Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Only a true artist can fail to draw a perfect circle.
#4257 -2425 = 5487 - 7912 - +
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
#3760 -2384 = 5613 - 7997 - +
[copper] Conduct a Fucking Thought [/zinc]
#575 -2354 = 6297 - 8651 - +
Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sweet sake, you stupid, vulgar, greedy, ugly American deathsucker.
#987 -2337 = 5781 - 8118 - +
Altruism isn't a state of mind, it is an action.
#4193 -2318 = 5542 - 7860 - +
No girdle ever cured a pregnancy
#2132 -2277 = 5520 - 7797 - +
Do it, or you'll be fishing yak cheese from your nostrils!
#1029 -2267 = 4559 - 6826 - +
angst is lame
#722 -2265 = 4852 - 7117 - +
Do you fnord if I fnord your fnord?
#4247 -2258 = 4660 - 6918 - +
Give me my goddamn country back!
#1322 -2254 = 4819 - 7073 - +
My question is simply this: Are you menstruating?
#2098 -2254 = 5547 - 7801 - +
The meiudm is not the mgsaese.
#4278 -2247 = 4772 - 7019 - +
Arise, you wretched of the University. [Mimics The Internationale.]
#758 -2206 = 5775 - 7981 - +
I am Zorkon, this is my brother Zenon, and this is my other brother Zenon.
#1487 -2198 = 4537 - 6735 - +
May the wind be always at your back...
Just make sure You're in a wheelchair first.
#4261 -2196 = 4600 - 6796 - +
regarding the cross, only the vatican and the queen know the answer... and neither one is telling.
#4159 -2187 = 4593 - 6780 - +
Care for a penis snifter?
#886 -2170 = 4872 - 7042 - +
there are apparently only two thing this country got righ. cars. and freedom
#4402 -2169 = 4603 - 6772 - +
It's yuor pet hate.
Keep it out of my face.
I'm allergic to dumb animals.
#1882 -2163 = 5638 - 7801 - +
Control is not control
#951 -2145 = 4939 - 7084 - +

5198 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

Based on the GPL Kwotes Project