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What is Kek?

Started by TheEldritchGod, February 20, 2017, 11:24:09 AM

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Vanadium Gryllz

Hypothesis: Discordians are  lolrandom edgelords and into fake religions therefore an imageboard religion based on a sad frog will be right up their street.

Test method: Go to Discordian board and ask open ended question, cunningly concealing your motives.

Results & discussion:
"I was fine until my skin came off.  I'm never going to South Attelboro again."


Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Junkenstein on February 24, 2017, 10:39:37 AM
Oh please, do enlighten us with said hypothesis. There wasn't one in the OP and I'm sure we're all fascinated to learn what your intricate sociological experiment is.


Originally I wasn't going to answer, because it seemed rather pointless. I can already see the outcome of this discussion thread and it is unfolding exactly like it has elsewhere.

However, I can see that I should answer your questions more as a way to force myself to organize my conclusions, more than an attempt to explain things. Simply put, all previous attempts have ended poorly. I see no reason why this discussion will end anywhere new. So, if it seems like I'm not really talking to you, please don't take it personal. Reproduction is important in experimentation, but it also gets boring as fuck.

There are many parallels to the origin of Kek and Eris as far as organized religions. (If the term organized could be applied to any belief systems based on chaos.)

The origin:

The origin of the Erisian Meme was among a small group who then sought about to perpetuate the meme in the only fashion that was available at the time. It is impressive how far the Erisian Meme spread given the methodology. Each person who received the Erisian Meme then twisted it and shaped it before handing the idea off to another.

The document called The Black Iron Prison is clearly a manifestation of the Erisian Meme when it encountered the far more fertile grounds of the internet. However, the Erisian Meme does not seem to have become as "infectious" as it could be.

On the other hand, The Kekian Meme simmered for quite a time until finally exploding after the election of Trump. Its origins are similar in that a small group came up with he idea, each person who accepted the meme twisted it and added on their own ideas. The various strains of Kekian Meme competed with a "cannon" version finally solidifying with the creation of Kekistan, the nation-in-exile of Kek.

Core philosophy:

At its heart, Erisian and Kekian worship centers around following Chaos. Kek is a far more destructive than Eris. Eris is seen as female and more of a creative chaotic force, where as Kek is seen as a force of darkness and destruction.

However, the focus of both religions is radically different. Erisian focus was on morality and the means to see at different angles to a problem. Good and Evil is not the same as Order and Chaos, for example. The primary focus of Eris is to understand that the nature of human experience is far more subjective then people like to admit.

Whereas Kek worship focuses on economic and political discussions. The morality of actions is discussed, but for most Kekites, the discussion is over. They are mostly in agreement on issues of morality, or simply don't care.

So while both embrace a mockery of Religion, Erisian thought takes the matter of religion and mysticism much more serious, being that's it's primary focus is in an expansion of perception as well as an understanding of what is the social contract, what is moral, as well as more internalized philosophical questions.

This is where we have a deviation when it comes to Kek.

Kekian worship seems to be a desire to "smash the system", but "the system" seems to be the calcified, externalized morality of society. Eris was very internal and inwardly focused. Kek is very outwardly focused, being primarily concerned with mockery of racism, sexism, gender identity, economic systems, political systems, and is especially focused on Political correctness.

Which brings up two points I wish to expand upon: Mockery, and Madness.

Both the Erisian Meme and the Kekian Meme use mockery to attack their targets. Erisian mockery could be best described as a scalpel. This would make sense, given the age of the Meme and how long it's adherents have had to perfect their skills.

Those who follow the Kekian Meme are much more course and rude. Preferring a sledgehammer approach. Is there a line that one should not cross? Let us cross it and then run around the planet to try and cross it a second time.

Which brings us to the concept of madness.

While it is true that some madness is caused by organic problems, most madness comes from an inability to cope with the shared social reality that a person suffering from madness finds themselves in. Madness, in this case, is an inability to simply survive in society because the mental constructs that one has for dealing with stressful situations is simply inadequate for dealing with reality.

However, I am seeing a rise in "Madness due to non-conformity". A rise in people who are deemed "mad" because they simply do not accept the ever narrowing definition of what society deems as "acceptable".

As the (political left/liberal/democratic party/real republicans/alt-right/ultra-conservative pick your favorite paint brush and use broad strokes on whomever you wish) continues to attempt to regain power, they have decided that they will, instead of attempting to widen their support base, purge the weakness within their ranks. And thus on both ends of the political spectrum, you are seeing large numbers of people who would call themselves "Liberals" being called "nazis". And to a lesser degree you are seeing it on the right. (i.e. Milo)

Of course the truth of the matter is, Trump isn't a republican. He's a democrat who saw the ground shift beneath his feet. And like any good businessman, he saw an organization with many assets, but undervalued as far as performance, and performed a leveraged, hostile take over of the republican party.

Trump didn't join the republicans. Trump made the republicans join him.

This centrists populist is a lightning rod for any extremist and has resulting in both sides expelling the ideologically impure. And what is casting someone out of a society but just another way of saying that someone is "crazy".

While the majority of people may see the far left and far right as the mad ones, they exist in their own ideological echo chambers and believe that they are right. That purity of thought is the only way to finally win the day.

Which beings me back to my point and the ultimate answer to your question:

Why do I see Eris and Kek as two sides of the same coin? Because both were an attempt to change what they saw as a calcified system. Both chose to be labeled "insane" and embraced "madness" as a means to an end. What better way to force change then by stressing the system in ways it is not equipped to handle?

Of course, I do have an observation to make.

The Erisian Meme has become almost as calcified as the very concepts it opposes. Your reaction to my OP is actually quite typical. You have chosen the path of "Slow Erosion", believing that you do not have the numbers for a flat out assault on the calificied systems that actually are a real and direct threat to you and those that you love. Perhaps you have embraced nillism and as such care not for the outcome, instead embracing the belief that if you just pick away at the system long enough, eventually you'll bring about a gradual change.

Now your efforts have either failed, or they succeeded and you are currently seeing the fruits of your labor. The system is devouring itself. Personally, I don't think Erisians did much to bring about the current system dynamic.

Frankly, how or why doesn't matter. Understanding the current situation is what is the problem. We do live in a system that has convinced people that up is down and good is bad. We have rejected the very thing that makes a stable society. I could get into the details, but then you'll just want to argue the finer points while missing the big picture.

Sit on your ass and do nothing, lashing out at any idea that contradicts your world view, and remain here in your safe little bubble where you can pretend you are these great intellectuals.

Or consider some new possibilities, try to falsify the reverse of your beliefs to see if the world really is how you see it, and maybe get out there in the internet and actually try and make the world a better place. Frankly, thing are fairly screwed up out here and if you believe in freedom and the rights of individuals, it's all hands on deck. I don't care what you believe, but whatever it is, we need as many ideas as we can get. Get off your asses and get out there in the thick of things.

Get Busy Shit Posting, Or Get Busy Dying.

As a side note, I used to look up to all of you. You have no idea how disappointed I am. You were heroes to me. But that's okay. Got a new hero now. God-Emperor Trump Is Literally Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Because Love Trumps Hate And Trump Is Love.

Praise Kek.
I am fallible and I love to fail for without error there is no clear path to truth.


I'm sorry we didn't live up to your expectations. I hope your hero does to you exactly what he has promised.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Faust on February 24, 2017, 02:16:03 PM
I'm sorry we didn't live up to your expectations. I hope your hero does to you exactly what he has promised.

I am doing exactly what I expect. Why would I do anything different?
Oh. You think TRUMP is my hero? That's fuckin' hysterical.
I am fallible and I love to fail for without error there is no clear path to truth.


Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Oh. One other thing that would be helpful. No need to answer if you feel uncomfortable with answering me.
How old are you (you being anyone who has read this far into the thread) or if you don't wish to give an exact number, an age range will do.


Thanks in advance,
I am fallible and I love to fail for without error there is no clear path to truth.


I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Yeah, ok.  I suppose you deserve a response of some sort.

1. The origins of Discordia are largely irrelevant. 

2. Your attempts at memetics are reductive, spurious, and add no insight into either Discordia or Kekiansm.

3. The Black Iron Prison was literally a direct result of the board at the time attempting to update a 30-year-old idea system into a 2006 framework.  It was and is a contentious work, and has been mostly rejected by the majority of self-identifying Discordians.

4. Some of your ideas about the core philosophy of Discordia are accurate (though limited in scope) with regards to the idea of the Creative over the Destructive.  However, you lose focus when you veer off into the concepts of morality and subjectivity in Discordia as somehow being separate from concepts of economics and politics in Kekiansm – all those concepts are also contained in the idea of Creation over Destruction*.

5. Discordia is not exclusively internal and inwardly focused, but it does contain those elements as some Discordians feel a need to have a consistent or at least understood position before acting.  That you state Kekian do not do so is fairly telling, and explains much of the cognitive dissonance we've seen.

6. Your list of Kekian mockery is also quite revealing, especially since you do not identify which side of the issue is being mocked.  From what is observable, the Kekian stance is:

  • Racism = Acceptable
    Sexism = Acceptable
    Gender Identity = Binary
    Economic Systems = Unknown; feudalism or monarchy, perhaps?
    Political Systems = Pro-Autocratic
    Political Correctness = Unacceptable

7. For the most part, the Kekian approach to humor (for what is mockery but pointed humor?) is best classified as "punching down" – that is, to attack someone in a lower position of power.  Of course, there is a self-deception involved where the Kekian is concerned (e.g. the white male who feels the black woman has more power than he does).  Bluntness or sharpness has very little to do with it.

8. Your understanding of mental illness is crude and uninformed.

9. You are conflating mental illness with social anxiety.

10. Your analysis of the current social political landscape is flawed. 

11. Your analysis of Trump is flawed.

12. Kek and Eris are not two sides of the same coin.  All systems want "change".  And most Discordians (on this board) do not see Discordianism as a form of madness.

13. Learn how to spell "Nihilism".  That's all I got for this paragraph, it's making huge assumptions about Discordia.

14. That you think we are not doing things offline in real life guarantees you do not know about KYFMS.

15. Your last line is not the joke you think it is, it is a self-reflective "Ibi est humor in veritate".

*If you are at all interested in a more nuanced take on the Creation/Destruction/Order/Disorder grid, that can be arranged.

-age is between 1 and etc.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"You need to actually DO something" says the random 4chan do-nothing turd to a bunch of people who are pursuing graduate degrees while actively engaged in activism in their communities and churning out creative projects.


Show me the book your kekistanis wrote.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on February 21, 2017, 03:30:16 AM
Quote from: LMNO on February 21, 2017, 01:27:29 AM
If you say it out loud, it's shorthand for "please punch me in the face".

A spell of evocation really.

Which is the weakest spell school. Tisk Tisk.

I don't quite understand the fixation on the concept of memes. I've read people talking like spreading a meme is equivalent to casting a spell. Is it just dreams of relevance?

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: whenhellfreezes on February 24, 2017, 04:30:20 PM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on February 21, 2017, 03:30:16 AM
Quote from: LMNO on February 21, 2017, 01:27:29 AM
If you say it out loud, it's shorthand for "please punch me in the face".

A spell of evocation really.

Which is the weakest spell school. Tisk Tisk.

I don't quite understand the fixation on the concept of memes. I've read people talking like spreading a meme is equivalent to casting a spell. Is it just dreams of relevance?

Yeah, pretty much, by people who are either too stupid or too hung  up on occultism to realize that the spread of information is a well-studied field and that the word "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976 as an analog of the "gene" concept of spreadable unit of information. There are a lot of books on the topic, but it's my guess that next to none of the pinheaded adolescents squeaking about memes have ever cracked one.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


LMNO, I think you're pissing into the wind here. It's your pair of pants, I'm just trying to save you some washing.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


QuoteHowever, I am seeing a rise in "Madness due to non-conformity". A rise in people who are deemed "mad" because they simply do not accept the ever narrowing definition of what society deems as "acceptable".

This kind of intellectual wankery make sit hard to take you seriously. You sound like you're trapped in the 19th Century and re-creating psychology from scratch. It's not clever, it just sounds like it's supposed to be.

"Madness due to non-conformity" is just about the stupidest thing I have read in a while, and Ron Paul's alt won't STFU, so that's saying something.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


I mean, there are people out there who suffer from genuine mental illness, being a malcontent, the word you were desperately grasping for, is not the same as being crazy.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.