us brings to the table.

Discordianism *is* the table.

Well I obviously feel this is a principia forum, so if your discourse and the way you live your life in in direct opposition to the forum's topic, then why the hell are you here for one? Two you're going to clash with those that are here to discuss the principia.

What you're talking about is a social circle, that the Rev admits that most here aren't even his type of discordian.

QuotePrince Tao Jones wrote:
Prince Tao Jones wrote:
The Good Reverend Roger wrote:
SssBella, Oracle of Doom wrote:
The Good Reverend Roger wrote:
When and where is it?

July 2nd. Chicago, Ill.
I'm not gonna make it this time, but some of the others will be there.

Trying to organize a discordian meeting.

If Bella ain't going, neither am I.

Why are you only comming if Bella Does?

Because most of the other posters here aren't my style of Discordian.

Again the reason I find the conventional mainstream religions absurd and destructive is that they are a contradiction to what they proclaim, and hypocrisy makes them ludicris.

If it's the same here, there needs to be a new chapter in the principia to discuss the discordians that are as daft as the other religions.

If it's to illustrate other religion's short commings, that can be clever, but rather I think it's cabbageness and fear that keep people from growing, progressing and constantly changing. If the board is getting stagnant, I'll speak up, but EVT and I are balls of creative energy, we think up crazy shit every day. If I wanted this I'd go to a Babtist church.

It'd be one thing if there was appreciation for our efforts, rather, you can here crickets after our posts, yet everyone jumps on a thread about clowns. Hence my juvenile, sophmoric comments.

There's enough room here for senseless Disorder, mindless fun, dogmatic jakery, self-righteous preaching, and lots more besides.

You think the board should focus more on the Jaking and mindfuckery? Well, bring it on. I kinda liked the Fed-Ex jake, and I thought the burka jake was amusing (with the addition of EVT's punchline). But if you think silliness and absurdity are too much on the center stage, well... I can't help you there. Somebody posted (and I can't remember who or where, exactly) that they jake out in the real world and post here for a dose of silliness, not to brag about it (something to that effect).

I can't fault that at all. The forum is here for everybody, and it is what you make of it. It is not 'supposed to be about jaking and mindfucking'. It's about Discordianism, specificly the Principia. OM and Project Jake didn't come from the PD, unless I read the expugated version. If you think jakery is the most important thing about being a Discordianism, you're right (you are, after all, a pope). But you're also mistaken. (so am I.) [RIP, Lord Omar]

Quote from: In another thread, GnimbleyShowing people respect is never taboo.

And that's what this comes down to. If you feel that the people here are not showing you respect, call them on it. But if you stoop to their level, you're both just gonna wind up with bruised egos, hurt feelings, and mean-spirited running jokes - which I don't think is what you were after.

Again that falls on deaf ears, and doing it jokingly falls on misinterpreted ears.

Oh, and the other reason I picked you to spar with over this topic: Cause I went after Roger last time. It was just your turn, man. And I'm glad that I did.

If you're fed up with the forum and wanna bail, I certianly can't stop you, though I'll consider it a shame that this is the only time we'll get to joust - I'm enjoying this. I'd only suggest that just because you don't see anything engaging here at the moment, doesn't mean you should go burning your bridges and storming off forever.

I mean, it's not like it's a paid membership, right? Doesn't cost you anything to check back later...

And finally, I'd suggest we all take Demonica's advice and have a group hug, then just forget about the whole thing. Cause in a hundred years, it's not gonna matter that she called you an extremeist or that you called her a child, but it might matter that we all got along and eventually managed to accomplish something positive. Or not. And if not, at least we wont be mean to each other anymore, and come to think of it, that would be accomplishing something positive.

I think that would be brushing fundamental issues under the carpet.

I think we need a thread about what we believe and why were all here, but you'd get plenty of nonsense answers that way as well, and folks would consider that too serious for discordians which is why I posted jokingly in the first place.

Damned if you do damned if you don't.

If I started like this they wouold have thought me too serious, if I joke, I'm a jerk.

The problem is that when others do it, it's ok, when I do it I'm slammed, I think that the biggest issue.

Just an example:

Quote from: Duchess DemonicaAha!

Talk about..................'Extremists'

Quote from: EVTtao is not extremist, only honest and speaks his mind after he has thought for himself. thats not
extremist but consequent.

Quote from: TaoDon't waste your breath, they aren't capable of understanding above a 11 year old reading level.

EVT's comment was a defense, but was not defensive. Your post was simply an unnecessary insult. Now, I am NOT implying that your comment was unprovoked, merely that it goes back to my original statement, "Antagonism breeds antagonism." The clearly implied subtext to Demonica's comment was:

"pot: /msg kettle you black".

She says you're an extremist, you say she has the mind of a child, and back and forth and around we go, getting nothing accomplished. Continuing:

Point taken, but in context, we've been (including me) just matter of factly, and non-defensive for ages about our concerns and the feedback from our posts was falling on deaf ears. Being contraversial, confrontational and caustic was a tool to get people's attention, and it worked.

I regret stooping to other's level, but somettimes it's the only way to get heard.

The above mentioned post of mine was a bit of surrender to the fact that, that was only half working and we weren't getting understood, though we did carefully explain our intentions multiple times.

Quote from: TaoI disagree, there's lots of people in the world that enjoy argument for argument's sake, (contrarians) because they enjoy argument, because they enjoy pissing people off, because they have small dicks, because they're on an internet chat board, and don't have any friends and can give themselves the allusion of being an authority in some cyber fantasy world because in the real world, they're affraid of their own shadow, or a million other sociopathic reasons.

There's nothing wrong with having an argument. I like arguments. But an argument is an intelligent, rational, and most importantly, respectful, discussion between people who have differing views on a subject. When an argument degenerates into name-calling and finger-pointing, it's not an argument, it's a fight.

I'm not singling you out here (though I suppose it may seem that way) for responsibility. My point is that responsibility is irrelavent to this issue. Doesn't matter who started it, that's a game children play with assigning blame and avoiding culpability. What matters is that somebody (preferably everybody) realizes that it's gone too far and everybody needs to count to ten, realize that we're all on the same side here, and stop slinging mud.

I agree, well represented arguments are why I come here for as well as like minds. Arguments like the one we're having here..

I reiderate my previous with example.

You get to a point and someone just changes the subject when they can't come up with something to the defend the BS they're shoveling.

Again, my parents should come to this site if people really enjoy that.

Contrarian debate just seems like a pissing contests for intellectual ego. Not really interested in comming here for that.

Bottom line,

1.there's plenty of examples of negative stuff going on, yet I'm the one you're writing to, not the others, as well as others who say nothing when people say certain things. Seems a different standard for different people.

2. This is all about personal experience. We're trying to say our personal experience is not that enjoyable here, as apposed to just dropping out. We've now voiced it, if things change we'll probably hang around, if not we're getting bored, and will do more productive stuff with our time.

The dificult implication is that we believe strongly in the idea of discordianism, and find the principia quite genius actually. So if we scram, and deem this place lame, we'll have to dissassociate ourselves with this forum and explain why. I.E. it's supposed to be about jaking and mindfucking, yet is overtaken by those who don't.

Also in it's current state, I'd never invite my current friends here. Sojme have dug holes in D. Rumsfeld's yard while he was looking out the window calling the cops on the cordless.

If I told them there's a forum for other creative pointed pranksters, they'd come here and go where are they?
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?

Our Kabal Saints those that jake, mindfuck, and promote anti-cabbage propaganda.

It excommunicates those like GW and other grey faces.

To cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos, and Rev believes in opposition for oppostion's sake which is anerisian, according to the principia, according to this forum, but you can read in detail in the Kill me thread for more on that.

I'm sure you could also be right that it was ironic humor, yet got caught up in the current climate to prove a point, but the point that no one's getting is that a lot of people have been disappearing from the forum, and EVT and I have been bored or just sick of banal circular arguments in the name of negative chaos, which is what our cabbagey right wing parents shovel on us all the time. We don't come her for more of it, or to argue for argument's sake, and are trying to prove the point that destructive chaos is nasty and needs to be cut down on, on a principia board, or we'll probably stop comming here.

When we do start doing some significant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise out of embarrassment of this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reflect anything that's in the principia, rather more often thant not contradicts it, which is why I left Christianity because it contradicted it's own bible, and why I come here and rag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.
QuoteDISCORDianism. The adherence to, and spreading of, DISCORD. Tear the filthy thing down. Smash it, and drive the survivors into the wasteland...and it doesn't really matter what "it" is. We are the adherents of OPPOSITION. We oppose for the sake of opposition itself. We don't take sides, we don't play favorites, and it's a wonder that we are a "we" at all.

Are you saying you believe in chaos for chaos' sake.

You're free to, I find it awful,  but you're not only on a principia forum, which is in direct contradiction to that, but you're the only one to have their own forum topic.

Or did you come here intentionally to fuck up this forum?

Quote from: The Good Reverend RogerBeware, O ye of little faith, for the things I am about to say will piss thee off to no fucking end.  

Let me start off by stating that Malaclypse the Younger is, and always has been a fraud.  That's right.  Bogus.  Phoney.  His real name is Kerry Thornley, and he did NOT "walk into the ocean" thirty years ago.  He is alive and well, and living in Cleveland, Ohio.

Second, his book, Principia Discordia is gibberish.  Utter rot.  It has two or three good jokes in it, and one (1) good idea.  It's basically an acid rant that reads like the end of a Robert Anton Wilson novel...which is to say, it's garbage.  The one good idea, of course, being that you should think for yourself.  Obviously, some backsliders like to quote it and/or insist that people act according to its "teachings" if they want to be a "true" Discordian.

Obviously bullshit.

In fact, this false prophet and his teachings have led countless Discordians astray.  They have been led to believe that, to be a discordian, one must act as if one was tripping, even when NOT under the influence of psychadelic drugs.  It has led people to believe that Eris is some demented aspect of Bacchus, where we all focus on having a good time.  Poetry, games, inebriation, etc.

Sorry, wrong Gawd.

Eris is the goddess of DISCORD.  Take a minute, and look that word up.  I'll wait.

Back now?  Good, we'll continue.

DISCORDianism.  The adherence to, and spreading of, DISCORD.  Tear the filthy thing down.  Smash it, and drive the survivors into the wasteland...and it doesn't really matter what "it" is.  We are the adherents of OPPOSITION.  We oppose for the sake of opposition itself.  We don't take sides, we don't play favorites, and it's a wonder that we are a "we" at all.

We are the proxies of entropy, not a fucking coffee house poetry club.  We back the wrong horse, in the sheer hope of clogging up the guts of the machine, and it really makes no difference if the "machine" is malevolent or benign...Because, to us, NO organization is "benign".

You simply aren't going to gain the favor of the goddess by playing "three word game".  She'd rather see you shoving chewing gum in the coin slots of the subway entrance stiles, or simply playing "let's you and him fight".

The higher up in an organization that you can cause chaos, the more Eris will shower you with her blessings.  Avoid being caught (so you can do it again), and she'll even take them out of the big, heavy can first.

So spare me the quotes and the anecdotes from Principia.  Forget that old fraud, Malaclypse, because Eris already has.  

Or kill me.

This Is The Kind of Shit We Have To Put Up With Department
Quote from: Colonel FailureWell, well, well...

Where do I begin?

Quote from: TaoSome of us find the principia not gibberish, rather a mock philosophy that's a methaphor to wake people up from gibberish.

True. I happen to agree with that characterization. BUT ITS NOT DOGMA. IT IS NOT THE AUTHORITY TO WHICH ALL ARGUMENTS MAY BE DIRECTED FOR A DEFINITVE RESOLUTION. Unless you wanna. But personally, I have greater respect for the man who makes his own arguments, as opposed to quoting a book and saying, "Because it says so here."

And Rog's sermon is half a joke.... You know that, right?

QuoteI believe that there is positive and negative order and chaos and believe in the promotion of the positive...

...sticking gum in the subway gates, I being part gnostic part prankster, find that destructive chaos, and yielding nothing but bad karma.

Agreed. See my comments on Sermon 26 vis a vis the toothbrush thingy. I'll take issue with you on one (admittedly minor) semantic point. I believe there is positive and negative (or better yet, creative/destructive) order and disorder... CHAOS is the universe itself. CHAOS=ERIS=THE UNIVERSE. Order and disorder are merely manifestations of chaos, or as it's phrased in the Book of Eris (props to the Rev. Verthaine), Order and Disorder are opposite sides of the coin. CHAOS *is* the coin. Anyway, i'm not really disagreeing with you here, I just felt like being contrary.

So the big point is I think you're opinion corrupts the impressionable or people here checking out what principia discordianism is all about and I'm trying to point out the contradictions between those here and the actual principia, which you find crap.

Bullshit. Anybody who is so impressionable that they log on here, read the principia, read the Right Rev's Ranting, and immediately get the 'wrong' idea about Discordianism (as if there could be such a thing) isn't a Discordian and wasn't ever going to be one - they're a cabbage who wondered into the wrong corner of the web and got stuck like a deer in our headlights.

QuoteThe big contradiction is that you say you want people to think for themselves, yet you attack anyone who doesn't think like you regardless of if what the?? say is true or not.

And you're just as guilty of this. Antagonism breeds antagonism. That Shrub for St. thread got downright mean (though it seems to have settled down), and nobody who was participating is blameless. Point is, if we all want the same thing in the end, (namely, more freedom, less unneccessary order, and a general enlightenment of the masses), and we all agree that it's a huge undertaking that none of us can do alone, then we should all realize that we're the only help we're gonna get. This wouldn't be a Discordian forum if we all agreed on anything, and regardless of whether we think Bush should be a saint (I vote no, he's an Avatar, and that's it, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't cannonize him - we're all infallable Popes, remember?), there's no reason to go name-calling or implying that 'my' Discordianism isn't as 'true' as 'your' Discordianism.

The only thing that makes 'your' Discordianism 'true' is the fact that 'mine' is different. And vice versa.

That's the point.

QuoteI thought the board needed to be redefined and clarified and it has been by some, and I encourage others to as well.

I'm very proud to have initiated it as well.

As well you should be.

Hail ERIS!


Colonel, fair post.

Although, I'm not defending philosophy because a book says so.

1. This whole thing began because people were leaving the forum, and complaining that it was dead. Instead of just heading out, gave my 2 cents why every time EVT and I read it we're bored to tears, and after a couple of weeks forget to check it all together.

The original point was that not much discordian was being discussed, and we came here to discuss the principia's outlook on discordianism, and creative extentions of it. (not contradictions to it)

I was, therefore defending a principia forum board that was based on the principia. Not that all bow to the almighty principia.

Sure everyone yaks about nonsense, so do I. But the forum looked to be becomming quite banal.

Not to mention every time something cool and discordian was brought up, it was either criticized or ignored.

Seemed people were more interested in bad puns, and pointless chat than people jaking and mindfucking.

Which seemed odd since were called a "Zen version of the Merry Pranksters"

QuoteAnd you're just as guilty of this. Antagonism breeds antagonism. That Shrub for St. thread got downright mean (though it seems to have settled down), and nobody who was participating is blameless. Point is, if we all want the same thing in the end, (namely, more freedom, less unneccessary order, and a general enlightenment of the masses), and we all agree that it's a huge undertaking that none of us can do alone, then we should all realize that we're the only help we're gonna get. This wouldn't be a Discordian forum if we all agreed on anything, and regardless of whether we think Bush should be a saint (I vote no, he's an Avatar, and that's it, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't cannonize him - we're all infallable Popes, remember?), there's no reason to go name-calling or implying that 'my' Discordianism isn't as 'true' as 'your' Discordianism

Me mean? All pointed/ taking the piss out/ commentary has been defensive as far as I can see.

You'll have to quote otherwise.

I thought it was play, yet have sinced realized people were actually taking some internet chat personally.

Again, not saying anyone's discordianism is wrong, simply incongruent to the principia, and this is a principia forum.

If one promotes destructive chaos as a positive, then I'm in open direct confrontation.

QuoteAnd Rog's sermon is half a joke.... You know that, right?

You do know that I'm nearly always half joking right?

but I do think he really believes in chaos for chaos' sake or at least that how it comes across, (I'll ask him after this) and the arguments on this board seem more designed for a contrarian forum, which if I wanted that, I'd call up my Praise the Lord watching parents.

QuoteBullshit. Anybody who is so impressionable that they log on here, read the principia, read the Right Rev's Ranting, and immediately get the 'wrong' idea about Discordianism (as if there could be such a thing) isn't a Discordian and wasn't ever going to be one - they're a cabbage who wondered into the wrong corner of the web and got stuck like a deer in our headlights.

Strongly disagree.

If I came here when that post was fresh and read it, I'd think this place was full of a bunch of nonsense spewing geeks, and never would have stayed, and never would have met EVT.

I'd hope to meet other cool open minded people while comming here in the future. I'd love it if this board got big and we could organize some pretty creative international jakes.

QuotePoint is, if we all want the same thing in the end, (namely, more freedom, less unneccessary order, and a general enlightenment of the masses), and we all agree that it's a huge undertaking that none of us can do alone, then we should all realize that we're the only help we're gonna get. This wouldn't be a Discordian forum if we all agreed on anything, and regardless of whether we think Bush should be a saint (I vote no, he's an Avatar, and that's it, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't cannonize him - we're all infallable Popes, remember?), there's no reason to go name-calling or implying that 'my' Discordianism isn't as 'true' as 'your' Discordianism.

I disagree, there's lots of people in the world that enjoy argument for argument's sake, (contrarians) because they enjoy argument, because they enjoy pissing people off, because they have small dicks, because they're on an internet chat board, and don't have any friends and can give themselves the allusion of being an authority in some cyber fantasy world because in the real world, they're affraid of their own shadow, or a million other sociopathic reasons.

I don't think these people should be banned from the forum, yet If no one challenges them, then the cool folks are all going to migrate away, and I don't want that.

in closing....

Thinking for yourself is one sign of enlightenment, yet the village idiot that thinks his shoes talk to him thinks for himself too. It's not the only sign of enlightenment.
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Prince Tao JonesEVT and the entire Yogi Bear Cabal met on Sunday at the Dom Cathedral in Cologne where thousands of punks, goths, industrial, and other subculture freaks meet each year.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.

So what?  Their authority is based on WHAT, exactly?

Who said anything about authority, just rejected the idea. You can call him a saint, we won't, and think it anerisian to think so.


The Yogi Bear Kabal will not be considering George Bush a Saint.
Quote from: The Good Reverend RogerBeware, O ye of little faith, for the things I am about to say will piss thee off to no fucking end.  

Let me start off by stating that Malaclypse the Younger is, and always has been a fraud.  That's right.  Bogus.  Phoney.  His real name is Kerry Thornley, and he did NOT "walk into the ocean" thirty years ago.  He is alive and well, and living in Cleveland, Ohio.

Second, his book, Principia Discordia is gibberish.  Utter rot.  It has two or three good jokes in it, and one (1) good idea.  It's basically an acid rant that reads like the end of a Robert Anton Wilson novel...which is to say, it's garbage.  The one good idea, of course, being that you should think for yourself.  Obviously, some backsliders like to quote it and/or insist that people act according to its "teachings" if they want to be a "true" Discordian.

Obviously bullshit.

In fact, this false prophet and his teachings have led countless Discordians astray.  They have been led to believe that, to be a discordian, one must act as if one was tripping, even when NOT under the influence of psychadelic drugs.  It has led people to believe that Eris is some demented aspect of Bacchus, where we all focus on having a good time.  Poetry, games, inebriation, etc.

Sorry, wrong Gawd.

Eris is the goddess of DISCORD.  Take a minute, and look that word up.  I'll wait.

Back now?  Good, we'll continue.

DISCORDianism.  The adherence to, and spreading of, DISCORD.  Tear the filthy thing down.  Smash it, and drive the survivors into the wasteland...and it doesn't really matter what "it" is.  We are the adherents of OPPOSITION.  We oppose for the sake of opposition itself.  We don't take sides, we don't play favorites, and it's a wonder that we are a "we" at all.

We are the proxies of entropy, not a fucking coffee house poetry club.  We back the wrong horse, in the sheer hope of clogging up the guts of the machine, and it really makes no difference if the "machine" is malevolent or benign...Because, to us, NO organization is "benign".

You simply aren't going to gain the favor of the goddess by playing "three word game".  She'd rather see you shoving chewing gum in the coin slots of the subway entrance stiles, or simply playing "let's you and him fight".

The higher up in an organization that you can cause chaos, the more Eris will shower you with her blessings.  Avoid being caught (so you can do it again), and she'll even take them out of the big, heavy can first.

So spare me the quotes and the anecdotes from Principia.  Forget that old fraud, Malaclypse, because Eris already has.  

Or kill me.

This Is The Kind of Shit We Have To Put Up With Department

Thanks for the confession, yet the big question is why do you post on a forum that is based on what you consider gibberish?

You neglect to address the different types of chaos.

Also if you study the goddess there are two Eris'

"It was never true that there was only one Eris. There have always been two on earth. There is one you could like when you understand her. The other is hateful. The two Erites have separate natures. There is one Eris who builds up evil war, and slaughter. She is harsh; no man loves her, but under compulsion and by will of the immortals, men promote this rough Eris (Strife).
But the other one was born the elder daughter of black Nyx. The son of Kronos, who sits on high and dwells in the bright air set her in the roots of the earth and among men; she is far kinder. She pushes the shiftless man to work, for all his laziness. A man looks at his neighbour, who is rich: then he too wants work; for the rich man presses on with his ploughing and planting and ordering of his estate. So the neighbour envies the neighbour who presses on toward wealth. Such Eris (Strife) is a good friend to mortals." -Works and Days 11f

"One [Eris] is Trouble and Fighting. But the other is only Healthy Competition." -Works and Days 11

Some of us find the principia not gibberish, rather a mock philosophy that's a methaphor to wake people up from gibberish.

So, my probing proved true.

I was criticized and personally attacked for saying the posts here reflect heretical opinions, and you 3 have all admited you think the principia is a bunch of crap.

I find it a clever metaphor for the state of society on the planet, and  the most productive way of actively working against it for change. I find it a funny way to dispell gibberish as apposed to being gibberish itself.

I also find it a way of bringing Taoism into the 20th century.

Most people feel Monty Python did more for social change than the hippies, and I tend to agree, with their mindfucking skits and films.

I believe that there is positive and negative order and chaos and believe in the promotion of the positive.

I believed these things prior to reading the principia, yet find it well articulated in the principia.

I belive there are enlightened and cabbages, saint-like jakers and greyfaces, people who want social norms and who get angry when they see people being free and happy, or having harmless fun.

Even if all the mindfucking and jaking doesn't change anything, it still made people think.

Even if all doesn't make people think, I still had fun, and on my death bed, I will leave with a good conscious knowing I didn't spend my life in fear of what other's thought nor lived my life based on it.

So, as others have mentioned the spiritual aspect, sticking gum in the subway gates, I being part gnostic part prankster, find that destructive chaos, and yielding nothing but bad karma.

So the big point is I think you're opinion corrupts the impressionable or people here checking out what principia discordianism is all about and I'm trying to point out the contradictions between those here and the actual principia, which you find crap.

If you believe in the negative Eris as being a positve and destructive chaos as a positve, then I will challenge it and hope those who just come here for some pseudo social acceptance's little brain nuerons may start firing in the right side of their brains.

The big contradiction is that you say you want people to think for themselves, yet you attack anyone who doesn't think like you regardless of if what the?? say is true or not.

True following Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley's opinions isn't thinking for yourself, except if you follow the part of thinking for yourself. Which is what I think the whole point of them comming up with all this was about. Of course they weren't the first for saying think for yourself, but did it in a very creative way.

So, I think all this is great actually.

I thought the board needed to be redefined and clarified and it has been by some, and I encourage others to as well.

I'm very proud to have initiated it as well.
I'm assuming that isn't realated to the proposal as the Kabal could never be considered a mass.

Regarding the gathering, I wasn't there and EVT didn't find it that great. I agree that the underground subcultures can get as conformist as the mainstream, yet in Europe it isn't as bad as the American counterparts, that ussually are a painted version of mainstream cliques, and popularity contests.

However Euros tend to be far more individualistic. Their exteriors may look similar, yet each person is far less predictable and far more independantly minded and dynamic.

The holy bit is them fucking up a Christian Holy day by hanging around one of the world's grandest cathedrals in cabbage frightening garb during that day.
EVT and the entire Yogi Bear Cabal met on Sunday at the Dom Cathedral in Cologne where thousands of punks, goths, industrial, and other subculture freaks meet each year.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.