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All the world will die today

Started by Sepia, August 26, 2008, 01:03:32 AM

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It will be a waking dream, not the kind you get when you snooze in your car or at work or the silent awkward moments before you fall asleep but it will be a scent and a memory wrapped into one and you will see it with some part of your eye and it will feel like it's a memory filled with the leaking faucets around the house, dripping through your stairs and seeping into the walls, making each and everyone of them moist and soft to the touch, like green brownies left on the stovetop for so long, back when you were 17, dropped out, smoking what you could get your hands on that would pass as weed or hash and it will be one of those moments when you stand at the bar and you'll order a manhattan and you get the distinct deja vu feeling and this is what this will be like only different.

You'll think of it as more, further probing into the world your mind inhabits and when you were little your brain hurt when learning both math and english in the same day and you thought the world your brain inhabited was a dark little cave but you were never afraid of what was in that cave and you were never afraid of what was under your bed, inside your closet or hiding behind bushes on unlit roads early evening in the winter
You weren't afraid of what they were afraid of because you never knew what you were afraid of, you knew your body could bristle any time of fear for there was this dam building itself inside the cavern you discovered when you were little and all you knew was that all the world will die today

From the first time someone saw you and told you they knew who you were and they had seen you to the last time you said I love you falsely, everything passes through the corridor. Itself as sterile as possible with janitors working to maintain the corridor like that and with endless rooms and more corridors branching into themselves, creating this beehive where every room is connected with every room, everyone with the same sickness can talk to eachother about their sickness and those with that disease can talk to others with that disease but the first corridor is long, goes through the heart of the hive, connects it, makes it hum and squeak when it's supposed to hum and squeak and at the end of the corridor, where we've headed beyond operating theatres and crying wives and husbands and mothers and father, far beyond the blood donors and far beyond the hurt and heartthrob for those working here we find the last door, the one we'll step through and be enveloped into the light like neo was

Your heart was hollow before we began this and your soul was a husk, stolen from the sides of qlippoth, like a father will steal food from his son but you do remember, don't you? It was us. We began this together, we sat out on the porch and we drank something cheap and we were smoking poor hash but we had a lot of it and we'd made brownies and we knew we could stay here for a week and we both knew what we wanted and how we wanted the other of us to see this week, how we were planning to live together for the rest of our lives and it doesn't stick if you have a weekend but a week when you're seventeen with no plans, no future, no desire for an immediate future and no nothing. Just a cabin in the hills, an ounce of shit, a bible and this girl

Who you didn't really keep in touch with, one week passed away swiftly and you were down in the big city and left all your dimes on the greyhound and your heart was stuck in your throat and you felt uneasy but this wasn't the fear you'd been looking for, that had shyed away all your life at every crossroad like ibsens bøygen, there were none that wanted to put your soul into the spoon, fire up the spoon and melt your soul

All the world'll end today you'll believe when you grow up for those are the only words that have ever truly reverberated through your bones and I remember mine was linger for that first time I heard that my nose began to bleed heavily and I felt the heart collapse in my brain and I remembered this deja vu sensation and all I really cared for was more
Everyone will always be too late


If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. --Loren Eisley, The Immense Journey

Her Royal Majesty's Chief of Insect Genitalia Dissection
Grand Visser of the Six Legged Class
Chanticleer of the Holometabola Clade Church, Diptera Parish


that was beautiful, Sepia.

How was your summer?




no words, just wow. 

If you aren't published you should be. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

The Littlest Ubermensch

Sepia, you or someone else needs to compile everything you've written into a full book of your ridiculous awesomeness and have it published.
[witticism/philosophical insight/nifty quote to prove my intelligence to the forum]




The fact that someone says that at least once every time you post should tell you something, Sepia.


Sweet fuck yes.  I'd buy that for a dollar!  Well, I'd pay more but you get the point. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Sepia I stole this and sent it to someone who was annoying me.  I hope you don't mind.
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".


Quote from: Professor Cramulus on August 26, 2008, 02:18:05 AM
that was beautiful, Sepia.

How was your summer?

Thanks for all the kind words, really appreciate it and I really dig that I can post these here for more amusement than mine own.

Summer was awesome, in the way standing in a kitchen 14 - 16 hours every day making pizzas and portioning fish before collapsing on a bed in a drunken stupor, but the other educated chefs were cool and our bartender was a funny alcoholic who'd automagically give us drinks every hour over 12. Socially related, jack shit happened but it was fun and I learned alot.

I guess I should send this into somewhere but I have no real clue as to english/american publishers that might touch this as no norwegian publishers like the english language. If anyone have any ideas or hints, shoot.
Everyone will always be too late


Hi There Sepia,

Your words here just about floored me!  Image after vivid image, very powerful.  I really enjoyed reading.  While I was reading your words, lyrics to a Bob Dylan song came to mind.  (I mean that as the highest compliment.)  His voice is not the greatest & there are way better musicians but his lyrics!  Poetry that mesmerizes put to music.  & what made me think of his lyrics when reading your words were your very moving images strung together, one after the other, like pictures or visions, I really liked that.  Did you ever put your words to music?
Fuck the status quo!

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure & the intelligent are full of doubt.
-Bertrand Russell


Quote from: Sepia on August 27, 2008, 12:14:24 PM
I guess I should send this into somewhere but I have no real clue as to english/american publishers that might touch this as no norwegian publishers like the english language. If anyone have any ideas or hints, shoot.

put a bunch of stuff in a PDF file

upload it to

post link to PD
