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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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The Lib Dems are apparently planning to support Boris Johnson's plan and/or maybe a second Tory long as they get a referendum with Remain on the ballot.

Doktor Howl

What's awesome about all this is that I was just feeling a little discouraged by how provincial America is, then this thread reminds me that it's not just America, it's EVERYWHERE.

Which shouldn't make me feel better.  But it does.
Molon Lube


You have to love their logic here. They could support Labour and get either a soft-Brexit or remain with a winning referendum, all without any significant risk of no deal. Or they could side with the Tories and get a very significant risk of no deal if they lose any referendum, and a very bad deal if it does pass.

So of course they choose the latter option.

At least making Swinson the frontpage of their campaign is starting to backfire, as lots of voters are noting she's basically a Tory remainer (and squirrel killer).

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Told you all. At least reality has beat her around the head a bit and she's stopped blithering about being pm. Theres more chance of sturgeon becoming pm than Swindon and would have way more mps to justify that too.

It's not done getting funnier either.

Labour housing pledge 100k new homes/year by 2024 - impossible pie in sky lunacy. Economically unviable. Etc.

Conservative housing pledge - 1million of same by 2025 - brave, visionary, easy etc.

Both are even more laughable as there will be fuck all done by anyone about this as its an election issue every time but not a big enough vote winner to bother doing anything about when in power.

It's taken 3 weeks to produce manifestos, still waiting on the tory lies, and there's not a single new creative lie to be seen. For shame on all concerned.

Also, yes Swindon famous for killing + eating squirrels in public. Its a country thing.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Labour has had two different canvassers, both in their 70s, seriously assaulted while out canvassing

QuoteLabour has condemned separate unprovoked attacks inflicted on two party activists in their 70s as they were out canvassing over the weekend.

The first incident occurred in Herefordshire on Saturday morning, while the second took place early the following evening in South Yorkshire. Police said a man had been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm in relation to the second.

"These unprovoked attacks were completely unacceptable. Our thoughts are with those affected and we wish them a speedy recovery," said a Labour party spokesman. "We take the wellbeing and safety of our elected representatives, campaigners and activists extremely seriously and we have issued advice on safe campaigning and security."


Today's revelations are that the Tories have been secretly negotiating with the US over the past two years over the NHS...which the Tories have repeatedly said was not on the table.

In addition to catching the Tories out in a blatant lie, this also shows the government effectively breaking the law - trade negotiations are illegal until we leave the EU.


I think negotiations can happen but nothing can be signed until after the UK leaves the EU, it is strictly speaking not right, especially if the UK was to end up stuck in a transition for 10-15 years as it could negatively effect the EU's position to negotiate (which the UK would still be a member of).

I had heard the rumor that the US negotiators wont even meet the UK negotiations unless the NHS is part of the discussion as up for grabs, and that the Tories had tried to divert or side channel them, but they wouldn't be deterred, this will basically be the choice: Align with US regulation and way of doing things, or with the EU regulatory systems, the latter allows the UK more freedom in protecting its existing assets such as the NHS, as it stands the US is only one predatory nation that will want it's piece, the UK could effectively face a carve up, ironically it was one of the reasons for harmonised trade in the EU, the cumulative strength in negotiation allowed the EU to rebuff some (not all) of the US's requests (All drugs produced in europe unless explicitly just for sale in europe tend to still follow FDA rules).

In Ireland we had a similar situation, Irish Water was created as a state utility which the government hoped to auction off to private bodies, it was the straw that broke the camels back in the recession: it caused mass civil unrest, rogue builders physically removing water meters from all over the country, no one paying their bills. The opposition brought in a bill to protect the asset as a nationalised institution, we may even be looking at a referendum depending on who gets into government to enshrine it as a public asset which could not be undone by act of government.

Even in opposition I could see Labor being able to get enough cross party support to create a similar bill to protect the NHS if they wanted to, I'd even wager there would be enough tory rebels willing to get the same through.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Yes, the US have insisted on full access and no mentions of global warming or related terms, as two key conditions of any trade talks.

The UK has negotiated a mutual recognition agreement with the US, but it seems like this was used as a cover for far more extensive talks about carving up the NHS by the US pharmaceutical lobby. Even at the time it was noted the talks were very focused on the pharma industry. But you're right, they can do the talks.

Still though, given that the NHS is the top priority of voters in this election....


Yeah if brexit has to happen it shouldn't sell out everyones future, hopefully someone like Farage or someone from the leave side will criticise them for this  and erode a base for a tory win
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Apparent terrorist attack on London Bridge. Attacker armed with a knife, stabbed two people (one killed), then shot by counter-terrorism police.

Nothing more known at this time.


Was apparently wearing a fake bomb vest, which is probably what triggered the shooting. Spin incoming.

Also, we've had defuckwit empty chaired and replaced with ice during leaders climate debate. He sent his dad and gove to represent him, which was denied leading to threats against the channel and its broadcast license. Classy.

Javid also refused 7 times to say if clearly racist anti Muslim rhetoric is unacceptable. Quisling would be proud.

And for fun the I has been bought by the daily mail group so now 8/10 papers will be able to tell you about corbyn meetings with mao and pol pot.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


It turns out the attacker, Usman Khan, had previously tried to blow up the Stock Exchange in 2012 and was released last year. He was tagged and going through a deradicalisation program as a condition of his release.