
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

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The last one to die please

Started by Sepia, September 22, 2009, 02:13:15 AM

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We placed the virgins in their coffins as soon as the beat began, it was rock solid, like peaking on service, plating the last of the big covers of the shittiest day man will ever remember but standing there doing it and not noticing the ride of the valkyries from the ghettoblaster drenched in fat but your muscles harden and your mind focuses itself and for two minutes you are god and you are happy that it only lasted two minutes for you are exhausted but your head is on the level as you walk through the darkening streets and you greet the hookers on their way to their work for you know you're in the same line as them, providing basic needs and for the both of us, the legal or illegal of it is of no importance but as the skies darken we meet our kind and we shake hands and tales.

Soon there is a shadow. I know it will happen before my big revealation, I have seen the memories of future, my own and people I do not know yet and I have seen further into it, I have in truth gazed into the abyss but it did not gaze back, it ended. In Warhammer40k they say that In the grim and dark future there is only WAR but there is no war in the future, the future is silent, not like something dead but closer to slumbering, sleeping and waiting for the day the war ends, when it is eradicated as a concept and the old forgotten gods return to us to teach us what we can never forget but we run out of older gods and the one we feared to be the worst of them all waits for the final day of peace as he rockets towards the sky.

We live in constant fear of that day, we are plagued by visions of the terrible new eon. We know our delusional madmen which we keep in check is screaming to us in languages we used to understand but have forgotten but we have forgotten to heed their callings, truth was eradicated from religion as we threw our prophets and shamans into their padded cells and religion appeared streamlines with the new world carrying the torch of innovation as the old world held its' trophies of bestiality up high. We try to favour the gods, to favour the gut, listen to the intuition as they always say on movies when someone is to make an important decision. What does your gut tell you?

The gods are dead and not because we revolted, there was no revolution, there were no displays of power but our hearts hardened as the beat became tighter and with dirt neath our fingernails we gave into apathy, mourning or sacrificing to none the next year. Then the gods died and with them, our intuition, leaving us our minds to pick salvation. Intellect was confused with faith and charm was confused with greed.

They were only meant to let more light in, our dead gods but in the future there is no light at the end of space and time, it has been turned off.
Everyone will always be too late

The Johnny

Gods have been the manifestation either of super-human qualities and traits, along with the pure essense of virtue on some other times.

Perhaps apathy, self-defeat and neutrality are todays deities.
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner