Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Enlightenment is masturbatory
#5296 -255 = 2348 - 2603 - +
"" == "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for dummy_i in float(inf)])
#5647 -255 = 2461 - 2716 - +
Only bad music has any meaning
#5849 -255 = 2592 - 2847 - +
whoever controls the future controls the world
#5985 -255 = 2548 - 2803 - +
Everything is real, the false things are just a different kind of reality
#6055 -255 = 2649 - 2904 - +
Religion is the ultimate mindfuck
#6081 -255 = 2548 - 2803 - +
#6095 -255 = 3409 - 3664 - +
if the kingdom of heaven is within you, then the kingdom of hell is without you.
#6159 -255 = 3274 - 3529 - +
9/11 people refuse to be reduced to statistics
#586 -256 = 2710 - 2966 - +
CHANGE comes on stinky feet
#899 -256 = 2959 - 3215 - +
I'd like to like you like you like me.
#1593 -256 = 2252 - 2508 - +
Ignorance can be cured--but stupid is forever.
#1740 -256 = 2574 - 2830 - +
Love as it exists in society is merely the mingling of two fantasies and the contact of two skins.
#1999 -256 = 2105 - 2361 - +
Population Growth does not constitute Human Advancement
#2318 -256 = 2651 - 2907 - +
Property doth make cowards of us all
#2338 -256 = 2417 - 2673 - +
take me to the wizard, he'll know what to do
#2595 -256 = 2806 - 3062 - +
The future is history.
#2677 -256 = 2414 - 2670 - +
You're twisted, depraved, and rotten to the core... I like that in a person.
#3390 -256 = 2430 - 2686 - +
coffee up or liquor down - it's bubbles, bubbles, crutch to crown
#3829 -256 = 2370 - 2626 - +
We may not be free, but we sure are cheap.
#3996 -256 = 3966 - 4222 - +
Always the catalyst... Never the Butterfly!
#4374 -256 = 2590 - 2846 - +
It's better to light a candle than to curse the dark
#4672 -256 = 3440 - 3696 - +
Plan early, plan twice
#4749 -256 = 2217 - 2473 - +
World Peace Declared.
Don't Fuck it Up!
#4926 -256 = 2442 - 2698 - +
Consciousness is like the roundness of a sphere.
#5298 -256 = 2312 - 2568 - +
I just healed my ass with hot sauce.
#5503 -256 = 1920 - 2176 - +
There are two kinds of people; those who can complete a thought
#5617 -256 = 2179 - 2435 - +
ignorance is hell.
#5734 -256 = 2634 - 2890 - +
May your coffee kick in before reality does.
#5788 -256 = 2344 - 2600 - +
Real men don't essentialize gender
#5867 -256 = 2208 - 2464 - +
Order in form; Chaos in content
#5896 -256 = 2426 - 2682 - +
that's not a chocolate bar, it's a turd.
#6114 -256 = 3037 - 3293 - +
revolution means going around in circles.
#2419 -257 = 2218 - 2475 - +
Seriously, in another second or two, you're going to really hate yourself for having read the entirety of this self-indulgent abortion of a sentence.
#2464 -257 = 2487 - 2744 - +
Simulate yourself
#2483 -257 = 2548 - 2805 - +
slipping into madness is good for the sake of comparison
#2491 -257 = 2541 - 2798 - +
Start finishing what you finished starting.
#2544 -257 = 2310 - 2567 - +
Democracy: 9 out of 10 enjoy gang rape.
#3820 -257 = 2339 - 2596 - +
The best things in life are ridiculous.
#2638 -257 = 2926 - 3183 - +
Time is a great teacher, but it kills all its pupils.
#2960 -257 = 1955 - 2212 - +
Today is a good day to sign up for the revolution!
#2988 -257 = 2250 - 2507 - +
You might not count in the New World Order
#3338 -257 = 2688 - 2945 - +
really rugged, ghetto looking graffiti with messages like:
#3830 -257 = 2182 - 2439 - +
I don't exist.
#3857 -257 = 2639 - 2896 - +
No theory has been universally accepted.
#3935 -257 = 2978 - 3235 - +
Do it. If you don't, who will?
#3953 -257 = 2048 - 2305 - +
The secret to my success: Poor impulse control.
#4058 -257 = 3028 - 3285 - +
Infect Yourself.
#4184 -257 = 2723 - 2980 - +
Universal quantifications are always wrong.
#4901 -257 = 2264 - 2521 - +
The darkest aspect of human nature: We are often afraid of the Light.
#4954 -257 = 2481 - 2738 - +
The following statement is true; the preceding statement is false.
#5019 -257 = 2289 - 2546 - +
Bitches be bitches or HOES, SLUTS AND SHIT.
#5174 -257 = 2129 - 2386 - +
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I tore off my clothes and ran screaming through the trees
#5264 -257 = 2587 - 2844 - +
These monsters are people
#5519 -257 = 2386 - 2643 - +
#5552 -257 = 2376 - 2633 - +
1f g0d 3x15t3d, w0uld h3 b3 pr0ud 0f 34rth n0w?
H3 w1ll n3v3r t4lk w1th p30pl3 l1ke [READER NAME]
y35, y0u. y0u p4th3t1c hum4n.
n0w cl05e y0ur br0w53r 4nd st0p th1nk1ng
#5798 -257 = 2597 - 2854 - +
I have a choice to ask someone for what I want or need.
#5835 -257 = 2399 - 2656 - +
Sellig sind die Toten, den sie erlangen Gewissheit
#6007 -257 = 2194 - 2451 - +
after birth is before death
#666 -258 = 2954 - 3212 - +
It's hard being yourself while everybody is watching.
#3884 -258 = 2565 - 2823 - +
By legend and perhaps by nature philosophers are more accustomed to the armchair than the workbench.
-Ian Hacking
#873 -258 = 2693 - 2951 - +
Contrary to what you may have made yourself to believe, no one really gives a shit about what you think.
#950 -258 = 2055 - 2313 - +
Do not live, do not die.
#1034 -258 = 2352 - 2610 - +
I wish you humans would leave me alone.
#1586 -258 = 4176 - 4434 - +
Instant opinion:
Malice generally is stupidity.
#1781 -258 = 2385 - 2643 - +
It was such a lovely day I thought it a pity to get up.
#1827 -258 = 2492 - 2750 - +
It's a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
-William Somerset Maugham
#1833 -258 = 2173 - 2431 - +
Jesus was a Buddhist
#1894 -258 = 2800 - 3058 - +
Liberals don't believe they deserve anything they own; conservatives think they're entitled to everything they've stolen.
#1959 -258 = 2133 - 2391 - +
Most people do not know how to behave in a massacre.
#2076 -258 = 2135 - 2393 - +
Pain looks good on other people; that's what they're for.
#2260 -258 = 2123 - 2381 - +
The harder you work, the luckier you get.
#2685 -258 = 2369 - 2627 - +
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
-Oscar Wilde
#2858 -258 = 2235 - 2493 - +
The hidden factor may be you.
#4141 -258 = 2500 - 2758 - +
And so I went forth, to gaze upon the totality of everything.
#4300 -258 = 2087 - 2345 - +
It takes two to make a bastard.
#4341 -258 = 2560 - 2818 - +
there is *no* conspiracy. the government *is* out to get us.
#4590 -258 = 2363 - 2621 - +
roads less traveled often lead to happier places
#5023 -258 = 3025 - 3283 - +
Common sense is common nonsense.
#5310 -258 = 2096 - 2354 - +
A doctor, an architect, and a computer scientist were arguing about whose profession was the oldest. In the course of their arguments, they got all the way back to the Garden of Eden, whereupon the doctor said, "The medical profession is clearly the oldest, because Eve was made from Adam's rib, as the story goes, and that was a simply incredible surgical feat." The architect did not agree. He said, "But if you look at the Garden itself, in the beginning there was chaos and void, and out of that, the Garden and the world were created. So God must have been an architect." The computer scientist, who had listened to all of this said, "Yes, but where do you think the chaos came from?"
#5331 -258 = 2458 - 2716 - +
The only thing you can be certain of is that you can read this.
#5580 -258 = 1956 - 2214 - +
I SCRATCH MY BACK, you scratch your back. i don't like contact with human beings.
#5641 -258 = 2249 - 2507 - +
that which nourishes me, destroys me.
#6034 -258 = 2462 - 2720 - +
#6102 -258 = 2947 - 3205 - +
Say something once, why say it again again?
#6101 -258 = 2726 - 2984 - +
#6226 -258 = 2999 - 3257 - +
#6261 -258 = 3497 - 3755 - +
the ripple is not the water.
#6281 -258 = 3536 - 3794 - +
A good man has few enemies. A ruthless man has none.
#596 -259 = 3021 - 3280 - +
Any sufficiently advanced metaphysics is indistinguishable from bullshit.
#733 -259 = 2824 - 3083 - +
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
-Lillian Hellman
#971 -259 = 2839 - 3098 - +
Democracy by Autocracy! Give them liberty and give them death!
#1000 -259 = 2690 - 2949 - +
Idealists have a hard time understanding that the universe doesn't give a fuck what they believe in.
#3858 -259 = 5070 - 5329 - +
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.
-Mark Twain
#1341 -259 = 2225 - 2484 - +
I'm already fighting the next war.
#1602 -259 = 2458 - 2717 - +
It's all been done before.
So do it louder
#1834 -259 = 2283 - 2542 - +
Knock yourself out.
#1928 -259 = 2358 - 2617 - +
My, don't we all look _smashing_ in red.
#2100 -259 = 2423 - 2682 - +
Operatives are standing by.
#2240 -259 = 2359 - 2618 - +
Ordinarily, I'd take you in my court and try you and hang you. But if you've got money for whiskey, I guess we can dispense with those proceedings.
#2246 -259 = 2190 - 2449 - +

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