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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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Facebook advert stats on the election were released early today.

88% of Tory ads were misleading, practically any Lib Dem ad with a graph was considered misleading Labour ads were considered misleading.


Quote from: Cain on December 10, 2019, 07:19:26 PM
Facebook advert stats on the election were released early today.

88% of Tory ads were misleading, practically any Lib Dem ad with a graph was considered misleading Labour ads were considered misleading.

WTF Labour! On what planet would telling the truth EVER be the way to electoral success. Sheesh.

"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber

Doktor Howl

I was just looking at your polls.

What the hell is WRONG with the UK?  I expect this sort of brain damage from America, but not from England.  How on God's green Earth could anyone who doesn't live in a mansion vote tory?
Molon Lube


A three year campaign accusing Corbyn of doing everything short of eating puppies will have that effect. He supports the IRA, he's a Czech spy, he hates the Queen, he plans to nationalise your mum...on and on and the bullshit never ends.

The Tories also quickly realised in 2016 that once they delivered Brexit, the party would very likely fall apart. To avoid that, they've launched a massive culture war, very much like the Republicans, on pretty much every topic imaginable. One of the key aspects of the Tories electoral strategy in the north (normally a Labour stronghold) is to play up trans rights, not so subtle implication being weirdoes coming into the toilets to perv on your kids. And Boris has gone full National Front on some topics, complaining about how EU immigrants "don't integrate" into the UK.

None of this would matter so much, if not for the press being pretty uniformly against Corbyn. The Guardian, normally a stalwart Labour supporter, is very lukewarm on Corbyn because its writers and readers skew to a more centrist, middle-class demographic. The Mirror is unapologetically in Corbyn's corner, and Sky News, ITV, the Independent and Channel 4 seem to be giving Labour a fair shake, but against that you have an entire media establishment who hates Corbyn like poison.


Because Labour backs a second Levenson Inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press in addition to taxing their owners more.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on December 11, 2019, 04:22:55 PM
A three year campaign accusing Corbyn of doing everything short of eating puppies will have that effect. He supports the IRA, he's a Czech spy, he hates the Queen, he plans to nationalise your mum...on and on and the bullshit never ends.

The Tories also quickly realised in 2016 that once they delivered Brexit, the party would very likely fall apart. To avoid that, they've launched a massive culture war, very much like the Republicans, on pretty much every topic imaginable. One of the key aspects of the Tories electoral strategy in the north (normally a Labour stronghold) is to play up trans rights, not so subtle implication being weirdoes coming into the toilets to perv on your kids. And Boris has gone full National Front on some topics, complaining about how EU immigrants "don't integrate" into the UK.

None of this would matter so much, if not for the press being pretty uniformly against Corbyn. The Guardian, normally a stalwart Labour supporter, is very lukewarm on Corbyn because its writers and readers skew to a more centrist, middle-class demographic. The Mirror is unapologetically in Corbyn's corner, and Sky News, ITV, the Independent and Channel 4 seem to be giving Labour a fair shake, but against that you have an entire media establishment who hates Corbyn like poison.


Because Labour backs a second Levenson Inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press in addition to taxing their owners more.

So they Hillary'ed him.

Also, what's amazing is that England automatically integrates people.  Even the French turned English after William the Bastard took over the joint.

Unless your are UKIP or some shit, and "integrate" means "be white" and "only eat parsnips".  Honestly, the reason I loved the UK when I used to get over there was that you had a few dozen cultures all mushed together for like the last 200 years.
Molon Lube


It does in fact mean "speak English and eat only parsnips"


The risk of this is that they are making a short term push for The Good Old Days with their brexit, less foreigners, more jobs etc that they wont be able to pay back later.

Its the same empty promise Trump made.
The difference is the worst cheeto in chief can do is squander 80 Bn and build some shitty chainlink.
Brexit however could be 80Bn a year from now on in a permanent economic wound, that's an optimistic view of what the world is likely to do to the UK economy in a moment of vulnerability.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Meanwhile, this is what the "left-wing" Guardian is pushing, a day before the election

Doktor Howl

It is in fact too much to ask, since the lib dems got tertiary syphilis.
Molon Lube


I'm old enough to remember when the press dunked on Russell Brand, for weeks on end, when he said something similar six or seven years ago.

Yet today, a bunch of centrist journalists have been lining up to go behind this article and bravely add #MeToo.

And I wouldn't even mind so much if they did endorse the Lib Dems, or the Greens. It would suggest they have political convictions that go beyond "centrist wankery from now until forever, or I'm throwing a wobbly and taking my ball home."

Doktor Howl

Sometimes Corbyn almost looks like he's still alive.  It's spooky.
Molon Lube


Just consider this, then. Boris is Corbyn's junior, by 15 years.



Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.