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Open Bar: Free Russian Orphans with Every Purchase

Started by Cain, July 12, 2017, 09:47:44 AM

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From what I can remember that is lys, there was another user here called Felix, he was a nice guy, he worked as security in a hospital I think.

Lys/ Felix N has gone full cabbage, as I said over there:

When I first knew Felix he was an insuffrable new age hippy, he started on the well trodden stereotype of "drugs open your mind".
Within a short space of time he was pickling his body with any substance he could get. He admitted to having a serious meth amphetamine addiction, but I suspect it was likely any drug in any form he could get it.
It was around this point I hid him on facebook. This is the first post I've seen of his in years.
I hate the adage that drugs will leave you brain damaged, but whats left of felix should be clear of what a toad in a blender lifestyle will leave you with.

Here's to someone who once claimed to have an open mind, who has now stuffed it with the dreary xenophobic boring soup of the day. And we all know the easy way the people who espose this shit drew him in, it was with the kek memes, the hilarity of The_donald. That has lost its humour and has become the same inane screeching the alt-right once correctly professed the left and sjws of being characterised by.

Heres to felix, who drank the cool aid, and fell for the conspiracy hook line and sinker. A rube, whos brain was too full of broken glass to know any better
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on September 01, 2018, 08:50:59 AM
From what I can remember that is lys, there was another user here called Felix, he was a nice guy, he worked as security in a hospital I think.

Yeah, I remember the original Felix.  Not a bad sort.
Molon Lube


Original Felix, who became Sigmatic IIRC, was a nice guy.  I'm pretty sure I have him friended on FB somewhere.

And thanks for the link.  Yeah, not surprised.  Remember how the Clock Boy stuff happened.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 01, 2018, 09:04:40 AM
Original Felix, who became Sigmatic IIRC, was a nice guy.  I'm pretty sure I have him friended on FB somewhere.

And thanks for the link.  Yeah, not surprised.  Remember how the Clock Boy stuff happened.

Was siggie also Jasper Cousel?
Molon Lube


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 01, 2018, 09:13:39 AM

Ah,  not fond of him as things went on.  He came back from Uni and made a point of telling me how uncool we are were, for being silly.

I am unsure of what response he was expecting.

Still, not a monster like Lys or Charley.
Molon Lube


And since Lys insists I'm lying, it was some Sargon of Akkad image, which had a #freetommy hashtag in one corner.

Sargon of Akkad, himself, is one of these alt-lite tards who insists he is just a "classical liberal" defending "free speech", despite calling for courses to be banned at University.  Lys was trying to encourage me to watch him, but the only opinions I get from Youtubers are the best builds for my ESO characters.  Because, you know, I didn't spend 7 years at University and reading political theory in my spare time to get my opinions from people who probably couldn't even finish the translator's introduction to Aristotle's Politics.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on September 01, 2018, 09:22:28 AM
And since Lys insists I'm lying, it was some Sargon of Akkad image, which had a #freetommy hashtag in one corner.

Sargon of Akkad, himself, is one of these alt-lite tards who insists he is just a "classical liberal" defending "free speech", despite calling for courses to be banned at University.  Lys was trying to encourage me to watch him, but the only opinions I get from Youtubers are the best builds for my ESO characters.  Because, you know, I didn't spend 7 years at University and reading political theory in my spare time to get my opinions from people who probably couldn't even finish the translator's introduction to Aristotle's Politics.

Oh, I know Sargon.  He's easy meat.
Molon Lube


Also probably just worth mentioning that Afghanistan is a literal warzone, where civilian deaths have increased by six percent, reaching an all-time high in the conflict.  More worrying, ISIS are importing previously unseen tactics which include mass targeting of religious minority groups for killings, a tactic that has been shunned even by the Taliban.

Depending on where in Afghanistan this man is from, sending him back could well be a death sentence.  Half of the territory of the country is not under government control, an even larger amount after nightfall.  The government is also sponsoring militias which are making a living from banditry and looting, and at least 3 different regional governors are basically running their areas as personal fiefdoms.  Arms smugglers are a constant threat in the north and south and there are rumours of both Russia and China stepping up military involvement.

But you know, he assaulted someone. 


I keep him on my friends list because I always need a reminder that this stuff is not abstract, not theoretical... you can see screenshots of some stranger screeching, but it's not the same as when it's happening in front of you, in real time.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on September 01, 2018, 04:11:59 PM
I keep him on my friends list because I always need a reminder that this stuff is not abstract, not theoretical... you can see screenshots of some stranger screeching, but it's not the same as when it's happening in front of you, in real time.

What's amazing is that he wasn't on my friends list and I got the poo on me anyway.
Molon Lube


The Goddess of Discord = 67 = Eris Kallisti Discordja = 67 = Gnosis Goddess of Art and Creativity = 67 = Capeditiea = 67 = Goddess of Enigma

Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 05, 2018, 10:21:16 PM
It was fucking horrible.  Do not trust your younger self.


Bleh, storing shit is expensive.  One place is charging £40 a week on a 12 month contract, for a 25ft container.  There are much less expensive places (ie; 60% lower), with good reviews, but it shows how easy it is to absolutely take someone to the cleaners.


Yikes. For 40 a week I would expect a place for a bed, a cooker and a bathroom, let alone storing my shit.
Sleepless nights at the chateau