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Bridge Deconstruction Ahead

Started by Arafelis, June 10, 2009, 07:01:40 PM

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I find following memetic evolution fascinating, and so to some extent, I'm doing this for my own edification.  However, I thought it might also be useful for anyone who missed the whole exchange.  The posts are largely in chronological order, where possible attributed to their owner.  (Obviously posts cited from The Cellar are difficult to properly cite.)  Some formatting has been changed, and in a couple cases I tried to provide additional context to a post.

Also this was compiled by me from my point of view, and is therefore, insofar as a series of quotes can admit bias, is a biased piece of shit.

Dove: Why would anyone try to hate the piece before reading it.
Dove: I appreciate your producing this work and kopylefting it for distribution.
Dove: Another excellent read!

The Good Reverend Roger: It must be nice having being your own cheerleader.

Arafelis: I'm not sure how to feel about the proposition I'm cheerleading myself.  On the one hand, it's funny.  On the other hand, it kind of insults my capacity for subterfuge to do something so quickly and blatantly.  On the prehensile tail, I feel like it would be best to give Dove the benefit of the doubt, since if he isn't me, he'll be taking flak for something that's not his fault.
Arafelis: If he never posts again, go on thinking whatever.  But if he posts something different, don't blame me for it.  Or credit him with any of the stuff I've posted.

The Good Reverend Roger: Actually,  I think I might, because "Dove" came along just a little too conveniently, and only posted in threads in which you took a great interest.
The Good Reverend Roger: So far, you've spent the last few days taking swings at me.  That's fine, I like to brawl.  But for fuck's sake don't be passive-aggressive about it.  If you want a flamewar, just say so.

The Good Reverend Roger: However, I have done an IP locate on both of you, and Dove seems to be from Florida.  And you seem to be from The Cellar.  :lulz:
The Good Reverend Roger: It's okay, though.  If I was a Cellar Dwellar, I'd find a new board to post at, too.

The Good Reverend Roger: The Cellar Crew is always good for a laugh.
Arafelis: ?  The term [ed: "Cellar Crew"] isn't anywhere else in the archives.

The Good Reverend Roger: Uh huh.  You just happen to live on the same street as the Cellar member who posted here as "Red Shirt Reilly".
The Good Reverend Roger: On the same block.
The Good Reverend Roger:  :lulz:

Arafelis: I'm still not quite following the cellar metaphor.  Is this a geographic region, another forum, a website, a lifestyle...?

Nigel: Don't be disingenuous, "Red Shirt Riley".

Nigel: My only real question is, what triggered this invasion? Are your dimwit friends coming along shortly to serve as backup, or is this a solo mission?

Arafelis: Found it.
Arafelis: Hmmm.

Action Required to Activate Membership for The Cellar‏
From:    The Cellar (
Sent:    Tue 6/09/09 8:26 PM

Dear Arafelis,

Thank you for registering at the The Cellar. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.

A Modest Proposal
Hello! I have a proposal to make to the bored.

I've recently joined up with web board over at Now even though I've never posted here before (wink wink, nudge nudge), there seems to be some accident of circumstance that has led at least two of the members of said board to conclude that I am the vanguard of an invasion force from -- you guessed it -- The Cellar!

Not being one to disappoint, I thought it might be entertaining if you and I manufactured such an invasion. After all, what could be better than creating a conspiracy for the "benefit" of the Discordian?

I'm not looking to encourage anyone to troll their board, per se. Just, you know, create an account (or reactivate an old one), make a couple posts, leave when you're bored of it. I post under the same name there as here, so if you'd like to elaborate on the conspiracy elements, feel free to make cryptic comments to any of my posts and I'll play along. Or don't, it's up to you.

This can all be in good fun. See you when I see you! (I'll check replies to this post, but I'm primarily following the PD boards.)

Telarus: I really don't think Arafelis hangs at the Cellar. Of course, I only know him as noneuklid from Convert_Me, so I could be wrong.

Arafelis (Message to Telarus) : Shhh!  I was hoping they'd forget all about knowing where I came from.

classicman: Or you could just go back over there and never come back. PD is a lot like VD around here, something we want nothing to do with. No thanks.
classicman: Oh and Fuck Cancer!

SteveDallas: Unintentional troll is still a troll.

The Good Reverend Roger: And...BUSTED.

The Good Reverend Roger:
The Good Reverend Roger: NICE.

Arafelis: I don't suppose if I asked really nicely, you'd pretend to be surprised if anyone actually came over?  I was trying to give you and Nigel the conspiracy you were looking for.
Arafelis: Sadly, however, they don't seem interested.  =/

fomenter: he failed to start a war with the cellar

Arafelis: Not a war, a conspiracy.
Arafelis: But they don't seem to have much of a sense of humour over there.

Quote from: ArafelisI post under the same name there as here, so if you'd like to elaborate on the conspiracy elements, feel free to make cryptic comments to any of my posts and I'll play along.
ZenGum: Wait, did arafelis use the same username on both fora? hmmm.

Quote from: Arafelis...a conspiracy...
classicman: Your boy came over here indicating/hinting that he has posted here in the past. Probably under another name. Would anyone here be surprised? Absolutely not.

P3nT4gR4m: Trolling this board is like trying to attack a stoner by force feeding him pot :|

Cain: Oh, its trollable.  I can think of a few ways...few things would stand up to a well executed Batman Gambit or something with experience at pulling off Xanatos short, someone at least as smart and experienced as me.
Cain: But if you wanted to do a good job of it, this is a textbook example of how to not go about it.

Arafelis: Pfft.  I'm wondering if there's a slim possibility that, given that I said there I didn't want anyone to come over and troll the board, anyone's considered the idea that maybe I was not, in fact, trying to troll either board.

Ratatosk: The better plan would have been not trolling this site until you grokked it. Most Discordians that show up here try to troll, but they use the same tools and concepts that many Discordians here use, so the troll is generally transparent.

That's pretty much it.  Just to finish this out, I'd like to share the exchange which I found most amusing from the whole thing:

Undertoad: I blame the Cellar, not PD, for getting all butthurt when we're picked on.
Undertoad: We must face it, we're a bunch of goddamn pussies.
SteveDallas: I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion, but granting it for the sake of argument, I don't believe your statement is true. By the very nature of pussy-tude, pussies can never actually face the fact that they're pussies. That would be a very difficult and self-critical thing to do. I submit that, by its nature, such a realization is un-pussy-ish. If we are a bunch of pussies, the last thing we will do is face that fact.
"OTOH, I shook up your head...I must be doing something right.What's wrong with schisms?  Malaclypse the younger DID say "Discordians need to DISORGANIZE."  If my babbling causes a few sparks, well beats having us backslide into our own little greyness." - The Good Reverend Roger


yeah, a little hard to follow at the moment..

you realize you're pretty much digging your own hole right now, right?

now I am also wondering if you are trying to get us to start shit with the cellar, just as you tried to get folks at the cellar to come here.


When you get Cram paranoid you know you're in trouble.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


Full of Sound and Fury, and signifying.... Nothing.


Quote from: Hoopla on June 10, 2009, 07:09:32 PM
When you get Cram paranoid you know you're in trouble.

how am I supposed to stay sane with all these Drrruko / D.K. sockpuppets around??  :tinfoilhat:

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Cramulus on June 10, 2009, 07:07:07 PM
yeah, a little hard to follow at the moment..

you realize you're pretty much digging your own hole right now, right?

now I am also wondering if you are trying to get us to start shit with the cellar, just as you tried to get folks at the cellar to come here.

I think he's trying to defend his position that he didn't come from the Cellar as had been presumed. Which, given the events, I would agree. However, as you say, 'defending' yourself here, once you screw up is just digging a hole. It's generally better to say "I fucked Up' and then go on to do something else around here.

QuotePD is a lot like VD around here, something we want nothing to do with.

is an awesome quote!
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Quote from: Ratatosk on June 10, 2009, 07:11:48 PM
I think he's trying to defend his position that he didn't come from the Cellar as had been presumed. Which, given the events, I would agree. However, as you say, 'defending' yourself here, once you screw up is just digging a hole. It's generally better to say "I fucked Up' and then go on to do something else around here.

I'm just sayin' - if he wanted to contain that drama, starting new threads about it might not be the best route. I mean, I guess it showcases his side of the story, but I've never seen one of these threads go well for the OP.  :p


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be digging my own hole into.  I keep getting called a troll, but if that's so, I've got nothing to fear by being called a troll except... being called a troll again.  I mean, really... what's the worst that could happen?  Eventually everyone involved will get bored of it and move on.

I tried to add size tags inside all the quotes, but quote tags seems to act similarly to code or pre tags.  I'll look at doing it in plain text with attribution links on each line, perhaps.

I've made a total of four posts at the Cellar: the opening, two replies to someone suggesting that I read up on the history, and a closing.  I'm not trying to start shit with anybody, believe it or not.
"OTOH, I shook up your head...I must be doing something right.What's wrong with schisms?  Malaclypse the younger DID say "Discordians need to DISORGANIZE."  If my babbling causes a few sparks, well beats having us backslide into our own little greyness." - The Good Reverend Roger


Quote from: Ratatosk on June 10, 2009, 07:11:48 PM
I think he's trying to defend his position that he didn't come from the Cellar as had been presumed.

If that hasn't been established already, there's absolutely nothing I could ever do that would demonstrate it.  If that's all I wanted, Telarus provided as solid a defense as I could ever need way back at the beginning.
"OTOH, I shook up your head...I must be doing something right.What's wrong with schisms?  Malaclypse the younger DID say "Discordians need to DISORGANIZE."  If my babbling causes a few sparks, well beats having us backslide into our own little greyness." - The Good Reverend Roger


You may be surprised how long it takes some of us to get bored.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

It may be best to simply drop this discussion then... generally speaking that seems to end these kinds of shitstorms. I agree with Cram, I've never seen the OP of a thread like this 'win' whatever 'win' may mean.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Quote from: LMNO on June 10, 2009, 07:16:25 PM
You may be surprised how long it takes some of us to get bored.

or how easily our interest can be restored..
"So she says to me, do you wanna be a BAD boy? And I say YEAH baby YEAH! Surf's up space ponies! I'm makin' gravy... Without the lumps. HAAA-ha-ha-ha!"



Well, actually, he is kind of boring.  
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Why is it that people never believe that I do what I say I'm doing?  If there's a point I'm trying to make with the OP, I think that would be it.

Seriously.  I'm not hiding anything.  I don't have a complex motivation.  I'm almost completely uninterested in how most you feel about me, and I have no interest in trying to extend my reach into your emotional lives (except, occasionally, through actual pieces rather than forum bullshitting).  I am posting here entirely because some people have made a case that this is where Discordianism is Really Doing Shit.

I'd like to be believed, but my motivations and course of action do not depend on it.
"OTOH, I shook up your head...I must be doing something right.What's wrong with schisms?  Malaclypse the younger DID say "Discordians need to DISORGANIZE."  If my babbling causes a few sparks, well beats having us backslide into our own little greyness." - The Good Reverend Roger


Discordians are prohibited from believing what they read.

Fifth Pentabarf.