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The Haiku Game

Started by zenji, December 03, 2002, 04:08:20 PM

Previous topic - Next topic

the other anonymous

So many windows!
If you thought that was creepy,
How about this one:

Next Topic: Does Jon-Benet Ramsey's reanimated corpse spit or swallow?

the other anonymous

Please ignore that post.
I have a disturbing sense
of humor. Sorry.

Next Topic: Should we kill toa?

Iron Sulfide

What is a To-a?
can one eat it quickly?
i will eat toa

Next Topic: Cannibalism, Not just for cows anymore.
Ya' stupid Yank.

the other anonymous

An acronymn for
the other anonymous.
I am not good food.

(That was kinda on-topic...)

Next Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Outdated fluff or insightful cultural critique?

Iron Sulfide

outdated fluff yes
in the worst possible way
i like opium

Up Next: Non Sequitur and the Red Herrings
Ya' stupid Yank.

the other anonymous

"The ducks are our friends.
Therefore, our friends are ducks, no?"

Next Topic: If Opium is the religion of the masses and marajuana is the discordianism of the lunatic fringe, then what is Cheese?


Cheese is the glue that
hold the universe apart
I like gouda best

next topic:  lesbians trapped in men's bodies

the other anonymous

Over-used Cliche!
Damn stereotypes suck ass.
Picking new topic.

I rule this thread now!
I can ignore topics if I want.
I can even ignore syllable counts.

Okay, whatever.
I won't screw around too much.
But I do still rule!

Next Topic: Huge Avatars and Why They Suck

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

huge avatars suck mothafuckers!!
die bitch ima kill green beanssss
whattt now
and i like sockss wirh may forka
heeee i forget hwo haiku
the many end!

next topic: WTF IS UP WIT MEE?

the other anonymous

I do not know, sir.
Perhaps it does not matter.
Your post is ignored!

Next Topic: Worship and Praise for me, The Haiku God!

Zurtok Khan

I have deposed you.
There is no God but my God
I am, therefore, she.

Next:  Where is the pickle?
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain

Buddha's Ghost Penis


NEXT TOPIC: Why ban Buddha's Ghost Penis?

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

buddha's ghost penis
gets banned for being pesty
over there not here

so stfu :roll:

next: what possesses people to want to get kicked out of a place :?

Iron Sulfide

i don't want your game
i can make a better one
hey, don't laugh at me!

next topic: The plural of Phallus is Phalluses (Greek Semantics), but the plural Penis is Penii (Latin Semantics)
Ya' stupid Yank.


The plural of disk
Is "You're an asshole, asshole!"
I thinks that is right.

Next: Kumquats are our friends