
Christians *have* to sin.
If they don't, it's like Christ died for nothing.

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Inspiration has struck... Possibly, maybe...

Started by ThatGreenGentleman, April 09, 2011, 08:19:16 AM

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Whatever happened to "everyone is equal"? Why are people such complete and utter trash? Why would someone go out of their way and just assault someone for no reason? And why would someone just watch while that happened? Why is it that people hate others because they're different? Why is it that no matter what you do, you can't make someone see reason? Whatever happened to the world that would make people think "Oh, they're not like me so I have to go out of my way to make their day shitty and/or give them a horrible, possibly scarred for life experience"?

Why the hell is my planet filled with such morons?  :|
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

The Good Reverend Roger

Wow.  The "Simon" one.

That's Daddy's horribly cynical little girl!   :lulz:

Understands how Mary Shelley's dad must have felt.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on April 27, 2011, 07:23:04 PM
Wow.  The "Simon" one.

That's Daddy's horribly cynical little girl!   :lulz:

Understands how Mary Shelley's dad must have felt.

christ Roger you have your hands full.  A kid with this kind of brains combined with talent. 

TGG you have an amazing talent. 


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on April 27, 2011, 07:23:04 PM
Wow.  The "Simon" one.

That's Daddy's horribly cynical little girl child!   :lulz:

Understands how Mary Shelley's dad must have felt.

Fixed.  :lol:
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   Mary lied in her hospital bed, with an IV drip in her arm. She had bandages with spots of blood on them wrapped around her wrists and forearm. She didn't regret having done what she did. She didn't regret sitting down in that dirty bath water, nor did she regret the box-cutter she had held in her hand only hours before. Mary remembered it feeling very cold between her fingers. She had done what she did because she couldn't stand it anymore. She couldn't handle the abuse, couldn't handle the drugs, just couldn't handle life anymore. She gazed out the window, wondering how things went wrong...

   Outside of the hospital, where the nurses would go for their smoke breaks, there was a withered looking old hag. She was in a hospital gown, but it was strange looking for it had a hood that covered her face. She also had an IV drip in her arm, and a lit cigarette between her pruned fingers. Her face looked like that of a cartoon witch, long nose, scary mouth, fierce eyes, strong chin. But her face looked as if it was made out of wood. The old hag looked up at the windows of the hospital. Chuckled to herself, and went inside. She wandered around a bit before a nurse told her that patients aren't allowed to smoke or be out of their rooms. The hag replied in a raspy voice that she was on her way to her room and to let her be about the smoking. The nurse was about to go up and snatch the cigarette away, but she looked at the hag's wooden face and saw that it flashed from being wooden looking to a skull, then back to wooden. Frightened, the nurse just stood there silently. The only noise that was made was the old hag's slippers shuffling across the hospital floors.

   Back in Mary's room, Mary was still thinking about how things went all wrong before she realized there was someone in the room with her. She turned her head slowly to look at the old hag whom stood in the corner of her room. The hag stood there for a few minutes, smoking her cigarette. When she finally spoke she asked "Do you know who I am?" Mary merely shook her head like a scared child. The hag then said "That's funny, because you welcomed me with open arms only hours ago." Then it hit her. It was Death. This haggard old woman was Death. Mary recalled her memories of 19 hours ago, just before she fainted. She had seen Death, but Death looked much different then. It had a dark cloak, a skeletal face and a large scythe. Mary was now too scared to say anything, so she only stared back with wide, frightened eyes. The old hag that was Death chuckled again and said "Mary, your time has come to an end. You shall cease being part of the living." As Death lifted it's scythe, Mary begged for her life to be spared, but to no avail. Death had heard all the begging and pleading before, and it helped neither of the beings.

   Death added Mary to her killing jar, a jar filled with souls of the dearly departed. She then put the jar inside her cloak, and faded away as nurses came rushing in to help Mary's lifeless body, but did not gain the desired results.

   Give them hell kid.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


Death-dealing hormone freak of deliciousness
Pagan-Stomping Valkyrie of the Interbutts™
Rampaging Slayer of Shit-Fountain Habitues

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

Quote from: The Payne on November 16, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
If Luna was a furry, she'd sex humans and scream "BEASTIALITY!" at the top of her lungs at inopportune times.

Quote from: Nigel on March 24, 2011, 01:54:48 AM
I like the Luna one. She is a good one.

"Stop talking to yourself.  You don't like you any better than anyone else who knows you."

Dysfunctional Cunt


   She gazed upon the bright lights of the city from her shitty little apartment that was on the inner edge of the heart of it. Teresa remembered the days of her childhood to her teenage years when she lived in the shitty suburbs with her parents and three siblings. She remembered how from the far away distance in the suburbs that the city looked alive. Like it had a pulse and a beating heart, and the feeling of wanting to be there. How it would just draw her in with it's dazzling lights like a carnival.

  Teresa knew she didn't want to end up like her sister, who had married as soon as she graduated from high school because she became pregnant. No, Teresa wanted to be there, in the city with a pulse unlike this dead suburb, where the only thing going for it was all the knocked up teens. She didn't have academic smarts, but she had street smarts and good instincts. Or so she thought. Teresa saved up money, little by little, so she could get to the city. She finally got enough money just in time for graduation. She left home that night leaving nothing but a note saying "I'll send for my things.   -Teresa" She got on the bus and was dreaming of life in the city.

  Teresa arrived at the city sometime after midnight. She got off the bus and began wandering around. She couldn't believe that she was there among the glowing lights. Teresa knew that she was going to have to find a job and a place to live. So she found a shitty apartment and thought to herself "I'll find a better place in no time." Unfortunately, she had no luck in finding a job, until she came to the red light district. Teresa ended up getting a job at a whore house. And that now brings us to her present time. She realized that the city only seemed glamorous from afar, but it was designed to look that way to draw you in. For her, it was to late to back out now. She sealed up the letter she was sending to her mother. Teresa would put up a brave front and continue with the hand that fate had dealt her.

   Back at the suburbs Teresa's mother finally got her letter. She opened it and there was a note and a picture. The note said that Teresa was doing just fine. The picture was of Teresa all dressed up in fancy clothes. Little did her mother know that that was the picture Teresa had used to sell her body, but it was the only good photo Teresa had. As Teresa's mother was reading this letter, the news came on with it's murder reports form the city. And the very first one was of a young woman with hair that was dyed blue, and a bruised and bloodied face. It was Teresa.

  They're really not okay, I promise.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   He couldn't understand why people were so ignorant and could hurt others, verbally or physically, and not think twice about it. He couldn't understand why people were so stubborn and narrow minded. When he told his father something that had been weighing heavily on his mind for as long as he could remember, his father seemed to accept it. But it seemed his father would always treat him as a girl. Like the girl he had unfortunately been born as. He didn't nor would he ever feel like a girl. There were times when he had forced himself to be a girl, but it only ever made him miserable. He couldn't look in a mirror without being horribly disgusted by his body and felt enraged every time he looked down. This boy trapped in a girl's body constantly lived in a nightmare, his pure hell.

   There were people who had refused to call him a guy, and this would hurt him greatly. Every time someone used feminine pronouns he would flinch. Every time someone used his girlish name he would be screaming on the inside. He was often told by his best friend that he was born a girl for a reason. And he would respond "For what reason would 'God' have a boy born in a girl's body other than for his own sick reasons? Perhaps your 'God' is a sadist of some sort. I don't need some 'supernatural person' to purposely put me in my own personal hell just for his amusement. So you can take your God and go blindly worship him, because I sure as hell don't need him." Of course the two remained best friends, but the boy trapped in a girl's body grew more and more enraged and irritated by the world and people.

   He was told that he might not be happy with decisions he made now and would probably regret later in life, but he would always tell them that he would never, could never, regret any decisions he made, because he got to make them.

   Even the most paved roads can be the most dangerous ones.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   Things were becoming strained between them. Everything was great at the start, but as time went on it became unbearable. They couldn't even look at each other without the urge to hit the other. They'd flirt with others to get the other jealous. When it came to love they both were blinded. She'd tell him she was tired of the games, he'd tell her to stop playing them then, then they'd begin to argue. Eventually the arguing would come to violence. They wouldn't stop hitting each other until they became exhausted. She had tried leaving many times, but she couldn't bring herself to get in the cab, every time. She'd go back inside, after having decided not to get in the cab, things were okay again. But it wouldn't last, it never did. They'd soon go back to their ways of arguing and violence. They both had bad tempers so it was unavoidable. They were like children, they'd hit and scream but couldn't bear to leave the other alone or be left alone by the other.

  Setting fire to the bed never seemed so fun.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   His vision was blurred at first, but then within a few moments everything flickered to life. All the colors seemed to be so vibrant and bright, objects looked strange and new. He tried lifting his hand, with some difficulty the first few tries, but got the hang of it. His hand and arm was a bright ruby red, with what looked like golden circuitry. He then decided to go find a mirror, but when he lifted his leg he lost his balance like a toddler learning to walk. After a few moments he was walking, unsteadily, but walking none the less. Looking around at his surroundings, bookshelves, tabletops, chairs, etc. was dusty, papers everywhere, windows were filthy, and the lights did not work. Stumbling around he finally found a mirror. His face was the same ruby red as his arms, hands, feet, legs, and torso. His eyes though, were a pale gray color. He slowly put his hand to touch the mirror and was fascinated by it.

   After spending a few days reading the books and exploring the house he was in,he decided to leave it and see what the world outside looked like. He couldn't tell by looking out the windows because the windows were too filthy to look through, being covered in grime and dirt for decades. He didn't know exactly what he was looking at, but he was on hill looking down upon a ruined city. More of a metropolis actually. Buildings were partially destroyed, no plants were growing, and the sky was cloudy. Having the curiosity of a child, he headed towards the city, leaving behind his cradle of a house.

   Entering the city, you could tell some sort of calamity had happened, because there were cars all over the street, some still having corpses in them. He was not horrified nor was he scared, because he had not yet developed feelings. He wandered through the streets for hours, never seeing another live being. He came upon a hospital however, and ventured inside. The android could tell something was not quite right about this place because there was a gurney, with thin green padding, rolling by with an old man on it starring at him. It turned around a corner with the man still looking at him. The android followed this man on the gurney when he came upon a room with a piano in it. The man on the gurney was no where to be seen,  so the android walked in. The room had not cartoon-ish, but not realistic, looking trees painted on the walls, with nothing but a piano in the center of it.

   He began to play it, first very nervously, but then became better. A little girl clutching a teddy bear peered around the corner. She had curly brunette hair, and wide gray eyes. The android looked over at her, and she came closer. He asked her why she was here, and she replied "The man on the gurney led me here." When he asked her where her parents were, she said that they had stopped moving when the storm came. She asked him what his name was, he said he had no name. She looked at the piano sheet music's title "Jarvis' lullaby" and told him his name was Jarvis. He asked her why she had given him a name and she replied with "Because we have the same eyes, and you needed one." She told him her name was Robin.

   Jarvis the android and Robin the child left the hospital, and the city. He already knew he was going to leave the city before he met her, but after he met her he knew he couldn't leave her by herself or she would die of starvation. Not having any particular destination the red droid and the small child walked down a long stretch of road. Perhaps we'll never know where they end up or when they stop walking.

   The truth hurts, but no one ever said it'd be pleasant.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on May 14, 2011, 01:19:43 AM
  Things were becoming strained between them. Everything was great at the start, but as time went on it became unbearable. They couldn't even look at each other without the urge to hit the other. They'd flirt with others to get the other jealous. When it came to love they both were blinded. She'd tell him she was tired of the games, he'd tell her to stop playing them then, then they'd begin to argue. Eventually the arguing would come to violence. They wouldn't stop hitting each other until they became exhausted. She had tried leaving many times, but she couldn't bring herself to get in the cab, every time. She'd go back inside, after having decided not to get in the cab, things were okay again. But it wouldn't last, it never did. They'd soon go back to their ways of arguing and violence. They both had bad tempers so it was unavoidable. They were like children, they'd hit and scream but couldn't bear to leave the other alone or be left alone by the other.

  Setting fire to the bed never seemed so fun.

How does a kid your age already know so much about marriage?
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: Nigel on May 21, 2011, 06:43:54 AM
Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on May 14, 2011, 01:19:43 AM
  Things were becoming strained between them. Everything was great at the start, but as time went on it became unbearable. They couldn't even look at each other without the urge to hit the other. They'd flirt with others to get the other jealous. When it came to love they both were blinded. She'd tell him she was tired of the games, he'd tell her to stop playing them then, then they'd begin to argue. Eventually the arguing would come to violence. They wouldn't stop hitting each other until they became exhausted. She had tried leaving many times, but she couldn't bring herself to get in the cab, every time. She'd go back inside, after having decided not to get in the cab, things were okay again. But it wouldn't last, it never did. They'd soon go back to their ways of arguing and violence. They both had bad tempers so it was unavoidable. They were like children, they'd hit and scream but couldn't bear to leave the other alone or be left alone by the other.

  Setting fire to the bed never seemed so fun.

How does a kid your age already know so much about marriage?

Because I feel like I'm 65 on the inside.  :lulz:
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   The white rabbit was frightened and angry. He was frightened of the little girl named Alice and angry at the man named Lewis Carroll. He knew he should have left early, but his maid was late so it couldn't have been helped. The most unfortunate part was, even if the maid hadn't been late, he still would've been late anyways because that's how the story went. This is why he was angry at Lewis Carroll, because the white rabbit was unable to change the story. It was all Carroll's fault that this cycle kept repeating itself. It was also Carroll's fault that Alice was such a... strange girl. The Alice you all know of is very much different from this Alice. This Alice, has a very sadistic nature, which is quite disturbing considering she is still a child. She runs around in a blue dress, like the Alice you know of, but her apron is stained with blood, as are her scissors and her other tools of torture. The scissors are her favorite though. Now, back to the story. The white rabbit saw Alice on the hill, and began to sprint as he did not want to be caught by her.  As soon as she saw him run past she immediately sprang to her feet and was right at his heels. Alice had her crazed look upon her face, as she normally did, and the white rabbit dove for the hole.

  As they both tumbled down the hole, the rabbit had a slight advantage. He knew where all the secret doors were, as Alice did not. For every time the story repeated itself, everyone forgot what had previously happened or that it just repeats itself. Everyone, except the white rabbit. As he landed well before her, he ran for the small door. He knew he would fit, she wouldn't and it always took her a while to figure out how to get through. The white rabbit also didn't have to worry about her getting through the other doors, as they were always locked,and they didn't actually go anywhere, they're just decoration. As he closed the door Alice charged and slid, hit the door and began to scream and pound on the door for him to get back in there. He of course wasted no time in getting as far away as possible. He wanted to be rid of that horribly nasty child, but Carroll wouldn't let him.

  The White rabbit finally made it to the Queen's castle and apologized for being late. He knew it wouldn't be long before Alice arrived, so he prepared himself, once again, for his horrible demise that would end the story, and then wake up the next morning in his bed. He had considered what would happen if he had just stayed in bed, in fact he had tried it once, but only once. When he had done that, his body began to move of its own accord. He was unwillingly doing things, and had been killed most brutally. More horrendous than usual actually. He knew that it was all Carroll's doing, for Carroll wanted the story to happen, and made sure that the white rabbit got that message loud and clear.

  A few hours later and Alice finally showed up, seething with rage, determination, and with all her sadistic ways. The Queen held a trial, accusing Alice of all the murders that had happened. The Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and everyone else who had barely escaped Alice's wrath, testified against her. Alice was to be deported and forever banned from Wonderland. And she agreed, only if she could have the white rabbit. The Queen, trying to keep what was left of her people alive, agreed. So, the white rabbit was pushed forward to meet his doom. He was used to this by now, so he an apathetic face. Alice was confused by his lack of caring, but began to attack him. His consciousness slowly faded, but he swore he could hear her saying "You're not like how you usually are." This was something new for him to hear, and he greatly questioned if she could  remember the previous times as well as he.

  Ignorance isn't always bliss.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.