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Brit Spags! So Jim fixed it...

Started by Mangrove, October 23, 2012, 08:23:22 PM

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Well, at least one suspicion about Saville has been given a significant boost in credence:

QuoteOne witness was cited in the report as saying he "wore huge rings that he said were made from the glass eyes of dead bodies" held in the mortuary there.

The investigation heard the entertainer claimed to have "interfered with the bodies of deceased patients".

Dr Sue Proctor, who led the investigation into his abuse at LGI, said a student nurse recalled a conversation with Savile in which he claimed he performed sex acts on the dead.


Quote from: Cain on June 27, 2014, 01:29:37 AM
Well, at least one suspicion about Saville has been given a significant boost in credence:

QuoteOne witness was cited in the report as saying he "wore huge rings that he said were made from the glass eyes of dead bodies" held in the mortuary there.

The investigation heard the entertainer claimed to have "interfered with the bodies of deceased patients".

Dr Sue Proctor, who led the investigation into his abuse at LGI, said a student nurse recalled a conversation with Savile in which he claimed he performed sex acts on the dead.
Admittedly, I did not click the link, do my diligence, or overcome my naiveté; however, that just sounds like the kind of thing I would tell those inclined believe such lyrical nonsense.  Say, if I had done it, I would not tell it like that.


Quote from: Cain on June 27, 2014, 01:29:37 AM
Well, at least one suspicion about Saville has been given a significant boost in credence:

QuoteOne witness was cited in the report as saying he "wore huge rings that he said were made from the glass eyes of dead bodies" held in the mortuary there.

The investigation heard the entertainer claimed to have "interfered with the bodies of deceased patients".

Dr Sue Proctor, who led the investigation into his abuse at LGI, said a student nurse recalled a conversation with Savile in which he claimed he performed sex acts on the dead.

Certainly plausible, probably more likely than not, but I can't help but remain a touch skeptical. With the UK press being what it is, he'll have taken ambulances full of corpses for joyrides playing Iron Maiden to battersea dogs home, while beating a pensioner with a rake and singing Cliff Richard's greatest hits by next week. I can't help but think that anyone not caught by now has a serious interest in throwing as much bad signal around about Savile as possible. Discredit one sensational claim and you put a shadow of doubt over future, as well as historical allegations/crimes.

I suppose I may just have a distaste for agreeing at any point with Icke.

Edit to better reflect what the UK press would/will actually do.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Junkenstein on June 27, 2014, 06:19:06 PM
Quote from: Cain on June 27, 2014, 01:29:37 AM
Well, at least one suspicion about Saville has been given a significant boost in credence:

QuoteOne witness was cited in the report as saying he "wore huge rings that he said were made from the glass eyes of dead bodies" held in the mortuary there.

The investigation heard the entertainer claimed to have "interfered with the bodies of deceased patients".

Dr Sue Proctor, who led the investigation into his abuse at LGI, said a student nurse recalled a conversation with Savile in which he claimed he performed sex acts on the dead.

Certainly plausible, probably more likely than not, but I can't help but remain a touch skeptical. With the UK press being what it is, he'll have taken ambulances full of corpses for joyrides playing Iron Maiden to battersea dogs home, while beating a pensioner with a rake and singing Cliff Richard's greatest hits by next week. I can't help but think that anyone not caught by now has a serious interest in throwing as much bad signal around about Savile as possible. Discredit one sensational claim and you put a shadow of doubt over future, as well as historical allegations/crimes.

I suppose I may just have a distaste for agreeing at any point with Icke.

Edit to better reflect what the UK press would/will actually do.

Okay, full disclosure.  It's not that I want to take any allegations against him lightly, I don't know, either way.  As a trope, wearing the glass eyes of deceased as rings, well, that caught my attention.  I am a bad person :lulz:


Rolf Harris has been found guilty of all 12 charges of indecent assault.


Running short on suspects?

QuoteNick Clegg has rejected growing calls for a full public inquiry into allegations about a paedophile ring at Westminster in the 1970s and 1980s.

QuoteFormer Home Secretary Lord Brittan has been under fire over his handling of two dossiers of evidence handed to him.

The peer initially said he had asked officials to look into allegations contained in a bundle of documents given to him by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in the mid-1980s, but could not recall any further action being taken.

QuoteThe Home Office later revealed that it carried out an independent review into the case last year, which found Lord Brittan had passed some of the concerns to the public prosecutor and that he had dealt with the allegations appropriately.

But the review also found that the dossiers of evidence appear to have been destroyed by officials, prompting allegations of a cover-up.

QuoteFormer director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald told BBC Radio 4's PM programme: "It sounds to me as though there needs to be further investigation into this. Some of the detail is more than troubling. It's always alarming when material goes missing.

"This may just be the passage of time, it may not be anything sinister, but I don't think people are going to be satisfied for this to be left as it is."

Those various allegations about the involvement/complicity of the UK government just took a decent step towards "Plausible". Having scapegoat Clegg lead the charge for the ignoring of historical accusations is quite classy. He's politically dead anyway so he can be safely used as a mouthpiece for whatever the latest idiotic issue of the day is.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Cain on June 30, 2014, 01:53:40 PM
Rolf Harris has been found guilty of all 12 charges of indecent assault.


"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: Cain on June 30, 2014, 01:53:40 PM
Rolf Harris has been found guilty of all 12 charges of indecent assault.
Just in time for "Ooh, we did have a fucking great dossier on all the wrongcocks in the House of Commons in the 1980s, but we appear to have  . . . . erm, lost it"
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


Quote from: BadBeast on July 06, 2014, 04:00:49 PM
Quote from: Cain on June 30, 2014, 01:53:40 PM
Rolf Harris has been found guilty of all 12 charges of indecent assault.
Just in time for "Ooh, we did have a fucking great dossier on all the wrongcocks in the House of Commons in the 1980s, but we appear to have  . . . . erm, lost it"

Well, maybe.

QuoteElements of the dossier may indeed have been "credible", but it's likely that anything valuable was hidden among dross: most of the news reports on the subject out today appear to have overlooked the important detail that Dickens was an extravagant conspiracy theorist who helped to contribute to the "Satanic panics" that emerged in the UK just a few years later.

Here's one report, from 1988:

QuoteYoung people are in danger from the effects of witchcraft which is "sweeping the country," Mr Geoffrey Dickens, the Tory campaigner against child abuse, warned in the Commons yesterday... Mr Dickens said outside the Commons that now he would be pressing for – or possibly himself introducing – a Bill to make to make it illegal to practise witchcraft, and empowering courts to pass heavy custodial sentences.... "If we are to protect children from their sordid, sexual and diabolical grasp, we must bring in new laws to wipe witches off the face of the earth".

And from later the same year:

QuoteBabies and young children were being sacrified to the Devil in witchcraft rituals all over Britain, according to Tory MP Mr Geoffrey Dickens....

"Six hundred children go missing every year. At least 50 of these children are simply never found again.... With witchcraft sacrifice nothing is ever found"

I'm extremely worried this aspect of the story is not getting play in the media and I stronly suspect this is because it is forming a pivotal part of the coverup.

With the X-Dossier case in Belgium in particular, misleading information pointing to Satanic Ritual Abuse was introduced into the investigation on spurious grounds only to be later used to dismiss the case.

Could the same be happening here?  It's interesting to note the dossier has come to light at the same time as more and more MPs are joining in a (cross-party) call for an independent inquiry into organised child sex abuse claims.  This includes two cabinet members, who are currently leading 122 MPs in pressuring David Cameron into setting up the inquiry.

You'll notice Cameron has not set up an inquiry, but has, in fact, put pressure on the civil service to find this missing document (underming Nick Clegg in the process - nicely played, Dave).

If the report does ever see the light of day, it'll probably take a few weeks before people point out Dickens is, well, a bit of a lunatic.  But when they do, the ridicule will cause popular support for investigations to collapse.


That's certainly concerning. I'd guess most people would now dismiss satanic claims related to abuse quite quickly. Those that don't/won't are probably already firm believers in the idea of it occurring so you get a nice section of crazy to help push everything else under the rug.

QuoteYou'll notice Cameron has not set up an inquiry, but has, in fact, put pressure on the civil service to find this missing document (underming Nick Clegg in the process - nicely played, Dave).

Naturally. The past few months, and I suspect the next few the political panto will be in full flow. At this point, you know what line of bullshit each of them are going to come out with. The only impressive thing remaining is that some still do it with a straight face.

Anyway, fucking satanic panic. Every few years or so this shit keeps coming back and turns people into loons. All shorts of idiocy to ensure, mark my words.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I think an argument can be made in some cases for Satanic-related child abuse (I'm just as sceptical of those who claim Satanic child abuse has never occured as I am of those who claim to see Satan's hand in every evil act), but I struggle with the organised aspect, given Satanism itself is not exactly a strongly organised religion and its most public and organised fronts (CoS, Temple of Set) do not strike me as hotbeds of rampant pedophilia.  Hotbeds of juvenile philosophy and rampant egomania, sure, but not so much the other stuff.

But yes.  There is no evidence to sustain allegations in this case, beyond the endless self-promotion of the extremely unreliable Valerie Sinason.  The media will rightly scoff at it, and it will be used to undermine more effective investigations, such as the one currently focused on an ex-Cabinet minister, as baseless conspiracy theorism.


Quote from: Cain on July 07, 2014, 10:24:48 AM
I think an argument can be made in some cases for Satanic-related child abuse (I'm just as sceptical of those who claim Satanic child abuse has never occured as I am of those who claim to see Satan's hand in every evil act), but I struggle with the organised aspect, given Satanism itself is not exactly a strongly organised religion and its most public and organised fronts (CoS, Temple of Set) do not strike me as hotbeds of rampant pedophilia.  Hotbeds of juvenile philosophy and rampant egomania, sure, but not so much the other stuff.

Sexual abuse of a child is more powerful when it is put into the context of demonic magic. The abuser's semen is magic and seals the programming. The ritual aspect of it, and the repetitive nature of the abuse creates several dynamics that accompany the abuse that wouldn't occur in non-ritual abuse. The lie that accompanies such abuse is that this institutionalized abuse is an obligation for both the abuser and the victim. For instance, the mind-control of the Beast Barracks experience at West Point, USMA is an institutionalized abuse that allows the abuser to side step responsibility for sadistic behavior, and sets the stage for the abuse to be continued under the disguise of tradition.
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


Yeah, I'll choose to not read the lunatic ravings of a convicted armed robber and white supremacist, thanks.


Quote from: Cain on July 07, 2014, 02:54:22 PM
Yeah, I'll choose to not read the lunatic ravings of a convicted armed robber and white supremacist, thanks.
Hah! That's what they all say, then it's a little peep between the fingers, and before you know it, the rabbit hole you thought you were peeking into becomes a black hole, an irresistible vortex of plausible supposition that sucks you in, and shows you the REAL truth of what makes the World go round!   :aaa:

:roll: I don't blame you for your reluctance to pick through this document and sift the more credible rantings from the Christian Cultbuster Worldview this missive obviously is. But whatever skewed perspective the author's personal, religious, or socio / political angle  was birthed from, their  sources and citations are, for the most part credibly supportive, if not evidential, and supremely worth an examination, if only on the strength of the lulz generated by how far "out there" a well crafted conspiracy model can take you.

The main artery much of this conspiracy hangs on is the well accepted and citable fact that Josef Mengeles was the visionary and architect behind the CIA's widely documented MKUltra program. The implications of, and potential for abuse , even for an unimaginative, steadfast conservative such as myself, are frighteningly self evident.   :|

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there's any more credence in this conspiracy theory than there is in any other, but surely the only Discordian response to a scenario such as Springmeier & Wheeler present, is to grin with that :fap: "Oh yeah? Come at me bro" :fap: grin, before flinging oneself headfirst into this . . .this . . . . this clusterfuck of pathological Gotterdammerung / Armageddon /  would be Gospel of the endtimes, with the same gusto a starving 500lb chubby on a pimped out Rascal has for a "Happy meal" on a stick. After all, what's the worst that can happen? 
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


QuoteRetired senior judge Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, 80, has been named as the chairman of a wide-ranging review into historical child sex abuse.

Lady Butler-Sloss led the Cleveland child abuse inquiry in the late 1980s.

Older spags may recall this one as the judge that bailed on the Diana inquest as it required a jury. My hopes aren't high here to be blunt.

Without putting too fine a point on it, the other side of the thing is she's 80. Given the potential length, breadth and depth (if it's to be anything worth actually doing and this is apparently what's claimed) there's surely a reasonable chance she won't live to the end of it. I wouldn't put money on it at any rate. The other thing at 80 is, well, maybe your faculties aren't what they were.

I don't say that lightly, I say that because this is the woman who was in charge of the Cleveland Inquiry.

QuoteFollowing the media outcry, a public inquiry, The Cleveland Report[4] was established, led by Elizabeth Butler-Sloss. This judicial inquiry found that the pediatricians had "acted properly" and the report supported the manner in which they had applied the reflex anal dilatation test. This finding contradicted the decision of the judges involved in the case, who had stated that the test was "controversial".[5]

Yeah. That test is/was apparently a thing.

QuoteReflex anal dilation (RAD) is the reflexive dilation of the human anus to a diameter greater than two centimeters in response to the parting of the buttocks or anal stimulation, such as brushing with a medical instrument. RAD was theorized to be a clinical marker associated with anal sexual assault in children,[1] and has been associated with other signs of sexual assault[2] but also appears in children with severe chronic constipation and those subject to invasive medical treatments of the anus.[3] The finding of RAD alone is not considered indicative of sexual abuse,[4] and a normative sample of children not suspected of having been sexually abused found that a significant number of children showed anal dilation either continuously or intermittently.[5]

Used extensively in the Cleveland child abuse scandal, it was discredited during the trial as the sole indication of sexual abuse, determined to be considered a sign of sexual assault by a tiny minority of British physicians.[6] RAD is now considered discredited

Chances for satanic panic bullshit? Rising. Substantially. Chances for general bullshit clouding the issue for years with no real resolution for anyone? At this stage it's practically assured. I'd really like to be very, very wrong here.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.